Chapter 71: The Truth

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I said "Wait, who is that?" Goompa said "Its the author of the journals... My best friend, Boogie." Goombella called me and I said "Uh... Hello?" She said "Tyrone! Everything started floating! I heard a huge crash! Everything was white! What's going on!?" I said "I... Uh..." Jacob snatched my phone and said "Your boyfriend nearly destroyed the universe because he trusted his crazy Goompa!" I yelled "Hey! He isn't crazy! I trusted him because I love him!" Jacob yelled "The journal pacifically said Trust No One! Since Boogie here wrote it, Goompa must've done something!" "How would you know that?!" Everything started tumbling down and Goompa said "We gotta get out of here!" I grabbed my journal and Jacob grabbed Jr's. We all ran upstairs and out of the garbage can. Boogie said "Jacob, I didn't want us ,meet like this." Goombella was still on the phone and said "Tyrone, call me back. Bye." She hung up and Jacob said "How do you know my name?" Boogie said "That's not important right now. Harold, what did you do?" Goompa said "Uh, buddy. Let's go into the other room and talk about this." They went into Goompa's room and Jacob looked at me. I said "What?" He said "You idiot!" "Whoa whoa, that was a little harsh." "No no no! You almost destroyed the console!" "That doesn't matter. We're alive!" "But we could've died!" "Ok, I can see where your coming from but-." "No buts! I have to go and explain all of this to Bow." Chris said "Yeah, I have to explain this to Madison." Billy Dee said "Yeah, I have to do the same with Bella Dee." Goo said "Toasty, I have to explain something." I said "I guess I'll explain it to Goombella." I walked outside and made sure no agents were around. I walked to Bow's house and knocked the door. I thought "If Jacob got that mad, imagine how mad Goombella might be when I tell her..." I ran behind a bush and Goombella opened the door. She said "Ugh, ding dong ditchers." She closed the door and I walked to the beach. When I got there I sat down and Goo walked by with his toaster. He said "What's wrong master? Didn't you tell your female counterpart about what's happening?" I said "No, how did Toasty take it?" "She was mad at first but she eventually got over it. She knew something was going on." "Well, I can't tell Goombella or else she might get mad." "Then what are you gonna do?" "I don't know." "That's usually what I say... Bye,master." "See ya later,Goo." My phone started ringing and it was Goombella. I let it ring and laid on the grass. I walked back home trying to avoid Goombella's house. I jumped through the window and Jacob said "Hey, did you tell Goombella?" I said "No, I don't think I should." "Look, you can't keep secrets from her. She's smart and you know it." "Maybe I can say it was all just a dream... No she's to smart for that. I'll just avoid her." Goo said "That's gonna be hard. She's coming here right now." I said "What?! I gotta hide!" Jacob said "Look, you can either hide like a wimp or face your fears like a man... Goomba... Thing. What will it be?" I thought and jumped out the window. Chris said "Wimp it is." Goombella opened the door and said "Is Tyrone home? He hasn't been answering his phone." Jacob said "Uuuuuh..." I snuck behind her on the porch. Jacob said "Um... I don't understand your Goomba like way so... Yeah." He closed the door and I started running down the stairs to the Plack Beach. I heard Goombella yell "Tyrone!" I got to the hill on Plack Beach and made sure I want being followed. I sat down and my pointe started ringing. I said "Ugh... What should I do. I bet Chris and Jacob had trouble too... Probably not."
(Song Starts now, I suggest watching the video while reading, though I changed the lyrics a little)
"Everybody told me this stuff's dangerous,
I guess I didn't believe it, until now.
Jacob always seem apprehensive,
but now he's freaking out what do I do?
I don't want that for you...
*Phone rings*
"Everybody tells me life is precious
In Nintendo and that means you
And I have to protect you.
What if somehow you got hurt,
What do I do?
I don't want that for you...
*Phone rings*
What am I going to tell you?
Your better off not knowing,
The mess that I'm in.
I don't want you to worry
About what I've just seen
About where I've just been.
You don't have to be a
A part of this I don't think I want you to be.
You don't need this...
You don't need me...
*Phone rings*
I stopped imagining what just happen and looked at my phone. I grabbed it and hit "decline call."
