And His Name Is Bogdog

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- Island

It was night as the sky's were full of clouds, as the pour heavy rain. We transit to an island where we see black claw agents. We see them load up cages for of monsters. Some which were ancient beast and Ridley monsters. Even a few being robo hulls Shredz and Leroy dealt with. Then we see kabal land on ground.

Kabal: load up those creatures, remember she's paying us top dollar to capture them. And bring there in one piece. Or else you will answer to me

Kabal walks off before an explosion catches his attention. We transit to another scene where various goons are sent flying by a figure. It growls and shakes. The goons caught it within chains. But it strength allowed it to swing them around. It jumps on one as it punches him to the ground.  Once free he uses their blasters and fire at the goons. This beast posses dexterity and opposable thumbs.


His shots connect with each goon, some hitting the engines of cars causing explosion. The creatures growls and laughs. Then about flies past him, slashing in the back causing him to hit the ground hard. The beast slowly gets up but is stomped by kabal.

Kabal: don't even think about it beast. Chain him up and put him in the pit. We do not want to the attention of locals. Bad enough are near an island full of scum and vialliny

Kabal wakes away as his men arrive and surround the beast. It grows before roaring in pain as the goons shock him with electric batons. Then a we see a torn flag in the corner, in the shaping a Blackhat.

-Different Island

It was morning, As we pan to the beach. We see someone walk to a beach and sit down in a beach suit will no taste in fashion, along with his terrible beach hat is Dr. Flug. flug sighs as sips his coconut and reads his book.

Flug: finally, no Leroy or devil dinosaur using me as a volleyball

Get a quick scene of flug being smacked over a net by Leroy and devil dinosaur. Leroy spikes flug over the net I not I a field full of sea urchins.

Flug: not having to be demencia butler so she doesn't tell Ridley about the tracker.

Another quick scene of flug massaging demencia back. She sighs as he finally finished after 2 hours of massaging.

Flug: finally it's over

Demencia: oh flug

Flug turns around see demencia lean on a lean and flex her toes.

Demencia: you forgot something 

Flug whimpers as he puts on a mask and brings out a car buffer/sander.  Back to the real flug he shudders at the thought.

Flug: now I can finally relax

Glo: hey flug

Flug screeches as he sees glo by him. 

Flug: oh it's only you glo, I'm finally getting in a little reading 

Glo: oh that's nice nya, I'm about to get the purrfect suntan 

Glo lays down a towel and lays down. She stretches like a car( tail and butt in the air) then she lays down and puts on her headsphones and sunglasses. Flug finally reads his book. A minute past until he realized something.

Flug: everything is quiet, where is shredz and demencia.

Glo: they're probably in some competition or something, nya[as a yawn], it's been a couple of days and nothing has cause us trouble. Except for that mako chick.

Flug: yeah, it's a good thing we delivered pearl to Fishman, and I guess things are calmed down that she's gone. I guess there is nothing to worry about


Shredz comes zooming from the let passing glo and flug, only covering flug in sand.

Flug: I'm not even gonna say it 

Then shredz reverses back into the scene to see glo.

Shredz: well hello Diamond in the rough

Glo blushes and looks away

Flug: weren't you in a hurry

Then they hear a scream

Shredz: oh shreds your right, gotta roll

Shredz flees, the screams grew louder as it appears to be demencia chasing shredz

Flug: well I didn't see that coming 

Glo: shreddyc what you do

They run back into the scene, covering flug with sand.

Shredz: it not what I did it's what I didn't give

Glo: nya?

Demencia: just give me the data

Shredz: no

Shredz runs but is tackled by demencia as they roll around.

Glo: what data

Shredz: find, big bro has allowed me to keep tabs on where he's been, he wanted me to help him with some monster thing while he's covert

Flug: wait why didn't he ask me

Demencia: better question why didn't he give it to me

Flug: like I said why didn't he ask me for help

Shredz: well it could be that I'm a better halving given the fact Im a cyborg bear. 

Flug: pfft like your so good

Demencia: give me the data!!!

Shredz: Or the obvious fact that you couldn't stop demencia from trying to take the data once she found out you had it

Flug: that..... makes more sense

Demencia: why didn't he give it to me, I miss him

Shredz holds her back with the painsaw.

