Indiana Ghoul an the Temple of Monsters

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In the night sky of forest, a temple stood in the center. Inside was a Red Diamond. A several explorers. They get close until there heard a growl. They saw a mysterious glow coming behind them. It roars an chase the explorers down the hall.  They run into a dead end. An explorer uses his whip but it did nothing.  The monster sets off a booby trap, causing them to fall into a pit as we heard screams as the monster laughs. In hatmanor, it was mornings, Ridley an Demi were sleeping, when Ridley was having an old trip done memory lane.


Ridley is walk down hall, just finished feeding his latest creation an eating meat. he enters Blackhat office. 

Blackhat: glad you can join us Ridley

Ridley: happy to lord Blackhat, so who's cilent I get to have fun 

Blackhat: she a villain who likes rare and precious artifacts. 

Ridley: rare an valuable, even ancient, sounds like my kind of client

Blackhat: exactly as I thought, A now sees in the mood for a gem in a temple. Call the Monster eye. Legends says it belong to a tribe that worshiped a monster known as the monster prince. It has been in her sites for years now, an she willing to hand over an particular item to me to get it, an now I have the perfect person to get it

Ridley: a temple raid to steal a jewel that was head by the prince of monsters, sounds like my kinda hunt. When do I leave

Blackhat: right, now

He says this ending the flashback as Ridley wakes up. He groans and gets up.

Ridley: Demi wake up, my toxic lizard

He shakes herself up. She yawns an stretches. 

Demencia: morning babe

Ridley: morning love, so we got a few things to take care of on my list.

Demencia: oh yeah, I got a few things on my list[pull a to do list out her hair]

Ridley: like what

She looks at him smiling, the first one said: kiss. Ridley sighs as demencia tackles him down. Later after the make out they get to work, second was feed the monsters. Ridley had a good time as did demencia. Next was breakfast. They had eggs, bacon, an hero's on the platter. Then it was over as the relax on the couch. Then demencia brought something up.

Demencia: hey Ridley

Ridley: yeah

Demencia: you want to get a pet

Ridley:[coughs] what, you want a pet 

Demencia: yeah, it could out baby, between you and me. I've seen how you are with all your monsters

Ridley: well.... I'll think about it

Demi hugs him happily. Then they get summon by Blackhat. They walk into the office. They look to see flug an 505 fall from the ceiling.

Flug: m-m-morning sir, hey Ridley

Blackhat: we have a mission today, something your familiar with Ridley

Ridley: oh, an what might that be

Blackhat: a thief wants us to steal a A Big Red Diamond.

Ridley: can't they steal it themselves

Blackhat: they would, but it's not there their style.

Ridley: I can respect that, so where are heading

Blackhat; a rainforest Where it's an Aztec temple holds the Red Diamond, I've heard it holds many booby traps and venomous creatures, should be fun

Ridley: yeah, alright team let's go. 

They head off. When Ridley starts to think of temple.


In the forest ,trees fell down being slash by ghoul, as he maneuvered through the forest, having the time of his life as he jumps into the air, landing before in front of the temple. 

Ghoul: let's do this

He runs into the temple, a the flashback ends as the group is flying in the air.  Ridley was sleeping when he was awoken by demencia.

Demencia: hey hun, you good, you've been sleeping a bit

Ridley: I'm fine, I just remembering stuff.

Demencia: oh really about what

Ridley: a mission from my old days with BH(Blackhat)  

Demencia: cool, hey this ride is gonna take awhile, do you wanna[makes fuck me eyes]

Ridley smirks and puts her on his lap. He starts kissing her as his hand roam her body as did hers.  Minute later an flug lands at the site of the temple an he looks back only to gag at the make out sensation of the couple.

Flug: guys please we just get our mission started 

They continue kissing as flug groans.

Flug: let's go 505

He nods as they left the ship. They walk inside the temple. Not seeing a stone figure on top, twitching as it eyeing them, and then moves. 

Flug: alright, be careful 505, temples are known for their cunning traps. So watch your[steps on pressure plate] step

The wall swings around a throws flug into another room. 505 began to panic to the upcoming booby trap, and then he falls into a trap door.  He didn't do anything, as the stone figure, now glowing, was eyeing his pray.

???: n-no trespassers.

The figure disappeared down a tunnel. Back in the hat jet, Demi and Ridley, we're still kissing, their immense make out started shaking the plane.

Ridley: mwah, hey Demi, you think we should head inside

Demi: hm, nah, flug can handle the traps for us, time he took initiative, speaking of whic

She pulls Ridley in as they start kissing. Back in the temple, flug was carefully, tip towing his way around the temple. 

Flug: calm down flug, you dealt with a haunted house, you should be able to handle a temple full with traps.

then he spots a torch. He carelessly grabs it, as it was a trap.

Flug:.... Why did I fall for it

He then hears a large thud, he looks behind him and sees a massive Boulder. He runs away screaming. With 505, he was walking around, when he sets off a trap, it opens a door. He saw multiple eyes, an he goes to hug them. But then runs away as giant snakes chase him. They continue to set off multiple times. Either getting on fire or being attacked by animals. While demencia and Ridley were making out, only that it lasted only two hours as they were now cuddling. Ridley was remembering the past.


ghoul then was making his way through the temple, avoiding multiple traps an quickly made it to the room filled with statues.

Ghoul: hm, probably one of those, final step before thu get ambush

Ghoul walks to the center, eyeing the stages, as the more he past, their heads turns.  They start twitching as they bodies cracking. Ghoul continues walking until he stops, aware of the trap set in motion.

