Chapter 57: The Third Star Cure

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(Idea submitted by: smashgamer_ )
I said "Ok guys, we got 2 pages, 2 Star Cures, and we only have 1 more of each, lets finish this!" When we got into Hyrule Fields the world was still being sucked out by the Dark Star. I said "Well at least we can still track him down." Duck Hunt Dog barked and I said "No, we are going to see Princess Amanda and Ganon to make sure non of them are hurt." Chris said "Well why are we checking on Ganon? Didn't you kill him?" "Yeah but that was Twilight Princess Ganon, you know the one in Smash." "Ok, sooooo, who are we fighting?" "Ugh, Pig Ganon." Jacob said "Come on, Pig Ganon is not that tuff, we just need some light arrows." I said "Exactly, so this should be easy. I mean, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" We rode on Mighty into the castle. I saw Dark Bowser Jr chasing Princess Amanda. I grabbed a hookshot and grabbed her. She said "Thanks, I know what your here for." I said "So you already have the Star Cure and Page?" "Of course not, that's in Ganon's castle." Dark Jr flew through the door and I said "You had to say that so loud?!" She shrugged and we dropped her off at the thrown room. I said "Let's go Mighty, to Ganon's castle!" She rushed there quickly and when we got there half the castle was Black and White. We jumped off and started walking in. Chris said "Look out for booby traps." I started laughing a little. A skeleton nearly cut my head off and considering that I'm mostly head, that's pretty bad! I said "You wanna do this?" I sliced his skull off and hit it into the lava. All of us was looking at the lava. Billy Dee said "You think that was a little much?" I said "You should talk." Something pushed apps all in the lava and we respawned at the start. I said "Come on! We lost 4 lives!?" Chris said "We don't have many lives yet guys." I said "Then we can't lose any! Let's go!" I pushed that skeleton into the lava again and the body. We rushed through much of the place. When we got to Ganon's lair we saw Bowser Jr on e ground. He looked normal not like the Dark Star possessed him. I heard familiar laughter. When we looked up we saw Ganon coming down! I grabbed Jr and started running. He crashed down but he wasn't a pig? He had two swords and looked like he was from Wind Waker. He said "That's right, I found the perfect body! Very strong! It may be on the chubby side but now that I have this body, no one can stop me!" I was about to say something but Jr got up and charged at Dark Ganon in his clown copter. He slashed at Jr and it destroyed his clown copter. The explosion blasted Dark Ganon back some but now that much. Jr fell back down and almost hit him with a hammer. Gannon grabbed the hammer before he could hit him and said "You little brat. You actually think that your little anger can stop me?" Jr said "I'm gonna defeat you! Koopa Pack! Attack!" Tons of Koopa's surrounded the room but they looked different. Dark Ganon said "Now get them!" They started charging at us but Chris grabbed all of us and flown up. I said "What about the parakoopas?" He threw us at them and we kicked them out the room. Chris grabbed us before we hit the ground and said "What should we do about Jr?" We saw Jr getting trampled by Goombas. I said "We should join them!" Jacob said "Tyrone!" "Ugh, fine. I can't believe I'm saying this but... Let's... Save... J-. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth!" Billy Dee said "Good enough!" Chris dropped us down and we started beating the minions one by one. Jacob froze most of them so it was much easier! When they were all gone we saw Dark Ganon walking away holding Jr. We started running after them. When we caught up we were on the balcony. Dark Ganon had a grin and said "Ok child, you think your a hero? Then I'll treat you like one. He threw him off the balcony and we rushed to it. We looked down and couldn't see him. Ganon said "You actually think he cared for you? I did you a favor." I heard a weird noise then when I turned around again I saw airships! Jr said "You wanna be a final boss? I'll treat you like one!" He fired canonballs at him and we ducked down. He grabbed it when it almost hit him and he said "Ok bird, get him." A giant bird flew from the stop of the fortress and charged at Jr's airship. It sliced it in half and Jr jumped off in his clown copter. Jr hit the bird with a co on ball then swung by with a wrecking ball. Billy Dee said "Should we help?" I was sitting down eating popcorn already. I said "Did you know that they have a food court here?" All of them sat down and we watched the show. I said "I feel like we're forgetting something." Dark Ganon grabbed me and said "Forgetting about me? Soon I'll be the only thing your thinking about." Jacob said "Whoa! Let go of him!" Ganon said "What will you 3 do? You can't hurt me or else you'll hurt h-." Jr hit him with a wrecking ball and Ganon started falling off the balcony. Dark Stat left the body and Ganon stood up. He said "What's going on? I don't remember anything." I said "Oh no, Dark Star is on the loose agai-." Dark Star said "That's enough! The prophecy will not come true! So long fools! For now..." He floated away back to the Mushroom Kingdom. We all rushed down to find Ganon. Ganon said "What are you 5 doing here?" I said "Five?" We all turned around and saw Jr! Jr said "Listen Tyrone, you and me know this is a threat to everyone. If we don't team up then we can't beat this guy." I said "Fine..." Ganon said "So your the 5 heroes I've been expecting. Well here, take these." He gave us the page and the Star Cure. We got on Mighty and went back to the Mushroom Kingdom. We looked at the page and it said "The Dark Star will out this world in pure Darkness! He will destroy Nintendo World and all other worlds! If your reading this, you must stop him! I'm sorry for writing in your journal but I can't let that monster get hold of th-." The last page stopped there and there was a red stain. I said "So now we know that the Dark Star will put all of Nintendo World to suffering if we don't have do anything." Mighty started going faster and we were in front of the castle.

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