Here's Leroy

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All was calm in hat manor. Ridley was sleeping in his bed alone as Demi was still on a milk run. Ridley was having a pleasant dream. Ridley was terrorizing a city, like in the olds days, people screaming. Rubble falling, a casual Sunday. Ridley goes ghoul an howls into the blood night moon. He then sees multiple explosions coming his way, he smiles and heard a laugh.

A ball of fire appears before him, inside it a was smiling figure grinding as it shows flamboyant nature. The monster the growls an sits down. Then ghoul laughs an pets him

Ghoul: hah, go have some fun boy

It laughs an flys off.

Ghoul: your chaotic when you were born....Leroy

Then Ridley woke up, he sighs and looks at the ceiling.

Ridley: ugh, I should've have combined that skeleton..[yawns] with my dna

He falls back asleep. It was before morning an in flug lab, where we see hatbots working, a the crate. It then begins to shake, then a reptile fist punch  through the crate. Showing his red eyes an wide grin. Then next thing we see the creature rush out the and attacks the hatbots and oil being splattered everywhere.  It was now morning as flug get up, he walks to his lab.

Flug: alright it's time to get to work.... Hatbots since 505 isn't here, I'll need you to take care of his chores.... Hatbots..[looks up] ahhhhh

He stands in horror as hit hatbots at reduced to scrap.

Flug: what the hell happened here

He looks around when he noticed that the something was moving in a pile of scrap. He leans in closer, but then it burst out revealing a mangle hatbot with various arms. 

Flug: what the-ahhh

It's starts to beat flug up. Ridley got up an got himself coffee, as he did, a shadow moves around him, catching his attention.

Ridley: hm

Ridley readies his claws, when a hatbot drives in waving to Ridley

Ridley: what is it 

The hatbot wants him to follow, Ridley looks around before following, missing a pair of eyes that watched him. Ridley entree flugs room. 

Ridley: so flug, what's wrong- holy Blackhat

He sees the robot beating up flug.

Flug: Ridley... ow.. help

Ridley nods an jumps dropkicking through the robot, as it fell. Ridley lands an catches flug.

Ridley: flug, I thought we talked about you using old robot parts

Flug: it wasn't me... this time. Something has mess up my hatbots. But what

Ridley: ah, flug

They look at the crate, as they see the hole. 

Flug: oh no oh no, it's loose

Ridley: ugh, it was a pain to catch him, alright let's split up, it can't get far 

They nod an do so. Later Ridley was walking down the hall when he notice the chaos. The slash marks, the graffiti, the teeth marks.

Ridley: hm, if I didn't know better. No, it's impossible 

Then he sees one that says: Leroy was here, an he's around. His jaw dropped.

Ridley: oh no, flug

He runs off. Flug was running down the hall, holding his tranquilizer. He then heard a crash, he runs to the noise and looks to see something in the vase. He walks closer as it a little puffball rolls out. It turns an a smiles at flug, expanding its big blue eyes.( like puss n boots) It was cute and fluffy creature. Had tan-orange in color with some darker brown markings across his body. He has large ears, furry paws, arms and a tail, had a gremlin/monkey size.  Flug instantly fell in love, hearts in his eyes.

Flug: aw, aren't you just the cutest little thing yes you are

Flug walks to him closer, Ridley was running to him. Flug begins to pet him, when Ridley arrives he is shock to see the monster, as it spots him giving him a devious smirk. 

Ridley: flug, get away from it

Flug: why, it's adorable, it's a cuter than 505, don't tell him I said that. 

Ridley: flug, trust me, that isn't some cute little thing you're petting, he's mischievous, wolf a trickster. And above all........ He's my most vicious creation yet. HE IS..... Leroy Furnus.

Flug: did you just say furnus

Then suddenly the creature laughs, flug steps back. The creature hair stood up, it get on all fours as it undergoes a transformation. It fits stands on end, and his eyes turn a deep red. There are more brown markings showcased across his body aswell. His teeth are also more prominent, being long and razor-sharp. his arms, legs, tails turn into reptile. His snaggletooth tooth grew larger, his fur became more wooly mammoth (like gross harag as are the arm) as his transformation was complete, the true Leroy. He then laugh an looks at flug.

