Petal To The Metal

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The scene takes place in a dark tunnel, with green illuminated lights. We hear the sound of engines in the distant and various wheels zoom past. They were tricked out cars. They fire weapons on one another. One has his engine shot and it explodes. They watch it tumbled into the ground. The car flips over leaving only two cars left. We see various cameras and and on the other end. We see crowds of villains as they cheer on the other side. The cars were nearing the finish line. When various traps burst forth. They open fire on the cars, the fire power destroyed the cars. The crowd on the other side boos. As some boo and Others begin to leave. This was no ordinary race. It was a doom run, no holds bars, anything goes, the fastest and most ruthless car win. But so far the doom run has been too dangerous for any normal villain car. And the boss was not liking it. In his office he had front row seat to the race. He was infuriated how the races weren't up to his Taste. He gets up and storms out the office. He walks down a hall, there we see various trophies ok podiums, except one. He kicks the door open to a room filled with screens and camera.

???: where is he 

His henchman comes in and start groveling. 

Henchman: forgive me Mr. X

X: sigh, you hurt me friend, I give opportunities to find me the best of the best, racers at half my level, and what do you give me.

He grabs a tv off the wall, the screen glicthes but shows the flaming cars.

X: losers, complete loser, income have been dropping cause racers haven't been able to get near the finish line.

Henchman: give me one more chance my lord. What if I bring in Joyride 

X: Joyride, that pathetic excuse for a racer, do I look like I'm that desperate, do I 

Henchman: I'm sorry Sir, but wait, he had sent us a message. It says that he's found a worthy opponent, especially his ride, a tricked out ride with all the good stuff.

X: alright, it better be good 

He plays the video, as he watch it X remain unamused, but then he sees something, a fast hulking ride, and a familiar roar, it ranged something in his soul, bringing him back to the day he was in his youth. A racer in a doom run, on his sweet motorcycle. Then to his right approached an oddly familiar truck. It had insignias on the doors were RB. And the driver pulled down the window was a wolf like figure. When they race, it was like time stopped, the race needed with the wolf winning. He respected X and told him his name 

X: Ridley.... Heh heh, it looks like my old friend is back. Henchman, finds some runts to put on a show. But makes sure you get him, then we'll have a real show

Henchman nods and shuffled away. X leaves the room to enter another. Inside that room was a vehicle. It growls and shakes.

X: soon my friend, soon

The scene transits to hat manor. In the garage, Ridley was working on something under a tarp. Leroy is there as he sleeps on road burn who is sleeping too. As Ridley work we can see sparks flash under the tarp. It reveal parts of a machine, but the rest was still undetermined. Then a shadow slither into the seen. It wakes Leroy up but slowly pets him, making fall back to asleep. It draws close to Ridley. Sending something, he turns around and sees no one. He shrugs and continues working, he then senesed it again and ignores it. Then snatch, he grabs the stalker as its demencia.

Ridley: demencia, what the hell, why are you doing here, and sneaking up on me.  

Demencia: well since you weren't in bed I wanted to see if you were ok. And now I really want to see

Ridley: it's not ready,[picks her up], now why don't you go and gets some food and I'll meet you there 

He carries her to the door and puts her down. Then he see disappears, he turns to see her at the tarp. She about to pull it until Ridley tackles her. He throws her out the garage. Then he gets back to work. He hears a knock and walks to the door, he growls and opens it, he surprised to see it's Leroy

Ridley: oh hey Leroy, why you out her

Leroy shrugs and walks past him. Ridley then sees 2 Leroys, one is sleeping on road burn, and other making her way to the tarp. 

Ridley: clever girl

Leroy was about to touch the tarp when he's grabbed by Ridley, leroy chuckles nervously until Ridley grabs his head, pulling off a mask to show demencia. 

Ridley: how you put on that tiny suit

Demi shrugs as Ridley throws her out.

Demencia: I'll find out what your making 

Demencia walks off as Ridley sighs. He then looks at the Ridley and Leroy who give him a look.

Ridley: what, I'll tell, when I'm done, giving your girlfriend a gift takes awhile.

He continues working. In flug lab, he is testing a new invention and aims it at a test dummy. It was his ice gun, the same that may or may not have gotten the monster sick. He carefully aims it at the target, fully concentrating, nothing could possibly stop him. Well almost nothing

Demencia: what's up doc 

Flug scream and fires, the beam miss the dummy, and hits 505.

Flug: no, 505.... Demencia! What do you want

Demencia: you know what's Ridley working on

Flug: no he didn't tell me

Demencia: you sure

Flug: yes

Demencia glares at him and gets closer, making him back up and get cautious.

Flug: demencia, don't you, ah-

He is tackled by demencia. She begins to wrestle him. she puts him in a chock hold with her thighs.

