Thirty-Five (Smut)

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You couldn't remember the last time someone had held you this close to their heart, so close that you could feel the beating synch with your own.

A soft sigh escaped you as your cheek pressed against Viktor's string chest and took in the warmth that his body had to offer.

Your hands rose to rest on his back while his arms were wrapped around your body as if he tried to shield you from all worlds evil.

His breath caressed the top of your head whenever he exhaled.

It was a calm moment. So gentle that it almost felt loving.

You could feel how he shifted. His leg rose and, just by accident, slipped between yours. A soft gasp escaped you as his firm thigh put pressure on your middle.

It flinched in response, changing a hot wave of embarrassment up your spine to make your face burn.

Your nails dug into his back. It made him stiffen, enough so that you'd notice.

"Don't do that.", maybe his voice was heavy because of sleep.

Maybe it had another reason.

Curiosity around in you. To be fair, you've had had better ideas throughout your life but this one made your fingers itch.

As he had settled again, you started to let the tips of your fingers dance through the short hair in the back of his head.

It made him hum softly, a satisfied breath escaping his lightly parted lips. His grip on you tightened enough to close the last bit of distance between the two of you.

Once more his leg shifted. This time you believed it to be on purpose. The pressure between your legs tightened and you found yourself moving your hips back to create some space.

But he made it hard to escape.

Instead of more room to breath you found yourself gently moving against his leg. The tension created a warm, fuzzy feeling that made your middle twitch in response.

Viktor noticed.

Slowly, his head moved on top of yours. Lips touched your (H/C) hair, soft and gentle.

"Careful, sweetheart.", he breathed against your head. "You might regret the outcome if you keep doing that."

Startled by the sudden honesty of his voice, you froze. As you did so, your hands dug into his skin by accident. It wasn't meant to be on purpose, but enough to make him groan in response.

All of a sudden his hands moved to grab you by the sides. One second you blinked and the other you found yourself turned onto your back, staring right at him.

With a grim look on his face, Viktor towered above you. His thick eyebrows were drawn together while his eyes stared into yours.

Cyanide kissed (E/C).

You could feel your breath go heavy as he leaned down to meet you so close that you could feel the power he needed to keep himself from returning what you had done to him.

"(Y/N).", his voice was firm as he addressed you. "I told you I am not what you want. Nor what you need."

All of a sudden anger boiled up in the pit of your stomach. Hands clenched into fists.

"How do you know what I need?", you bit back, teeth bared.

He took a moment to take in the sight of your face, kissed by the silver of the moon, wrapped up by shadows like a present that waited for him to open it.

When had he fallen in love with this face?

He couldn't remember the exact moment. If he was totally honest, he didn't even remember the last time he had fallen in love with anyone.

"I'm old.", he tied to insist.

"I don't care, Viktor.", now your voice trembled with frustration. "We are the same. You are me but wiser. I feel like if you wouldn't care you wouldn't have come for me."

Chuckling, he shook his head.

"I am neither."

"Vik...", you tried to reach out to touch his face but he grabbed your wrist and pinned it above your head.

"Stop it. You don't want to bind yourself to an old ripper like me. You want to be a champion.", it was hard to tell if he was angry with you or himself.

"I want you.", it slipped off your lips. "You gave up the title of champion for the purpose that a ripper serves. I'd give the title for a purpose as well."

"Oh, sweetheart.", tired, he shook his head. "What purpose?"

"Being yours."

And with those words the last bit of wall came crumbling down. Viktor knew that he had lost this battle even before he had decided to fight it.

The beating of his heart quickened as he leaned closer, his lips hovering over yours. But he did not dare close the last bit of distance between the two of you.

It was for you to decide.

And you did. Without hesitation, your free hand found its way to the back of his neck and pulled him close.

His lips were soft, a little chipped from old days of being beating, but by no means unpleasant. A hint of cigarets and coffee was on his tongue as he pushed himself between your legs to deepen the kiss.

Willingly, you spread your legs to give him room and invite him in.

As his weight pressed down on you, your couldn't help but moan into his mouth. It felt like being crushed by a bull, not threatening but pleasantly exciting.

Your legs wrapped around his hips while you made sure to keep him locked in a heated kiss. Your lips parted to allow him entrance and he gladly took the offer.

He tasted like a morning coffee in bed. Smelled like a new dawn.

"Viktor...", you whispered as he began to rub himself against you.

Your body reacted to the bulge, that grew more and more between his legs. He felt swollen and warmth, with just the right amount of length.

Placing kisses down his neck, all the way over his adam's apple, you let your hand simultaneously run along his stomach. Six pack abs pressed into the calm of your hand.

Your fingers played with the elastics of his pyjamas for a moment before you slid your hand inside and grabbed a hand full.

In return, Viktor let a groan he heard.

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