Chapter 55: The First Star Cure

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We all started going to Mushroom Castle. Someone said "Your already to late!" A dark form of Jr walked in front of us and said "Jr has assisted me by distracting you 4." I said "Dark Star?" He said "Yes it is me, I already sent Jr and a few other minions of his to find those Star Cures and destroy those pages." Jacob said "But one of the pages are in the castle along with the Star Cure!" "You were correct! It was in there but Jr ordered his minions to bring it to Bowser's Castle." Chris said "Then that's where we're going." Dark Jr started walking backwards and said "Good luck, there's no way I'll let you get to me. Hopefully you won't get the Star Cures in time." He rose his arms and 3 walls with the Dark Star symbol rose in front of the castle. We heard him laughing and Billy Dee said "Ok, to Bowser's Castle here we come!" We went to Bowser's Castle and when we got there we saw a few guards. One guard said "I'm board, the front guards never get any fun." I jumped on one of the Koopas and kicked him into the lava. The guard said "Oh my gosh! I'm seeing some act-." Billy Dee hit the koopa into the lava and the koopa yelled "Worth it!" I said "Lets go and get a Star Cure!" We ran inside and beat the enemies one by one. When we got to the last room there was a train track going through it. I said "Where's the Star Cure?" Jr said "You mean this?!" He had the Star Cure! I said "Jr come on! Join us and we can work together to stop the Dark Star!" He yelled "Never! I know exactly where to put this! Dark Star!" The Dark Star appeared and said "Ah, I see you finally have what I've been looking for! So why did you call me here?" Jr said "You want this thing right? Well you never told me why..." "You will find out soon enough. Now why did you call me?!" "I know where to hide this! Have you ever heard of a P'illo?" "Of course. That's how people can enter other's dreams." "Right, can you turn into one?" "I can only try." Dark Star started shaking and formed into a P'illo. Jr said "Para patrol!" 5 Paratroopas came to him and said "Yes sir?!" Jr gave the leader the Star Cure and said "I need you to put this in my dreams. I know you can do it. Make sure those 4 stooges don't get it. Understood?!" "Yes sir!" Jr laid on the P'illo and a Dreamy portal appeared. The leader said "Lets go team!" "Yes sir!" They all dived in and I said "Great, we don't even have our weapons." Jacob said "I think I have a plan, but it's pretty hazy." I said "Well we're gonna have to take that chance." We all dived into the portal and face planted on the hard cement inside. I got up and said "Of course Jr's mind is so close minded that he can't even imagine a bigger area. This is just the same room we were just in." Jacob said "Yeah, weird." Billy Dee said "Guys look it's those 5 parakoopas!" We all looked through the window and one of them had a red shell, then another had a green shell, blue shell, yellow shell, and the leader had a camo shell. The leader said "Ok team! We have to protect this Cure for the boss! Got that!?" They all yelled "Sir yes sir!" "Good! Now Green, you just charge at em, and if you miss... Sorry for your loss." Green said "Wait what?" "Did I stutter?!" "No! Sir yes sir!" "Good, now Red, you do the same but go back and fourth. But both of you can't fly, only jump up and down." Green and Red looked at each other and said "Uuuuuh." "Did I stutter?!" "No! Sir yes sir!" "Ok, now Blue shell, you fly up and crash back down at them." "Sir yes sir!" "Yellow, you charge at the, full speed and if you miss keep flying back and fourth." "Sir yes sir!" We all snuck behind Green and Green said "Uh... Sir?" Camo said "Did I speak private?!" "No but they're h-." "Be quiet! We don't want those 4 hearing us!" "I understand that but they're right h-." "Shut up!!" "Sir... Yes sir." Red said "What does Neon do?" Camo said "Well he-. Wait Neon?" He looked at us and yelled "Green! It was your job to make sure those 4 didn't get through! Para Patrol! Attack!" They all started charging at us and I said "Ok Jacob, when's that plan coming into action?" He said "Right now!" His ice crown appeared on his head, my sword appeared next to me, and Chris had wings. I said "Wh-? How?" Jacob said "Its a dream! We can do what we want!" Billy Dee said "Forever alone..." I slashed Green off the cliff. Jacob froze Yellow in his tracks. Chris battled Blue in the sky and Billy Dee hit Red off the cliff. Chris eventually came back down and threw Blue off the cliff. Jacob did the same