[Twelve] Story Time

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"Why accept slavery, though? You know black people will be treated worse than white slaves. Did the Europeans put you up to it?" Mercy asked, having seated in a comfy chair in the conference room. She thought Aisha hadn't heard her, as the woman was fully concentrated on her phone.

"You have to understand by now no one can put me up to do anything. I decide what happens to my country. I thought you would have picked up on that by now," Aisha replied without even looking at the young woman.

"It's hard for me to know most things about you when you're very hard to read."

"Thank you." Aisha smiled. Her hazel eyes glanced at Mercy for a mere second, before returning to her phone. Its holographic screen showed messages between her and an unknown person. They were sending each other kissing emojis, which made the mayor smile with each incoming text. 

Maybe it's her husband, Mercy thought. It can't be. She made it very clear to me that she doesn't fancy him anymore. So, is that her secret lover? Mercy knew prying was wrong, especially on a dictator, but it was hard for her to ignore when the woman wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Have you found a man yet?" Aisha switched off her phone and turned to Mercy, awaiting her answer.

"Dating in the city is hard. These rich guys think because they have money, they can get you without even lifting a finger. What happened to the good old days where men would do anything just to go on a date with a girl? Now it's like they don't even care."

"You know why they don't put that much effort anymore? It's because here in the city, there are limitless options for them. It's even the same case for us women too. You're from the slums, you'll get used to it."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to a man coming to me and asking if I wanted to go and have sex with him. They don't even mask it anymore." Mercy crunched her face in disgust.

"Welcome to Mega Dar. Ever since every country approved same sex relationships in year 2030, people know if a woman doesn't like them, then there's a man in the next corner waiting for them. There's hardly a gay, straight or lesbian person anymore. It seems everyone is bisexual."

Mercy knew Aisha was right. Apart from Romeo and Nipp, she couldn't remember the last person she knew who was either gay or straight. It seemed being bisexual had become a trend. "Have you?" she asked.

"Have I what?" Aisha titled her head to the side.

"Played both sides."

"I did in University, but I realized women weren't for me. It was too weird."

Mercy chuckled. "Weird is an understatement." 

A group of men and women walked into the conference room and occupied the remaining seats. It was the annual East African Community (EAC)  meeting. It was held in Mega Arusha, Tanzania. Members forming EAC were Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. In attendance were each country's Mayor.

"Who is she?" Kenya's Mayor, Bella, asked, cautious as always. Her brown eyes observed Mercy from top to bottom. Last year her country was attacked by terrorists. They took half of the food crops, almost causing famine. It was an International crisis for months because Kenya was among the top five food suppliers. She's been cautious ever since after reports suggested that someone close to her was responsible. 

"Calm down, Bella. She's my under study," Aisha said.  

"Oh, Ok. You have a sidekick. I shall find one for myself too," Bella replied.

"You two always have to one up each other, why is that?" Burundi's Mayor, Jones Kiro, asked.

"You know why? She tried to claim Mount Kilimanjaro as Kenya's, again," Aisha said. "It belongs to Tanzania." Her eyes fell on Bella's shameless face. "If you had gone to school, you'd have known that."

"I don't need school to run a country," Bella opined.

"With that mind set, Kenya will never be stable."

"Whatever you say, old lady."

Bella was a thirty three year old woman, a former singer of the girl band Can't Touch Us. She got elected after the last president was assassinated during his public speech. The murderer was never caught. She used her fame and natural good looks to convince the public to back her to be the mayor.

Kenya had been experiencing so much terrorist attacks, no one wanted to be Mayor, except for Bella. She might've been thirty three, but she acted like a child, which annoyed Aisha. Instead of them working together to strengthen East African countries, they ended up competing and arguing, forcing the other members to engage too.

"Girl, what's your name?" Rwanda's Mayor, Janeth Kesi, asked Mercy. The woman was scary. Not because of her warrior-like looks, but she stood at the front line during World War 3. She was also a former women's boxing champion.

"Mercy," she replied, afraid to even look at Janeth after the stories she heard about her.

"Are you related to her?" Janeth asked.

"No, I used to be a doctor in the slums."

"Oh, you're the one she's been talking about. I presume you know the true identity of this local hero?"

"The rebel... I mean, Vigilante? Yes."

"Alright, that's a matter for next time." Janeth faced her fellow mayors. "Now let's get back to why we're really here for."

"Yes, unlike some people here who are trying to ruin our mood." Bella referred to Aisha.

Mercy enjoyed all the drama she was seeing, it reminded her of high school all over again. She couldn't tell who the mean girl was, but when it came to fighting she would stick with either the dictator or the warrior (her mind couldn't pick between the two). 


"You've been stalling for the last three days. What did you do, James?" Josef asked.

"What had to be done, or else she would have destroyed me," Father James replied, his hands shaking. Never had Josef seen him this scared.

"Did you have anything to do with Shiran's death?" Josef knew his friend was crazy enough to do that. 

Father James nodded.

"That man went to war with Germany over something their ancestors did. What do you think will happen if he finds out you killed Shiran?"

"I had no choice." Sweat dripped down Father James' forehead. He knew the threat Rani possessed. The man would destroy the world if it meant he would get his revenge. Father James couldn't have that at the moment. He needed the backing of all the mayors, and the President, before going to war with such a maniac.

"You fucked up big time. He will destroy you when he knows the truth."

"I don't think he knows it's my fault." Father James held a rosary in his right hand, fully dressed in his clerical clothing, muttering a prayer under his breath.

"You better pray," Josef snickered. "They have devices that could detect if someone was murdered or not, it's only a matter of time before he finds out. She was alive when you were with her, and then all of a sudden she's dead. You don't have to be a detective to put two and two together."

"I know. It's only a matter of time." Those last words echoed in his thoughts as he stared into the abyss. It was probably dumb of him to fly out of Rani's home, instead of using the car he went with. Now for sure the man would connect the easily spotted dots.

"Why did you even kill her?" Josef asked.

"You remember Gideon?"

"The junkie?"

"Yes, him. Shiran got impregnated by him."

Josef was silent for a few minutes, realizing the true nature of the threat that was heading their way. Father James and him introduced Gideon to Rani. All though he had a reputation for liking young girls, they promised Rani he wouldn't dare touch his daughter.

"We need to find Gideon," Josef said.

"What do you think I've been doing this past few days ever since I found out. He's been my main priority."

"We need to act fast. I'll help you find him." Josef placed his hand on Father James' shoulder. "We're in this together."

"Yes, we are." They held each other's hand. "I have to go lead the mass now." Father James let go of Josef's hand.

Before Father James could leave, Josef asked, "Where was Gideon last seen?"


"I'll find him," Josef assured.

Father James knew once Rani found out his daughter was expecting a child, he would compare blood samples to the database in his country, and he would know it was Gideon. "Kill him, before Rani gets to him," he said, then walked away.

Josef looked from back stage as Father James stood in front of the congregation, and started preaching his version of the word of God.

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