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"Aren't you a bastard?", you couldn't keep your body from shaking as your eyes fell onto the bundle that was all curled up in the backseat of his limo.

Worried, you slipped into the empty seat and caressed your sisters face. She was as cold as ever, but at least Dex had had the decency to wrap her up nicely.

The door fell shut and the engine of the car started.

Her eyes flickered open only to fall back shut again. It wasn't more than a second but enough time for you to notice just how big her pupils were.

Her head movement seemed less sloppy and more swift. But also heavy as if she needed her thoughts to be somewhere else.

"You put her on drugs?!", anger boiled up in the pit of your stomach.

"Relax.", Dexter threw a glance back from the passenger seat. "It's not like she's never been on em' before."

"Fuck you!", with full force you launched a punch heading straight for his face.

But glass cut you off from him. The backseat and the front were separated. Instead of his nose, your fists crashed right into the barrier.

Glass splintered, digging into your fists, breaking. Surprised, you pulled back, expecting pain. But nothing.

Right, you thought as you wiped small pieces of glass from the back of your hand. Your hands weren't made of flesh no more. There was no pain to feel nor blood to shed no more.

Unless the injuries would turn out severe.

Your gaze was as dark as sin as you looked up to check Dexter's reaction. He seemed just as surprised as you. The golden shades on his nose were pulled and twisted by the shattered shield of glass.

It made him seem like a mirage, like a hallucination that you dreamed of every single second of your day.

How much you hated him.

Next to you, Julie groaned. Her limbs twitched. Then she drifted back into a stage of sleep.

Everything about this day was going to shits.

Your hand reached down to feel for her pulse. It was weak, almost too weak. Nervously, your eyes jumped through the car.

There was no way out of this. As nasty as Dex was, he was also fucking slick. He had locked the doors without you even noticing.

"Where are we going?", you asked as the driver left Watson and drove up the highway.

This road headed straight for the badlands. There was no reason to leave the city. Unless a crime was supposed to stay hidden.

A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

"Fuck...", you clenched your teeth. "Dexter!"

With more pressure you hit the glass so that he was forced to notice you.

"Calm down, kid.", the way he looked back at you was everything from disgust to pity and anger. "You'll see tomorrow. But some might not."

His eyes wandered down to your sister, putting a smirk on this fat lips of his.

Your grip on your sister tightened.

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you.", it wasn't a warning but a promise.

A flinch chased through him. Yes, after all he was nothing but a big fat child with a mouth that couldn't afford to be that big.

"She'll live.", he turned back and lit himself another cigar.

Damn, he really did smoke more than a goddamn chimney. His nerves really weren't as tough as he pretended.

The driver made a turn, heading straight for the city borders.

Your heartbeat started to quicken.

Your papers were basically none existent. Not to mention your sister. If she'd cross, there was no way you could get her back into the city.

Outside she was basically dead.

How were you supposed to treat her if she was so far away?

No, you'd have to stay with her.

"Don't you worry, kiddo, I take goood care of my belongings.", Dexter blew smoke into the air, almost covering the entire inside with this thick layer of grey. "You'll box. And in return I'll take care of your sister."

Your fingers dug into the blanket that covered your sisters trembling shoulders. Never before had Dex mentioned an offer like this. Well, it wasn't an offer per se.

It was blackmail.

There was no other option in the first place. And now that he had your sister in his custody you wouldn't be able to say no anyways.

Shit, how did everything go to shits so fast?

Only a few days ago you had been at the height of your own life. New cyberware, new people and... Viktor.


His name burned like acid on your heart. Everything was connected to him, for worse and for better.

Maybe it would have been easier to just kill him.

But how would you justify murder?

And even if you'd get away with it, there was no option left. You didn't know how to get into the leagues without a manger.

Now you had almost no money. But without Dexter you would have absolutely no money at all.

Next to you, Julie curled up. Her expression told that she was under immense pressure, tortured by pain and some hallucinations.

It had been ages since her own body had been hers. But now the very last bit of control threatened to slip away and leave nothing but an empty husk.

In the end, caring for her was a dead end anyways.

But what other choice did you have?

The car stopped at one of the many border patrols of the city. Red light roamed the car.

You stiffened as it reached your body. Most cyberware was illegal. It hadn't been a problem before but now that you were basically half a cyborg it could have caused trouble.

A sound of approval could be heard.

The driver started the engine again and passed the border. Concrete turned into dirty streets, covered in sand and ruins of the old days.

You could feel the temperature shift from a pleasant breeze to dry and hot.

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