Demencia: tell me what he's making and I'll let you breath 

Flug:[chokes], never.... He.... Scares me more

Demencia squeezed tighter. Then they see the door open and Ridley walk in.

Ridley: I'm afraid to Ask

Demencia: oh hey baby, flug was about to spill what you were working on

Ridley: well good luck cause I told him nothing

Demencia: dang it 

She lets go of flug, who catches his breath. He gets up as Ridley talks to him.

Ridley: you got what I require

Flug: yep

Flug pressed a button, reveling  items, the ice core, that can bring forth a ice age, the flute that can summon warriors, The Warrior Horn. and the most destructive weapon to electronics, the black dragon. Ricky grabs the black dragon and walks off. This causes demencia to gasp. Before Ridley could run off he is tackled by demencia. He turns and is pinned by demencia.

Ridley: Demi, let me go

Demencia: no, if that black dragon going to the garage, near my babies, then I get concern, now I'm forcing you to tell me

Ridley: oh really, and what you gonna do

Ridley slowly gets up, his arms around demencia, she begins to blush.

Demencia: we-well I-I would

Ridley: you would what 

He starts kissing her chest, working his way to his neck. Making demencia shakes as he rubs her back, sliding his hand down to her waist. It was getting heated to the point flug cover 505 frozen eyes. 

Demencia: I, I 

Ridley: do something like this

Ridley moves to hire face, hisses in showing off his long tongue as she blushes. He then dips her as that's the final blow, she goes red and faints. Shocking even Ridley.

Ridley: heh, and here I thought I had to kiss her. Oh well

He kissed her cheek and carries her off. The scene transit to ghoul bed. It was now night as demencia was sleeping in the bed. Then the sounds of a motorcycle caught her attention, waking her up, the sound resonating with her soul. She follows it to the garage door. Then she sees flug walk to her, Covered in toothpaste and holding his toothbrush.

Flug: who is messing with road burn

Demencia: those are motorcycles reviving a

Then they hear Blackhat chuckles.

Blackhat: [laughs], Bare witness, to the birth of something toxic, [laughs]

They two look at each other as 505 walked in, then they enter the room. It was fill in smoke when a pair of green eyes shines through. It closes in on the group as they jump out the way. It charges at the bear and sends him flying. Before long flug is flatten by the wheels of the Jade eyed beast.

Flug: I'm getting deja vu

( a reference to the chapter "rules of the road"). Demencia faces the eyes of the beast. She growls as it revs. It charges at her.

Ridley: enough

The beast stops, demencia stops too as she recognized the choice of Ridley. The eyes dart to the left and stops. The smoke clears and it's reveal to be a green motorcycle. 

Remember it's a green motorcycle.

Ridley: say hello to your new ride babe

It took a minute for her to realize and demencia screams at a high pitch. Breaking fig googles, road burns headlights were find cause they are no ordinary lights. She burst running and tackles Ridley, pelting him with kisses.

Demencia: oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it.

She kisses him even more.

Ridley: I'm glad you like it, I call her Jade Mamba. She has a bit of a reckless attitude.

Flug: [gets new goggles] reminds me of someone 

Leroy then throws a monkey wrench at his head.

Demencia: thanks Leroy boo, now how fast does she go

Ridley: very

Demencia smiles and walks to Jade. She looks at demencia and looks away. 

Demencia: huh

Ridley: seems like she has to get use to you.

Then Ridley radio turns on

Blackhat: breaker breaker, this is lord of darkness, come in demolition ghoul

They group knew what was gonna happen and flug and 505 hope into road burn. Ridley gets inside and answer Blackhat.

Ridley: this is demolition ghoul, read ya loud and clear lord of darkness

Blackhat: I got word that there is a upcoming doom run, road burn is invited to attend, and this is perfect way to improve our business, you up for it

Ridley: heh, when's the race 

Blackhat: Right now

He laughs, a portal appears before them, road burn changed shifts and drives into it. Jade mamba started revving up and Demi noticed this. She gets one as it drives into it doing a wheelie. The scene transit to a dark tunnel illuminated with green lights. Serval cars were in the front, a portal appears and we see road burn and Jade mamba enter.

Ridley: I know this tunnel, if he's here, mamba, road burn, enter battle mode.

The truck and motorcycle begin to transform, revealing their second form.

Doing so puts a reptile themed helmet on demencia head.

Demencia: sweet, I love it 

Ridley: glad you do

Jade just rolls her eyes. Then they heard another motorcycle, it's bigger then jade and more tricked out. It drives to road burn left as she knew the ride. And Ridley recognized the driver.

Ridley: Mr. X

X: Ghoul

Ridley: come on X, you know me to well

X: my apologies, it's good to see you Ridley, so the stories are true, your back

Ridley: yep and ready to cause some mischief and chaos

X: good to hear, know if you need a break you are always welcomed to the doom runs

Ridley: thanks man, and know if you need some monster for some traps, I'm your ghoul

They both laugh when X sees  demencia.