Ghoul: I can hear you cracking,[turns around] let's get this over with

Ghoul then face the statues, then they break open revealing guardian monster, they bring out they weapons an attack. Ghoul charges at them, punching one in the face, grabs one by the arm and swings one into the others. He tail smack some in the air. He tendril grabs several an break them apart. They all were beaten as ghoul dust off his hands an smirk.

Ghoul: hah, that was to easy, but not fun

But then holes open from the ceiling. An out land more Guardians, they roar and attack.

Ghoul: now this is fun

One goes to slash ghoul, but he spins out the way and smash into the ground, causing a crater, he grabs him and swings him back a forth, into guardians. Crushing them into pieces and being thrown into multiple directions. He then breathes fire and the monster all melted into goo.

Ghoul: hah, this is fun, is that all you got

Then a bigger hole appeared above him, he sees a glow coming from an army of guardians. Ghoul smirks an cracks his knuckle, ready to tear these guardians apart. But then one, that survived the beat down, activated a switch. Ghoul saw this a got mad the floor under him.

Ghoul: you son of a bi-

A Guardian punches him in the face just as he said that, as they push him into the drop. Flashback and Ridley woke up. He shakes demencia up.

Demencia: what

Ridley: I think it's time we should go help flug

Demencia: how come

Then they heard a beastly roar.

Ridley: that's why

They leave the hatplane an run out to the temple. Inside they successfully avoid the obvious traps. They make it to a room where they see two tunnels. Both carrying the screams of flug.

Ridley: ugh, they must go to the same place, but one might be longer than the other. We should probably-

Demencia: race ya

She pushed Ridley a runs down the right  tunnel. Ridley laughs and goes down the left tunnel. With demencia, she took the faster tunnel as she sees flug and 505z

Demencia: hey flug, bear, there you guys are

She reach the end of the tunnel. When she looks at their terrified expression. She then looks at what they see, a bright red light coming behind a massive beast.

It was a Guardian of the gem. It roars in their face. Flug and 505 express horrified, while Demi smiled. 

Demencia: let's have some fun

She laughs and runs at the Guardian on all fours. The giant brings back his sword and swings. On the other tunnel, Ridley was walking down the tunnel. When he heard the thud.

Ridley: dang it, Demi must've been fighting without me.

He starts running, but then he trips a wire trap. But then multiple arrows shot from the walls. Ridley avoided each an every one.  he lands biting down an arrow.

Ridley: you guys wish it was a flower 

He continues running. A large Boulder is rolling down. He sees this a punched the Boulder to pebbles.

Ridley: is that all you got

As he took a step, he gets hammer by the ceiling. It goes back in place as Ridley groans, slowly and weakly get up as he starts remembering.

Ridley: this feels familiar 

He falls down


Hiting the floor after the floor, the Guardians start start punching ghoul, slamming their sword into to him. But then the pile starts to shake. Then two guardians look at each one an Hug when ghoul burst out of the pile a roars, sending all of them into walks breaking them all. 

Ghoul: hah, that was fun, but enough is enough, time to find[sees a light] that jewel.

He spots the monster eye. On top of a podium. He walks to it an is about to take it. But then notices a coffin.

Ghoul: hm, why not

He opens the coffin. He was surprised to see a skeleton, not human, monster. The body was unique, I caught ghoul eyes as he changes back.

Ridley: you have a lot to talk about don't ya, what kind of beast were you, you must have been one hell of a prince. Hm

He spots writing on the wall. He uses his flame to read it clearly. They were paintings, paintings showing how chaotic an dangerous this prince was. A showed some where he was almost killed, but  never die.  Ridley smirks and eyes the coffin and the jewel. He made a decision, minutes later the temple explodes. Flashback over as Ridley shoots up. He hears the screaming an battle cry's.

Ridley: hold on I'm coming

Ridley speeds down the hall, he sees demencia fighting a giant guardian similar to his dream. Demencia was climbing all over him, her scratches break its armor. But it kept going.

Ridley: what are the odds, yo Demi

Demencia: hey babe

Ridley then runs under the guardians legs an jumps to the jewel. The giant sees this and about to attack. Ridley then pulls the jewel off. Just as the sword about to attack him, it stops. The giant sets down his sword and falls on his knees, it started to smile, surprising all of them.

Guardian:....... Thank you

It laughs as it starts glowing, Turning into balls of light as it left This plane of existence. Which cause Demi to fall from the height, but luckily caught by Ridley who's holding the diamond. They land by flug and 505.

Flug: it must been locked heat when the Diamond was out here. Once it was taken it could leave.

Demencia: wow, well let's go

Ridley:.... Yeah

Then they leave the temple. In the ship it flys off. Demencia was eyeing the diamond, seeing her reflection in it. But then spots Ridley.

Demencia: heh my carnivorous Fang, you good

Ridley: oh yeah I'm good, [sees her smile an go annoy flug, he gets serious] just remember the old life. 

He remembers the final part of the flashback.


The temple falls to rubble as we see miles away Ridley drives road burn away.

Ridley: Blackhat, I have secured the monster eye

Blackhat:[com] well done, enjoy yourself 

Ridley: will do,[turns off com] as I'll be busy with this little guy.

He eyes the coffin he brought with him. He smiles as he drives off. Flashback over as Ridley sighs.

Ridley: I should've left that coffin

He looks out the window as the fly into the night.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Ridley took a trip down memory lane. A what was that creature, no matter as Ridley has done something he regrets. Next chapter, things come back to bite you in, The One That Got Away

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