The One That Got Away

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In the Kalahari desert. Bird flys through the sky. Herds move across the desert, an a black figur ran across the desert, crossing ponds and rocks with ease, it then rested on a tree. Miles away it sees lion was stalking a gazelle. It stalls closer and closer,  being ever so quiet. The gazelle was unnoticed of the lion. It continues eating grass, but then it heard something an look around. It sees nothing an goes to eat. Then the lion pounces, lunges at the startled gazelle. It sinks his teeth in its throat  and claws dug deep into its fur. It fell to the ground as the lion dragged the gazelle away. Just then a lizard head peaked through the bushes. As the lion walks, it stepped on a net, pulling him into the trap, hanging from a tree. Just then a hunter, with a dragon head for an arm. He has a robotic eye as it scan the lion, it's strenghts, Age, an speed. It was the villain hunter for hire, Quarry.

Quarry:[gives a toothy smile showing his golden tooth]  you do

He pressed a button on his side, summoning his truck. Loading  up the lion, he readies to leave the area, but then he notice something was watching him, he looks a saw nothing. Unsure, he lets it go as he gets in his truck and drives off. He arrives at a village. He hands the local sharman the lion.

Sharman: thank you hunter, with him we can help his kind expand

Quarry: no problem, as long as you got my pay

The sharman nods an gives him the money. Quarry was a work for hire, an more importantly, a hunter of dangerous animals. He smiles as he tucks away the money. He head to the his truck when they heard a laugh, it sounded like a hyena but different.

(also go sounds like the mortal mask scary clown laugh, would let me use the link). The people started to get frighten. Quarry gets his blaster from the truck. He aims it where the laugh is coming from. But it was coming from multiple directions, quarry was unsure where it was. When a house explodes, something powerful bulldoze right through it, it began tearing its way around the village, destroying everything. Quarry fires upon the fast creature. He leads it into a corner, until it disappears, quarry look around for the beast, until the his truck was throw over him, into the air, crashing into a house. Quarry turns around seeing the creature, engulf in flames, as it devilish grin pieces quarry, cause him it was the until predators. He watch as it laugh, disappear into the fire. Once the smoke settle. Quarry went to his truck an flipped it over.

Sharman: what should we do

Quarry:[digs through his truck glove compartment] I'm good but even I know my limits, an it'll take a monster, to catch a monster

Sharman: what could handle this monster.

Quarry:[smiles as he shows a card] a ghoul

Quarry laughs himself. It was night on hat island, as everyone was sleeping minus Blackhat, as usual. Ridley was sleeping peacefully, when he got a whiff of something, something he didn't like. A fast blue past his room, making his eyes shot open.

Ridley:[growls] time for a quick bite

He swiftly gets out a bed, accidentally waking Demi. In the kitchen Ridley eyes a figure going through the fridge. he goes Ghoul as he growls at the figure. The person was unfazed, as he turns around being Quarry. 

Quarry: good to see you ghoul[ bites down on chicken]

Ghoul: Quarry!!! [growls] You have some nerve coming here, 

Quarry: great to see you still have a sense of humor, I need a favor

Ghoul: favor[eye glow with fury] be careful what you say, last time you asked a facoer, you still had your right arm.

Quarry: cool your head ghoul no need to bust a fang over it 

Ghoul: only way I bust a fang, if I'm chewing on your flesh and bone

Quarry: okay, I see where this is going at least, give me, [throws chicken bone] a head start

The bone flew in the air, the second it hits ghoul head, he roars in anger and attacks. Demencia  was walking down the hall looking for her man.

Demencia: Ridley, why did you leave, I could kiss you if you want

But then the she felt an explosion, shaking the floor. She fell as see was stunned. Flug was having a nightmare when the explosion hit.

Flug: ah lord Blackhat no— oh it's just an explosion.... Wait what

505 was awaken too, an Blackhat heard the explosion.

Blackhat: sounds like Ridley met the client.

