The Rookie

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The sun shines brightly in the city. The city was shinning bright. Everything was peaceful until a explosion is heard. It came from the banks, smoke poured from its torn wall. It was on the ground, cracked and tear on top of pedestrian cars. From inside, a thief with an explosive, was raiding the bank. It was filled with gold and he was loading the gold into his duffel bag. But suddenly a claw grabs him and throws him out the vault. The thief tuck and rolls, he turns and face the figure. 

Thief: hey, I worked hard for this score, no hero or greedy villain is gonna stop me

He looks into the smoke, we see a pair of red eyes. 

Thief: is that you ghoul, I heard you were back

But then out of the smoke is a robots claw.

Thief: your not ghoul

???: you think I'm the ghoul, hah, just a stepping stone I can't wait To fight, I am a warrior in training, the power, the courageous, and the furocious.

He jumps out the smoke revealing himself. He was part human part cyborg. The cyborg part of his body resembled a bear. His hoodie had bear ears whilst also hiding his face, showing his red eyes and teeth. His chest was covered in fur, and had a chest plate around his upper and mid section avoiding the stomach, the plate was dark and had digital icon of a red heart. His arms were a bear claw combine with a humans. the same went with his feet. He wore black shorts. You can she black skin around his biceps. 

???: Shredz 

Thief: who

Shredz: shredz... seriously you haven't heard of me 

Thief: well there's a lot of hero's and some are obvious

Shredz: well I'm  not a hero.... I'm a sidekick

Thief: seriously, [laughs], oh that's funny, well what you gonna do teddy bear, gonna give me a hug

Shredz: [sarcastic], well you look like you need a hug, but how about a painsaw instead

Shredz bring forth a weapon that looks like a chainsaw but with a buzzsaw. 

The thief expression changed after seeing it. Shredz smiles and revs it up.the thief throws a smoke bomb and runs off.

Shredz: hey, get back here, oh this is gonna be clawesome 

He chased after the thief. People were outside when the see the thief run past, they scream when they see shredz chase after them.  They run down an alley, the thief kicks garbage cans and several other objects at the bear. Even pushing a garbage bin at him. But they are slashed to pieces by his painsaw. The thief ran into a building and closed the door. He walks backwards, knocking see red eyes inside. Then shredz face move to his face.

Shredz: be afraid, be shreddy afraid 

The thief screams and burst out the wall. Shredz continues chasing him. The chase takes them onto rooftops. Then another person enters the scene, descending from the skies was a sky hero, chopper.

Chopper: shreddy, I told you to wait for backup

Shredz: first: it's shredz, and second: the thief was about to get away I had to step in 

Chopper: wait for heroes to arrive, your still a rookie, who's just turned sidekick

Shredz: well I won't be a sidekick for long, I just got to get more furocious 

He revels up his painsaw and speeds up. 

Chopper: [sigh] sidekicks

Chopper follows them as our scene moves skyward. It descends down to Blackhat manor. Inside we hear fires and see gunfire. It came from robotic soldiers, they fire upon the hound, it evades all the gunfire, he attacks the soldiers destroying them. The hound chews on a robitic arm. Then appearing from thin air, several large robots. The hound growls and runs at them. They fire their weapons at the hound. They make contact as it creates a smoke cloud. A large object launched into the air, it was ghoul as he tackles one  robot down. The other begin to fire when he rips the fallen robot arm off and swings it into one robot and then the other, he jumps on one and rips its head off. The other one had got up and fired a beam, and ghoul counters with a beam of fire. It overpowers the robot as it stumbled back, but then ghoul tackles right through its heart, he lands on the ground. He turns looking at hole in the robot, it falls to the ground.  A bell sounds and the simulation stops. Ghoul stretched and changed to Ridley.

Ridley: hey new personal best. 

Several hatbots enter the room and start cleaning up. Ridley walks outside to see Roadburn and Leroy sleeping on her hood. Ridley smirks and banged the horn, startling the the monster, the sound throw him off the hood.

Ridley: I told ya you should've came inside and tried out the training simulator,

He turn around as does the camera to view the building, a representation of ghouls face, with a title that said: The GhoulZone.

Ridley: I must admit flug did a good job making it the building, even if the names a bit much. And it's to bad that demencia had to stay behind cause she was sleeping. Alright let's go.

Ridley hops inside road burn as does Leroy. They drive down the road as Leroy yawns.

Ridley: and the fact that's it's offsite the manor. But then, we wouldn't have an excuse to use the nitro

Leroy smiles and hits the burn. The rocket down the street. The scene transits to the other character view, shredz. Shredz was still chasing the thief, their chase drew to the end, the thief was making his way to the bridge. Chopper flies close to Shredz.

Chopper: rookie, don't you even think about it 

Shredz: too late, cause I'm am

Shredz powers up his painsaw, he reals it back, and it handle shoots out a pole. He launched out the ground.  He sparks over the thief and slides across the ground. He skids and and runs at the thief. Before the thief could react he was launched skyward by shredz uppercut. The thief lands on the grand as shredz poses.

Shredz: now that, is how it's done

Chopper lands on the ground and glares at him

Shredz: what 

Before he could say anything news channels and pedestrians arrived. They run towards the heroes. The crowd pleased shredz as he strikes a pose.

Shredz: no need to be alarmed, I'll happily accept pictures band autographs

He is then trampled by several feet of news reporters, the surround chopper who was lifting up and cuffing the thief. Shredz coughs and gets up. His body covered in footprints.

Reporter: chopper how did you catch the thief chopper

Reporter 2: did you use one of you rotors to pin the thief

Reporter 3: over here chopper over her

They took pictures of chopper.

Shredz: hey I caught the guy, where's my pictures

He looks over and sees a girl. He smiles but it scared the girl causing her to runaway screaming, shredz sighs and gets up. Chopper then flies over the crowd with the thief. Hovering over shredz.