X: who is this little firecracker

Ridley: X, meet my babe, demencia 

Demencia: great to meet ya

X: good to see you finally hooked up, but she still has to prove herself to stay in the doom races 

Demencia: oh I like him

They are given the signal that the race is starting. They each get ready, revving their engines as intimidation tactics. Then a car behind them changed. Begins transforming. The light hits green and the cars are off. They race down the tunnel as several cars were getting destroyed by the traps. It cause flug and 505 to scream, but not Ridley, he was in the zone.  Then a fork down the tunnel soon approached, which X tells the others about.

X: my friend, if you wish not to go down the most dangerous tunnel, then go right

Ridley: you got that babe

Demencia: yeah, now eat my dust 

She revs the motorcycle, Jade simply eye rolls and goes faster. X and Ridley sped up, but then they heard the sound of another car. Before Ridley could react, Joyride, the gambit racer, roars and tackles Roadburn down the left tunnel. 

Flug: joyride, what's he doing here

Joyride: I got invited to this race to losers, now you road kill

He brings forth a chainsaw, causing flug to scream whilst Leroy and Ridley growl. Down the other tunnel. Demencia zooms pats the other races. As she was ahead Jade mamba start fighting with her, trying to shake her off. 

Demencia: woah, hey, easy girl easy

Then X arrived to see this fight and laughs.

X: it seems you have not tamed your ride

Demencia: tame

X: yes, as did Ridley and me we had to tame our rides, they are not loyal when they are created. 

Demencia: wait so that's why she's fighting me 

X: yes, she was made to traits of her rider, and by the looks of you.. you're not so easily tame. Alas, I don't have time to teach you, as I got a race to win. Chow

He speeds past demencia, who growl but yells as her motorcycle goes out of control. Back on the other tunnel. Road burn avoids the attacks of Joyride as she speed up. Enraged joyride fires missiles at them. Leroy teleports on the roof of road burn and destroys the missiles.

Ridley: ugh, this is not how I wanted to return to doom runs.  

Flug: well hopefully demencia wins it for us..... we are doomed

Ridley: flug, I respect you but talk about me girl and you're getting slapped. 

They are then rammed by joyride repeatedly. Ridley had enough as did road burn.

Ridley: that's it 

Joyride throws a punch, but the monster truck grabs it. Road burn goes into her monster form and growls.

Ridley: road burn, hurt him

Joyride: oh no 

At the other tunnel, demencia caught up with X, struggling to push past him whilst fight Jade. They were nearing the finish line. Then X activated his nitro boosters. He zooms past her and towards the finish line. Demencia and the jade spun out of control. Jade them throws her off and growls. Demencia growls but remembers what x told her. She breaths in then out and gets up. 

Demencia: hey, maybe we got off on the wrong foot, or wheel. I realized I know your name but you don't know mind. The names demencia, I'm Ridley soulmate. That kinda makes us family. And I should've treated you like such instead of a new toy. So how about it jade mamba, wanna give this partnership another try.

She waits for something to happen. She sighs and dips her head. Then she sees light and then jade, who revs her engine. Demencia smiles and hops on.

Demencia: let's do this jade, Huh

She seems a button appear in her controls. She smiles and pressed it. Jade starts producing smoke. Consumed by the smoke she undergoes a transformation, as does demencia.  X was nearing the finish line when he hears a roar. He looks back and smiles seeing an approaching dust devil. It disperses and reveals a trick out motorcycle. It had a quad wheels, a serpents tail, and its head was long and snake like, with headlights as serpents eyes. Its driver was in a green scaled jumpsuit, and her hair was in a ponytail, as her head was covered by a helmet.

X: finally 

The serpent quad fired her nitro booster. Speeding through the tunnels and avoiding the traps. It caught up with X as they were neck and neck, neither would stand down. They approached the finish line and.........The Serpent quad wins the race. The crowd cheers as X claps for the winner. Then road burn arrives in third, holding joyride arm in her mouth. 

Ridley: so what did we kiss

X: the winner 

The girl in the jumpsuit got off the bike, she takes off her helmet revealing to be demencia. 

Flug: demencia won

X: yes, I should've know you would turn her bike into a monster bike

Ridley: I do a truck, why not a bike. But I never have her the jumpsuit.

He looks at demencia waving to the crowd, mostly eye her new look. He smirk before Leroy slaps him.

Ridley: right, keep it professional, until we get to the manor

He chuckles as demencia gets the trophy. She holds it up proud, before hugging The monster bike, Jade Mamba.

Boom that's it for the chapter, you have bared witness to new characters, returning ones, and a new vehicle to the group. I wonder what adventures they get in, Next chapter, their ranks just keep growing as Ridley finds out what it's like to have a henchman, most importantly, a brother in, The Rookie.

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