He leaves his room. Demencia follow the sounds all the way to flug lab. Ghoul was throwing inventions at quarry, avoiding them as he floated, angering ghoul more, flug and 505 run to demencia.

Flug: demencia what is going[sees the fight an screams] ahh, my stuff

Demencia: so real quick he is fighting a stranger that's probably a client. 

Flug: well that bad, ghoul, stop fighting this instant 

Ghoul roars an breathes fire at flug, leaving him covered in burns.

Demencia: yeah when this happens I let it run its course.

Quarry: ooh, now who's that wild lady, she's quite the looker 

Ghoul:[hanging from the ceiling] stay away from her.

He jumps a tackles the quarry out the air, the wrestler as the draw closer to the ground, when a giant black vortex appears a swallowed them.

Flug: well that solves everything, come on 505-

He gets grabbed by demencia, an is pulled into the vortex. In Blackhat office. They all fall down. Ghoul grabs quarry an is about to eat him.

Blackhat: that's enough ghoul.

Ghoul: what, you know what he did

Blackhat: yes, you can settle it later, right now he's a cilent.

Ghoul looks at the smirking quarry, and throws him down. He goes bound a walks to demi, still glaring. 

Demi: you good baby 

Hound: peachy

Blackhat: meet Quarry, the worlds most skilled hunter

Quarry: g'day ladies, and ghoul, I need you assistance 

Hound: aren't you skilled enough, Quarry

Quarry: hah, even I know when I'm beat. This creature, it's terrifying some villagers, bad for business. 

Flug: an you'd like us to exterminate it

Quarry: hah no, A prize like it is no where at my level, as my payment for catching it I'll allow you to have it. 

Blackhat: we'd be happy to have it, ridley will put its dna to hood use

Hound: yeah, I will

Blackhat: Ridley, take flug with you

Demencia: what about us my lord

Blackhat: you get too go... on a milk run

Demencia: ahhh, no fair

Ridley, now changed, he and flug walk out with quarry, before whispering to Demi.

Ridley: hey, take road burn

That made her squeal an run to the garage. 

Quarry: now she's a beauty

He is then punched by Ridley. In the kalahari airspace. It was morning as they head to the area. Once out quarry lands and begins tracking the creature. They search around the village and the trail the monster called. While they walking through grass, Ridley felt uneasy around quarry 

Flug: hey Ridley

Ridley: yeah, what is it

Flug: you an quarry, you two have a history 

Ridley: yeah, you can say that

Flug: you gonna tell me

Ridley: quarry, hunted one of my pets

Flug: what happen to them

Ridley: as quarry, he's wearing them

Flug looks a motive the skeleton necklace quarry wore.  They soon find the best, hunting ground, they saw its claw marks and scorch marks around the area.

Quarry: this is where the creature hunts around here

Flug: good, so how do we draw it out

Quarry throws flug a bag of meat

Quarry: live bait

He throws flug out the open. 

Ridley: seriously 

Quarry: what, this thing hunted the top predators, an he got a back for picking on the little guy. It's perfect

Ridley: yeah but don't use flug, he's to puny an sensitive 

Quarry: your not gong soft are you

Ridley: don't even go there, I'm still as vicious as they come, besides I like the guy, he's gonna get beaten up, a lot from what you described.

As they continue argue flug look around. Terrified by what could be lurking. Then the bush shook, he calls to the other but they didn't hear him. He steps closer with his tranquilizer ready. But what jumps out was a mouse. He squeaks, but then comes down.

Flug: stupid mouse, to think it could handle me

He boast, not seeing the black monster was eyeing him from the tree, his sharp teeth that could tear rock were wide as he grin, showing also his snaggletooth on his lower jaw.

Flug hears the screams, looks an sees the creature as it jumps him. Encased in a smokescreen we can see their body parts flailing around.  While that happen quarry and Ridley were arm wrestling. 

Quarry: you think you can beat me

Ridley: of course I can, how you think you lost that eye.