Chopper: return to the agency 

Shredz nods and watches chopper fly off. Then the reporters look at him..... just to chase after chopper. Shredz roars in anger. He drags his feet to the agency.

Shredz: some thing never change 

He heads down the road, as we see people with terrified looks as he past, the scene transits to the hat manor. The door open and Ridley and Leroy walked inside, Leroy smells food and runs off. Ridley rolls his eyes and walks down the hall. He felt the ground shake, he looks ahead to see 505, who hears soemthing. He looks behind and screams he runs towards Ridley, whose is confused. Then the bear is flung and smooshed into the camera, he slides down showing demencia running after Ridley. Hearts in her eyes and a floating trail of hearts behind her. Ridley put his hands out and is tackled by demencia, crashing into the wall. He coughs and laugh before getting pelted by kisses.

Ridley: hey demencia, good to see your awake

Demencia: well yeah, and why didn't you bring me to your new training gym, I could've gotten a chance to try out my new axe, and work up a sweat, and I get a nice "reward" 

Ridley: oh Demi, my toxic lizard, you know you don't have to 

Ridley and demencia smirk. For privacy reasons, Ridley pulls the next scene in, which is the agency as shredz stood under. He slowly walks inside. He see countless of heroes. Then one of them pats him on the back.

Hero: hey shreddy, nice job out there, looks out all those heroes taught you well

Shredz: thanks but it's shredz, and I was taught all on my own, and actually by-

The hero leaves without hearing a word he said. Shredz groans and storms off. He plays music as we get to know him deeper. Once shredz at a young age has to undergo surgery to save his life, fused with that of an animatronic ear, even then people thought he was scary, and when he became an orphan he had to fight to survive. Then he spot a heroes and villains fighting, and wanted to be like them, warriors. So when he was old enough started the hero path and eventually became a sidekick. Though his need for action was admired by heroes, he was always handed the short end of the stick, being bounced from hero to hero on reason that wouldn't make sense to someone. And it looks that shredz was gonna be traded off again.

Shredz: [thoughts] not the best start to be a legendary warrior

Then suddenly a pair of gelatinous arms warp around him. They pulls him away. Shredz soars through the air and starts yelling, before landing into something soft. He sees it's Gloria Grentina, otherwise known as  g-lo. Aka his girlfriend.

Glo: hey shreddy bear

Shredz: hey Gloria 

Gloria spins him around much to his dismay, thinks it's a little embarrassing, to top it off she kisses him, her face covered by shredz hood. 

Glo: I saw the news, you were amazing shreddy

Shredz: thanks, now can you let go if me 

Glo: alright alright

She drops shredz and reached for his hood, but he stops her. She smiles and reassures him. She slowly takes off his hood. Revealing his sharp pointy ears, brown skins, red eyes, glowing red slick spiky hair, and red sideburns. She then grabs his face and kissed his lips.

Glo: was that so bad shreddy

Shredz: [sigh], no 

He grabs her arm and walks off. Scene transits to the hat manor, Ridley walks down the hall, his face was covered in bite marks. He walks past a room when he sensed something, he walks inside and see Blackhat sitting in his chair, Ridley walks over to him.

Ridley: I sensed you needed me sir

Blackhat: yes, I need you to attend a meeting 

Ridley: alright

Blackhat: it's about future henchmen

Ridley: ugh,with all do respect boss, I but I don't need a henchman, I already got flug to do that 

Blackhat: flug is my henchman, he just answers to you as well

Ridley: I know boss, but do I even need one, I'm strong enough on my own.

Blackhat: a henchman can help you, evolve in a way, it depends on the right one you choose, and I've already lost you once ghoul, I'm not gonna let it happen again. 

Ridley: me neither sir, [sigh, I understand sir, I'll try and look for a henchman, try too

Blackhat: that's the spirit, now get to it, oh and bring Leroy, as for intimidation purposes

Ridley nods and walks off.

Ridley: [thoughts], you have a funny way of showing you care boss 

Ridley then heads to the garage. 


Roadburn and Jade mamba was sleeping when they wake up and see the door open.  Ridley walks towards Roadburn patting her head. He whistled and appearing in a geyser of fire is Leroy.

Ridley: alright Leroy, the sooner we are done with this meaning the sooner we can reunited with my girl

Leroy gives him a thumbs up. They step inside road burn as she drives off. Scene transits to demencia eating food along with flug and 505. Then he hears a car engine drive by. She looks at the window and sees Roadburn leaving. 

Demencia: where are my three babies gonna

Flug: oh, didn't you hear,[munch], Ridley is going to a meeting

Demencia: about what 

Flug: Blackhat didn't say, for now, it's back to the three of us, which means I'm in charge

Demencia: you were barley in charge to begin with 

505 gaps as flug groans. Scene transit to the hero agency. Glo was holding drinks as the walk over to shredz as they sat down. She hands him a drink as they ship. 

Glo: so how are things

Shredz: the usual, probably gonna get reassigned 

Glo: shredz, you got to stop being reckless, it's getting hard to see you 

Shredz: I know I know, but I'm trying to prove myself, but every time it's always the big shot heroes get the glory, even that idiot bulldozer got credit, his mace had lipstick on it. [sigh], I guess being swapped isn't so bad, after all, that's how we met

Glo: hehe, yeah


We see the hero biceps and glo waiting for someone.

Glo: you sure he's coming biceps, he's late

Biceps: trust me runt, he'll be here

Glo: why did you request him anyway, aren't I'm not good enough

Bicep: he has strength we need some tougher cases, aw there imhe is

He points up and glo looks to the direction. In the distance we see a figure bouncing off the rooftops, it lands before them, glo is startled by his appearance.