Shredz: I think that the point demencia, you could keep Ridley from focusing on the task

Demencia: I don't care, I've been dying to see my hunkamera again, and if this is what it takes then so be it

Flug: wait I thought you called him your carnivorous fang

Demencia: I am entitled to more then one pet name

Demencia grabs the painsaw and revs it up. Shredz then starts to flee.

Shredz: oh come on Demi, even if you had the tablet it only gives you past locations and the new locations don't appear for days even weeks. And when he does post a new locations it's when he's done and heading to his next place. You'll need like a tracker to find him

Demencia then stops and smiles, slowly turning to flug.

Flug: oh no

Demencia: give me that tracker flug.

Glo: nya, you put a tracker on Ridley

Shredz: oooh I just found my new errand boy 

Flug: dang it now they know

Shredz: you better start running flug

Shredz runs past him, flug follows his lead as they both flee from demencia. Glo sighs as puts her book up.

Glo: so much for the purrfect day

Glo chases after them.

Glo Chases after demencia as she chases shredz and flug into town. They go left then right, then we see glo chase flug. Shredz chases demencia until he is chase back into scene. Flug sneaks out from a building and looks around. Until demencia appears out of another building and chases him. Shredz reverse into the scene as did demencia.. They bump into each other and freak out. Flug is then scene chases by Leroy and devil dinosaur. Glo and shredz run into each other and have a brief lovey dicey moment, it's cut short as shredz flees; glo is left confused until she's flatten by demencia. Then we see demencia look around losing site of the boys. But  flug and shredz  tip toe with a boat over them. They jump into the water and speed off to the island by them.

Shredz: let's us let demencia cool off

Flug: yeah

Shredz and flug races to the island. 

- Another different island

We transit to the main man himself, Ridley, he here and TK (thunderkong), were on an island. Not just any Island, one very familiar.

Ridley: let's keep moving gang 

Heed: so sensei, where are we 

Ridley: a place I never thought I'd return. This is was a meeting place for all the ancient beasts

Heed: really, is that true tk 

Thunderkong nods as they continue walking.

Ridley: yeah, and there is a lot of things that should be kept buried

They continue to walk. Then we transit to the high part of the island. We see binoculars zoomed in on the trio. We see it's a black claw goon.

Goon: we got trouble. Should we contact kabal

Goon: kabal is miles away, and our mission is to see what ever is inside that

They look behind them to see a massive stone gate, iron walls closed to keep something out, or in.

Goon: beside that's what they are for, we got trouble, deal with them

We pan to a tank, where we see to shadow figures. One had a mohawk, the other a long horn.

????: yo rock, you ready to flip their wigs

???: you know it beeps

They fist bump eachother 

Both: my man

They get ready. We move to the stone wall we hear something shocking.


- Island

The scene transit to shredz and flug breathing heavy, they finally escaped demencia wraith.

Shredz: man, that was scary

Flug: demencia, doesn't quite

Shredz: yeah, luckily this island was close by 

They walk through the forest when shredz smell something.

Shredz: you smell that 

Flug: no, I don't have super scent

Shredz: I smell, trouble 

Kabal: more like fear

Then suddenly bets ensnare them. Shredz tries to fight until he electrocuted by kabal, with a power baton. His scream in pain until kabal stops. Shredz drops like a tree in the woods.

Flug: kabal 

Kabal: good to see you boys again, though we had differences in the past you can be very useful 

Shredz: y-y-y-you tried c-chase my dinosaur to e-e-e-extinction. No way

Kabal: heh, must've use to high of a setting. Oh well, the pit will fix that.

Shredz: I'm s-so gonna kick your teeth in 

Kabal: please, your no ghoul

Kabal shocks him again


Shredz roars in pain. We get transit to glo, her cat ears peek as she looks behind her. Demencia is there worn out from chasing.

Glo: shreddy is in trouble

Demencia: you sure, I'm out of breath from chasing so it can't be me

Glo: [sniffs] he's not on the island. But I got a feeling he's in trouble. [sniffs] over there

Glo runs off as demencia follows her.

Demencia: so what trouble shredz and  flug can't handle him 

Glo: don't know don't care shreddy is trouble and anyone hurts him they answer to me. [roars]

Demencia: ohoho, she's definitely my sister 

They run on all fours and past a sleeping Leroy and devil. Devil wakes and sees them running. He wakes up Leroy who sees this as they both follow them. 


Shredz and flug are taken inside kabal hidden base. They are dragged across the A hall towards a large hole. Then kabal kicks them down it. Where the h it the ground. This was the Pit.

