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It was a dark night. Yet, unlike all the other nights you were used to, there was no cold nor anything that could have made you want to sleep with one eye open.

You couldn't remember the last time you had slept in a safe environment, actually safe, with a door that closed properly and walls that couldn't be pushed in by a kick.

With a sigh, you snuggled deeper into the pillow that you rested head on. It was soft, stuffed with real feathers and a pillow case that was washed clean.

There was this scent of a clean hospital stuck to it. Whenever you took a deep breath you believed to lay next to Viktor. Although he did not smell entirely like a hospital.

Now that you've had the chance to be closer to him there was also this underlining scent of sweat and salt stuck to his skin. Not in an unpleasant kind of way but just enough to realise that he was human since cyberware did not produce sweat.

A pleasant shiver chased goosebumps down your spine. It made your toes curl in such a way that you pulled your legs up and wrapped your arms around your knees to feel safe.

Your back was pressed against the cold wall even though there would have been enough space to spread all limbs. It gave you the feeling of safety, the reassurance that no one would be able to hammer a knife into it while you slept.

That had happened once before. You still believed to feel the scar itch every now and then even though more than half your torso had been replaced by cyberware.

Not far from you, a groan filled the silence. Somebody moved, a blanket was shiver aside and fell to the floor with a thud.

Your eyes opened to search through the dark.

Viktor had offered you his bed. He himself had taken the couch even though he was definitely not couch-sized by no means.

His feet dangled over the edge while he kept one arm above his head to make more room to lay. His rest rose and fell in a gentle manner as he turned his face to sigh in his sleep.

He looked so big and soft it almost made you want wrap your arms and legs around him. Like a giant bear.

The thought made you smile into the covers.

"Vik...", you whispered, but with no reaction. "Viktor... Can I wake you?"

A deep hum answered as he turned to the side and almost slipped off the edge of the couch. Luckily, his reflexes were still sharp and he managed to hold onto the coffee table.

"Huh?", sleepy, he raised his head to find you in the dark.

It hadn't taken much for you to find out that he did not wear his glasses just for fun. He actually needed them. After a career of boxing and no implants, his optic nerves must have been damaged. He was able to see without them, just not very well.

And even worse so when it was dark.

"I'm here.", you said softly to make him turn his head into your direction.

He smiled in return, but you were sure he couldn't tell if he really looked at you or a lamp.

"It's late, sweetheart.", his voice was thick and raspy from the sleep.

"I'm not tired.", you lay back on the pillow, soft sheets hugging your body. "It's... calm. And so quite."

Confused, he frowned and sat up.

"A good night to get some rest.", he put on his glasses to be able to see the details of your face. "Sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow."

He liked the way you looked, with that tired, weary expression, those eyes that told many more cruel stories than he wanted to admit.

But what never failed to catch his attention were your lips. And your voice. It was like a silver lining in a room with no windows.

Whenever you talked to him he found himself wanting to do nothing but listen.

"It's not that.", you said with a smile and turned on your back to stare at the blank ceiling.

"Feelin' lonely?", he was already at the edge of the bed as you turned your eyes took at him.

Tired, you nodded.

"I can't sleep on my own. It's hard to find rest when there is no one to take watch."

"This is my house, sweetheart.", the back of his hand softly caressed your forehead to check for the warmth. "No one needs to take watch."

"Hard to let go old habits, doc.", you joked. "What if someone tries to stab me in my sleep? Would make a mess."

It made him smile to hear that you felt comfortable enough around him to exchange teases.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to watch out for you.", with a low huff he lowered himself to the edge of the bed and sat, his back turned towards you. "Get some rest."

For a brief moment your eyes lingered on him.

He was well build despite his age, his cross broad and shoulders wide. The sleeve of tattoos that covered his right arm reached all the way up to his shoulder where it ended in a clean edge of black ink.

Without thinking, you reached out and let your fingers run along the lines.

Some of the pictures told tales of successful fights and golden days. You recognised a man with eyes made of iron. He had been the final match on Viktor's road to victory.

His breath flinched as your fingers finally made their way heigh enough to touch more sensitive flesh like the thin layers that covered his spine.

His head moved and a pair of eyes looked over his shoulder to meet yours. Cyanide shimmered in the dark, kissed by the silver strands of moonlight.

At their sight, your cheeks felt like they started to burn.

Your fingers wrapped around his wrist to give it a gentle tug.

"Join me.", you said softly and raised the blanket so that he'd be able to slip underneath.

He hesitated.

"I shouldn't...", Vik finally said, but you could tell that he wanted to.

"Please.", you couldn't say anything else. "Please, I don't want to sleep alone. Can I... can you take me into your arms? Just for tonight."

And he did.

Taking a deep breath, Viktor turned and made his way under the blanket. His arms wrapped around your body, pulling you closer against his chest.

His warmth comforted you through the night.

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