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Like a criminal, you crawled around your own house.

In that moment, you felt like you were about to rob the place you were living in yourself.

The fact that Viktor was on the other side of the walls only made things worse.

You didn't want to lie to him. You didn't want to pretend that nothing had happened.

How would you explain the bags of money to him?

Never before had you been this wealthy.

With your head pulled in, you managed to make it to the back of the house.

There was a door, unlocked most of the time.

But that night it was locked.

"Fuck...", you cursed and let your back hit the wall.

Viktor was probably already asleep.

A cold breeze stroked the flat surface of the water. Small waves formed and hit the pier.

A deep breath escape your lips.

You knew that this would be a night out in the open.

Breaking into your own home would have been idiotic. Viktor had secured the house with many of his inventions.

It was almost impossible to get inside without a few injuries.

With a deep sigh, you closed your eyes and got ready to spent a few hours outside.

Everyone was quite. Even the Undercity needed to sleep once in a while.

The sound of a window opening filled the silence.

You didn't react to it, probably just some random kid that tried to sneak out to do some irresponsible stuff.

"You're late.", Viktor's voice suddenly said.

He didn't sound surprised, nor disappointed. Just painfully sober about the situation.

Pulling a face, you slowly glanced up to meet his eyes.

The expression inside of them was almost painful to watch.

With a sorry expression on your face, you gifted him a smile.

"Hey...", you said in a silent voice and raised your hand to try and stroke his cheek.

He dodged the touch and rolled his eyes instead.

"Come in...", he unlocked the door.

With guilt written all over you, you entered the house.

"I have a good reason.", you tried to defend yourself.

"I don't want to hear it.", without meeting your eyes, he turned away and limbed back to bed.

The way he carried himself gave away that, not only was he incredibly disappointed, but also hurt.

You had to take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry...", you said. "I know I did an asshole thing, but I promise it wasn't for nothing."

From the bed, he gifted you a glance that might as well could have went to one of the kids that had used to bully him back in the day.

"You lied to me.", he said in such a reproachful kind of way that it made you feel physically sick.

"You wouldn't have let me go."

His already displeased expression darkened even more.

With expectations written all over his face, he sat up straight in bed and turned to fully face you.

"If that is the case, then how am I supposed to not be mad at you?", he asked, slightly angry. "You left, lying where you went and now you tell me you had to lie to me? Did you steal again?"

A sigh escaped you.

You had to suppress the urge to roll with your eyes.

"Listen, Viktor.", you took a step towards the bed while kicking off your shoes. "You have every right to be mad that I lied, but not everything I do is your business."

His eyebrows drew together.

"Of course it is!"

"Oh? How so?"

"We live together? If you get into trouble I'm done as well. We promised to have an eye on each other."

"And I plan on keeping that promise."

"Then why are you lying to me? Why are you acting weird?"

Something in the back of your mind twitched.

You could feel how your patience was running thin.

It wasn't fair to be mad at him for being mad at you. But at the same time you had understanding why he made such a big deal out of it.

"I do what needs to be done to survive down here.", you said and grabbed the smaller of the two bags of money to show him. "I found a job."

The emotions on his face froze.

Unsure, Viktor's amber eyes jumped from the money to you and back again.

His hand reached out, but hesitated mid way and pulled back again.

"Where did you get this?", he asked, all of a sudden so taken aback, so concerned. "This is a lot of money."

You smiled.

"Yes it is.", you grabbed his hand to press the bag into. "And where this came from is more. So much more."

His fingers didn't close. He refused to take it.

"Why? I- how?", he asked and grabbed your shoulder with his free hand to shake you. "(Y/N), do you know what this means?"

"Yes!", you laughed. "It means you'll make it out of here soon."

Taken aback, he pulled away fully.

The expression on his face was hesitant but a clear shimmer awoke in his eyes.

He was frightened.

"It means you are in someone's dept.", he said as if you were cursed. "You'll never make it out of here..."

Now, you couldn't help but be annoyed by his concerns.

"I'm begging you, Viktor.", you rolled your eyes and let the money disappear under the bed. "You're reading too much into things."

"I'm not! Remember what my father did. He asked for one favour in this place and now he's dead."

"I don't believe in peoples good sides as much as he does."

"It doesn't matter what you do, whoever gave you that money will find you as soon as you are worth something.", he grabbed you by the wrist, so harshly, that his nails dug into the soft skin and left marks. "Even if you make it up to Piltover, they will hunt you down!"

All of a sudden, your heart got heavy.

"But I won't make it to Piltover, Viktor.", you whispered, so silent, so soft, that he didn't even hear it.

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