Surfs Up Girls

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- Sea

We transit it the ocean where we see nothing but clear night sky and calm see. When suddenly we hear the sound of a horn. It was the horn of a ship. Coming in from the side we see a massive cargo ship.  It travels across the ocean, carrying a valuable pile of treasure. We then see various shadows move under the water. We transit to the control room where we see the captain and his crew.

Captain: keep it steady man, these waters have been known for pirates

Crew: aye aye captain

Crew: sir, a storm is brewing 

Captain: steady the course men, and raise the cannons 

The crew nod to the captains orders,  each crew pressed various buttons . The scene tornado go outside the ship, then it pans around the ship as we see cannons emerge from the ship. Then we see the massive storm. It's rain poured down like bullets. Once the ship enters the storm it became difficult to see. The camera changes to the rocks behind the ship previous location, there we see a group of Fishman sprout from the ocean. They were villains known for sinking ships and taking the loot. Some people called and them the Moving Bermuda Triangle.

Fishman: catch of the day boys

Fishman: I want the shiny things

Fishman: hah no fair that means all the shiny things

Fishman leader: easy boys, We'll even up the spoils once we're sunk. Just remember that the colossal pearl is mine

With that comment deep in their mind they dive. We watch their shadows zoom across the water catching up to the ship. But they didn't notice a much larger, bulkier shadow swimming towards them. And on top of that shadow was a shark fin. It dives deeper into the water until it's gone. Back to the ship we see it tank the waves of the storm. The waves collide with such force it can send a smaller boat to the grave. One of the crew members was outside, feeling the force of the waves did not help with his sea sickness. He went to the side of the boat to hurl until he noticed something. He looks to the ocean to see a blur. He looks closer and sees red eyes from the water. Then suddenly it bared teeth and lunged at him, he screams and shield himself with his arms. But nothing happened, the member looked around and was confused.


On the cannon we see a Fishman as he smiles. The crew member slowly turns around and sees the Fishman.

Fishman: sup dude

The crew member screamed until he's knocked out by another Fishman. They put their plan into action. We see them cut the power to the cannons and as it's successful we see them enter the ship. Once they did we didn't see the figure emerge from the water.

???: goody

It didn't take long for the Fishman to take the ship. We cut to a scene where the captain and his crew tied up. The Fishman and his group loomed over them. His crew pick apart the spoils as they were like vultures. As the leader held the giant pearl in in his flipper like palm. 

Fishman: I'd love to stay and watch gentlemen, but with the explosive we place under the ship. It's gonna be quite hard, [laughs]

The leader then walks off until something happens. A large figure, and I mean large, lands on the ship, its impact shook the ship. It caught the Fishman off guard. They see it lean on the side of the cannon with its arm. 

Fishman: woah, who's that 

Fishman: not part of our crew

Fishman: identify yourself

The figure smiles as it dropped chains with anchors at the end. It rushes at the Fishman. They scream and all we see is the ship go down, torn to pieces. It's oil spill, forming a black hat.

- Hat Manor

It was morning as everyone is awake, almost everyone as we transit to Ridley room. We see demencia snuggling with Leroy who was asleep. She couldn't sleep because Ridley was gone, it has been weeks so Ridley left and she's been absolutely miserable. She sighs as she gets up. She slowly walks to the door and is greeted by glo. 

Glo: hey big sis

Demencia: hey

Glo: we just got back from completing a mission

Demencia: oh that's great little sis

Glo: yeah and the best part, I swiped you this 

Glo shows demencia a set of earrings 

Demencia: earrings

Glo: yeah, I figure you could wear them and look cool when your tearing them apart

They were jade skull earrings. Demencia look at them and then are glo face, her smile shines a ray of light that lifted demencia spirits she pulls glo into a hug.

Demencia: thanks lil sis

Glo: Nya, no problem, oh I got to go, shredz is working on the driller and he doesn't want any interruptions 

Demencia: and as his girlfriend your gonna interrupt him

Glo: yep

Demencia: how

Glo: appear from the last place he looked

Demencia: atta girl

Glo smiles and runs off. Demencia smiles as she tries on the earrings. 

