Chapter 70: The Pipe Portal

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I said "Ok, so how are we gonna get back at Jr?" Chris said "It seems like no time has passed while we were gone." Jacob said "How is the house not broken?" I said "They were red bullet bills, they had to have hit us some how..." I looked over and said "Goo, you left the door open?" He said "Oooh yeah." I said "Well that explains how the Bomb-Boms got in but what about the bullet bills?" I looked over again and said "You left the window open too?" He said "I had no idea." Billy Dee said "So we know what we have to do right?" Jacob grabbed a bat and said "Yeah, I've been waiting for this day for years." Billy Dee said "Go in Jr's castle, and take something of his." "Oh yeah, that's what I meant." He put the bat back and said "Your day will come one day." I said "Ok then, let's go." We walked to the castle in the snow but by the time we got there all the snow was gone. I said "I still hate these stupid flames." Jacob said "Whatever, look his window is open!" We jumped in and the door started cracking open. I said "Hide!" Goo opened the door and said "H-!" Chris covered his mouth and said "Remember we're on a mission." I grabbed his book and said "Haha, got it. He writes in a diary like Jacob use to. What a idiot." Jacob said "Hey! I stopped writing in that thing years ago!" "Riiiight. Anyway, let's go I hear footsteps!" We jumped out the window and I heard Jr yell "Where is it?! M-My, JOURNAL!" I said "Whoa, this thing must be important. Good job team." We walked back home and Chris said "So are you gonna look inside?" I said "Nope. This is Jr we're talking about. I don't want to know what he does in his spare time." Jacob said "Hmmmmm, hey Tyrone. I feel like we should tell your Goompa about the journal." "What? Why?" "Well everyone else in this house seems to know about it besides him." "I guess your right." I grabbed my journal and walked upstairs. I said "Where's Goompa?" Goo said "He might be in the trash can again." I said "What do you mean?" Goo said "Well he-." Goompa kicked him out of the way and said "What's up kid?" I said "Riiiight. Listen me and Jacob need to tell you something." Jacob said "Nope! This is your family! I already have enough family issues! Later!" He disappeared and I said "Well forget I ever mentioned him. Look." I pulled out my journal and said "I found this journal in this house and Jr almost destroyed the Mushroom Kingdom for this book. There's tons of secrets in it." He said "Hmmmm, well this is amazing. Can I just see it for a second?" I said "Well I-." "Thanks kiddo." He walked away and I went into my room to go to sleep.
Later that night...
Goompa picked up Jr's journal and went laughs the button on the trash can 3 times again. He connected all three books to make an image. It looked like the pipe portal. He said "Hmmmm, if used incorrectly it could cause gravity like anomalies. Can it brainiac! I'm finally gonna finish this and no one is gonna stop me." He pulled a few levers and these tanks started bubbling with green stuff in them. The pipe started spinning and the symbols around it lit up. He said "Yes, this is it." My bed started floating along with everything around the house. A clock started ticking down. It was at 18:00:00. He said "It's gonna be a bumpy ride but it'll all be worth it." He grabbed a necklace and clicked a button on it. It synced with the clock near the portal. He said "Finally, everything changes."
