[One] Reason

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A murder of crows cawed in agony as they flew past the sunny sky of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. It was hot, near solar level, and everyone on the ground was sweating like a pregnant nun. Bakudi, a politician, felt the heat too. It was why he had asked Babo and Kilo (police officers) to wait for him outside his house where the wind helped reduce the heat.

"Just kill him, OK! He's caused me too much trouble." Bakudi rubbed the dark bags under his eyes. "Did you hear me?" he asked.

Babo and Kilo glanced at each other and smiled. Seeing him sweat like a pig must have been a sight for their sore eyes. Unlike the ungrateful bastard in front of them, their hats blocked the sun from their faces.

"Ndio, we heard you. How much will you pay us for it?" Babo asked. If there was one thing that defined corrupt officers in Dar Es Salaam, then money was the perfect representation. 

"How much do you want?" Bakudi asked with a sigh, as though he hadn't expected it. He kept rubbing off sweat from his forehead as it kept trying to enter his eyes. With his back against the wall, he hid himself under the shade provided by the edge of the roof. 

Kilo licked his lips while rubbing his hands in anticipation. He was not afraid of showing greediness in front of Bakudi. Why would he? The politician gained his money through ripping off the slum dwellers. 

"Babo," Kilo called his friend. "Chagua amount that will make us not be polisi again."

"Hmm." Babo dove into his thoughts. "Let me see..." He stared at Bakudi, then smiled and said, "Ten million."

"Te..." Bakudi couldn't even finish the sentence, before he choked on his own saliva. His owl-like eyes grew wide, surprised. "Are-Are you insane!"

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

The noise made the three men turn around. Romeo had crouched on the rooftop of the chicken house opposite Bakudi's home. A scarf covered his face, leaving only his eyes visible. He also had on a black vest, camouflage pants and black boots.

His brown oily skin glowed under the bright sun.

For the past three months he had been terrorizing Bakudi. And finally, the politician had had enough with him and called Babo and Kilo, playing right into Romeo's plan.

He gazed at Bakudi and said, "You and I know you don't have that much." He dropped to the ground with a thud. "Nilikuwa nimepanga to be quiet, but when the idiot," he pointed at Babo, "asked for ten million, I had to do something."

Babo looked back at Bakudi. "Is he telling the truth? Don't you have that money?" There was a hint of disappointment in the officer's voice.

"No, he's lying. I have money. Kill him!" Bakudi pointed at Romeo, urgency in his voice. "Kill him now and I will give you the ten million."

Kilo took out his gun and pointed at Romeo, who raised his hands in the air. "Before you kill me, know that I have set multiple bombs around this house. If I die, they explode."

Kilo looked around nervously. "Li-Liar."

"You don't believe me?" He shrugged. "Fine, shoot me and see." The uneasiness in their movements made Romeo smile. The officers loved life so much they couldn't risk detonating a bomb. "Babo, we are both from the slums. So why don't we do the honorable thing and fight with our fists. I promise, if you beat me there won't be any explosions."

"I don't trust him," said Kilo. Being born in Mega Dar, the corrupt officer knew nothing of the slum dwellers' code of honor when it came to fighting. 

The code was simple. It said: One Cannot Be Denied A Fist Fight If He/She Asks For It.

Babo glanced at Bakudi. "I'm taking his offer," he told him. 

"As long as he dies, I don't care how you do it," Bakudi replied, before spitting on the ground. It seemed the mere sight of Romeo made him sick to his stomach.

Babo threw his gun to the ground. Kilo groaned, before doing the same. "Kill him fast," the latter said.

Babo clenched his hands, raised his fists and stood in a fighting stance. "Let's honor the code," he said. 

"You idiots." Romeo laughed, then pulled out an electrical gun from the strap on his back. He shot Babo and Kilo quickly, and they were electrocuted until they fell unconscious. 

He walked up to Bakudi and sent a hard punch to the gut, forcing the bald man to drop to his knees, coughing out blood. He then booted his face, sending the politician crashing to the ground.

"Next time you come for me in the slums, make sure no innocent dweller is hurt. Did you really think you could send these fools," he pointed at Babo and Kilo, "after me without me knowing about it? What part of I've been watching you for months don't you understand?"

Bakudi, struggling to sit up, said, "Go ahead. Kill me."

