Chapter Eighteen- Kofu, Round Two!

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The group arrived at Cascarrafa as the day began to come to an end. They had spent much of the day traveling, and Violet was excited to get some rest and then go to take on Kofu.

The group stepped out of the sandy desert and took the elevator up to the second level. "This place is amazing!" Evan marveled, his eyes darted around the city.

"It really is a great place," Violet agreed. "Especially after walking through a desert for so long."

They stepped off of the elevator and walked over to the nearby hotel. The desert had taken a bit of time to get through, and the group decided that they would spend the day cleaning up and resting. Violet would take Kofu on the following day. "I'm looking forward to seeing your battle tomorrow, and then facing you afterward."

Violet couldn't help but smile a bit. "Sounds like a plan, I'll be sure to give it my all."

"You've got this!" Evan assured her. "Win or lose, you and your team will do amazing!"

Violet parted ways with her friends and went off to her room, settling herself in and then taking a shower to clean up from the desert. Violet sat down on her bed later that evening and scrolled on her phone.

The last time she had been in Cascarrafa, it had been a short visit. Now, she would get to hear the soothing sounds of waterfalls as she drifted off to sleep. The girl looked at some posts on social media and decided to check out some of the recent videos from Iono and her fans.

The trainer could hardly believe it but Iono had cut her battle into a highlight, and it was being promoted all over her pages. Several people had become fans of Violet, and it was a weird feeling to read through all these strangers who had latched on to Violet's Gym Challenge.

There was something a bit exciting about it. Violet sent out Floragato and decided to show him that the grass cat had begun to grow his own small fanbase. Floragato didn't seem as interested, and instead yawned and then curled up at the foot of the bed.

Violet decided it was about time to head to bed as well, turned out the light, and went off to sleep.

The next day rolled around, and Violet went through her morning routine to prepare for the day. She decided to dress a bit nicer today, placing the Vivillion clip into her hair and then putting on a blue and pink flowery dress that went down to her ankles.

The girl admired her outfit and then gathered her things, before heading outside to meet her friends. "Nice outfit Violet!" Evan complimented.

Aya seemed to stare at Violet for a moment longer than Evan. "Mhm, you've got a pretty impressive fashion sense."

Violet immediately began to blush as the trio left the hotel and started heading to Cascarrafa. "Thanks, guys! I just want to dress to impress, this is my big chance after all!"

The group of trainers went up the next elevator and over to the Gym Building, where Violet started booking her challenge with Kofu. "Ah, welcome back Violet! Kofu's very excited to battle you today! The rematch will be a three-on-four battle, is that alright?"

Violet seemed a bit surprised. "I get to use four Pokémon and he only gets three?"

The receptionist shook his head. "Not quite. Because this is a rematch, you have to use three Pokémon to beat four of his."

Violet immediately felt a bit of dread churn in her stomach. "Alright then, I'll manage."

The receptionist punched something into his computer and gave the girl a thumbs-up. "Best of luck, Violet! Your battle will begin as soon as you're ready!" Violet thanked the man and rejoined her friends.

There were perks to arriving at the gym early in the day, and this was one of them. Violet explained the rules to her friends, and both of them winced. "That makes sense, it'll be an uphill battle from the start then," Aya concluded.

The group stepped onto the elevator and descended. "It will, but I believe in my team. We've worked hard for this, and I know we can do it," Violet concluded. Though, she didn't fully believe it herself. It would all come down to her skill as a trainer.

They arrived at the ground floor, where Kofu and a crowd were waiting for them. A sandstorm was blowing through the air, and Violet internally groaned when she realized that it was yet another thing she would have to deal with for this battle.

The girl steeled her nerves and approached the battlefield. "I'm Violet, and I've returned to challenge this gym!"

The crowd started to applaud, and the cheers seemed much more genuine than last time. A big grin spread across Kofu's face as he took out a Poké Ball. "Good to have you back, Violet! I'm looking forward to this fight!"

"The following battle will be a three-on-four battle, where only the challenger may substitute Pokémon!" A referee declared. "There's currently a sandstorm blowing through, so until it subsides this battle will also have a Sandstorm in effect! The match is over when all Pokémon on either trainer's side can no longer battle! Let the match, begin!"

Violet sent out Tinkatuff while Kofu called on a small red Pokémon. The little Pokémon landed in the pool and narrowed its tiny eyes. Violet recognized that the little fish was a Tatsugiri, which was fragile but powerful.

"Tinkatuff, start with Fairy Wind!" Tinkatuff launched a blast of wind through the air and into the Tatsugiri for a bit of damage.

