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If Dexter didn't like something it was someone who asked too many questions. His temper tended to be short, especially when he was bored with the topic at hand.

He was busy with whatever as, all of a sudden, a call reached you. Worried, you threw a glance up to check what the others were doing before taking the call.

Viktor's face appeared before your eyes.

"Sweethe-!", he cut himself off mid word and shook his head. "Sorry, (Y/N). How are ya? Misty's pretty worried about you."

Tense, you tried to send a message through your facial expression. But it failed miserably and he just seemed confused.

"Can't talk.", you whispered, praying that no one heard. "Check signal."

You send a quick message with your location.

"Hm...", with his eyebrows drawn together, he nodded. "I'll be there. Just a couple minutes."

The call ended and relief spread in your chest. Even if you didn't need no knight in shining armour, you'd appreciate a helping hand.

"Who the fuck are you talking' to?", angered, Dexter threw a glance back at you. "You better not cause any trouble or this deal is OVER."

His anger wasn't justified, but which of his actions really was?

You decided to keep your mouth shut, at least for now and tended to your sister instead. Her breathing was so thick and slow that you feared she'd stop at any moment.

Her body was limb and she didn't respond as you shook her shoulder to her a reaction. She had been walking a thin line between life and death many times before.

But now you felt like she was more dead than alive.

The doors unlocked.

A cruse got stuck in your throat as Dexter made the driver stop in the middle of nowhere. His door opened and he stepped outside, knocking on your window.

You got the hint and exited, but not without throwing one last glance over your shoulder to check on Julie. Everything in you wanted to stay with her but you also knew that, if you did so, Dexter would make you regret it.

Dry air hit your face as you set foot outside. Sand crunched below your soles. You could already feel how it got into your shoes, between all your toes and made walking uncomfortable.

It smelled of chemicals and motor oil. Weird, considering that Dexter didn't drive cars that needed fuel. Unlike Viktor. His car seemed almost like an artefact from another time.

Somehow, you had to smile only thinking about it. Yes, it was an old car but you liked it. Not just because it was Viktor's but also because it felt cozy. Like the perfect vehicle to just sit and drive until the road ended.

"You gonna drop me off in the middle of nowhere?", you pulled out a cigarette, not to calm your nerves but to have something to do that would take your mind off the idea to punch him in the face.

"Don't be ridiculous.", he huffed and walked around a rock. "Make yourself at home."

Right behind the gigantic rock, a junkyard opened. It was huge, with so much filth and trash that it stacked all the way up to the sky. Most of these things were car parts, oily and smothered.

A shiver made you flinch. This place reminded you of a time in which you had found your father, overdosed, laying between a bunch of trash and covered in mud.

Vomit scratched your throat but you refused to show Dexter what a sensitive spot he had hit.

"Motherfucker...", you pressed out between clenched teeth and took a step back. "You two-faced cunt."

"Don't say no more.", he raised a finger in warning. "We don't want anyone to get hurt, don't we?"

The tone of his voice gave away that he didn't refer to you. Of course not, you could hardly care about yourself. But your sister was all you had. And you'd go through hell and back to keep her safe.

"Goddammit, Dex...", your hands clenched into fists.

This was a good moment, the two of you were alone, far away from T-Bug, his little pet, and the driver. No one would come to defend him. All you had to do was punch him hard enough.

Maybe crush his skull.

But then what?

The driver was probably armed. And even though you had more chrome now that wouldn't save you from a bullet. So many options, not a single one good enough to pull through with it.

Sucking in a sharp breath, you closed your eyes and took a second to calm your nerves. The beating of your heart echoed inside your ears.

The badlands were one huge desert, created by climate change and way too many bad decisions of humanity. And yet you couldn't help but let this uncomfortable feeling crawl down your spine.

"What do you want, Dexter.", your voice was calm but it also told that you had little to no energy left for this situation. "I'll box for you. But there is only so much I can do."

Satisfied that the mood shifted to his advantage, Dex took a deep drag from his cigar and nodded.

"See, I always thought of you as a smart kid.", he said and leaned forward to look at you from the brim of his shades. "No sweat. I'll do what I tell you to do and we'll be juuust fine."

"I wanna leave."

"But I ain't letting you leave. Not yet. You're my champion.", he gave you a nudge to the shoulder that made you want to explode once more. "Do you have any idea how much fucking money your amateur ass has made me?"

You forced yourself to remain calm.

"When will this end?", you asked. "You even pulled my sister into this mess! That's just plain garbage."

"You say that as if she ain't ever been in deep shit.", he huffed. "Hate to break it to ya, kid, but your sister IS trouble. Especially for you."

"Don't!", you hissed and took a step towards him.

"Oh no.", all of a sudden he pointed a gun at your guts. "You shouldn't, kiddo. I am the boss here. And I tell you what to do. You agreed when you signed that contract. Deal with it."

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