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"You really need to stop challenging your luck.", Viktor said, his forehead covered in wrinkles of worry.

A bit of natural light seeped through the cracks and holes of the metal railing. It was rare to have such a sight.

The touch of it was warm, almost soothing.

It was so different from the light you knew from the Lanes, so tender and less harsh.

Sighing, you rolled your eyes.

"For someone who grew up in Zaun, you're awfully fearful, my dear.", you said in a teasing manner and gifted him a soft smirk. "I'll be fine."

The elevator stopped.

He pulled a face and started moving first.

"Until you won't.", he mumbled.

The look on his face was something you knew all too well.

He was mad, not because you had done something, but because he was worried sick for you.

Viktor had always been this way and would probably always be a bit too logical, a bit too sensitive when it came to the people he loved.

He had lost many and feared to loose even more.

Both of you were what was left for the other.

Life in the Lanes taught one lesson very early, if you have someone to care for, you have a weakness.

And Viktor was no fool. He knew that not only was he a weakness, but a huge one with his physical state. He didn't want to burden you more than necessary.

And yet, he got mad whenever you stood up for yourself.
Or him.

Especially him.

If it would go his way, you two would seek shelter in one of the many secret hideouts of Vander and never return back to light till the end of your days.

But you didn't want this.

Not for him.

He had a sharp mind and skilled hands. He was a man fit to be an engineer in one of Piltover's many factories. Maybe he'd even make it far enough to become a professor at the academy.

Viktor didn't believe in any of this and always called you a dreamer for thinking it was possible.

And for the longest time it really had been just a dream.

Up until your condition had worsened.

Now, you knew that this dream had to become reality.

It was a thing of the impossible that Viktor would make it in the Lanes by himself. He wasn't made for this violence, he was a soft soul, with compassion and a will to better everyone's life.

His mind was the one of a great man, equal to those who lived in fancy houses and made a lot of money.

He had just been unfortunate enough to be born into the world of Zaun.

With a sigh, you allowed him to walk ahead.

Every time he was mad, he tried to be more physically active. It sometimes felt like he tried to show you how common he was, so that you would decide to leave for good.

But even if his leg wouldn't be crippled you could have never thought about deserting him.

He was one of the very few reasons why you had made it this far.

He just didn't know.

A few gloomy eyes watched from the shadows as you passed the alleys that were overflowing with trash, human remains and other things that made the air smell like a rotten mess.

The ground was dusty.

Not a single flower had the chance to bloom, let alone grow from a seed.

The Undercity, consisting of the Lanes and Zaun, was a terrible place, with even more terrible people.

Around every corner lurked a crime and every coin was drenched in blood.

There was no escape, only cracked hopes and shattering dreams.

In this place of misery, it was your duty to keep Viktor safe and sound so that he'd make it out one day. It was the only thing that kept you alive.

As the thought crossed your mind, some kind of pain stabbed you in the chest.

Struck by surprise, you had to suck in a sharp breath.

Your hand rose to your chest to apply pressure. But your legs gave in anyways.

Gasping for air, you had to search hold on a wall.

Your entire body was trembling.

Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead.

All at once it felt like the sun was gone and a cold winter breeze wrapped around your body.

Sounds fell silent and a ringing filled your ears.

"(Y/N)?", Viktor's voice cut through the silence.

Immediately, the world returned.

"Hm?", you raised your eyes and gifted him a slim smile.

Worried, he knitted his eyebrows together.

"You look unwell. Again."

Chuckling away the pain, you straightened your back and wiped away the sweat in one swift movement as well.

His amber eyes examined your every move for a moment.

"We should go back.", he turned to approach you.

Quickly, you grabbed him by the hand and started walking.

"We are almost there.", you said with a played smile and rounded a corner to avoid a group of kids that tried to play tough.

A groan escaped his pale lips.

"If you're unwell, you need to rest.", he insisted.

Smirking, you threw a glance over your shoulder to eye him with a cocky expression.

"Says the one who never rests, mister.", you replied.

Ashamed, he turned his gaze away. But the hint of a smile appeared on his face anyways.

Even though Viktor was a man with confidence in his skills, he still happened to come across as quite awkward when it came to interactions with other people.

Years of friendship and daily teases had made him more comfortable around you, but every now and then a few things managed to make him blush.

Especially when you smiled at him he seemed to get weak.

Satisfied that you managed to lighten his mood so easily, you smiled softly and kept guiding him away from the houses and dark alleys.

Peoples screams and shouts faded.

Instead the sound of moving water filled the air.

"Almost there!", you chirped.

Viktor's eyes turned sad.

"Almost...", he mumbled to himself.

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