Biceps: meet the new member of our group, the sidekick, shreddy

Shredz: it's shredz, and I'll prove I'm more then just a sidekick 

Bicep: well keep up

Biceps runs ahead of them. Glo looks at shredz as he does the same, she gulps and follows ahead. 


A few weeks after shredz join, glo warmed up to the member,  they are now outside a building, inside was a monstrous kraken that had been wreaking havoc.

Bicep: alright you newbie stand back while I'll take care of it

Shredz: bicep thag kraken took out several heroes you need us

Biceps: I'll call when I need sidekicks 

Glo: trust him shredz he's got this

Shredz growls as biceps runs inside. Seconds in he is sent flying out the warehouse, then the kraken roars. Having enough shredz runs inside.

Glo: wait, where are you going

Shredz: to get furocious. 

He runs into the warehouse, worried of her safety she chased after him. Once inside see was terrified of the soze of the kraken, its tentacles looked over them, but Swish, they are ripped to pieces. The monster screeches, it attacks glo again, but she is saved by someone, in the air she opens her eyes, her savior was shredz, as his hood falls off revealing his face. She felt something beat in her chest. While she was in his arms he jumped off the wall and lunged at the kraken, His painsaw, was more of a chainsaw, at the ready. He unleashed various slashes. He lands on the ground, and Cling, the kraken body divided into the pieces. He looks at glo and smiles.

Shredz: I always did like calamari 

Glo simply smiles, but then the painsaw attack not only hit the kraken, but the warehouse as it breaks apart and collapses. Biceps awakens and sees the warehouse, he jogs over as shredz and glo burst forth. Just as the news channel arrive. Minutes later shredz groans, as they were talking to biceps. Then glo walks over.

Glo: hey

Shredz: hey 

Glo: thanks for saving me, and defeating the kraken 

Shredz: don't mention it, biceps isn't 

Glo: he's a good friend, just clueless at some points, but hey, at lest you know I'm cheering for you, so that's something

She smiles as shredz blushes under his hood. She then takes it off revealing his face.

Glo: they'll notice you more if you show your face, I know I do 

She blushes too, as they chuckle

-flashback over

Glo: ever since then, we're the best boyfriend and girlfriend 

Shredz: yeah, and I notice some guys giving us some looks 

Glo: and don't think I don't notice you giving them the jumpscare

Shredz: what, I'm shocked, shocked I say

He looks at her as he laugh as does her. They look at each before they lean in closer. 

Attendant: Shreddy, please report to the following location

Shredz: [growls] it's shredz, I wrote it down 

Glo: ah, don't be like that shreddy, 

She kissed him and gets up.

Glo: best not keep them waiting 

She waved and leaves, he sighs and walks off. He makes it to the designation, the boss office

Boss: hello shreddy

Shredz: [annoyed], hey boss, how's it going 

Boss: heard of your recent capture, the higher ups are.... Quite please

Shredz: wait really, that's clawsome 

Boss: yes, and they are so pleased that they want you on a mission.

Shredz: you can count on me boss, what is it 

The bosss tells him as darkness clouds the screen.

-Hat manor

We see flug, demencia and 505 being in Blackhat office, where he addressed the three.

Blackhat: a client has ask us to steal a high tech chip, able to search for anyone on the globe.

Flug: with that sir he can find even us

Demencia: well, is that hard, there was sunblast, the skull wearing chick, the  bikers, the surfers, the ice girl, that quarry, and-

Flug: I get it 

Blackhat: he needs it to search for a specific item, in exchanges he'll give it to us.

Flug: oh, then that works

Blackhat: it's being held in a lab, steal it, there may be a change that heroes there and of course get in the way.

Demencia: we can handle any hero

Flug: but just incase sir, will Ridley join us

Blackhat: he still in a meeting

-meeting spot

Ridley sighs as he sits on a desk, along with Leroy and other villains, as the next henchman comes off the stand.

Henchman: hello, I am here to so you what I can do

He then brings out a staff and lights it up. Ridley and Leroy sigh.

Ridley: you oh me big time blackhat

-hat manor

Blackhat: take the hat ship, and don't fail me 

Flug: yes my lord

They runs outside. The scene transit to the lab location under the night sky.


Outside the wall shredz is standing there. He yawns as walks around the Walls.

Shredz: well this is stupid, a special mission, I'm guarding a chip that can just be duplicated.

Then he gets texted by glo.

Glo: [text], hey how you doing 

Shredz: [smiles and text], I'm doing good

She sends him a smiling picture of her. He smiles and puts a heart on it. He happily sighs and puts on music. Scene transit down to the streets of the city. We see a fast object zoom past the cars, it was going so fast we had to change the camera filter, a better view shows it's demencia in her suit on Jade mamba, in her monster form. Behind her was flug, screaming as he held on for dear life, the same goes for 505z


Demencia: to bad

She goes even faster. They arrive at the wall and drift, skid across the street into the parking lot, it then stops launching flug into the wall, then 505 hit flug. He falls down, then flug after leaving an imprint in the wall. He gets up groaning, before he she's shredz, his backside facing them and the music made it to where he didn't hear them. Demencia walks to them.

Flug: demencia, go inside and get the chip, I'll knock this guy out.

Demencia: alright 

Demencia sneaks into the lab through the window. Flug slowly creeps onto flug, holding his tranquilizer. But then shredz sense something behind him. As flug closed in, shredz head did a 180 turn. 

Shredz: oh hey!

Flug is scared silly by the jumpscare as he fall on his back. Shredz body turns with his head as he looks at flug, he then scans him.

Shredz: [gasp], it's you, Dr. Flug, servant of Blackhat

Flug: and you are 

Shredz: I am the furocious shredz, and you are coming with me.