Shredz: oh where we 

Flug: hm, it appears to be, no, it couldn't be

Shredz: what

Flug: this pit, it's a barren replica of Ridley zoo

Shredz: what 

Shredz breaks their chains as they look around. The pit has a resemblance to Ridley zoo, only in structure as the pit had irons bars and chains and rocky design.

Flug: it quite genius to use Ridley zoo as a make shift prison. It's design to keep the most destructive and slippery monsters he made in check. But Ridley is made it more natural for them. This place looks, shady

Shredz: I'm wonder how skull face have a layout of Ridley zoo. I doubt Ridley or Blackhat would just sell the blueprint

Flug: that's something we'll have to ask Ridley, once he comes back

Shredz: why not use his tracker to call him.

Flug: oh let that go, and why not use your arms to get us out.

Shredz rolls his eyes and stretches. But his arms were damaged as he grunts in pain. He falls to his knees and holds his arms.

Shredz:  ahh my systems are damaged. We can't get out the normal way, so what now

Flug: I guess we got to get out of this beast pen

Shredz: and deal with that

They look and see a pair of eyes from the shadow. It draws closer to them as we see paws.

- Island 

The scene transit to Ridley location. They reached the stone wall.

Heed: what is this sensei

Ridley: something that should stay close. Good it still closed 


Purple projectiles hit around them. Then something kicks Ridley across the field. He growls as he sees something move through the smoke. 

???: oh yeah oh yeah, you can't handle all of this

Ridley kicks the invisible threat.

???: oh right in the gut

Ridley: You really think that's gonna stop me

???: no but my buddy on the other hand


Ridley is sent flying giant force. He's caught by TK as the smoke clears.

Heed: what is that

Ridley: more like them

From the smoke we see two figures as the fist bump. 

Both: my man

Heed: who are they

???: yo rock I think that's miss heed

???: woah, she's out and she's got the ghoul as her muscle, and a giant monkey. My kind of women 

???: let's introduce ourselves. Listen up folks, we are the destructive pair. The lean machine. 

The smoke clears to reveal.

Their voice actors and personalities

Both: Bebop and Rocksteady

Ridley: who

Heed: right you were Locked up for a few years, they are like a demolition group for some big shit underworld gal, never met he face 

Rocksteady: be lucky you do, boss lady is kinda strict

Bebop: so strict that you can even get a good pat on the back. But enough bad mouthing. We got some ghouls to crunch

Rocksteady: oh yeah, imma crush you like blueberries

Ridley rolls his eyes and sees black claw goons setting charges in the wall.

Ridley: grr I don't have time for this, TK you handle rocksteady, heed deal with bebop. 

They nod and Ridley runs off. TK grows at rocksteady who roars. They charge at each other and collide. TK is tackled into the forest. Heed prepared to fight till she sees bebop is gone. Ridley is running to the goons with a fireball at the ready. But then he's kick in the face by bebop.

Bebop: he he, oh yeah you can't handle this ghoul, imma about to knock your lights out. And you won't see it coming [goes invisble] 

Ridley: a pig man with invisibility, that's new

Bebop: I'm not a pig man, I'm a man turn into a warthog. I mean pig 

Ridley hits bebop side.

Bebop: oh that hurts, but ok I see what you did there 

Bebop throws an energy Mohawk at Ridley. He slid back from the blast. Then we see thunderkong jump out of the forest and roars. Then rocksteady barrels towards them. 

Rocksteady: no big monkey is stopping me

Then kick to the ankle cause him to fall and roll past TK. He looks to see heed as she dust her hands off. 

Heed: then how about me

Thunderkong smiles and hugs her.

Heed: ok ok easy with the hug

They continue to battle. But on the otherside of the wall. Something begins to wake up.

- Island

We see glo and demencia stop at the edge of the island and see another island in the area.

Demencia: what island is over there

Glo: I don't know, but shredz scene is over there 

Then a guy walk over holding a fishing pole.

Fisher: oh, that's a new base a couple of black claw goons are staying in, they kicked me off the island on account I was trespassing and where they are keeping freaky monster. Well I'm off to town and leaving my boat here

The fisher walks off just confusing the girls.

Glo: so the black claw stole shreddy and locked him up, we need to save him

Demencia: yeah and the doc, I wonder how 

Glo: how, maybe the fact you were chasing them like a derange person, with my boyfriend painsaw 

Demencia: they should've just gave me what I wanted 

Glo: again with Ridley situation. 