The next morning
Goo woke me up and said "Master! Something is happening! Something big! I don't know what but I have a headache!" I said "Goo, everyone gets a headache. Go back to sleep it's a Sunday. It's not like anything cool or weird is gonna happen." Jacob said "Who's ready for the console wars?!" I got up and said "I am!" I put on a Mario hat and ran out my room. He had on a Luigi hat and I said "Ok, Mario vs Luigi." We both said "3, 2, 1. GO!" I said "Fireball!" "Mini mushroom! Dodged!" "Jump!" "Mega Mushroom!" Goompa walked in and said "Hey, don't use any power-ups. Those aren't suppose to be used indoors... Without me to join in!" He ate a Super Star and almost touched us. 2 piñata cops kicked down the door and said "Hey, do you have a permit for those?" Me and Jacob said "Uuuuuh." Goompa said "Um, do you have a permit to be lame?" The blue cop said "Haha, can't argue that. Have fun." They left and Goompa said "We should clean these up though." I said "With Fire Flowers?" "I don't see why not." I shot fireballs at all the mess we made and Jacob threw one but it only went an inch. He said "Seriously?" I hit him with one and yelled "Tyrone battle cry!" Goompa said "You know, it's unnatural for friends to get along as well as you two." Jacob said "Meh." Goompa said "Haha, listen. I have to tell you two something it's-." The ground started shaking and we saw helicopters in the sky, cop cars coming from left and right!" They lead everyone outside that was in the house. One of the agents said "Children are secure!" One of them broke through my window and I said "No wait! There's a lot of stuff in there!" The agent said "Bird and Dog secured!" They jumped over the fence did a barrel roll and said "We have secured a horse!" They put a electric chain around Goompa's neck because he had no hands. He said "Ow, hey watch the neck. What warrants this much arresting?" Two agents walked from the shadows and Goo said "Wait! It's the 2 octopus men!" I said "Goo, they're obviously human. Wait! How do you know them?!" He was about to say something but one of them said "That's classified information." Goo said "How did you escape?" "I used Lucas here as a human shield." Lucas, the second agent said "Oh come on Ness, not in front of the console agents." I said "Walt the legendary Ness and Lucas?!" Ness said "Yes, you liked our games?" "Well kind of, Pokémon was better." "Earthbound did it first!" "Meh." "Anyway, listen Harold. We know that you've been doing something inside this very home." Jacob said "That's impossible! How didn't I notice then?" Lucas said "You stay out of this kid! Speaking of which. I'll be taking this." He unscrewed Goo's head and got out a device. I said "Goo, how long did you know these guys?" He said "Hmmmmm, since pie." Ness said "Don't play dumb with us Harold! We know your tricks." Goompa said "But I really am dumb! Last night I was watching T.V, Tyrone, Jacob, you gotta believe me!" I said "You got the wrong guy. Sure my Goompa, might shoplift, and pickpocket but he would never build some kind of secret ultra weapon!" Ness said "Listen kid, your little robot has given us enough information to prove that your Goompa is hiding something. But whenever he gets close our monitors go blank. Somewhere inside this house is a doomsday device! Lucas, you take the children." Lucas said "Ok kids, get in the car." Chris said "Where are you taking us?" Lucas said "To child services until further notice. You'll be going back to your rightful guardians." I said "I have to move back home?!" Jacob said "I have to go back to the Ghost World?!" Billy Dee said "I have to go back to Deedeedee's castle?!" Chris said "I have to move back home too?!" Goo said "This is gonna be one of those chapters." Lucas said "Yep, sorry kids. But you don't know his Goompa at all." Goompa yelled "Kids! You gotta believe me! I'm actually not lying this time!" They sped away with him inside the car. I looked at Jacob worried and the car took off. Riley said "I wonder what's going on at Tyrone's today." He saw all the police and said "Aaaand, I'm going back home." While in the car I said "How can we get out of here?" Chris said "I don't know but we better find out soon." Billy Dee said "I'm already