Flug: I think not 

Flug fires his tranquilizer, it hits his arm. Shredz just brushed it off.

Flug: wait what 

Shredz: I'm half cyborg dude, toxins don't really affect me 

Flug: well in that case, time to bring out

flug activate his jetpack and robot arms.

Flug: the big guns

Shredz: oh wow, that's impressive, here is my big guns 

Shredz brings forth his painsaw. 

Shredz: my circle of painsaw

Flug: wait is that a chainsaw 

Shredz: yep, now let's get clawsome 

Shredz rushed flug and swings at him. Flug dodged the attack, he flies off and fires missiles. They make contact but did little to affect him. Flug flies at shredz fist ready. The robot fist hits shredz face, the impact caused a gust of air to blow back. Shredz then he grabs his fist and crushed his robot arm.

Shredz: seriously, is that all you got 

Flug: n-no 

Shredz shows a wicked smile, freaking out the doctor. Shredz then kicks him back, he rushed him, sending a barrage of slashes throughout his body. Shredz lands behind him. Flug look behind him and was surprised. 

Dug: did you even hit me

Shredz looks at him and smirks. Swish, his robot arms were tested apart, his jetpack, and before you know it paper bag is teared apart, to reveal another paperbag.

Shredz: wait, your wearing another paperbag... weird, whatever, time to beat you senseless 

Flug: why is that your first choice 

Shredz starts beating down on flug. After it's done he grabs flug and begins dragging him. But then a wall explodes, out walks demencia.

Demencia: yo, flug, are you done, I got the chip

She sees shredz who's carrying flug. Demencia just smiles. 

Demencia: oh this should be fun

She cracks her knuckles as shredz scans her. Once it was complete he glees.

Shredz: Demencia, the Toxic Lizard, mate to the ghoul himself, oh this is gonna be clawesome 

He drops flug and runs at demencia. Demencia does the same, whilst activating her necklace turning it into and axe. The painsaw and axe clash, blasting with to all directions. They smile as the clash their weapons. Shredz fur was nick by demencia axe as demencia cheek was grazed by his saw. Their weapons clash again, shredz overpower over powers demencia, he pins her down to ground. Demencia wasn't having it as she pushed against him. They glare and growl at each other before they weapons were sent flying. They reel back and punch each other. They continue to battling each other. He grabs her and throws her into the wall. He waits for her, then she pounces on him. Slashing him in the face. To the point he knocks his hood off, Enraging the bear.

His eyes color starts to flicker, his glowing heat begin to shake. As demencia slash him, he grabs her face, yelling, slams him into the ground. The impact not only left and imprint of Demi, but crack the ground around her.

Demencia: bear got game 

Her leg is grabbed as shredz slams her into various places in the parking lot. She lands on the ground hard after the Hammering, then shredz growls and starts spinning her around. Flug awakens and see this.

Flug: that doesn't look good

He then ducks under various object thrown at him. Coming from demencia hair as she was being  spun. Then shredz let's go, throwing her into flug. They slid across the ground hard, as shredz looks over. He then pulls out two cuffs and smirks.

 Shredz: time for you guys to know what Prison is like

Flug: been there done that

Demencia: yeah 

Shredz: well not Maximum prison, The Pit

Flug shrilled like a girl. The pit was the most maximum security prison, only one has escaped the prison.

Flug: well that's not gonna happen, 5!

Shredz left confused, a large shadow loomed over him, red eyes and a flower on its head. Shredz sensed him and left loose a powerful roar, so powerful it broke window glass, the force stretched 505 face. And when shredz stopped, 505 teared up and ran scared.

Shredz: really, is that the best you got, I've seen chipmunks scary, and those dudes could sing

Demencia: no this is

Taking a deep breath she whistles a sharp tune. Shredz look around as nothing happened.

Shredz: what, we're you summoning your pet 

Demencia: na if I want to summon him, I would've have down a silent one, this one 

A flaming ball, the size of a meteor, flys through the city, its speed and force shatters glass. It crashed into the parking lot. Shredz, on the ground,  turns around and sees a pair of red eyes, in the smoke. Once the smoke cleared, standing before shredz.... Was the ghoul. 

Demencia: that, was to call my man 

Ghoul: hey TL..... flug 

Flug: hey ghoul, weren't you in a meeting

Ghoul: Leroy is covering for me


Leroy growls as the next contestant come forth, but she was wearing a cat suit. Which perk Leroy interest.

Cat girl: I am here to represent all you cat lovers, and from hatters, I am 

Leroy jumps and attacks her, chasing her around the place.

-lab parking lot

Ghoul: demencia, normally you would call if you were in over your head, but all I see is some sidekick

Demencia: wait we got beat by a sidekick, dangit

Flug: that explains why when I scan the place it was clear, because he was a sidekick

Shredz: [jumps up], hey I am more than capable to take on any villain as a sidekick. And first of all: my god it's you, the ghoul, Blackhat second in command, fiercest monster villain, and poster boy for villains monthly I don't know for how long

Demencia: wait villains monthly?

Ghoul: that's not important right now, anyway, seems you heard of me kid, what's you name 

Shredz: well, the names shredz, and I'm gonna be the greatest warrior, legends will cry my name 

Ghoul: impressive goal, I had one just like it, and now I'm living it 

Shredz: wow, now I just have to really go out

Ghoul: you can try kid

Shredz: oh I will

Shredz ready his painsaw

Shredz: let's get ferocious 

Shredz attacks ghoul. He jumps and swings, which ghoul dodged, he does this several times. Ghoul was learning his fighting style. It was impressive. He was surprised he was still a sidekick. Shredz continued slashed, he gets an idea. He strikes his painsaw across the ground. Creating a smoke screen. Ghoul goes to attack, when Shredz appears on the otherside. Taking the opening he slashed ghoul chest, blood splatter. Ghoul slid back and look at his chest. His pain tolerance was high, but he felt something. 

