[Three] Chains

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"Father in heaven, please forgive me for my sins. In your eyes I am no more than a child who needs to learn, grow and know how to make better decisions. But you gave me flaws, you enabled me to make mistakes so that I could be a better person. Forgive me for the deceit I am about to commit.

Forgive me for the pain I am about to bring upon your children, but it is the only way I could make my world a better place to live in again. It is the only way I see fit to prevent another war from occurring. Please give me strength to live for another day, year, decade and I shall not only bring glory back to our name, but I will make everyone fear it. Amen." 

Father James raised his head and stared at the metallic cross hanging on the wall. In his clasped hands, he held a plastic rosary. He kissed it before placing it on the small table in front of him. He then stood up and turned around, facing his bed.

"Father J, please come and take our sins," a naked girl said, biting the hem of the bed sheet.

"Yes, Father. We've been very naughty," the second girl added, licking her lower lip seductively.

A huge smiled crossed Father James' lips before he took off the robe, revealing his birthday suit. If some of his congress members were told about his sex addiction, no one would have believed it. He was a worldwide renowned priest, an inspiration to everyone who knew or heard of him. Some of his followers called him "God's Right Hand Man", hoping when the end of the world came, he was the one to lead the pure to heaven.

"Who am I?" he asked the girls.

"God," they replied.

"And who are you?"

"Your slaves!" The girls giggled.

He smiled. 

Father James looked at the two girls. One had her hands tied to the bed posts, while the other one held a flogger in her hands. "Hit her," he ordered the other girl and she obliged, swinging the weapon playfully across her fellow's stomach. "Harder." The girl did so and the flogger left a mark. "I want to see her bleed."

The girls stared at him in shock.

I don't think that's necessary, a voice in his head said. 

"Fine, just do what I paid you for."

Some of Father James' opposers believed he went mad after the end of the fourth world war. When humanity was on the brink of collapse, he took it upon himself and used faith to bring everyone together, and he succeeded. Better international relationships were restored and some countries basically worshiped him. 

But that wasn't enough. 

A tick in his head was turned on and all he dreamed about was power and domination, and he sought out different ways to achieve it. 


Father James walked out of his room and locked the door behind him. He proceeded to the mirror in front of him and stared at his reflection. "Perfection," he mumbled, flexing his toned arms. 

At the age of forty five, he showed no sign of aging, looking like any other man in their mid twenties. He had three tattoos. Two were on his arms; A black rose on his right, and a picture of an old woman wearing a hijab on his left. The other one was a pair of two white wings on his back with the words Fallen God written below.

He rubbed back his raven-black hair, before giving his reflection a wink.  "Father James," he heard a woman's voice call beside him. He recognized it and a smirk appeared on his face as he turned to her.

"Yes, Monalisa?" he replied, grabbing her hand and pulling her close. He stared into the nun's eyes while his right finger caressed her cheek. "You have something to say?"

Monalisa was left speechless as she looked into his bright green eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and said, "You-You-You have a call." She drew the phone she held in her hand closer to his face.

He took it. "Thank you, I'll see to it." He kissed her forehead before watching her leave. He went into his office, locked the door, then took a seat behind his desk and answered the phone. "Father James here, who am I talking to?"

"James, it's Josef," a voice replied on the other end.

"Josef my friend, how have you been?" he asked.

"I've been well. How's France?" 

"It's better than Tanzania," he joked, making Josef laugh. "I hope you called to give me some much needed good news."

"She accepted your offer," Josef remarked. "Today, she accepted it today." Josef's voice was filled with Joy. 

Father James' eyes widened. "Really?" 

"Yes. I told you I could make her agree to anything, and was I wrong?"

"No, no you weren't." Father James laughed. "This is why we have been friends for over twenty years. We always know how to help each other in a crisis. Thank you." 

"No need to thank me, it's what friends are for. Now it's up to you to come here and complete the deal."

"I'll be taking the early flight tomorrow. See you soon my friend."

"See you soon. Tanzania awaits your arrival," Josef told him before he hanged up.

Father James had asked Josef to convince Aisha to see the positive side of slave trade and allow him to start a chain in Tanzania. Him and her never saw eye to eye on anything and he knew talking to her would be a waste of time. He saw slavery as a means to bring closeness between the superior class of people in Mega Cities around the world and the slum dwellers, even if the latter would be chained and forced to do things they didn't want. 

The European nations had accepted his offer, so did the Americans--South, Central and North--and most African nations. Tanzania was the only one to take its time in seeing how it would benefit from such a trade, but it seemed the matter was resolved and now every country would soon be trading humans (slum dwellers).

Father James jabbed his fists in the air happily, breaking into a mini dance number while humming to a smooth tune. He had won, he was going to successfully re-introduce slavery into the world. 

He had read about how the first slave trade many years ago was conducted and thought some people exaggerated how cruel the slave masters and owners were. This reinvention of the trade would only make economies stronger and improve the relationships between countries.


After he was dressed in his clerical clothing, Father James walked out of his room and headed to the church's basement. He had the only key to the room and the workers never dared question what was inside. They knew their place and did what they were hired to do, nothing else.

He pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door. He was met by loud cries and screams, forcing him to quickly close the door. "Shut up!" he snarled. "If I hear another word, I'll burn you all." 

The room went silent. 

"I'm doing all of you a huge favor here. Show some respect." 

He observed the long line of caged men, women and children. There were almost three hundred people in there, some forced to share one cage. Most of them were caught because of opposing the way he ran his church, claiming he defied God and brought hell upon them. They went a step further and labelled him names like Lucifer, Satan, The Devil, which practically meant the same thing to him, but each was as hurtful as the other.

He grabbed the metal collar of a crying child and pulled her close. "You should be happy, young girl. Your life was worse before I caught you." The child spat on his face. Father James laughed, then used his clothing to rub off the spit. "I should have expected that from a worthless child as yourself." 

He drew his hand back and slapped her so hard, the poor girl smashed her head on the cement floor. A few seconds later, the men and women gasped in shock when a pool of blood formed under the young girl's head as she lay there unconscious. 

"I am not your enemy, but I won't resist killing you if you think you can disrespect me," Father James told the scared captives. "I spoke to God earlier and he said he was happy with what I was doing." He smiled. "And half an hour ago I received the best news ever." He walked to the center of the room to allow everyone to hear him properly. "Tomorrow we're headed off to Tanzania and you people shall be the gift for my enemy."

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