[Nineteen] Dinner With The King

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Romeo and Gomez were in the changing room putting on the new clothes they were given. "This is too tight. Aren't you uncomfortable?" Gomez asked, pulling the collar of his shirt. "I can't... breath."

Romeo laughed. "You must have been given Quan's clothes. You saw how tight they were."

"And who's clothes did you get?"

"I don't know. Maybe Gideon's. We are the same size." 

"Lucky." Gomez was done putting on his boots and a smile crept on his face. "I actually like this ensemble." He gazed at himself on the standing mirror, turning sideways to get a good view of the leather pants, blue shirt and white waistcoat. "I look good."

"Are you trying to look good for the king?" Romeo raised his brow. "Do you love him?"

Gomez bent his head back and laughed loudly. "Men are not my type. And if they were, I wouldn't go for a king. Too egotistical for my taste. Plus, I don't even know how the man looks like. Do you?"

"I've only seen him once," Romeo said. "It was on the newspaper, when Morocco was the first - and only - African nation to trade with Father James in multiple dealings. He has a large dark beard that grayed at the sides and green eyes."

"That's all?"

"That's all that matters."

There was a knock on the door. Romeo opened it and Gideon came to view. "Are you two done? Dinner is ready," he said. 

Romeo looked at Gomez and the young man nodded. He looked back at Gideon. "Yes," he said.

"Then follow me."

They arrived inside a large dinning room. There was a table at the middle with six chairs on either side and one at the opposite fronts, each. The long gold and silver curtains draping over the windows had words written in Arabic, and there were paintings of the king on the walls. He looked just as Romeo described. 

"What's with rich men and paintings of themselves?" Romeo asked.

"No one loves them more than them," Gideon replied. 

"It's an ego thing more than anything else. It's there to remind us they are better than us in every way," said Gomez.

"But is that a lie?" Romeo asked as the three reached at the dining table.

"Financially? No. But in terms of looks? I'm way better looking than most of them," Gomez said, taking a seat.

"Someone's egotistical," Romeo said.

"Nah, that's just a fact," Gomez replied. "When are we going to eat?"

"Once the king arrives," Gideon replied.

They waited for over ten minutes. Gideon was on his holographic phone chatting to someone. His mood went from happy and cheerful to shocked and afraid. Romeo assumed he must have gotten some bad news. Gomez was drinking water after a servant had brought them glasses and a jar full of it. He was so hungry, he was chewing it.

"Calm down, Gomez," Romeo said, before he chuckled.  "Who chews water?"

"Someone who hasn't eaten in a while. Why are you so calm? You barely ate your food before the competition. You should be eating your chair."

Romeo recalled the nights he spent without eating after Hans died. It wasn't because he was grieving, but Hans was the one who paid him for every criminal he took down, and he would use the money for food. After Hans' death, he stole money and used it for basic needs and finding an apartment. "I can wait," he said.

Fifteen minutes later, the king arrived. It was a big deal. It started with two men with trumpets going into the dining room and playing their instruments. The king walked in while the men continued playing.

Gomez leaned closer to Romeo. "He looks different," he said.

Romeo didn't reply. He just stared at the king who had no beard now. His real name was Abdul Abdallah, but he insisted those lesser than him to call him King, otherwise you would have problems with him, per Gideon's warning.

Abdul wore a long gold robe that dragged behind him. A woman stood on each of his side, wearing black abayas and hijabs that covered their faces.

Gideon stood up, then instructed Romeo and Gomez to do the same. Abdul arrived at the table and shook the threes hands, smiling. "This is him?" Abdul asked, staring at Romeo.

"Yes," Gideon replied.

"The anger in his eyes, it's the same as our dead friend's."

"As he said, they share the same views."

Who are they talking about? Is it Hans? Romeo thought.

"And this is?" Abdul turned his attention to Gomez.

"His name is Gomez. He was in the competition too," Gideon said.

"Is he good?" Abdul asked.

Before Gideon could reply, Gomez said, "I fought a Russian gangster and survived. I'd say I'm amazing."

"Alright." Abdul took a seat, before the other three did as well. "Bring the food!" he shouted to no one in particular and the sound of feet shuffling could be heard as servants passed them, headed to the kitchen. He focused on Romeo. "I'm so glad Gideon found you. We've been looking for you for a while. You're a hard man to get, especially being the rebel and all."

"You know about that?" Romeo was shocked. No one outside his inner circle knew he was the man behind the hood. And it was better that way because him vigilantism had become a symbol of hope to the slum dwellers in Tanzania.

"Yes. I was friends with Hans way before he adopted you. Sad that he was killed, but I can see his legacy living inside you."


"Everything about him; his ideals, beliefs and views of the world, he taught them to you. At least that's what he said. And from what I heard of you always beating up poor Bakudi, I guess he was right."  

"Did Hans ever know about the re-introduction of slavery?" Romeo had avoided every topic about Hans since the man died. He couldn't believe he was gone, and maybe if he didn't talk about him as much, then maybe the pain of losing him won't be severe.

"Yes. I believe that was why he was killed," Abdul said with such confidence. He knew something Romeo didn't, and the young man intended on finding out.

"Who killed him?" Not that Romeo didn't believe Nipp when the boy said Josef was responsible, but reassurance from others would be better before he gets his revenge.

"I think you already know."

The food arrived. There was a lot of chicken, ranging from deep fried to curry, and Abdul's eyes glowed at the sight. 

He must be addicted to this stuff, Romeo thought. He never understood why people loved chicken so much, especially fried one. He was more of a fish kind of guy. It was healthier too.

"Feast, everyone!" Abdul said with his arms raised. He began eating with no shame, chewing loudly, making Romeo lose his appetite. "You aren't hungry?" he asked.

Romeo wanted to say yes, but he didn't want to disrespect the man. A man as egotistical as Abdul may hold a grudge for refusing to eat his food. Plus, Romeo was a guest of his after all, being offer free food and shelter. 

"I haven't seen such good food in a while," Romeo replied with a smile.

Abdul slapped his thigh, then smiled. "Aha! I thought you hated chicken." He pointed a chicken wing at him. "We would have been enemies right here. Go on, enjoy."

Romeo put roasted chicken, rice and beans, and poured himself a glass of pineapple juice before he began eating. It wasn't the best food he had ever eaten, but it would provide him with much needed energy. 

A male servant went next to Abdul and whispered in his ear. "Show him the way," Abdul said and the servant left. 

Josef walked in not long after. Gideon looked uncomfortable, adjusting himself on his seat, and Romeo became angry instantly. His jaw and fists were clenched, glaring at the man.

Here's here. Now is my chance to kill him, Romeo thought.

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