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The Lanes never were and probably never would be silent.

Life was raging in the deep, dark cracks of it, waiting for every opportunity to make a quick buck.

Crimes were the main occupation for the people who had been unfortunate enough to be born in this place, followed by prostitution and violence.

You and Viktor were considered odd, even amongst the strange faces and monstrous creatures.

Neither of you knew how to crack locks or the right amount of force that was needed to break somebody's legs.

You were more pragmatical, knew how to fix stuff.

Viktor was crafty while you knew how to sell the worst of junk to people for more money than the material was worth.

It wasn't a well paying way to survive, but enough to keep your heads above water and your stomachs filled for a day.

Letting out a deep breath, you lowered your head and hid your face under the big hood of your cloak.

Your gaze wandered along the marketplace.

Strange creatures and even stranger things were placed on all of the tables to attract buyers who'd probably not only get scammed but robbed before they could turn on their heels.

You threw a glance over your shoulder.

Viktor was right behind you. Supporting his weight on his crutch, he gifted you a smile.

The sight made your heart skip a beat.

You had always had a soft spot for Viktor. While growing up, he had always been the shy one, reserved and trying to avoid getting too close to people.

But every time he had looked you in the eyes, there had been this smile on his face. It was the softest, most innocent smile a human being was able to create.

And he only ever showed it to you.

Returning his subtle sign of affection, you reached out to offer him a hand.

He took it with the hand that didn't need to hold onto the clutch and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You should go ahead.", he said and caught up to your side with a bit of struggling. "I will catch up eventually."

Rolling your eyes, you shook your head.

"I'm not leaving you behind, Viktor."

"You're faster without me."

To warn him you gave his hand a squeeze that was considered a bit more than gentle.

A soft sound escaped him that was something between a submissive acceptance and the urge to suppress a relieved smile.

"We visit your patents every year.", you locked fingers with him. "We always arrive together and leave together. I wont stop doing that now after all these years."

A breath of relief left his lips. He couldn't fight back the smile this time.

"You hold yourself back because of me.", he said as you crossed one of the many bridges that led to the elevators to get up top.

"I am looking out for you. Just like I promised."

The smile faded.

"You don't have to. If that's what you want, I can take this responsibility from you."

The two of you stopped in front of one of the elevators.

Sighing, you placed a hand on his cheek and shook your head.

"That's not what I meant and you know that.", you glanced at the elevator that was about to arrive. "Let's not ruin the mood today."

The elevator came to an abrupt stand and the doors swung open.

Without paying attention, you took a step inside.

Viktor reached out and tried you to prevent the misery from happening, but stumbled and lost his grip.

With a gasp, he fell to the ground.

Alarmed by the sound, you tried to turn on your heel but weren't able to stop.

With full force, you slammed into someone's hard chest.

A sound of surprise escaped you.

Angered, you squeezed your eyes shut and rubbed the pulsating pain that throbbed against your forehead.

"Watch where you step.", a low female voice said, annoyed.

Someone pushed you harshly aside.

"Hey!", you growled and managed to open one eye.

Thick strands of smoke lingered in your nose and made the air inside your lungs scratch.

"(Y/N), don't.", Viktor asked while struggling to get back on his feet on his own.

The woman, dressed in a dark parker, stopped. She didn't turn around, just threw a wordless glance over her broad shoulder.

One of her thick, black eyebrows rose to ask silently to dare to speak to her.

With an interested look on your face, you eyed her for a moment.

Strands of short black hair were tied into a knot at the back of her head.

A lit cigarette dangled between her lips.

"Aren't you on of Vander's people?", you asked, head tilted and arms crossed.

Viktor, still chained to the ground, grabbed you by the leg of your pants and gave it a warning tug.

"(Y/N)...", he mumbled. "Leave it."

Still eyes locked with her, you lowered yourself to grab him by the shoulders so that his breathing calmed down again.

"I've heard only good of Vander.", you told her. "He's said to be the greatest leader Zaun ever had. Why can't you respect him a bit more and be friendly to your fellow Zaunites?"

Taking a deep breath in, she rolled her eyes, took a deep drag from her cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke into the air.

The dim green light of the shops lingered on her brown skin.

"You should keep your eyes where you're going.", she said in a slightly irritated voice, but turned towards you anyways to pull Viktor up on his feet in one swift movement. "But I suppose im partly at fault."

She offered a hand in apology.

For a moment, you eyed it before accepting the handshake.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.", you gifted her a polite smile. "I'll be more cautious around you next time, miss..?"

"Sevika.", she blew smoke through her nose, eyes lingering on Viktor's crutch. "And I'm not one of Vander's people. I handle things myself."

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