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The scene takes us in to desert, walking a sandstorm was a figure wrapped in robes. He continues marching through the storm, then we noticed he had tail as it swayed around. He is marching to a pyramid, in which his treasure lies, the treasure was beyond what thief and lord could obtain. The figure makes it through the sandstorm cover in sand. He shakes the sand off and marches to the pyramid, just then a shadow descend down on him. It was Leroy, dressed as a bird, he lands on his shoulder. As the made it to the entrance of the pyramid Leroy notice sand still on his head, he not so gently smacks it off, repeatedly, to the point where the figure yells at him.

???: dang it Leroy, stop slapping my head, this is the 10th time now, if your not gonna help then get out of this fantasy adventure

Leroy snorts smokes and takes off the bird suit, he flies off not before giving the figure a raspberry. The figure groans and walks into the pyramid. Inside he takes off the extra clothes. Revealing to be Ridley, putting on his adventures hat. He starts sneaking down the hall. And was Narrating this story.

Ridley: Indiana Ridley is back again, this time going for the golden serpents and her beautiful ruby eyes. Many have tried but few have came back. Those that do come back don't speak a word, some have called it a foolish thing jest, but Indiana Ridley laughs at this. 

He laughs, until he steps on pressure point causing a Boulder to be released, it's rolling towards Ridley,  who turns notice it and begins running. As he runs he sets off more traps, he dodged flaming arrows, swinging blades, pit fall traps and flaming snakes. But none of these traps had stopped the Boulder. 

Ridley: why are there flaming snakes, and god how big is that Boulder not to fall into the pit

Ridley then sees the entrance was closing. He picks up speed and slides under the closing door. And like the old trope his hat is on the other side, he grabs it mere moments the door closed. He gets up and puts it on, then he felt the Boulder hit the wall. He turns and smiles, facing the mountain of treasure, and the golden serpent on a podium,

Ridley:...... after narrowly escaping the Boulder, Indians Ridley had reach the treasure, with the prize insight 

Ridley walks towards the podium, the treasure started shaking, to where we see an eye emerge. As Ridley goes to touch the podium, he hesitates. He looks around and checks for traps. 

Ridley: is this the one time traps don't appear in a super risky grab

Ridley then grabs the snake from the podium. In which he walks to the door.

Ridley: with the serpent in his hand, he has defeated the pyramid.

When he reaches the door he noticed the door is closed shut, then flaming torches lit up the room. 

Ridley: but due to his cockiness he forgets about the boss battle

Busting out of the treasure was a large body, Ridley turns around and sees a giant snake woman.

Ridley: oh my..... I'm scaroused

The snake woman lunges at him, Ridley jumps out the way and attacks. Their battle goes on for awhile until the snake woman overpowers him. Binding him with her tail. She moves him closer to her face. Opening his mouth.

Ridley: is this the end for the lovable, will the fans no longer see this boy and his casual flirts.

But then the snake licks his face and kissed him.

???: he doesn't know, that this super hot snake girl is a princess, and whoever steals this treasure will forever belong to him. 

Ridley: demencia 

Back in the real world he looks at demencia who ruin his story. Interrupting him by licks and kiss, and binding his body by her hair.

Demencia: what I thought you wanted to liven your story

Ridley: that too much, they shouldn't know Indiana Ridley is going through that kind of stuff, he's a solo act until he meets his own toxic lizard

Demencia: aw but to bad, cause he's not getting the treasure 

Ridley: rolls his eye, but looks at her and smiles

Ridley: but what's this, it seems he has found his another treasure.

Demencia: another treasure, what are you talking 

She is tackled by Ridley and is pelted by kisses. Her legs flailing in the air. He continues to kiss her, and then see realized something 

Demencia: hey baby 

Ridley: yeah my love 

Demencia: where Leroy 

Ridley: oh well he went with flug on a mission, it's a small one he can handle, catch an out of control robot worm.

Demencia: heh, bet he gets eaten 

Ridley: by who, Leroy or the worm

Ridley: good point

He proceed to kiss her more

Ridley: I'm sure he'll is fine

He licks her as she giggles, during this they fall off the bed.  Scene transit to a city. Traffic was backed up as usual, a person in their car groan. Then they notice headlights in their rear view mirror. Jumping into the air, road burn flew. The Person screams and runs out his car. Road burn crushes the car and steamrolls the cars in front. It speeds through the streets turns right. Heading to a dvd store. It enters the parking lot, then drifts around. It's stopped in a parking spot perfectly. Then exiting the car is Leroy, as he plays music causing the road burn to bounce. Then exiting the car was flug and 505. 505 is dizzy as fig runs and barfs into a trash can. He walks back to road burn and turns off the music.

