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Your eyebrows drawn together and a grim look on your face you came out from the behind the counter of Misty's esoterica.

Two men waited. They were dressed well, at least better than most people that roamed the streets of Watson. Their faces were hidden behind mirrored shades but it was obvious that they judged as you appeared instead of someone else.

"We expected Mister Vektor.", the taller of them said.

He was of a slim statue, his black hair gelled back and a shadow of stubbles showing on his face.

Your eyes wandered over his body and stopped as tattoos caught your attention. Back in the day the only people who had the backs of their hands tattooed were yakusa. But this one seemed to young to even know who those people were supposed to be.

"He's not in at the moment.", you said with a shrug and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "Any message he needs to receive?"

Sceptical, the two corpos exchanged a glance with each other before one of them turned on his heel and left without a single word.

Alarmed, you followed him until he was out of your vision. With a quick glance you exchanged a few words in silence with Misty.

She nodded and left as well to notify Viktor.

The vibe shifted. Something in the back of your head whispered that it would have been wise to retreat. But you didn't want to back down. Not yet.

It was better to buy some time to leave Viktor a moment to think what he wanted to do.

"I must insist on mister Vektor's presence.", the man insisted with this oily, smug smile that only a corpo could have.

You knew these people well enough. Even though Pacifica was a shit hole it was full of these people. They walked down the streets in their nice suits and ties, money on their minds and expected everyone around to cater to them.

At the same time they also knew how to sell water to a fish. They were like silver tongued devils.

This one seemed to be unfamiliar with the word no. So you decided it was best to stick with your story until he dropped it.

"Like I said, he's not in.", you repeated and took a step forward to get the counter out of your way in case you needed to go into action.

"I doubt that. He's known for not going out much."

"And you know that because?"

His shoulder stiffened. The answer was obvious, he or anyone of his corporation had spied on Vik. Most things could be gathered through rumours and word on the streets so it was no surprise that he knew Vik's clinic existed in the first place.

But it was odd that he knew about Vik as a person. Usually, that did not matter when it came to ripper docs. They were like any other person on the street, their price mattered, not their personality.

"I appreciate your will to welcome us.", he purred with this smug corpo grin of his.

"I didn't welcome you.", you cut him off. "I'm here because I have the patience to listen to you and Mister Vektor doesn't. Don't waste it. What do you want?"

Biting his lower lip in frustration, he cleared his throat.

"Not an easy customer, I see.", he tried it one last time.

"I'm not a customer. I'm Vik's guard dog. Tell me what you want or I'll bite a piece out of you."

"Fuck, fine!", he barked back and threw his glasses onto the counter. "If you're so smart you probably know why we are here, huh?!"

"Kinda. Just... assure me."

"We want to buy his clinic. A generous offer since it's in the back of a fucking garbage street."

Unimpressed, you watched and waited as he had his small meltdown, full of anger and annoyance that he had to give reasons instead of just making an offer that one couldn't decline.

"Finished?", you asked after a while. "It's starting to bore me."

"Like I said.", he took a deep breath. "We offer him 60% of everything he makes. An official medical license and all the new equipment he needed. And in return, we get his services for free."

For a brief second you couldn't help but be impressed. You knew that Viktor was a prestigious ripper, the best of the best to be exact, but that didn't change the fact that this offer was one of a kind.

It wasn't uncommon for big corporations to go and rip off the small fish in the sea. Eat or be eaten, that was the rule of Night City.

The fact that they even made such a human offer to Vik spoke volumes.

But it was still a disrespect. You believed that he wouldn't have agreed to it no matter what. Because in the end, what made Vik's clinic so unique was the man that Viktor was himself.

The influence of a corporation would just ruin everything.

"The answer is no.", you said.

"I don't think that's your choice to make.", he replied and put on that smirk of his again.

"You're right, it's not.", Viktor appeared from behind the counter so suddenly that it startled you.

With his eyebrows drawn together and an even grimmer look on his face, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and raised his chin.

He was a large man, both in height and width. But now he seemed like he towered over everyone in this room by miles.

Your gaze jumped to his face. He wore his glasses again, hiding the expression that you caught from the side of his face.

He was worried. Something inside him considered taking that deal. But it would have broken his heart.

And you knew that as well as everyone else. Even a blind man would have known.

"Mister Vektor.", the voice of the corpo man sounded pleased. An honour to meet you.

"Cut the chit chat.", Vik cut him off right away. "My answer is the same as always, Mike. I won't sell. So take your bags and your choom and piss off."

The man who was named Mike pulled a face. Shadows darkened his eyes.

"If you insist.", he simply shrugged and left.

"That was..."

"Way to easy.", Vik ended your thoughts. "I know. Somethin's off."

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