- Flug Lab

We see shredz working in the driller. He didn't notice a cat slithering from the shadows. Then shredz feels something watching him. He looks around only to see nothing. When he turns back he see glo, which shocks him making him fall off the driller. Glo laughs as Shredz gets up.

Shredz: really glo

Glo: what it's not my fault I'm so, sneaky 

Shredz: I'll do you sneaky

Shredz grabs glo and squeezes her. She laughs causing shredz to laugh as well they play together as demencia watched from the door. She sees they happy faces which causes her to sigh. She then walks off. But then the floor opens up and see falls through.  ER transit to black hats office, there we see demencia hit the floor. Before see gets up glo, flug and shredz fall on her. She growls and throws them off.

Demencia: get off me

Shredz: I guess this means we have a job

Blackhat: excellent awareness shredz

They get up and see lord Blackhat, glo hides behind shredz as sees not use to him yet.

Blackhat: it seems we have to mission for the price of one

Flug. What kind of mission sir

Blackhat: it would seem that a group of Fishman has lost their colossal pearl. Stolrn by some rival, they want it back

Shredz: and what do we get out of this air

Blackhat: we get eyes and ears off the oceans, they are a few sunken treasures I've been dying to get. The whereabouts of the other pearl is on a island known for pirates and others clans

Shredz: sweet, we can take rumble

Flug: I'm sorry how is a bear driller gonna drive across the ocean

Shredz: not drive, tunnel, make and underground world

Flug: I check the reading rumble does not have the power to do it

Shredz: oh and your hatship is best for this task

Flug: it's a flying vehicle it's perfect for the job

Blackhat: sadly the hatship is indeed of repairs

Flug: what! What happen to the ship

Blackhat: Leroy took on a joyride

We transit to 505 wearing helmet was he scrubs the destroyed hatship.

Flug: [growls] Leroy 

Shredz: hah, classic Leroy

Glo: so how we gonna get to the island

Blackhat: good question glo, and the answer is by boat, a cruise ship is scheduled to dock at the island. It will stay there for several days, you better finish as soon as you arrive

Demencia: a cruise ship eeeeeee, that means we could see my hunkamera on the way there. Then we can have a fun time: we'd eat at the buffet, play volleyball in the pool, and reenact the titanic scene, only this time the iceberg would sink from our love

Flug:[whispers to glo] I doubt it's the love making the icebergs sink heheh

He's hit in the face by a punch by demencia.

Demencia: it will be glorious 

Blackhat: sadly that Ridley is no where near the ocean

Demencia: huh

Blackhat: I kept tabs for m Ridley and he's is taking a train to the mountains, he won't be in the area.

Demencia: ahhhh

Shredz: well this just got awkward 

They all slowly walk out, demencia drags herself out of the room.

Demencia: I wonder if Ridley would is miserable as I am, with no girl who matches my style

As she state we transit to Ridley location, they were on a train. Thunderkong was able to hide on train with a large coat, hat and glasses. He read a book as Ridley looked outside, then he got a feeling.

Ridley: hey tk, you feel like someone talking about you or something related to us

Thunderkong looks at him and shrugs, turning the page. He points to his left as Ridley sees heed, asleep, about to fall. He used his tail to pull her onto him. 

Ridley: that must be it

They continue to travel Down the track. 


The scene transit to the cruise ship. Where we see 505 fanning demencia as she sips her drink, rocking a sexy swimsuit. Then we see flug walk by with multiple pool floats. 

Demencia: sigh, I wish Ridley was here

Flug: oh get over it demencia

Demencia: [grows] 

Flug: I mean, just relax. Ridley would want you to have fun 

Demencia: [low growl]

Demencia slowly starts relaxing until she hears screaming, it comes from the water slide. Coming out on a giant floaty is glo and shredz, they dive into the pool and emerge smiling.

Glo: now that was cat-tastic 

Shredz: well we're just getting started 

Shredz grabs and kiss her relentlessly. She giggles and kisses back. Demencia eyes Rolosnans ships her drink. We get a short montage of glo and shredz doing all the things demencia wanted to do with Ridley. Demencia growls and walks off. 

- Island 

The scene transit to the island as they exit. They see the various people representing scum and villainly.