on it. Goo, this guy says he hates waffles and piggies." Goo yelled "What?! RAHHHHHHG!" He jumped on Lucas and the car started swerving everywhere. It hit a tree and Lucas was trapped. He said "Back up, I need-." I grabbed the microphone and said "Goo." I threw it and Goo ate it. Jacob said "Ok, time to go prove your Goompa innocent and get my house back!" We all nodded and Goo said "I'm gonna go and get some panic food!" He ran off and we just kept walking. Lucas said "Your Goompa isn't all that he seems. He tricked the whole world, are you gonna let him trick you too?" I said "You... You don't know what your talking about." "Your gonna regret this!" We hid in a bush near the house and Jacob said "Ok, so first I knock out those to agents you guys flip over and go inside!" I said "Jacob, are you forgetting the simpler solution?" I grabbed his wand and he said "Oh right. Invisibility Spell!" We all went invisible and we snuck inside. We went inside Goompa's room and locked the door. I said "Ok, he's very secretive but what could we do to save him?" Jacob said "We have security cameras?" I said "Since when?" "It says the date when your Goompa moved in." "Well ignore that, here's yesterday's tapes!" We put in the tape and I said "Who still has these type of video players?" The video showed Me , Billy Dee, and Goo dancing. Jacob looked at me and I said "Someone yelled the Pokémon theme, we had to. Fast forward." He fast forwarded and we got to last night. We saw Goompa watching T.V. I yelled "Yes! He is innocent!" Jacob said "Uuuuh. You might wanna take a look at this." I looked back at the T.V and Goompa walked outside. I said "Don't worry, he must be using the bathroom outside. Like nature intended." He walked back in with a mask and carrying a barrel. Jacob said "Is that nuclear waste?!" I said "Is that why they think he's guilty?! That could be anyone in that suit." One of the barrels landed on his foot and he yelled "Ah! Holy Arceus! Wait, no one is around. I can swear for real. SON OF A-." I turned off the T.V and said "Yeah, that's definitely him. But that doesn't mean he's a super villain." Chris said "Uuuuh, guys." He pulled out a box filled with papers in it. I said "Whatever, we just need proof that he's innocent. Wait what's this?" We pulled out a paper and I said "What's this? 3 times? I never seen a code like this before." Jacob said "Wait I have, the garbage can!"
Ness said "Alright Mr. Shroom, enough games. We have enough proof to prove you guilty. You've been reported stealing nuclear waste, how do you plead?" Goompa said "Guinncent, I mean Inoilty. I mean Uh... Can I have my phone call?" He went into the other room away from the agents. He called Goo. Goo was at Mario's Pizzeria. He said "Yes, can I have two pizzas and a milkshake." Someone yelled "Gooooo!" He said "Master Goompa? Is this a possession trick?" Goompa said "Goooooo!" Goo grabbed a walkie-talkie from his head. Goompa said "Listen, you remember that garbage can in the kitchen right? I need you to protect it at all costs! No matter what anyone says, don't let anyone go near it!" The phone hung up and Goo said "Time for a minion bot to become a minion man." He grabbed his pizza and milkshake and ran back to the house. Goompa said "There must be a way out of this." His necklace started beeping and it said "Anomalies in progress." Everything started floating in the room. He said "That's it! I'll use it to my advantage!" It stopped and Ness walked in. He said "Ok, Harold. The helicopter is ready to take you away for good." Goompa said "Wait, can I just have like 15 more seconds." Ness grabbed the keys to the door and the electric chain. Ness said "You have a flight." Goompa's necklace started beeping again and he said "So do you." Everyone started floating and Goompa kicked Ness and grabbed the keys. He took the chain off and jumped out the door. He shut it and locked it. Gravity went back to normal. He saw a taxi and said "You know where my house is right?" The guy said "Yeah?" "I need you to drive the opposite direction! Even when the cops are chasing you!" Goompa gave him $50 and the guy sped off. Ness said "There! He's obviously in that taxi! Let's go!" Goompa started running back to the house.