(Song Stops)
Goombella said "Tyrone!" I grabbed my phone and jumped off the hill. I jumped in the water and thought "As long as I stay down here I should be fine... Man, it's kinda hard to-." I jumped up and took a big breath. I started swimming to the shore and a block guy said "Oh, hello master Goomba." I said "What? Nevermind, listen I need some help! Can you help me get away!" "Well, break that block somehow... Mister Bowser broke it once before, he teleported somewhere.... Hmm..." I grabbed him and yelled "Tyrone battle cry!" I threw him at it and it broke the rock in half. There was a swirling pink thing between the crack and I squished in it. Goombella yelled "Tyrone! Wait I wanna talk!" I gulped ano someone said "Where would you like to go?" I said "Who are you? Nevermind! A cave! Anywhere!" "And now we travel... WITH OUR MINDS!" I woke up in a cave and I sat near the spinning crack in the rock in the cave. Someone said "Why are you hiding?" I said "I don't wanna talk about it... Who are you?" "I am you." "Haha, nice try. Your all echoey and confusing." "Never mind that, why are you running from Goombella and Jacob?" "First off, Jacob is mad at me, second off, I said I don't wanna talk about it..." "I know you wanna protect her from the agents and all the trouble that the portal may cause but she's smart and she'll find out somehow." "... Shut up..." "You know I'm right." "No... Shut up... You don't know what your talking about..." "That may be, but then you don't know what your talking about..." "Why do you keep talking to me?" "Because you know what you have to do... Will you be a wimp, or face it like a Goomba?" I thought and said "Bring me back to the beach." "Now we travel... WITH OUR MINDS!" He teleported me back to the beach and Goombella yelled "Tyrone! Why do you keep running? Where are you?" I hid behind the rock before she could see me. I texted her and she her phone buzzed. She said "I don't wanna be together anymore? What the? Say it to my face then!" I stood up on the rock and slide down. Blockhead said "This is a tense moment..." I walked to her and said "I do want to be together still but something is happening! Something big! I don't want you to be apart of it!" Goombella said "Tyrone, what is going on?" We walked on the beach walk for a while so I could explain everything. She said "So you guys are wanted by agents from Earthbound, your Goompa and a boo named Boogie built the portal and Boogie is the author of the journals." I said "And we don't even know what the portal was suppose to do." Goombella said "Wow, that is a lot to take in." "So do you understand now?" "Yeah, but I still wanna help. If you need me to do anything I'll be there." She hugged me and we went back home. When I got there Jacob said "So apparently Boogie is my uncle..." I said "Wow, so you had a busy day." "Yeah, sorry for getting mad earlier. I was just worried." "Yeah, ok then." "You didn't tell anyone about the portal did you?" "... Nooooo." "... Ok good." He went upstairs and I called Goombella. I said "I have to show you something big." She came over and we went to the portal. She said "Wow, this place is amazing." I said "Yeah, just be careful. I guess Jacob didn't want me to tell you what's going on." "Well that's dumb." "Yeah, but I guess we should leave before he gets back." She left and I said "Hopefully nothing bad goes from here." She ran back and said "It's ok that I told, Shy Girl, Bow, and Madison right? Hehe." I sighed and said "I guess so. Shy Guy most likely already told Steven by now." She went home and I went upstairs. Goompa walked in and said "Listen, about today-." I said "It's fine, but I don't know who to trust. There's you and there's Jacob. I have no idea what the portal does now." Goompa said "You trust me though right?" I laid there and he said "Goodnight, Tyrone." He closed the door and I said "Yeah... Goodnight."
Later that Night
The portal started blinking and malfunctioning. I woke up and said "What's going on?" I went into Jacob's room and said "What is that?" He said "What? Hmm, it sounds like beeping." We walked down to the kitchen and saw a red light coming out of the trash can. I said "Uh oh..." We jumped in and saw the machine. I jumped to the controls and Jacob said "We should've stopped this when we had the chance!" I said "Um, the journal doesn't say anything about shutting it down from here!" Jacob said "Lets just go in the room and hit the button!" I grabbed him and said "Are you crazy?! You could be sucked in with everything else!" He was already inside and I rushed in. I grabbed him and said "I can't let you hit that button!" He said "What is wrong with you? We have to shut it down!" I said "I can't let anyone get hurt!" "Well you're gonna get us both-!" Thunder struck from the portal. I said "This is your fault!" "My fault?! It's your fault that we all almost died!" "Stop bringing that up!" We started floating up and I said "If this is the last time I'm gonna see you then I have to say, this is all your fault!" He said "Yeah, thanks Tyrone love you too." We got sucked in the portal and everything went black...

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