Ghoul: impressive

Shredz smirks, until the wound he caused heals. Ghoul smiles as shredz growls. He Revs up his Painsaw and jumps high up, ready to slash ghoul. He is grabbed midair by the neck, held by ghoul. Ghoul smiles and throws him into the wall. Shredz get up and screams, dodging a thrown fist. Ghoul Keeps him there as he pummels him with punches. Shredz spots his painsaw on the ground and growls. He ducks under a fist and grabs onto it, using the momentum he swings over the fist and kicks ghoul's face. Ghoul stumbles back as shredz goes for his painsaw.

Ghoul: scrappy little runt

Shredz grabs his painsaw, as it's handle extends, become a spear like weapon. He goes into a stance and faces ghoul.

Ghoul: ooh, this should be fun

Shredz: oh it'll be more then fun, it'll be clawsome

Ghoul: [thoughts], his puns are adorable

Shredz runs towards ghoul. But lights shine upon the two. It was hero ship. 

Ghoul: until next time, shredz 

Ghoul grabs demencia and flug. Jade man be, who was still there grabbed 505 as they all flee the seen. Shredz removed his hood and growls.

Shredz: almost had him

Then the ship defends onto the ground. 

Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi Shredz listening to music on the Chibi plane.

-hat manor

The doors are clicked open again, the team walks inside.

Demencia: well, at least we got the chip

Flug:[takes it], yeah and I'll deal with it

Demencia sticks her tongue out, she spots Ridley past her and leaps onto his back. 

Demencia: carry me 

Ridley chuckles and does so. Later Leroy arrived back home and was covered in cat fur. He smiles and teleports away leaving the fur. He sleeps on the couch along with demencia, sleeping on ridley chest. 

Ridley: that shredz kid, why does he remind me of.... Me 

Demencia: what are you saying 

He looks down seeing demencia awake. 

Ridley: nothing my love

Demencia: ok... tell me about the meeting... what was it about 

Ridley: oh, Blackhat wanted me to recruit a henchman

Demencia: oh a new member would join the team 

 Ridley: they would, if I found one, but I couldn't find anyone that showed potential, they were to weak or to new to make the cut, it wasn't like before.

Demencia: before? what before

Ridley: I met this girl in Blackhat school, when I visited, she had potential be something great

Demencia: well, [yawn].... What happen to... her

Ridley: well, I don't want to talk about it, but you would go mommy dommy mode so I tell you, she's- hm

He looks down as she fell asleep.he chuckles and sets her down by Leroy and walks off. In his zoo he was feeding his herd of the monsters. Then Blackhat appears behind him.

Blackhat: I don't need to be psychic to know you didn't find a henchman

Ridley: can you blame me, most of them were pencil pushers, they're not like flug, they couldn't endure my training

Blackhat: no I can't, I should've realized that you need to find one, so find one by the end of the week, that is all....... Oh and you have mission to complete soon, a large power source has been detected in an abandon steel mill, I need you to get it.

Ridley: yes Blackhat

Blackhat teleports away.

Ridley: heh, find a protege by the end of the week, easier said then done, only one bad guy-ER-girl had what it took, and she up and went good

The scene transits to the hero agency.

-Hero agency

Shredz is sulking in the lobby.

Shredz: this close to beating ghoul and all of the Blackhat members, and the heroes had to so up, so close. Ugh 

He then sees arms shoot past him and he's tackled by glo. Oh the ground he is pulled into a hug.

Glo: omg I just heard what happened, are you okay 

Shredz: yes I'm fine

Then glo kiss him. 

Glo: I can't believe [kiss], you, [kiss], beat, [kiss],the Blackhat , [kiss],gang

Shredz pushed her away

Shredz: cool it glo, look it's no big deal, I just couldn't beat ghoul 

Glo: but since you beat the others, people will start recognizing you

Shredz: maybe

Glo: but for now, even a sidekick deserves a reward

Shredz perks up as he takes off his hood. Wraps her arms around him as did shredz aroudn her waist, they noses touch as they lean in.

Attendant: shreddy please report it the rooftop, to the rooftop

Shredz: everytime 

Glo smiles and kiss him before getting up.

Glo: good luck 

She walks off as shredz sighs.

Shredz: lost ghoul and lost a kiss, this better be good

Shredz gets up and walks away. The scene transit to the rooftop, Shredz walks outside and looks around, he spots a jet. It opens and reveal two heroes, familiar ones. The heroes for hire, the twins, swelter and glacius. Shredz was jaw dropped

Shredz: omg, the twins swelter and glacius, huge fan 

Swelter: so your the sidekick who took on ghoul, he doesn't look though

Glacius: come now brother, shredz has proved he can roll with the best, which is why we need him for a mission

Shredz: me

Glacius: yes, we have intel that our fake power source will be luring in villains, this will catch the eyes of several heavy hitters, will you assist 

Swelter: you might run into ghoul again

Shredz smiled and puts on his hood

Shredz: I'm shreddy ( as I'm ready)

Swelter: man, that face is freaky 

Shredz glares at him as they enter the ship. They fly through the sky. The scene transit back to hat manor.

-Hat manor

Flug was working outing the chip into the hat ship. When is shaken by Ridley.

Flug: ah, haven't I have enough jumpscares

Ridley: no, get the ship ready, we're going out

Flug: what about demencia

Ridley points to demi, sleeping in her seat. Flug sighs and flies the ship out the manor.

Flug: so where's the designation 

Ridley: I put the designation into the ship, we're are gonna retrieve a power source. Luckily it can help upgrade you tech

Flug: read you loud and clear... oh did you find anyone to look for a henchman 

Ridley: no, it's harder then it looks 

The ship flies off

-Steel Mill

The scene has the ship descend onto the ground. They team walk out as demencia stretches.