Quarry: I'm still for of surprises, like I showed your monster

Ridley growls in anger. But then hears screams. He see an moving dust cloud. An then sees flug head pop out.

Flug: help[his head is grabbed an pulled in]

Ridley: dangit

He jumps out the bush an tackles the dust cloud. Blowing away the smoke he sees the black colored creatures with red eyes, its teeth in flug leg. Ridley draws closer, the creature steps back. Ridley glares at it, as it smiles mischievously, it runs off.

Ridley: hey

Quarry: I'll get the truck

Ridley goes hound a chase after it. It was fast covering the kalahari, the hound cover the distance. Their speed left a massive dust trail, a behind them was quarry in his truck. Flug was being dragged by the beast, as it purposely hit flug in heavy objects. They ran across a watering hole, as the beast hits the water creating a massive splash, soaking hound.  He continues chasing, blasting fire, the monster dodged it, except flug. The monster hurls rocks at hound, he brakes through each, but let one hit quarry. He laughs an gets closer. Close enough for flug to reach out. Only for hound to bite his head. He digs his claws in stoping the monster, engaging in a tug of war. They both start spinning around creating a whirlwind. Hound was winning in war when suddenly the beast let go, disrupting the whirlwind, causing hound to fall into the grounds he gets up a see the beast was launch across the plain. He growls and notice half of flug was in his mouth. Just as quarry arrived.

Flug:[muffled]get me out of here

Hound:[spits him out] blegh, how are we gonna find him now.

Flug: based on the trajectory, he be somewhere In that area

Hound: you seen it's speed, he's gonna be hard to catch

Quarry: aye, he's a trickster 

Flug: which is why I nailed him with several tranquilizers, he'll should be weak enough to put him in a cage.

Hound: hah, way to go doc

He slaps flug, knocking him down. Later they tracked the monster to its very den. There they set a trap.  They were standing outside the cave.

Flug: alright now we just need to lure it out, I suggest boat

Quarry: I know just the thing.

Flug: no way

ridley: the one who says it, does it

He launched tail slap flug into the air, into the ground.

Flug: seriously Ridley.

Ridley an quarry laugh. Flug nervous steps towards the cave, he sees red eyes.  Then a flood of birds only past him, scaring him.

Flug: why would birds live in caves

Then he hears a laugh, looking up to see the creature. It smile an attacks flug, but right when it's about to ghoul tackles it. They roll and Ghoul gets up an throws him. Flug seeks cover, then the monster attacks ghoul. Both exchange attacks but ghoul was stronger, they increase their strength, reeled back their fist, ready to punch, then the monster smiled, as ghoul punch landed, created a powerful shockwave. Ghoul grabs the creature a throws it in the cage. Later they were at the hat plane. Flug loading up the creature. 

Quarry: well, that was a great hunt

Ridley: yeah, well cya[walks onto the ship]

Quarry: that all, though we catch up

Ridley sigh am looks at quarry, who smiles, but then he gets punch by Ridley, into several trees an rocks.

Ridley: great catching up.

He walks onto the ship as quarry laughs.

Quarry: same old Ridley hahaha

On the hatplane Ridley was piloting as flug was removing the teeth from his arm.

Flug: that monster Enjoyed biting me to much

Ridley: yeah an once it's at the manor it'll find itself right at home.

In the steel crate, the box stopped as it was shaking half the trip, inside the box, the creature was resting, until it heard hat manor, it shot up. He gets up an his skin, rubs fur, changing the color color of complete black to tan-orange fur. It then laughs, bringing out a picture of... Ridley.

???: [monster language]

It laughs as the ship is on view with hat island.

Boom, that's it for the chapter, it seems this is no ordinary beast, what's that..... anyone it seems to know a connection with Ridley....hmm... weird. Next chapter, you heard of a meltdown, well it has nothing on this guy in- what the, how you get in here, no, no stop, ahhh

We see the same monster come in from the darkness. It smiles as he writes in graffiti. It states. Next Chapter, Here's Leroy.

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