Kofu's Pokémon shook off the attack and stood up on its tail. "Tatsugiri, use Surf!" The water swelled into the air with Tatsugiri riding atop it. The massive wall of water surged forward and then crashed down into Tinkatuff. "Now use Nasty Plot!"

Tinkatuff was blown back by the move, and Tatsugiri began to rub its fins together. They would need to act quickly. "Tinkatuff, stand strong and use Thunder Wave!" Tinkatuff outstretched a hand and sent an electric wave at her foe.

"Use Surf again to dodge it, and then finish this match!" Kofu called to his Pokémon. Tatsugiri once again rose into the air. The electricity entirely missed its target, and the wave moved forward.

Thinking fast, Violet formulated a plan. "Tinkatuff, use Metal Claw on the ground to launch yourself into the air! Then use Thunder Wave again!" Tinkatuff slammed her hammer onto the ground, vaulting off of the sudden momentum and over the wave. She then held out her hand again and flooded Tatsugiri with electricity.

Tatsugiri's wave then collapsed, and the tiny dragon crashed onto the ground. "Brutal Swing!" Tinkatuff began to spin as she fell, slamming directly into the foe. Kofu's Pokémon was blown back and seemed to be slowing down.

Now that it was out of the water, sand began to pelt its body and deal small bits of damage. With Tatsugiri slowed down and vulnerable, it was time to finish things. "Run in and use Metal Claw!" Tinkatuff charged ahead, raising her hammer to slam it down on the foe once more.

Kofu grit his teeth. "Hang in there Tatsugiri! Use Rapid Spin to deflect it!" Tatsugiri fought through the paralysis to spin its body around in place, repelling Tinkatuff's hammer strike. "Now, use Surf again!" Violet realized that Tatusgiri's only other move must have been a Dragon-Type attack, and smiled as a wave of water rose from the pool.

"That's no problem at all! Dodge to the side and then slam Tatsugiri with one last Metal Claw!" Violet's Pokémon started to run as the wave moved in. Tinkatuff swung her hammer and dodged as the wave crashed down, and then used the momentum to pivot and swing the hammer back around towards Tatsugiri.

The attack immediately slammed directly into the opposing Pokémon, knocking the tiny fish into the air. Kofu's first Pokémon crashed onto the ground and fainted, marking a victory for Violet. Tinkatuff grinned and waved her hammer around as the crowd started to cheer. Violet's Pokémon had done it, and now the score was even.

Kofu couldn't hide his smile as he sent out Veluza. "You've gotten stronger, that's for sure! Use Aqua Cutter!" Veluza shot into the air and immediately fired a blast of water out at Tinkatuff.

"We've been training a lot! Tinkatuff, block it with Brutal Swing and move in to attack!" Tinkatuff started to spin as she ran in, and Violet felt a bit of familiarity as they neared their foe. Tinkatuff smashed away the incoming attack and then slammed into Veluza's body with the hammer.

Kofu shook his head. "Yet you make similar mistakes. Veluza, Psychic Fangs!" Veluza immediately rebounded from the blow and bit down on Tinkatuff's arm, putting them in a familiar scenario.

"Right, but I've got a new trick up my sleeve! Thunder Wave!" Tinkatuff let another wave of electricity spill forward, overtaking the body of the enemy Veluza.

Veluza released Tinkatuff from its grip, and Violet prepared to give her next command when Kofu cut in. "But see Violet, so do we! Drill Run!" Veluza started to spin his body, rocketing forward and slamming into Tinkatuff. The sudden attack blew past her defenses and sent the Pokémon flying into the air.

Violet began to panic and recalled Tinkatuff, she would need the Pokémon's Thunder Wave for later. Violet then brought out her second Pokémon, Girfaraig. Girafarig stomped her feet on the ground and stared at her opponent. "Nice surprise, but I've got some new friends on my team! Girafarig, use Psybeam!" Girafarig fired a beam out from her head at the enemy fish.

"Veluza, Aqua Cutter!" Veluza stayed in the water this time, launching a blast right into the pink beam and cutting through it. The attack slammed into Girafarig, and she began being bombarded by the sandstorm. "Now it's time for Fillet Away!"

Veluza began to sharpen all the fins on its body and roared as its body surged with power. Violet knew that doing that also increased its speed, which meant paralysis wasn't going to matter as much. "Go and use Psychic Fangs!"

They would need to take down Veluza, and fast. Violet immediately tossed out her Tera Orb and let Girafarig transform into a Dark-Type Pokémon once again. Veluza bit down on her Pokémon in an instant, but the attack did nothing. "Use Charge Beam!" Girafarig shook off Veluza and blasted him with a yellow beam, raising her special attack.

Kofu began to chuckle. "Clever, very clever! Let's finish this! Drill Run!" Veluza exploded with power and began to rush at Violet's Pokémon.