Demencia: alright, let's get this over with so I can go to sleep 

They sneak inside. Flug used a device to track the power source, they walked down hall, and then they find the power source in a red catwalk. Flug was about to grab when it disappears.

Flug: what the

Then his upper body is frozen. Appearing from their elements, were the twins. Eating glares from the toxic couple.

Glacius: talk about a chilly reception 

Swelter: what's wrong hot stuff, not happy to see us 

Demencia: oh I'm happy to see you, happy to finally get the chance to beat you to pieces

Swelter: ooh such a fiery temper, if you weren't a villain 

Ghoul: she still isn't interested 

glacuis: oh It seems you've stuck a nerve brother

Swelter: yeah, and what are you gonna do about ghoul

Ridley then changed into ghoul, he marched towards the swelter, then he attacks, but something then runs towards him and tackles him. It was shredz as he pushed into through the wall as they fell.

Shredz: remember me

Ghoul: boy, you beginning to be a real pain in my-

He hits the ground hard. Demencia was about to follow until a fire blasts stopped her.

Swelter: we have a fight to continue

Demencia: gladly 

She brings forth her axe and attacks them. Ghoul and shredz get up and square off.

Ghoul: boy are you following me

Shredz: nope, I'm not the one for fell for the trap

Ghoul: hello it was a power source just lying around, it's like you were begging me to come

Shredz: doesn't matter, cause I'm gonna take you down 

Ghoul: you sure that's what you bosses want

Shredz: glacius and swelter just see the best in me

Ghoul: hah, yeah right kid, they May got skills, the may got powers, but they are scavengers, waiting to get something valuable, and doesn't matter if they have to throw anyone under the bud 

Shredz: ugh I am not gonna be talked down by a villain, let's do this 

Shredz charges at ghoul and punches his face.

Ghoul: alright 

Ghoul attacks the bear. From above demencia spins her axe deflecting the elemental attacks. From her hair she throws bombs at the twins. Stunned demencia kicks swelter guts, then uppercuts his face.

Swelter: should've froze her brother

Glacius: yes, but just a little more time

They avoid a falling axe.  Back on the ground, ghoul spins around, as shredz has him in the headlock. He bashed into the wall. He grabs shredz and throws him. He hits the wall and falls down. He gets up and groan. He gets up and attacks, then outside, 505 was drawing in the hat ship, when something darkens the sky even more. He looks outside and gasp.  He starts ruining into the steel mill. Demencia is still fighting the twins when the roof starts to shake.

Demencia: what the 

Swelter: that's our cue, Gus toots

Glacius: and give out regards... to shreddy hehe 

They crest a smokescreen and disappeared, flug breaks free from the ice as we see 505 runs inside.

Demencia: what are you doing here bear 

He then grabs the two and run off.

Demencia: hey wait, C-fang!!

Down in the ground, shredz and ghoul breathe heavily. 

Ghoul: had enough

Shredz: not even close

Then doors are flung open, several armed soldiers runs in and aim their weapons at both of them. Then the ceiling is ripped off, a massive ship floats above them.  It was a cloud carrier. Different paint job. Ridley recognized this one and groaned. 

Ridley: it's his ship

Shredz: whoa guys, this isn't what I called bringing in the Calvary

Soldier: don't move 

Shredz: what, I'm a good guy like you guys

Ghoul: runt, they don't see you that way 

One of the soldiers bring up a holographic 

Soldier: from orders of P.E.A.C.E, shredz is here by stricken of his title as a sidekick, for action unbecoming of a hero, hence for be treated as an enemy to the cause

This broke shredz to the core. Then a tractor beam shot from the cloud carrier, and froze ghoul and shredz in their tracks, allowing soldiers to put shock collars on their neck. The beam carriers them to the carrier, the soldiers follow behinds. The gang watch as the ship flys from the steel mill, they were cloak so they were safe.

Flug: alright, they're gone

With that demencia punches him in the face, then throws 505 into the glass.

Demencia: why the hell did we just let him get kidnap

Flug: if we had stayed we would've got captured by those soldiers.

Demencia: but at least we would have known where he's going, if he's okay 

Flug: oh but we do

Demencia; you got that chip working

Flug: no, it's incompatible with the ship, but I have the next best thing 

From the screen he reveals a map of the world, where it shows ghoul icon as it moves away from them.

Flug: a tracker on ghoul

Demencia: wait, how did you put a tracker on my man, we sleep in the same bed, and not to mention he's a ghoul, he has Leroy and a hord of monster

Flug: but he doesn't watch what he eats, now tiny micro-bird are around his demonic stomach 

Demencia:... hehe......hehehehe, [slowly smirks], ssssssoooo flug, as his girlfriend and co owner of Leroy, know something so juicy, you don't want them finding out

Flug stoped what he doing and got a mental imagine of what they'll do

Flug:[freezes], oh goddammit

Demencia: hence forth, mine and Ridley and Leroy man servant's times like this I hate my existence 

Demencia: yeah, yeah, now let's get my mad

Flug goes for the control but gets hip bumped by Demi. 

Demencia: I'm driving 


Demencia: to late

On the last "no" from flug the hat ship fly skyward and after the cloud carrier.

Timeskip brought to you by chin flug holding on to Chibi Demi hair as she speeds up.

The scene transits to the more maximum security prison, holding some of the worst of the worst. From giants to mystic warriors. And now two new inmates. Their cells were right next door. ridley yawns as he sits there. 