Shredz: it doesn't feel like we left the island

Glo: honestly this is a kitten then what we put through 

Flug: least there are no dinosaurs trying to eat me

Shredz: that's because you like a giant bone, hah give me some skin demencia

Demencia leaves him hanging as she is runs off. 

Shred: ouch, is she ok

Flug: best to leave her alone. Come we need to find the pearl. Luckily I have just the device.

Flug walks off with 505. 

Shredz: so should we

Glo watches demencia walk off, her sister senses tingled as she follows him.

Shredz: and I'm abandoned, man now I wish Leroy and devil joined me

Transit to Leroy and devil getting suntans. Back to shredz, he walks into the pub and sees various goons. We see him walk to the counter and orders a drink. Then suddenly the doors are shot open and they see it's large figure. A large female figure.  

She had ruff hair, blue lips with shark teeth, fins on her back and arms. As well as webbed hands and feet. A long thick tongue. Yellow eyes with blue pupils. She had tattoos all over her body. wears dark red tank top and black shorts with skirt. Rather than spiked bracelets, necklaces, and an ankle tracking device, Violencia wears a metal shark necklace. She also were a captains cap with a shark them design. She was the vicious and dangerous Mako, the amazon villain of the sea. ( ps she's as built as dolencia from the blackhot episode, probably voiced by her haven't decided).

Mako: hahah drink up boys, money is on me

The villains cheer as mako marches across the room, her footstep shook the place and she sits right by shredz, they both don't notice each other and have a drink. Back with flug, he walking towards a lagoon.

Flug: do to my calculations, the pearl should be hear

He looks up to see the pearl on a podiums

Flug: Huh, you'd think a villain would have better security 


Then several sharks leapt out and started showing their ferocity.

Flug: why I say that why, imma need some help

Flug begins to call the others.. Back with shredz he finished drinking and gets a call.

Shredz: hello.... Yeah... yeah alright I'll be there

Shredz runs off. The scene transit to glo place she got the call when she caught up with demencia, who was sulking. Glo sneak up in her.

Glo: demencia

Demencia: yeah

Glo: what's wrong 

Demencia: nothing

Glo: fine.... You leave me no choice. Cat hug!!!

She embraces Demencia shocking her. She tightly hugs her restricting her movement.

Demencia: let me go

Glo: not until you tell me what's wrong 

Demencia: so it's like that 

Glo: it is nya 

Demencia stop pushing glo off her but her jelly body made it difficult. Glo constricts tightly as she pulls out her ultimate move.


Demencia: not the purrs, to adorable

Demencia falls on her back. Shredz arrives to flug location to see the sharks.

Shredz: woah that's a lot of sharks

Flug: yes we need to find a way to get past


Shredz charges at the sharks and starts punching each and every one down. 

Flug: or do that, we may be done sinner then expected, dang don't tell me I jinx it 

505 shrugs as we see one of the sharks call someone on its coral themed phone. Back at the bar we see make about to devour a live fish when she gets a call. 

Mako: hello.... What!!!

She gets up and storms out the pub. Back with demencia, she was trembling due to glo antics.

Demencia: fine, I'll tell you, you play dirt, I'm so proud and mad

Glo: [lets go] so what's wrong 

Demencia: I'm lonely 

Glo: what, [gasp] is this because of us at the pool, how you wanted to spend time with Ridley

Demencia: hmm

Glo: oh big sis, you don't need to worry, Ridley from what I heard from shredz is the most loyal person he's met, and that means he'll always love you. I'm sure he's missing right now 

Demi: you think

Glo: I know so 

Demencia: thanks

Glo: now you want to help the boys

Demencia: you go ahead, I'll catch up

Glo smiles and kiss her cheek and runs off. Demencia sighs and lays there. Back with the boys, the sharks floated there bruised. 

Shredz: well that was easy, now for the pearl

Flug: it's over there 

Shredz smirks and walks towards it. Then anchor chains fly past flug and ensure shredz. Then he's in pulled out of the water. He coughs and sees it's mako.

Mako: so you boys are thieves, don't you know you gotta be a master thief to do that 

Shredz: wait you're the one who stole from the Fishman, man they said you were big but they were way off. Never said you were a girl either, ouch

Mako: heh, and if you have any idea who your facing, I back down 

Shredz gets and smirks.