Demencia: I haven't seen him for weeks now, you don't understand how it feels. 

Glo: I don't understand!

Leroy and devil dinosaur hid in the bushes and slowly walk away before it got worse. Glo got into demencia face and pushes her back.

Glo: you haven't seen Ridley for weeks. I haven't seen shredz for months ever since he was framed. I spent all that time feeling miserable, betrayed. And when I reunited with him I didn't give him the chance, I broke his heart. I was the one to betray him.

She pinned demencia into a tree.

Glo: so don't you dare say I don't understand. You don't know how it feels to hurt your boyfriends heart 

Glo stats tearing up and walk away. Demencia felt terrible.

Demencia: dang, I've been a jerk

Demencia falls to the ground.


We see shredz and flug back up to the bars as we see a few the beast loom towards them. It steps out of the shadows to reveal, a dog.

Shredz: a dog

Flug: or a frog

???: frog

The beast jumps on flug and punches him.

???: the names bogdog chump, I kick but and take names. well names with bounties

Shredz: oh your a beastman, I guess your also a bounty hunter

Bogdog: got that right boy

Shredz: I'm a bear

Bogdog: alright bearbot, now get out of the way so I can tear this did 


Bogdog bites flug leg and shakes like a Ragdoll.

Flug: why 

Shredz: I think he thinks you're here to experiment on him. Yo bogdog he's trapped here too

Bogdog opens his eyes and lets go. Flug hits the iron bars.

Bogdog: bogdog sorry about doc, didn't see you there. So I guess you are kabal enemies if your here

Shredz: yep, shredz, and that's Dr. Flug

Bogdog: oh your Blackhat goons, that explains it. I'm here because I kinda got into a bit of trouble with them

Shredz: what kind of trouble we're talking about

Bogdog: me and my boss blew up several of their bases because we felt like it. And there was a bounty. But kabal and his partners didn't enjoy that and they caught us. They split me and my boss apart. I need to get out here

Shredz: I think we can help each other 

Bogdog: nice. Bogdog approves.

Flug: we're block by bars and a steel wall how are we gonna get out

Bogdog: bogdog thought ahead, I don't got these paws for nothing

He moves a Boulder and reveals a tunnel he's been digging. We transit to the cell hallway where we see shredz and others burst out of the ground. 

Shredz: where to next

Bogdog: [sniff] you smell that

Shredz: yeah, kabal is that way

Bogdog: bogdog wants to tear him apart. But I need my gear, follow me

Flug: why should we

Bogdog: bogdog don't have time to answer your pointless questions 

Shredz and bogdog run off. Flug sighs and follows them. 


Demencia finally catches up to glo. We she her crying as she held her knees. Her tail wrapped around her. Demencia crawls to her and pulls her into a hug.

Glo:[sniffs] what's this for

Demencia: for saying I'm sorry. For being a complete jerk. I put all my grief on you without thinking. Not the best big sister move

Glo: it's fine, you're just hurting, Ridley is the first person to accept your love. I know the feeling too

Demencia: maybe we should talk our feelings

Glo: yeah and have some girl time to ourselves

Demencia: yeah I like that 

Demencia snuggles with glo. Not knowing she's squeezing her tight. 

Glo: nya, your cutting nya oxygen 

Demencia: oh sorry 

Glo: phew thanks, oh my nya, we forgot the boys

Demencia: your right let's go 

Demencia carried glo as they head for the boat.


We see a giant wall. Then suddenly it was torn open by shredz. He wince in pain as he follows the others inside. We see various weaponry. Bogdog smiles and finds his collection of weapons. He puts on a high tech backpack.

Bogdog: bogdog is ready 

Shredz: I need time to repair

Flug: I'll hack the system to figure out where we are and the best way to leave

Bogdog: bogdog don't see the point, we are here to find kabal and kick that skull of his

Flug: kabal is skilled enough to go two to two with Ghoul and survive. We are no where near ready

Bogdog: bogdog don't care if your to scared to do that

Flug: okay seriously do that all the time

Bogdog: bogdog wonders what you mean

Flug: do you always talk in the third person

Bogdog: it's bogdog thing

Flug rolls his eyes as shredz finishes his repairs. 

Shredz: alright my repairs are done, let's roll

Bogdog: roger that 

Flug: you see 

Bogdog: bogdog thinks your stressed

Flug: ugh 

They all walk off. 