Shredz:[depressed] I can't believe this.... I was thrown aside 

Ridley: try to warn ya kid, but even I didn't expect this

Shredz: and here I thought I was one step closer to my dream

Ridley: it was to be the greatest warrior, I can respect that

Shredz: why.... Why are you even talking to me, your a high ranking villain, talking to me, a sidekick who's been traded off

Ridley: because, I see a lot of me in you

Shredz: really, wait is that a good thing

Ridley: how about we leave the heir and villain titles aside kid

Shredz: alright

Ridley: I was a fighter who had to get by on scraps who's been pinned down by several not so kind bosses. I was treated as disposable, but I proved them wrong

Shredz: wow, when I was younger, I was a killed living with his mom, was a scientist with a knack for robotics, but my father, a rich guy, disposed of her and me after we served our usefulness, then came the accident, my body was injured when as a child, the only thing my mom had a cybernetic bear. She saved my life. But I was always branded as a freak by everyone else, my mom soon past and I lived in an abandoned factory, getting by through stealing food, then I met a few underworlders, who also had no where to go and made there underworld their home. I joined in a they had gladiator fights, where I got my dream to be the strongest, it's there where I made my painsaw. Then I seen the heroes, they were the example of strength. That's why I wanted to be a hero, at first I liked it, but now I'm not sure

Ridley: ouch kid, it seems like you found the wrong side to up to, Blackhat may be a dangerous lord if darkness, but he's a great boss 

Shredz: heh, looks like we are not so different 

Ridley:[ponders].... No.... No we're not 

Then they talk was interrupted by multiple stomps. Shredz and Ridley Barr witness to a massive figure looming over them.  It wore a wardens uniform and had large horns. It was the Gaurdian of the pit, the hero, Warden. And he and Ridley have a history

Warden: [breathes fire] Ridley, once again you are under my watch. 

Ridley: sup warden, how yah doing, love the new cell you gave me, has that new cell smell

Warden:[ punches cell], again you joke, you may have escaped multiple times, but this is the only prison made for you, and your not escaping this time

Ridley: didn't I escape: 665 times, I bet there is a scoreboard here

Scene transit to the guards lobby room where we see that scoreboard next to the dartboard back to the others.

Warden: it doesn't matter, you are not escaping this time, not with this little insurance policy 

He pressed a button, and the two are electrocuted. 

Warden: enjoy your stay.

He stomps off. 

Shredz: escaped 665 times?

Ridley: yep, and this will be number 666, but I won't have to do much

Shredz: really

Ridley smiles and leans down. Outside arriving at the pit was the hat ship it hovered over the steel covered hole.  

Flug: so, how are we gonna get through that. 

Demencia: any ideas

Flug: well we can taken the garbage dump near the cl-

Demencia waist no time and plunges through the wall.

Skip to 0:33-1:25, you should obviously know who's who and they going down a pit.

The hat ship crashes through the wall and flys through the prison, crashing into many floors. Flug and 505 were screaming, flug was holding on to dear life.

Demencia: almost there

Flug heard her chant something but was too busy screaming. Scene transits to the control room. Where prison gaurd was drinking coffee when he noticed something on the monitor. A large object that barreled toward them.

Guard: ugh guys

Guard 2: yeah what is it

Guard: it says something is heading straight for us

Guard 3: hah, must be an error, no one is crazy to break into hear

Guard: yeah your right

They laugh, but then the control room is crashed into by the hat ship, it slows the ship down as is falls to the floor below.  Guards arrive and aim their weapons at the ship. The gang get up groaning.

Demencia: where's ghoul

Flug: I think, you destroyed the control room

Demencia: what makes you say that 

Then all of the alarms start flashing, lights turn red, and all the cell doors begin to open, and the prisoners shock collars were deactivated.

Flug:[terrified], just a hunch

Prisoner: FREEDOM

The prisoner commence a jailbreak. The warden was in his office, writing, when he felt the ground shake, as it knock over his drink. Causing him to crush his pen.

Warden:[yell] Ridley 

Speaking of Ridley, minute ago they were sitting in their cells. Then the alarms go off and they cells open, the collars deactivate.

Ridley: demencia

Ridley breaks his collar and runs out. He can see the destruction happening all around. Prisoners battling the guards. Ridley smiles and runs, but stops when he see shredz. 

Ridley: you coming 

Shredz:... what

Ridley: runt, you're not gonna achieve your dream by staying here. So come on

Shredz looks at him and gets up following him. As they ran prisoners and guards got in their way. Ridley took them out as shredz didn't try, couldn't blame him.  They reach the next floor and see a fight happening above, something was sending guards flying. Then it jumps towards them, Ridley sees it and is tackled. He feels something soft on his lips, and recognizes the taste. It was demencia, as they start French kissing. Starting cuddling up to each other. Shredz was weirded out, as his perspective show a giant amount hair just shaking, and ridley legs dangling there.

Shredz: what the heck am I looking at

Then Ridley shot up holding the massive hair beast, they depart as Ridley bites down on her next, causing her to moan.

Ridley: why is you look beautiful when you coming to my sis

Demencia: I'm just a natural 

Ridley: your something alright 

He growl causing her to blush. He goes for lips till reality strikes.

Shredz: guys we are in the middle of a jailbreak and are you seriously about to kiss 

Demencia: we can multitask!!!

Ridley: sorry babe, shredz is right we got it go

Ridley gets up and carries Demi over his shoulder. They continue to run.

Demencia: why is he here

Ridley: it's a long story, for now he's with us

Demencia: I got my eyes on you

Shredz: after what I saw, no thank you 

They make it to the next floor where the hat ship. Being guarded by flug as shoots down security with his ice gun.

Flug: back, back you savages... I had a really long day

Shredz: I'm guessing  this isn't the first one

Ridley: nope 

Demencia: nah uh 

They help take out the remaining guards.

Flug: hey your alive, and why is he here

Ridley: he's with for now, get the ship fixed

Flug: I can fix it in two minutes

Warden: RIDLEY!!!!!!!!!!