Violet narrowed her eyes as the grey blur approached. "Girafarig, use Crunch!" Girafarig turned around and the second head bit down on Veluza, stopping his approach and landing a devastating blow. The beast had been felled, and now Violet was in the lead.

Kofu returned his second Pokémon and then called out Crabominable. "You're pretty impressive Violet, but let's see how you handle this!" The sandstorm began to calm down, which allowed Violet to actually make out the battlefield. It was covered in sand, and a good deal of water had flooded from the pool. "Crabominable, use Ice Hammer!"

It seemed like Kofu was going to wait on Terastalization again. "Dodge it, and then use Psybeam!" Girafarig charged forward, moving quickly despite all the hazards on the field. Crabominable raised one of its mighty arms and the fist was frozen in a large amount of ice, the beast swung its attack at Girafarig but she cleanly evaded it.

Girafarig then fired a beam into Crabominable for some good damage. He was too slow for his own good. "Now, follow up with Crunch!" Girafarig spun her body around, managing to keep her footing on the terrain and the mouth chomped down onto Crabominable's bulky arm.

Kofu clenched his fist. "Use Avalanche!" Crabominable roared and icicles appeared in the sky, raining down onto Girafarig. She was clearly running low on stamina, but Violet was determined to hang in there.

"Girafarig, use Hyper Voice and give it everything you've got!" Girafarig let out a loud shriek that blew into Crabominable immediately.

The crab stood tall, and Kofu started to smile. "Drain Punch!" Crabominable swung a mighty fist into Girafarig, and she immediately hit the ground upon being struck. The crystals around her body faded away, and Violet had to recall her beaten Pokémon while Crabominable had restored some energy.

Violet decided that now would be a good time for Floragato to enter the battle. She sent out the cat and got to work. "Floragato, use Seed Bomb!" Floragato swung out his yo-yo, and several seeds slammed into Crabominable. The crowd started to cheer for Floragato more than usual, which got his attention.

"Counter with an Avalanche!" Violet's eyes widened as icicles appeared above Floragato and she realized that she hadn't prepared her counter. Florgato was also distracted, causing him to be hit by the powerful move and blown back.

Violet immediately realized how big of a mistake that was, and returned Floragato to try and minimize the damage. Tinkatuff came back out, and Kofu decided to take out his Tera Orb and turn Crabominable into a Water-Type at long last.

"Alright Tinkatuff, just hang in there! Use your Fairy Wind!" Tinkatuff nodded and sent a blast of wind into Crabominable that kicked up a bit of sand. The sand irritated the large crab, but not enough to stop him from counterattacking.

"Time for Crabhammer!" Crabominable launched one of its arms out at Tinkatuff immediately.

Tinkatuff looked up at the incoming attack and was already preparing to move. "Dodge to the side and use Metal Claw on his arm!"

Tinkatuff moved to the side as the massive pillar slammed down onto the ground. Tinkatuff dashed right back in to land a strike with her hammer. Kofu then smiled, "Crabominable, it's time for Avalanche!"

This time, Violet had a plan. "Tinkatuff, use Brutal Swing and send those icicles into your opponent!" Her Pokémon leaped into the air and started to spin around with her hammer as the icicles began to fall. The hammer deflected the incoming icicles, launching them forward. The spears of ice slammed into Crabominable's body to do additional damage to the mighty beast.

Tinkatuff landed and seemed to be getting fairly tired, but Crabominable was also being worn down. "Crabominable, it's time for a barrage of Drain Punches!" Crabominable raised his arms and Violet realized he would quickly beat Tinkatuff into a pulp if they didn't act fast.

"Tinkatuff, use Fairy Wind on the ground! Quickly!" Tinkatuff placed a hand on the battlefield and blew wind onto the floor. The wind kicked up all the remaining sand, getting it right in Crabominable's face.

The sand messed up Crabominable's aim, causing it to miss its first Drain Punch by a mile. "Finish this right now! Metal Claw!" Tinkatuff jumped into the air and brought her hammer down while Crabominable swung his fist at her.

The hammer clashed against the mighty fist, and the two moves were locked in a dead heat for a few moments. Violet hoped that Tinkatuff would be able to pull through. The tiny Pokémon was nearly completely spent at this point. However, she managed to push through and overwhelm the colossal attack.

Tinkatuff slammed her hammer into Crabominable's head, and the beast collapsed a moment later. "Crabominable is unable to battle, Tinkatuff is the winner!" The referee's words immediately sent a wave of relief into Violet's body. Only one more Pokémon left, and they would be the victors.