- Island

We see Ridley as he battles bebop. He scans bebop fighting style. Then we see thunderkong wrestle with rocksteady.

Ridley: wait a minute, energy projectiles, invisibility, agility and speed. Your powers, they are based on my research my future monsters. Same goes for you body, unstoppable force and speed. How did you get these powers

Bebop: like I would tell you 

Ridley then grabs bebop and growls

Bebop: Rock

Rocksteady: imma coming beeps 

Rocksteady hits TK in the gut and runs to the Ridley. Ridley scoffs as he throws bebop into rocksteady, they slid across the ground.

Ridley: I'll ask you one last time, how did you get those powers

Rockysteady: better question is who

Bebop: yeah Big G, you just need to think about it. And speaking of power

Bebop points behind Ridley as he turns around. Several speakers are place in front of the wall. Then a goon reveals a unique key.

Ridley: no, don't use the key

Thunderkong sees it and gasp. The key is used, it plays a melody that's transferred to speakers and fire. 

Heed: the key is a flute

The gate slowly opens. Everyone stood there silent.  A sudden gust of wind sends the goons flying. Heed is sent flying as well. Thunderkong jumps and grabs her. They land as Ridley sighs. 

Ridley: are you guys Al-


Ridley felt hot breath his his back causing him to freeze in his tracks. The breath burn the trees and cracked the ground. It was toxic breath. Ridley sighs and turns around as we see two massive eyes, and five smaller ones. 

Ridley: Hello...... Bruno

Two massive claws merge from the grave. Green tipped on each nail and pink scales surround them. The entire gate begins to break. The entire mountain explodes. From the smoke and rubble we see a massive kaiju. Bebop and rocksteady get up and see the situation.

Bebop: yo rock

Rocksteady: yeah beeps

Bebop: I don't think the boss lady wants this thing on her list, let's bounce

They nod as they disappear. The massive kaiju was big as the island. It had a lanky body with timber size arms and hind legs. The beast had razor sharp fingers, its five dings covered in green scales. Same for its talons. Its dominated color was surprising a bright pink color. Added with a wild green mane like that of a lion, covering almost his entire back. It had two black sharp horns and spikes on its arms. Its long tail was that of serpentine. And finishing the look was it dragon/dinosaur like face, rows of teeth showing and ready to tear. It long yet slender tongue, dangling from its jaw. And it's 7 eyes, two massive ones and 3 smaller eyes above one, and 2 on the left eye. We zoom in we see a scar on where a third eye once stood. This kaiju was an ancient beast like tk, the one Ridley mentioned, the toxic terror.

Ridley: Hey bruno. Been a long time. How's the eye

Ridley scratches his eye, making fun of Bruno missing. Bruno laughs in creepy way as they both stood there. 

- Pit 

We see shredz and the others run Across the hall avoiding black goons. Then we see them enter a large room.

Bogdog: I think we just fell into a trap

Kabal: well look at that, the dog can learn new trick

They see kabal on the others side of the arena.

Kabal: welcome to the room where we test our beast, and guess who's todays lab rat

Bogdog: oh we not the only ones having all the fun

Bogdog reveals a detonator and sets it off. Then suddenly all the cells doors to the beast go off and the building shakes.

Kabal: you didn't 

Bogdog: I did 

Shredz: you think we were just running around the place with no plan

Kabal gets contacted by his men as the monsters they've captured are loose. 

Shredz: you have time to deal with us

Bogdog: or are you gonna lose are your prizes

Kabal: hm, you're growing in strength and skill. I'll remember that, next time

Kabal walks off. But then goons flood the room.

Shredz: who didn't see this coming

Bogdog: [brings forth blasters] I bet they saw this coming 

The duo begins to attack. We see fig gaining data being ignored in the fight. Shredz barrels past Goons sending them flying. He's grabs one and uses it as a stick. With several swings he's sends them flying. Bogdog fires on the goons causing explosion. He laughs as he makes short work of them.  

Bogdog: yo bot, give me a lift 

Shredz throws the the goon and grabs bogdog.

Shredz: what next

Bogdog: throw

Shredz: okay 

Shredz throws him fastball style. Bodog curls into a ball and ricochets of the goon. Shredz watches him bounced across the room. He lands in shredz arms.