They look up to see the warden, he jumps down and begins changing. He lands on the ground blowing a massive amount of gust. When they see him, he is now a large three headed hydra with wings.

Hydra warden: your not going anywhere

Ridley: you got a minute flug 

Flug: noted

He gets to work as Ridley transforms into ghoul. 

Ghoul: he got three heads, one for each of us

Demencia: wait your counting him

Ghoul looks at shredz, looking deep into his eyes, he wasn't ready.

Ghoul: forget it, he's not ready, you wanna share my love

Demencia: mm, how romantic

They charge at the hydra. Demencia attacks his face, they tried biting her but no luck. Ghoul tackles his leg, making him fall. On the ground, Demencia punch's one int the face, the other was about to bite her when a broken column strikes his head, wielded by ghoul. Having enough hydra flies up and shakes them off. He breathes fire on the two. Shredz just stands there watching as they fought. The warden was known for his strenght and size. But they didn't care, they were fighting him like warriors. Shredz gets angry and brings forth his painsaw. The warden stops the fire and sees ghoul protect Demi from the burns, he gets up and growls eyes glowing. Then he sees shredz jumonhigh in the air and slash the warden back all the way down. The warden roars, before falling to the floor below. He gets up to face shredz.

Shredz: hey, if you think I'm gonna stand here and miss the action, then you got another thing coming.

He swings his painsaw when hydra knocks it out his hand, it lands on the hull of hat ship, right next to flug head. Shredz then looks at hydra. Who punches him, sending him into s Boulder, as Shredz gets up his body starts sparking. Then the warden loomed over him.

Warden: pathetic sidekick

Warden fires a trio of fire at shredz, everyone watch the kid get burned, hearing his screams. Ghoul starts to growl as something within him ignites. But then that scream turns into a grunt, hyrda stops the fire and sees shredz is still there, but different. His right arm reveal a metal arm, his bear ear as well. His lower jaw stop had lip, but showing metal along with his teeth. Same for his chest plate. Shredz begins to get enraged. 

Shredz: I'm not some sidekick.... I'm the beast of the Underworld, Shredz 

Daunting his new title his hair, eyes, right arm and chest place begin to glow purple instead of red, and then his digital heart turned into a cracked heart. He stretched and grabbed his painsaw. He revs it up, and powers it with the new energy, it spins, turning purple.

Shredz: let's get furocious 

Shredz charges at hydra with flying speed, dealing vicious blows. Hyrda manage to knock him down but it did little effort,  shredz wasn't stopping, like a true monster. ghoul and demencia joined in. Together they managed to weaken heyday and push him to the edge. Ghoul gives shredz a leg up, he sparks and strikes hydra chest with his fist, the impact sent him falling through each floor.

Warden: I Hate You Ridley

Then they Hat ship flies up.

Ghoul: let's go

They hop on and fly out the prison, as they did, a certain counter changed from 665 to 666.

Timeskip brought you by Chibi Hyrda rounding up the prisoners. 

They were in the forest as they healed their wounds. Shredz look at his reflection looking at his new self.

Flug: ah you know, I can fix that if you like

Shredz: no thanks doc, I like myself this way, maybe now people will give me respect

Demencia: so where you going now furball

Shredz: I don't know, no one out there will treat me the same

He looks towards the sunrise, then 505 walks over to him.

505: bow

Shredz: what 

505: Bow, bow... bow bow [motions to the gang]

Shredz: really 

505: bow, [nods]

Shredz: you guys know your pet ask me to join me

Demencia: wait what 

Flug: wait what 

Ridley:[thoughts] wait what he can speak animal

Flug: you can speak animal 

Shredz: yeah, and you bear ask me to join 

Demencia: well, you were great in the fight

Flug: and 505 likes him

Demencia: though he likes everyone 

Flug: well I can use an assistant in the lab

Demencia: what you think baby

Ridley: what I think 

Ridley walks towards shredz, who stands up and face them. Starts pacing around him.

Ridley: I see a sidekick who was trading off by every hero, now he's on his own.... A persons, has zero regards for safety, will fight with his allies, even try an get the credit, your reckless, dangerous , wild, out of control runt, who has dreams of being the greatest warrior this world has seen

As he finished, his anger face turns to a satisfied smile. As he walks off.

Ridley: you will make a fine henchman 

Shredz: wait what 

Ridley: yes, I've seen your skills and you have what it takes, I rarely see that nowadays. Plus I have been given the opportunity to do so, but know this ill will work you to the bone, tear you apart and remake you into my imagine, under of Blackhat, are you willing to accept this

Shredz:.... Heh, I'd be a fool not to, I'll give you my undying loyalty, if you help me with my dream ghoul, [kneels]

Ridley smiles as he now knew how Blackhat feels, when they first met. He changes into ghoul and pats his shoulder

Ghoul: welcome, my new warrior, Shredz, my combatant hunter, now accept, your birthright 

Shredz takes the titles. As something happens, ghouls symbol is know on his left shoulder. Shredz gets up and takes off his hood. Ghoul and him walk to the ship as he goes to Ridley.

Ridley: come on, let's go tell Blackhat the news

Demencia: it'll be nice to have a beat that can do his job

Flug: hey

Demencia: welcome aboard shreddy

Shredz: I just known you two second so I'll let that past

Ridley: hehe, this is gonna be fun

The ship flies off. But then we see a pair of pink eyes come from the woods.

???: sensei....Ridley 

Boom that's it for the chapter, you have just met shredz, the newest member of the Blackhat gang. Soon to be best of friends with them. And he has a girlfriend glo, who hasn't found out about it. Next chapter, fitting in won't be so hard as shredz thinks in, Shreddy Or Not.

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