Flug: need I remind you that this is a mission of sneakiness and loud music isn't gonna help us.

Flug continues talking as this annoys Leroy. He shuts him by punching him into a shopping cart. And injured walks back. 

Flug: let's just go

Leroy and 505 head inside as he locks up the call. flug deactivates the road burn A.I, turning her Into a normal truck. This caught the eye of some kids.

Kid: yo man those are some dope wheels 

Flug: oh why thank you, but they aren't mine, they belong to-

He is pulled into the store by Leroy. The kids look at the truck and smirk. Inside they witness the worm eating all the electronics. Leroy stretches and marches to the worm.

Flug: not so fast, let an expert handle this right 505

505 looks at the two, and then points to Leroy, shocking the doctor.

Flug: what, no, I'm the expert 505. A tech problem requires a tech solution

Then flug charges at the worm. Mere seconds he is riding the worm, barely holding on as he screams. Leroy is just watching the show as he eats popcorn, grinning at flug stupidity. 505 was worried, then he sees something happening outside. The two boys were thieves, as they were breaking into road burn. Normally road burn would have counter measures against thieves, usually eating me, but a certain doctor deactivated everything without knowing. 505 gasp and runs outside, but is stopped by the door, he looks down to see a pressure plate, he tries again and is stopped. Flug was wrangling the worm until it tossed him off like a bull. The worm Looks over the doctor, teeth bared and ready to devour him. But the worm head is ripped off. Flug see Leroy is holding the worms head 

Flug: I didn't need you assistance, but thanks 

Leroy rolls his eyes. The group the walks to the door seeing the 505 struggling. Leroy pushes him through the door successfully, confusing the bear. They walk to the parking lot.

Flug: now, we just need to get road burn, and we'll be on our way

Flug goes to the road burn, but doesn't feel anything, he looks up and scream, seeing she is gone. He panics and looks around.

Flug: what, what happen, where is she

The scene transit to road burn, in her monster form but turned off. She is driving recklessly and sloppy down the road. But in the driver seat is one of the thieves.

Thief: whoo, go faster, faster 

The thief drives faster. Back with the trio, flug starts to panic. 

Flug: not good, not good, not good, how  am I gonna explain to Ridley and demencia on how I lose their ride. 

To make things worse, his phone rings and he grabs it, he opens it and sees it Ridley. 

Flug:[silently screams] hey Ridley how you doing

Ridley: me and demencia finish out fun, and we decided to fly by and check how its going 

Demencia: [pops into the screen] hey flug 

Flug: oh that's... wonderful

Ridley: we'll be on our way shortly, figure we also take road burn to a car wash, she's been through a lot 

Flug: NO!!!!!

This left the couple shocked and confused.

Flug: I mean, let me take road burn to the car wash, you two have been working hard yourself,  ring the muscles of the group, why not, catch a movie, a really long movie

Ridley: hm

Demencia: yeah let's do it, there's one movie over been dying to watch

Ridley: alright then, we'll see you later 

He hangs up as flug screams. 

Flug: alright, alright, no need to panic, we just need to find her before ghoul and demencia serve me on a platter. 

He brings forth his jetpack and robot arms. He easily lifts 505.

Flug: we'll search for road burn, Leroy

He looks at him as Leroy raised a brow. Flug shakes his head and flies off. Leroy rolls his eyes and brings out his phone and walks off. Through the sky flug and 505 are looking around. Then they spot road burn, driving into cars and doing donuts. Getting scratches in the process. 

Flug: Ridley gonna kill me

Flug flies down. Road burn is doing donuts as the thieves laugh, then flug hovers in front of them.

Thief: hey look it's the lab coat boy

Flug: and look it's the thieves, and back what you stole

Thief: can you call it stealing when you left keys in the car

Flug:[groand] ugh, no matter, it's you, against me, and I have the high ground

Thief smirks and pressed a button, road burn brings out her tail and it acts like a grapple hook, grabbing flug and the bear.