Shredz: that was awesome

Bogdog: me and my boss call it a fastball special 

Shredz: nice

Shredz and bogdog continue to battle. Time passes as they stood over several goons. 

Shredz: to each

Bogdog: yeah, what next

Flug: we should probably move out before

Then suddenly the room is flood with more heavily armored goons.

Flug: again why do I bother


Suddenly the wall explodes. Everyone looks over to see two females in the shadow. Then gelatinous arms grab shredz and he's tackles by a person. They crash into the wall. The goons are then attack by the other female. Shredz cough and sees glo over him.

Shredz: hey kitty. 

Glo smiles and kisses him repeatedly. 

Shredz: woah glo calm down I'm fine hehehe

Bogdog: who's the cat and why do I have the urge to take pictures 

Flug: a friend

Bogdog: and the axe wielding chin

They see demencia beating up the goons.

Flug: also on our side.

Bogdog: then heads up lizard girl, bogdog won't be outmatched 

Bogdog joins the battle. 


We see Ridley go ghoul as he faces bruno, the towering beast. All while heed watches being guarded by TK.

Heed: that is bruno, 

TK nods

Heed: no wonder sensei doesn't talk about him. But why does he look so familiar 

Then suddenly bruno disappeared. Heed look around as ghoul stood there. He jumps dodging an out of nowhere slash attack the destroys the ground. Bruno continues to attack while ghoul dodged. He lands on the side of the mountain.

Ghoul: you still got it bruno

Bruno smirks and lunges at ghoul, going through the mountain like it was nothing. Ghoul grabs his tail and throws into the ocean. Ghoul jump at bruno until he's swatted into the island. Bruno gets up and laughs until he's hit in the gut by ghoul. Both creatures smile before entering a brawl. Heed is left speechless from the destruction they're doing. Waves crashed into the island. Almost hitting heed and thunderkong. Ghoul sees this and growls. Then bruno roars and charges at him.

Ghoul: as much as love to continue this bruno you're not the objective. 

Bruno swings at ghoul until he grabs him and spins around. He throws him into another island. Ghoul charges up a massive fireball. Until was the size of an island, he throws it to Bruno location. Bruno gets up to be face to face with the closing fireball. It makes and unleashes a tower of fire. Hers was again speechless as ghoul lands by her.

Ghoul: let's go

Heed: your strong sensei

Ghoul: you're that surprised, but as strong as I am I know bruno to well. That won't keep him down. Let's go

Ghoul then teleports them away. At island ghoul destroy. We see a colossal claw shoot out, then we see Bruno emerge as he laughs into the setting sun.


We transit to the gang group. They were at the ship.  We see Leroy and devil board the ship with loot they snag from the black claw base. We see the group ready to board as we also see shredz covered in yellow lipstick. Demencia was petting glo head as flug check his list.

Flug: alright, everything is done, is everyone ready to board.

Demencia: yep

Glo: nya I mean yeah

Shredz: you better believe

Bogdog: you know bogdog is

Flug: alright then, wait what

They all look and see bogdog all dressed up for vacation, as his luggage was behind him.

Flug: bogdog, what are you doing here

Demencia: and who is he

Glo: yeah and why do I feel like I'm gonna get chased

Bogdog: isn't it obvious I'm joining your team

Shredz: what

Glo: are you kitten me

Demencia: alright

Flug: demencia you seriously gonna let him join, you don't even know him

Demencia: yet it didn't stop us from recruiting these two, ex heroes no don't

Shredz and glo look away embarrassed. Bogdog throws flug hsi stuff as he walks aboard.

- ship

We see Ridley and others on a ship. Hees was relaxing when tk what over in a swimsuit and glasses. TK talks to Ridley.

Ridley: yeah I know what you're gonna say. How did Black claw find the location the ancients, some of yours, seal up bruno. And how they get the key to open the doors. Cause the only person who had the key, who was there to seal bruno away...... is Me.

Ridley and TK look towards the sunset, as we see a transparent bruno laugh in the horizon. Then a drone flys by and records Ridley and TK.

???: hello, Ghoul, my love 

Boom that's it for the chapter. We have witness a lot of twist and turns, and the reveal of three new characters, bebop and rocksteady count as one.  And bruno is another ancient beast who has a score with Ridley. And who is bogdog partner and where is here. These question will be answered soon. Next chapter, Ridley stumbles in trouble from his past again, demencia is thrown into a rematch, and bogdog is on the hunt for something in, Triple Threat.

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