Shredz: if you knew who you were facing, you wouldn't have ask that

Mako: oh I do know you, shredz, the ghouls sidekick, and that's why I did

Shredz: sidekick, the docs more of a sidekick

Flug: hey

Shredz: I'm more of a little buddy, but that's beside the point

Mako: your right, this is

She punches shredz into a Boulder. Mako dust her hands and walks towards flug. 

Flug: I'm getting deja vu in a dangerous way, wait I got it, 505 

505 comes and hugs the girl, flug hope that see be allergic to 505 flower, (thinking she's dolencia) but it does nothing. Mako smiles and out hugs the bear. Then she sets him down.

Mako: aw so cute, I just love cute things 

Flug: well that's nice

Mako: I like how they taste, [licks her lips] 

Flug: oh no

She smiles and lunges at them when an elastic sucker punch connects with he face. She stops and looks to see glo.

Mako: aw kitty

Glo: I leave for Nyan seconds and this happens

Shredz: hey!!!

They see shredz walk towards them. They both face mako from opposite sides. They charge and attack her. Flug and 505 cheer in excitement, only to watch them get beaten up and fall to the ground. Maki smiles and cracks her neck.

Mako: oh you guys are adorable. But it's time to end this

She lifts up a giant Boulder and walks towards them.


Maki is sent flying by a fist. The Boulder drops as we see its demencia.

Demencia: hey gang, sorry I'm late, get the pearl, I'll handle the shark chick

Demencia looks at the mako who wipes her cheek. She laughs and smirks. Demencia and maki charged and collide. They begin to battle. The others see the pearl gaurded by more sharks.

Flug: so how are we gonna get to the pearl

Shredz: live bait

Flug: yeah... hey!

Glo: your the only one who can do it

Shredz: yeah so man up

Flug: well what you want me to do, dress in drags and do the hula 

Shredz and glo look at him with a smile, shredz more devious.

The sharks hear the music and see flug dress in drags.

Flug: Luau! If you're hungry for hunk of fat and juicy meat, 

Flug: [jumps in 505] Eat my buddie 505 here cuz he is a treat! A hundred dollar dine, a tasty bear, all you gotta do is get in line. [sharks close in], Are ya achin'? 

505: bow bow bow

Flug: For some bacon?

505: bow bow bow

Flug: He's a big pig, You can be a big pig too! Oy!

Next thing we see is flug and 505 fleeing from the sharks. Allowing glo to stretch and grab the pearl.

Glo: I realize we could've done this and save flug from the struggle 

Shredz: yeah but what fun would that be 

They laugh and check on demencia. Back with the battle, it's was intense as they battlefield was turn apart. Mako pinned demencia down as she smiles.

Mako: heh, I'll admit your strong, I feel like I know you from somewhere, but you looked bigger

Demencia: that was my evil, well more evil clone

Mako: aw that makes sense, she was much stronger 

Demencia grows and throws mako off her. As mako got up sees hit with a barrage of attacks, see sent to the edge. She swings her weapons only for them to break. Then demencia punches the ground. The force cracks the ground apart, causing maki to fall off the cliff they were on.

Demencia: how's that for weak

Demencia cracks her neck and walks off. From the water we see mako emerge.

Mako: I'll be seeing you, Demencia

She sinks into the water. Later it was night as we see the gang enjoying themselves at the Beach, the sunset giving them a great view.

Flug: so you good

Demencia looks at flug before looking at glo and shredz, snuggling with each other.

Demencia: heh, yeah. Oh and heads up

Flug: hm

Demencia: I invites devil and Leroy to our vacation 

Flug shoots up and looks around. Then he sees them at the water, he screams and flees from the beast. She smiles and drinks her coconut.

Boom that's it for the chapter. You just met a real bombshell of a lady, Mako. Who seemed to have a new found rivalry with demencia. And yes see is a muscular more "robust", in some areas more, version of dolencia. Next chapter, special chapter, Ridley faces off against old threat he'd buried, as the gang gets a new member in, And His Name Is Bogdog.

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