Romeo grabbed the man by the neck and pulled him close. "I don't want to kill you, Bakudi. Seeing you suffer is enough for me." He shoved him back and watched the man fall on his ass. "I came here to tell you to donate all the clothes you and your seven wives aren't wearing to the slum dwellers." He glanced at his watch, then back at the politician. "You have twenty-four hours to do so. If you don't, I'll come back here and burn down your house. Do you understand?"

Bakudi nodded.

Romeo slapped the man's cheek gently. "Good boy." 


Another day, another win.

Romeo was far away from Bakudi's house, walking through the deserted area between the slums and where many politicians lived. 

He removed his scarf. Behind it was a large smile. He couldn't help but feel happy. He had managed to embarrass two officers with ease (though he knew they would hunt him down), and also the slum dwellers would get new clothes to wear or sell thanks to Bakudi's donation.

The sound of police sirens wailing made him glance at the sky. He saw two race cars fly by fast, before numerous police cars chased after them. 

"A robbery in Mega Dar?" He smiled, knowing how hard it was to steal from the advanced city. "It's what those rich bastards deserve." He covered his face with the scarf again.

When he turned around, he bumped into someone. Checking to see whom it was, he caught a boy (around the age of fifteen and seventeen years old) staring at him. 

"What?" Romeo asked. Normally he would have walked away, but something about the teen seemed off. He had a weird aura about him.

The boy checked Romeo from head to toe, then said, "You're him. You're The Rebel." The tone in his voice got higher. "You're The Rebel!" He threw away the plastic bottle in his hand and started jumping up and down like a happy kangaroo. "Oh my god. It's really you!" He started breathing heavily while pacing sideways. 

Romeo took a few steps away from him in fear the boy was bitten by a rabid dog (similar incidents were reported in the last few days).

"Can I hug you?" the boy asked.

"No." Romeo shoved his hands on the boy's face and pushed him backwards when he tried to wrap his hands around him. I hate weird kids.

"But you're my biggest inspiration," the boy said, pouting, his hands spread out wide, still waiting for the hug from Romeo.

"My answer is still no."

"Fine, but know that next time I won't send you anymore letters." The boy frowned, crossing his arms on his chest. 

"Wait, you're the idiot that's been throwing bricks at me with notes glued to them?" Romeo had been trying to figure out who it was for almost a year now. He had multiple bumps, and even got a concussion once, because of the bricks hitting his head.

"I am not an idiot. I am Nipp." The boy smiled. "And yes, you're welcome. I know what you're thinking-"

"No, you don't."

"-Why is this good looking boy, with flawless dark skin, walking around a deserted place?" 

Romeo didn't answer him. He just stared at Nipp's torn clothes, chewed flipflops, and messy Afro. 

Nipp continued, "The answer is simple. But first, I need a hug." He tried to reach in, but Romeo stepped to the side.

"What's with you and hugs?" Romeo asked.

"What's with you and no hugs?" Nipp crossed his arms on his chest.

"I can't do this." Romeo walked away, not wanting anything to do with him anymore.  

"I know who killed Hans," Nipp said.

Romeo came to a halt and turned to Nipp. He went to the boy and gripped his neck tightly. "How do you know about Hans and I?" he asked.

"First, chill." Nipp removed Romeo's grip from his neck. "I've been following you for a while now as you can tell by my brick throwing ability. But I will only tell you what I know if you take me with you."

"Take you where?" Romeo was confused.

"On your adventures. I want to experience the rush you feel when you're rescuing the slum dwellers."

"Are you an adrenaline junkie?"

"No. Should I be?"

"Never mind. Alright, I'll take you on one mission," he emphasized with the raise of his forefinger, "and after that you'll tell me everything you know, starting with who killed Hans." Romeo knew he had no other choice but to accept the boy's demand, that's how slum dwellers worked. When they had a piece of info to tell, they always wanted something in return first, otherwise they wouldn't say anything even if their life was threatened.

"Really?" Nipp sounded shocked. "I thought you'd say no. So I had already thought about all the words I'd throw at you until you said yes." He shook his head with a smile on his face. "I guess it's true what they say..."

"What do they say?" Romeo asked.

"I don't know, I thought you were going to finish the sentence."

Romeo sighed. What have I gotten myself into?

"Cheer up, buddy. You and I will be like Robin and Hood. The best duo ever." Nipp smiled. 

Romeo didn't even try to correct him, he began walking back to the slums. 

"Oh, and after I tell you, can I see your face?" Nipp asked.

"No," Romeo answered.

"Excellent. I can't wait." Nipp skipped as he followed him.

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