Flug: oh no, it's you

Flug remembered him from the kalahari mission, minus the black color. Leroy chuckles an attacks flug, getting them in a fight cloud. Spinning around as Ridley growls, he blast them with fire. Enjoying only flug as Leroy dust off. He then looks at Ridley.

Ridley: it's good to see you again, Leroy. Been a long time

Leroy:[monster language]

Ridley: what you mean it's my fault, you're the one who was out of control, you more chaotic then any of my monsters, and you were returned by every client. That's bad for business, you just wouldn't stop, 

Leroy: [monster language]

Ridley: "just getting started" there's no way your staying until you learn self control and from what I've seen, your still a child

Leroy chuckles a teleports in a ball of fire. Ridley groans and wakes flug up.

Flug:  what was that

Ridley: that little creature, was Leroy, my number one creation, an my greatest mistake. 

Flug: how

Ridley: I'll fill you in the way

They chase after Leroy. Ridley finished telling flug Leroy origin 

Flug: you fused, an ancient skeleton, and with you chimera dna

Ridley: yep, Leroy is technically my son, oh an I was so proud the moment he woke up, an started decimating a city, we turned the city blood red, he was perfect, but, he was chaotic

Flug: like on a scale how chaotic 

Then they heard a roar an the house shook, it came... from Blackhat. They look at each other an run off. They arrive at his office when they see Blackhat, covered... in.... Mud.

Flug: we are so dead. 

Blackhat: Dr. Flug, Ridley

Flug: lord Blackhat I promise you, to all of hell I have nothing to do with this, I'll clean your hat, deal with the scariest places, I even clean demencia hair 

Ridley: hey, but true

Blackhat: For once Doctor, you are not to blame, it seems an old pest has returned to the manor, get rid of him an make sure he's gone this time

Ridley: boss sorry but it's too late, he's already mark his territory an bell know where to find the island

Blackhat: then I'll deal with him mysefl

Ridley: boss you've tried that

Blackhat: I have

Ridley: yes, like the time you sent him into the sun with a golf club, he came back with a tan. 

Blackhat: I was being easy on him

Ridley: then what about the time you sent him into the underworld after he ate your favorite hat. An minutes later the underworld throws him out, he already ruled the joint an they were sick of him

Blackhat: it wasn't the worse I've thrown at him

Ridley: what about the time you sent him into an actual black hole, which he ate, from the inside, and then expelled it. I still think his stomach is a bottomless pit.

Flug: why would you make such a thing

Ridley: when you work for someone like Blackhat you go big or go home. An I wanted little buddy, but he's a jerk. The only way to get rid of him was to keep him in the lock up in the snowy mountains. But I guess not anymore

Blackhat: I hate to say it but he's too dangerous to be left alone. Ridley, I'll give you permission to subdue an contain it

Ridley: yes thank boss. Alright flug, time to put on your big boy "I'm the bait" pants

Flug: really, why do I have to do it

Blackhat and Ridley look at each other an give flug a bit of motivation: by going demonic an roaring at him. 

Flug: alright let's go catch Leroy.

Later they tracked Ridley to the living room, he was setting up decorations. 

Ridley: oh no, he's planning to throw a party an calling all of blackhats clients, a natural born party animal, literally, just like me

Flug: he's that good.

Ridley: yeah, a with him, he throws parts a makes them bigger a better each time. Alright, it looks like he teleports off. You sneak in there an cause a distraction, an I'll reach Your tranquilizer. Where I can't put this device to dampen his powers.

Flug: you know you can be the bait this time an I'll use my gun

Ridley: you want me to motivate you again

Flug gets up walks into the party. He shakes some of the decorations down. As Ridley ready his shot, his phone rings.

Ridley: hello

Demencia: hey C-Fang

Ridley: oh hello my toxic lizard, how's the milk run

As they talked flug noticed Leroy shadow. He whispered to Ridley, seeing he's distracted an annoyed. 

Flug: everytime

Leroy:[monster language]

Flug: tell me about

Then flug eyes shot wide and he looks at Leroy who smiles. He tries to step back till Leroy pinned his foot. He cracks his knuckles A starts punching him like a kangaroo.repeatedly punching him into the ground over an over an over again.

Ridley: alright alright I see you soon baby

Demencia: you to, mwah

She hangs up an looks at the mall.