Flug: oh no

Road burn flings flug into the ground repeatedly. Then road burn spins and throws flug into a garbage can.

Thief: thanks again for the sweet wheels

The thieves laughs and do a wheelie whislt driving away. Flug groans as he gets out of the trash can. 

Flug: I got to find road burn before they figure out her controls.

Then he spits Leroy by 505, on his phone.

Flug: how did you- nevermind come on 505 

Flug runs off as the bear follows him. Leroy sighs and walks off, following him. The scene transitions to the road burn driving on mud. It was in a demolition derby and decimated the other cars. It know had scratches and mud all over her. As the thieves laugh road burn is then tied uped. It reveal to be flug, who screams seeing the state of the car.

Flug: oh you are so paying for the damages 

Thief: I think not, feel some sizzle

Flug: sizzle

Road burn opens her mouth, revealing a high tech flamethrower.

Flug: Ridley gave her a flame thrower, why 

Flashback to Ridley holding a giant ribs. Roadburn aims and fires at the ribs, cooking them tk perfection. 

Ridley: who's hungry

Leroy and demencia even 505 was there as they cheer. Back to the present flug is then burnt to a crisp by fire. It also burns the rope and frees itself, it grabs the rope and drags flug around the mud. Flug then hits a rock covered mud and watches as road burn drives off. Flug walks out the arena and falls down. Then his phone rings and he sees Ridley.

Ridley: hey flug just a quick call, wanted to let you know that our movie is nearing and we are gonna see you guys soon. 

Demencia: baby you missing the best part

Ridley: alright, gotta go

He hangs up and flug sighs.

Flug: I am dead 

Then he noticed Leroy was by him, he groans and looks away. Then he looks over to what Larry been looking  at, a tracking device for... Roadburn.

Flug: you had a tracking device this whole time, why didn't you say something 

Leroy plays a recording 

Flug: [recorded] I'm in charge...... you do whatever

Flug: fine, leroy..... you take charge

Leroy smirks and grabs the two, teleporting  away. The scene transits to a race track. Road burn was in the back and was almost transformed. The thieves waited for the lights to turn green. But then something lands on they truck they look to see flug and 505 outside.

Thief: you think you can beat us again 

Flug: oh not me, him on the other hand

Leroy jumps on the window and roars, the thieves scream and hit the pedal. Just as the lights turn green and road burn trampled the cars. It drives out of control. The thieves tried various buttons to throw Leroy off, then one finds a button and pressed it. Only to activate the nitro boost. The car zooms across the street, the thieves almost loss consciousness. Leroy was almost pulled off. He pulls through and continues climbing. He reach the front as the nitro stopped. Leroy growls and starts punching the door. The thieves press another button and road burn stopped, knocking Leroy off as road burn eats him.

Thief: sick

They laugh till the back seat opens up and Leroy shots up and land on the seat. He is tied up as the thieves see him.

Thief: and we got a mascot

They continue laugh. Leroy smirks and uses his tail to activate road burn A.I. the car then shakes. Ejecting the thieves and Leroy.

Thief: aye what gives

Leroy smirks as road burn reboots. Once awaken she sees the states she's in and growls at the thieves, then roars and transform into her monster form. The thieves scream and try to run, but Roadburn grabs them. She starts spinning and send the duo flying. She snorts fire and wheel bumps Leroy fist. Scene transit to the gang waiting at the movies. Ridley and demencia walk out and see the duo. Demencia immediately hugs road burn and Leroy. 

Ridley: hm, Roadburn looks great, nice job flug 

Flug: oh thanks,  couldn't have done it without Leroy.

He turns and face Leroy. Leroy gives him a smile as fig smiles back and walks away, shedding a tear. Leroy smile then turns evil. What they didn't know was Leroy was recording the whole thing. And his phone was now in the hands of demencia, who just finished watching the recording. She growls and shows Ridley, who goes ghoul at the site.

Ghoul: you let thieves do what to my ride

Flug screams as he is chased by ghoul and demencia driving road burn. Leroy laughs as he looks at 505. He takes him inside to watch a movie using the wallet he stole from flug. 

Boom that's it for the chapter. Flug is gonna learn why you don't lose another man's ride. Next chapter, which follows the events of Milk Run, a race brings forth a new member in, Petal To The Metal.

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