Chapter 56: The Second Star Cure

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(Picture and Idea submitted by: LolCookies11402 )
We went to the Lost Forest to get our weapons. My red link clothes shinned once again and there was a note on the pedestal. It said "Through my investigations I've found that the Dark Star is a tricky foe. He can enter the body of living beings and posses them. He's done it to me, luckily I've escaped. I believe the there is a prophecy that-." It stopped there. Dark Bowser Jr floated down from the sky in his Clown Copter and said "Seems like you've found the first page but by now you already know the info that page has told you. Tyrone, stop this now. You'll meet a fate soon in which you will be immobilized forever!" He floated away and Jacob said "Good luck sleeping tonight!" We went to Deedeedee's Castle after that. It was Black and White already. I said "We're to late..." When we got in to Deedeedee's castle King Deedeedee was in the corner holding Bandana Dee yelling "Nooooo! Not Bandana Dee! Who will do my laundry now?!" Dark Bowser Jr floated down in his Koopa Clown Copter. He said "Now "King" its your turn!" King Deedeedee said "No please! Take the waddle Dee over there!" Dark Jr charged a magic Rod and shot at King Deedeedee. Billy Dee jumped in the way and yelled in slow motion "Nooooooooooooo!" The beam hit him and he was turned into a clay statue. Deedeedee said "No! Now my footstool is gone too!" King Deedeedee ran into the next room. I said "How are we suppose to unfreeze him?" Twink started shinning then a void opened up. A paintbrush floated down and Twink said "Elline, I need your help." She said "Whoa, oh no who done this?" Twink pointed at the Dark Jr while he was floating away. Elline said "Oh, he's back. Oh no Bandana Dee! The other 3 heroes must be frozen too then." Twink said "Um, no they're right here." "Not them! Kirby, Meta Night, and King Deedeedee." "Well I don't know about Kirby and Meta a Night but King Deedeedee is still out there." "Then we must find him!" I said "Wait, what about Billy Dee?" Elline said "I have limited paint, do you want to take that ris-?" I grabbed her and painted Billy Dee back to life. She yelled "How dare you! Watch where your grabbing!" I said "Look, I had to help him." Billy Dee yelled "I'm coming my King!" He rushed into the castle and we ran after him. I said "Where is he? You guys know that Waddle Dees will do anything for their masters!" Chris said "Your right, let's find him!" Jacob said "Maybe we can find him b-." We heard someone yelling "I won't let you hurt my King!" We ran to the voice and found Billy Dee! Jacob and Chris grabbed him and I blocked Dark Jr's beam from hitting King Deedeedee. My sword started turning Black and White and I said "No! No no no! No! Someone help!" I was frozen and couldn't move. I was eventually unpainted but while frozen I saw a strange image of the Dark Star and a wheel around him. The wheel had 5 symbols on it. Headphones, Wizard Hat, Koopa Shell, Spear, and a Painbrush. Dark Jr said "I told you, a terrible fate. You saw an image didn't you?" I grunted and slashed my sword at him. He dodged and raised his hand. Shadow like King Deedeedees, Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, and other minions were looking at us. King Deedeedee ran into another room and locked the door. Dark Jr said "What are you gonna do? I have an army." I said "We have a Billy Dee." Chris and Jacob let go of Billy Dee and he rushed into the crowd of clones! He started kicking, punching, and spearing them to the sky and ground. He knocked one of the fake King Deedeedees through a wall and it landed near the balcony. The fake said "Billy Dee, join us. This is madness!" Billy Dee yelled "No... This! Is! Dreamland!" He kicked the last clone off and it dissolved into dust. I said "Do you think that was a little much?" Billy Dee shrugged and then a ray shot him. He almost fell of the balcony but I grabbed him in time. Dark Jr was mad now. He said "Your friends have already met the same fate you will." He grabbed Jacob and Chris's clay figures and put them in the clown copter. I said "I'm surprised all 3 of them can fit in that small thing." He shot Billy Dee and swooped down to grab him. I was the last one. He shot at me and it nearly hit me but King Deedeedee hit it back with his Mech Hammer. He had on a mask and said "This is my battle."
(Masked Deedeedee music starts here, listen to it while you read.)
Dark Jr shot another beam at Deedeedee but it hit the mask and hit back at him. Dark Jr dodged it and Billy Dee's clay figure fell off. I grabbed Elline and made him unclayed. Elline yelled "What did I just say!?" Billy Dee grabbed two Pom-Poms and yelled "Yay Great King!" King Deedeedee started spinning and started hovering in the air. He hit Jr to the ground. Chris and Jacob fell out of the copter. I unclayed them and we all sat in our seats. King Deedeedee hit Jr to the ground and shot a few hammer missiles at him. Dark Jr said "This isn't the last you'll hear of me." He hit Deedeedee with a hammer bro hammer and his mask broke into shards.
(Music stops)
Jr flew off in his clown copter. Deedeedee threw his hammer at the clown copter and it broke the propellor. Jr crashed somewhere and I said "Just one more place. By the way, do you know what a Star Cure is?" He said "Of course! Here kid!" He gave me the second star cure and said "Here, I don't know how to read and this arrived with it." He gave me a piece of paper that said "Says that 4 heroes will rise and defeat the Dark Star. A goomba, a koopa, a boo, and the newest hero, a waddle Dee. 4 of some of the most useless minions? I don't know if this will happen but anything could happen. They must make sure that-." The page stopped there and at the bottom was the image that I saw when I was turned into a clay figure. Jacob said "Isn't that Jr's paintbrush?" I said "It's probably nothing. Now that we have the second page and second Star Cure, lets go to Hyrule!" Elline started painting the whole world back to normal and Bandana Dee said "Son, I knew this day would come one day. Take this." He gave him a spear and said "It's called the Deedeedee spear, only for the best of the best. If your gonna save the world make sure you use this to beat that star!" Billy Dee nodded and we galloped off on Mighty to Hyrule.

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