Demi: ready bear

505 was clutching on his seat. She floors it as the crash into the mall. Ridley hangs up an hears a noise. He turns an see Leroy now hanging flug upside, a punching his head.

Ridley: dang it, Leroy, drop the nerd

Leroy then throws flug at him. They get up an see Leroy "Mooning" them, before running off. Enraged, Ridley goes ghoul an chase after him with flug on his back.  They run around the house, inside an out causing chaos and mayhem.  ghoul gets close to Leroy, a throws flug at him, hitting his head, stunned ghoul tackles as the land in the lobby. Once up they exchange punches back and forth back and forth. They grab the other fist a but heads. Ghoul was annoyed while Leroy smiled.

Ghoul: you know, I realize why you never listen or wore chaotic, because the only way you listen is when someone walks a mile in your shoes. An right now, you wanna fight, so let's fight

Both monsters roar an combust. They exchange blows as their fighting becomes a massive flaming tornado, shocking everything up. Leroy delivers multiple jabs, ghoul blocks them a counters with a kick, Leroy ducks a kicks ghoul in the face. Ghoul then bites Leroy an throws him down. Leroy then teleports an appears above him dealing a vicious karate chop.  Stunning ghoul he gets closer as ignites his fist. Then tendrils grab him, as ghoul gets up an smile. He deals multiple attacks on Leroy before throwing him. They both look at each up an out everything they got into this last attack, they fly am collided. Causing a mini explosion. As flug ran in, he is crush by a fallen ghoul. Leroy hit the ground and groans. Then Blackhat appears.

Blackhat: ghoul, have you acquired Leroy[he looks around] I see it's still a work in progress 

Ghoul: y-you think

Leroy then shot up an laugh. He runs to the door when suddenly it's falls down, caused by Road burn driving in. Demencia them jumped out holding groceries, as 505 was breathing through a paper bag.

Demencia: we back

Flug: ah demencia, you might want to stand back.

Demencia: Huh, what you mean

Then road burn sniffs the fallen doors an drives back. The rust open as Leroy jumps out. Angry he spots the 505, teleports or him, an throws him at flug. Then he spots demencia an teleports in front of her. He grows an prowls closer. Demencia drop the bags and.... And... smiled with her teeth wide open and her eyes as heat.

Demencia: so adorable 

This shocked everyone, even Leroy as he as he wasn't in his cute form. Then she grabs him an spins him around.

Blackhat: what

Flug: what 

Ridley:[changed back] what 

505: bow[translation: what]

Demencia: look at that unhinged fur, horrific claws, that snaggletooth. You're so cute.

Leroy was surprised by this. Then gets bear hugged by Demi. She strokes his fur, as a weird sensation consumed him, like joy when he was with Ridley back in the day, but different. He started purring an Demi sat down.

Demencia: aw, Ridley, who is this, he's precious, a little devil

Leroy wags his tail. Changing into his Chibi form.

Demencia: an he's adorable now

Ridley: well, that's Leroy, he's my, best creation an the only one of my pets fused with my dna.

Demencia: Leroy, [gasp] that makes him like your son, our son, [squeals] 

Blackhat: well it seems the Leroy problem has been solved, flug, clean up this mess, 

Ridley: wait

Flug: yes sir, come 505

Ridley: we just gonna let this happen

They walk off. Then demencia walks up an kisses Ridley, adding a bit of French.

Demencia: thanks baby, isn't this gonna be fun.  I can't wait to get to know this little guy

Ridley: yeah, won't he be swell

Leroy and Ridley glare at each other.

Demencia: come Leroy, I want to show you what's new, and get to know you.

Demencia walks away. As Leroy looks back an waved goodbye to Ridley, dawning a mischievous smile.

Ridley:[sigh] it's good to have you back Leroy.

Ridley walks off. Later he heads to a closet, a kind that bigger than it looks.  He goes through boxes an found what he looked for. He heads to his room an sees demencia sleeping with Leroy. He smirks an puts down a massive custom doggi bed. And on it a collar. He heads to bed and sleeps with them.

Boom that's it for the chapter,  you just met the one and only Leroy. Who can even annoy the most evilest of beings. The pure embodiment of chaos. Next chapter, rekindling bonds between family, worse than it sounds in, A Chaotic Bonding, With A Pinch of Toxic

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