with Yellow. Camo said "I ain't giving up yet! I got one more trick up my shell... Prince Bowser! They're here!" We chased after him and we saw him talking to Jr. We all hid behind something and Camo said "Your little sirliness can you stop eating for just a second. The heroes are here..." Jr said "Wh-. Cough hack! Dreamy Kemek! I need my milk!" Kemek came and gave Jr a glass of milk. Jr said "So what were you saying?" Camo said "Um... The heroes are here." "What?! Dark Star!" Dark Star appeared hex to him and said "What is it?" Jr said "Those 4 rebel minions are in my dream! They're gonna turn it into a nightmare if I keep letting them walk around. I need you to stop them at all costs." "Um... Fine." He disappeared and appeared next to us and said "You 4 are lucky that walking pincushion is an idiot. Now, your time has come!" He shot beams at us but we luckily dodged. He formed into a dark version of me and sliced me into a pillar. He transformed into Chris and hit him off a cliff. He transformed into Jacob and froze Jacob. He transformed into Billy Dee and threw him to the ceiling. He said "I don't see why people have such a hard time with you 4. Your rather easy to defeat." I sliced him off a cliff and Chris flew up kicking him around. Dark Star said "Now I see why. Well two can play at this game." He transformed into his regular self and hit Chris to the ground. Billy Dee fell on the floor and Jacob unfroze. He said "Drastic measures Huh? Well then." His red eyes went away and he was just a blue sphere. I picked him up and said "Now what?" Chris said "We don't even need the Star Cures anymore now that he's defeated." Jacob said "Wait did that thing just move?" It started shaking and I dropped it. It rolled to the cliff and started sucking us in! I said "This must've been what he meant by drastic measures!" We started running and barely out ran his final Attack. He woke up and was weak he said "I shall not be defeated by you 4!" He flew to Jr and said "Eat up!" He started giving Jr tons of food and Jr seemed like he was growing! Jr said "I don't... Feel... So..." He fell off a cliff and into the lava! Dark Star looked at us and jumped in with Jr. I said "Well... That should f-." The ground started shaking and Bowser Jr jumped up! He was huge! Twink said "Oh no! The Dark Star must've made Jr grow to gigantic sizes! Jr said "Time to crush it!" He started running towards us and Twink yelled "Back to the portal! Quickly!" We all ran back to the Dream Portal but Jr blocked it. He said "I'm not letting you 4 leave until you beat me! Jr kicked me and Jacob to a mountain and I said "Well... We failed." Jacob said "Looks like it." Twink said "Don't give up! Maybe I can help! Maybe I can make one of you grow to massive sizes like Jr!" I said "Well which one of us?" Twink said "Well it's said that the player two would grow to massive sizes." I said "Ph, sorry Jacob. You went to the school longer then me so it's me." Twink started shinning then Jacob did. I said "Wait, what about me?!" Jacob grew to giant sizes! I yelled "Jacob! Your huge!" He picked me up and I went under his wizard hat. Twink said "Ok Jacob, you know what your doing right?" Jacob nodded and Twink said "Good luck!" Jacob hit Jr near the cliff and Jr said "Wanna play that game Huh? Let's do this!" She charged at Jacob and hit him near the cliff. Jacob went invisible the next time Jr charged at him and Jr almost fell into the lava. Jacob reappeared and pushed him in. Jr said "This isn't fair! Noooooo!" The Star Cure came out and Jacob started shinning then shrinking. I grabbed the Star Cure and said "Alright! We did it!" Someone said "Not yet!" Dark Bowser Jr hit me to the ground and I said "Ah come on! We destroyed you!" Dark Jr said "Not yet, that was only a sample of my power, I would never waste my powers on an fool like Jr." Jr came up from the lava yelling "I heard-. Yawoie! Ow ow ow!" I said "Well we're passing!" He almost hit me but I went into the portal. He yelled "Not so fast!" He jumped in and I jumped out of Jr's dream and started running. Chris, Jacob, and Billy Dee started following me. Jr woke up and Dark Star went back to his regular form. Jr said "What do you mean you wouldn't waste your powers on me?!" Dark Star said "Jr, you can hardly count to 5. You failed time and time again to get those fools, so now I'm taking things in my own hands." Jr said "What do you m-." The Dark Star went inside of Jr and Jr started coughing darkness. Jr said "What... Did... You... Do... To my... Body?!"

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