Back to Tyrone
We heard someone say "Harold is on the loose, move out!" They all left and we went to the kitchen. I called Goombella but she didn't answer. I left her a voice message and said "Hey, you most likely already know what's going on since you love across the street but something big is going on. I don't know if I'll make it back. Love you, bye." Goo said "Ok Goo, just gotta stand here." I said "Goo? What are you doing here?" He said "Masters! I'm protecting this trash can! And I thought I liked swimming in garbage." Jacob said "Listen Goo, we don't want to hurt you. But there's something big in that garbage can. Move and we'll explain everything later." Goo said "I'm sorry. But I can't." We all looked at Billy Dee and he nodded. He said "I'm sorry Goo." He threw a drop of water at him and Goo said "Ah! Water! It's beautiful but it hurts!" We tried getting past but Goo extended his arms. He said "Oh come on guys, don't do this. This hurts me more then it hurts you." I started kicking him and he said "It really hurts me more then it hurts you." Jacob pushed the garbage can once. Chris pressed it another. I jumped out of Goo's arms and pressed the button. All the trash spilled out and a blue light came from it. Goo said "Oooooh." We all jumped in and saw tons of machines and devices. I said "Whoa, it's like a Video Game." Jacob said "Or an anime." Chris said "Or a dream." Billy Dee said "Or a nightmare." Goo said "Or a narwhal." We saw a huge timer and a portal! I said "Wait minute... The other journals!? My Goompa? My Goompa had them all this time!?" I connected all the books together and shinned the light on them. It said "The machine was meant for knowledge but I was wrong! If the portal is repaired and used incorrectly it could pull the plug for good!" I said "What?! There must be a way to fix this!" Chris said "Look!" He pointed to two keys and I started flipping the first journal. It had a page that showed the two keys. Me and Jacob ran to them and flipped it. A red button popped up from the ground. I said "It says that's the shut down button!" We ran to it and Jacob said "This all stops now!" Goompa yelled "Don't press that button!" Jacob stopped and Goompa said "Listen, I know this all seems bad but I just-." Jacob said "No way! My house is getting taken over and is over a super doomsday device!" Goompa said "Tyrone! Control your friend! I just-." Jacob said "No! I'm shutting this thing down right n-." The ground started shaking and Goompa said "Oh no! Brace yourself!" We started floating and Jacob grabbed onto a piece of floating metal. I was caught in a wire and Jacob said "Tyrone! Hurry! Shut it down!" I started climbing down to the button. Goompa yelled "No don't!" Goo tackled him and Goompa said "Goo! What are you doing!? Let go of me!" Goo said "I'm sorry Goompa! If that is your real name, but I have a new mission now. Protecting my friends!" "Goo you idiot! Let me go!" Jacob yelled "Shut it down!" Goompa yelled "No you can't! You gotta trust me!" I said "Goompa, I don't even know if your my Goompa." I started crying and said "I wanna believe you but..." He said "Then listen to me, remember this morning when I said I wanted to tell you two something-." The clock said "T-20 seconds." The light from the portal became lighter and it launched all of them to the wall. I grabbed onto the pole where the button was and almost hit it. Goompa said "Your gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true. But everything I've worked for, everything I've done. It's all for you and your friends." Jacob said "It could destroy the console! Listen to your head!" I looked at the portal and it was getting more violent. Goompa said "Look into my eyes Tyrone! Do you really think I'm a bad guy?" Jacob yelled "Don't listen to him! Shut it down now!" The portal started getting more violent again. I was about to hit the button then looked at Goompa. I said "Goompa... I trust you." I let go of the pole and started floating up. Jacob yelled "Are you crazy?! We're all gonna-!" The blue light shinned even brighter and we were floating in whiteness. Only whiteness... Everyone and thing landed on the ground. We landed back in the lab and the portal was nearly destroyed. Someone came out and grabbed the journal. I said "W-Who is that?" Goompa said "The author of the journals..." The boo took off his mask and said "My best friend, Boogie." Goombella called me and I said "Uh... Hello?" She said "Tyrone! I just got your message! What's going on?"

Before you comment, "Oh Video Game High is just Gravity Falls!" No! The new episode came out and the next one isn't coming out until Summer. So I'm creating my own ending for the series. I'm mixing a bit of Steven Universe and as always the Amazing World of Gumball in there as well. Of course it isn't the ending for Video Game High, no the ending for this book is gonna be good. But hey, if you made it this far why not comment? And if you made it this far you might have liked it so rate it to support the book! Thank you for 600+ votes, 6,000+ views, and almost 200 comments!

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