Kofu grinned as he called back Crabominable. "You've become exponentially stronger Violet, I look forward to seeing how you handle my ace! Here we go!" The crowd's cheers started to grow into a chorus, and Violet centered her ears on Evan and Aya's voices. They were still so loud despite the volume of the crowd.

It was reassuring, and Violet was able to calm herself down with their help. Maybe she was finally getting used to being a Pokémon Trainer. Kofu's final Pokémon was called onto the battlefield, and Violet immediately recognized it as a Wugtrio.

The strange Pokémon was made up of a black rock and three red bodies coming out of it. The bodies were each incredibly slender, and the Pokémon was known for its speed. "Tinkatuff, use Thunder Wave!"

Kofu shook his head. "You won't get the chance! Use Triple Dive!" Wugtrio immediately brought its whole body down into the water somehow. Tinkatuff's Thunder Wave passed right by, and then Wugtrio emerged and slammed one of its heads into Tinkatuff's chest before burrowing back into the water.

"Try using Metal Claw!" Tinkatuff prepared her hammer and swung it as the heads came back up for another attack. Tinkatuff landed the blow, but a large amount of goo splattered from Wugtrio's body and onto Tinkatuff.

The Wugtrio came out of the water for the final time, and Tinkatuff was slowed down by the goo. It made her an easy target, and the Pokémon was blown off her feet in an instant and collapsed. Just like that, it was anyone's battle.

Violet wouldn't let herself get overwhelmed with worry, she knew what she had to do. The girl called out Floragato again, and the cheers started to escalate. "Wugtrio, use Chilling Water!" Wugtrio fired a ball of cold water into Floragato's body, and he was once again too distracted to dodge. "Come on Violet, don't lose it now! Wugtrio, use Throat Chop!"

Violet shook her head. "Floragato, come on! Listen to my voice! You need to focus! Surround yourself with Magical Leaves, now!" Violet's voice broke through the torrent of noise, and Floragato unleashed a flurry of leaves just as Wugtrio lunged out one of its heads.

The head nearly slammed into Floragato but was instead blown back by some leaves. "Now, you need to use Seed Bomb!" Floragato fired the seeds at his enemy.

Kofu's Pokémon waited in the water for its trainer to give a command. "Triple Dive! Dodge it!" Wugtrio dove into the water, and the seeds completely missed it. That move was tricky, and fast. In a moment, Floragato was struck in the stomach by one of Wugtrio's heads. The heads came back together for another second. And then, the Pokémon was gone again.

They would need to find a counter, and fast. "Floragato, use Hone Claws and just prepare to block!" Florgato sharpened his claws and Violet watched intently as Wugtrio emerged from the water. All three heads poked out of the rock and then one surged forward in the blink of an eye.

It was just enough that Violet had an idea as Floragato deflected the Wugtrio's headbutt. "Magical Leaf! All around! We've got them right where we want them! Be ready with your Yo-Yo to counter when I give the command!"

Kofu chuckled. "Your Pokémon might be fast, but Wugtrio's faster!  Keep up the Triple Dives, my friend!"

Violet grinned as leaves swarmed all around the pool, she just had to hope that Floragato understood what to do. The head poked out and sped into Floragato. As it struck the cat's body, the Pokémon turned into leaves.

Violet grinned and Kofu's eyes widened. "Now! Wrap it up!" Floragato leaped out of the Magical Leaves in the air and tossed out his yo-yo, wrapping it around Wugtrio's heads and locking them in place with their own goo. "I knew you could do it Floragato! Now, let's end this battle with Magical Leaf and Seed Bomb! Give it everything you've got!"

Floragato exploded with green energy and roared as his Overgrow kicked in. Wugtrio was completely helpless as leaves pelted its body and then Floragato unleashed several explosive seeds that blew up at Wugtrio's base, knocking the Pokémon into the air.

Wugtrio crashed back down to the ground and fainted. Just like that, Violet had claimed victory over the Cascarrafa gym.

She ran up and immediately hugged Floragato, feeling a rush of joy as everyone began to cheer her name. Kofu walked up to the girl while clapping. "Now THAT is what I'm talking about, amazing job Violet! You're doing things I've never seen before with your Pokémon! I recommend heading off to Montenevera to face off against Ryme in the Double Battle Gym."

Kofu handed Violet a badge and she tentatively held it in her hands. A few tears welled up in the girl's eyes and she nodded. "Thank you so much, Kofu. For everything, I couldn't have gotten this far without your help the first time I took on this gym."

The man grinned. "Think nothing of it, Violet! Now, how about you and your friends come to my restaurant for some food to celebrate?" Violet immediately accepted the offer.

It all felt so surreal, it was finally everything she had dreamed of for all those years.

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