Chapter Nineteen- Unrivaled Battling Skills!

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Violet and her friends followed Kofu to the elevator and then went to the restaurant district. Kofu opened the door to a sushi restaurant and ushered the group inside, before greeting the waiter at the entrance.

The waiter immediately had Violet and her friends seated, and Kofu assured them he was going to make a mighty feast for the group to eat.

Evan lounged back in his seat and grinned. "Haven't had proper seafood since leaving Alola, I can't wait!"

The kitchen staff immediately went to work, with Kofu manning the operation. "So, I'm officially over halfway done." Violet stared at her newest badge before putting it away.

"That you are," Aya agreed. "Which means, it's time for our next battle." Violet had nearly forgotten about the deal they had.

She felt a bit sad, Aya was going to be leaving the group after their match. But, the girl was also eager to redeem herself against the more powerful trainer. "For sure! Let's have it after lunch?"

Aya nodded and smiled. "That sounds like a good plan." The group continued their idle conversation, mostly about Violet's latest Gym Battle before Kofu brought out several plates of seafood.

The trainers immediately helped themselves to the delicious offerings, and Kofu let out a hearty laugh. "Haha! That's what I love to see! My absolute favorite thing about being a chef is getting to serve people the food I make."

Violet looked up from her food. "I can say why, this is amazing! My parents brought Carscarrafan sushi home one year for my birthday, it was the best thing I'd ever had."

"Every time I come to Cascarrafa, I need to visit this place at least once," Aya added. "Usually though, it's before my Gym Battle. That way, my mind is focused before the fight ahead. Given I grew up here, getting food here helps remind me of simpler times.

Violet glanced over at the other girl. "You couldn't have shared that strategy with me?"

Aya chuckled a bit. "You got through Kofu no trouble, it's me who'll be the big challenge. I'm expecting a fiery clash!"

The three trainers laughed to each other over the friendly conversation, and before long they were done eating. They thanked Kofu profusely for the meal, and the man insisted it was on the house.

"It's my treat! This is a big milestone for any trainer, and it deserves to be celebrated!" Kofu assured Violet. "You can repay me by going out there and doing your absolute best, alright?"

Violet didn't say anything for a few moments before nodding. "Alright, thank you again! I'll get as far as I can!"

Kofu shook the girl's hand and then bid the group farewell.

The trio stepped outside, and Aya turned her attention to the highest part of the city. "We'll have our battle there, that way we won't disturb any Gym Battles and can have a unique battlefield."

Violet nodded and immediately started walking over to the elevator when Evan cleared his throat. "Violet, you forgot about healing your Pokémon." The girl immediately internally kicked herself and walked back to the Pokémon Center.

After getting her Pokémon restored and thanking a smug Evan, Violet took the elevator up and walked over to the lake by the gym. "Alright, so how do we want to do this?"

Aya walked a little bit away from Violet. "Three-on-three sound good?"

Violet nodded and immediately started thinking about the team members she could use.

Evan stood off to the side and gave her a thumbs up. "You've got this Violet!"

The girl grinned and sent out Finizen, while Aya called out a large rocky Pokémon. The Pokémon was extremely geometric and seemed to be on all fours. The Pokémon was vaguely familiar, and Violet realized it was the evolution of Nacli.

The Naclstack growled while Finizen swam around in the lake. The newest addition to Violet's team jumped in and out of the water, seemingly overjoyed to be in a body of water.

"Finizen, we're about to have a battle! Are you ready?" Violet called to her Pokémon. Finizen turned around and swam back over to where Naclstack was standing. "Alright, start off with Aqua Jet!"

Finizen burst from the water and was surrounded by liquid, speeding into Naclstack in an instant. Finizen made contact and then flung himself back into the water.

Aya grinned. "Naclstack's not going to go down to a hit like that! Use Stone Edge!" Naclstack slammed its foot onto the ground and was surrounded by stones. The sharp rocks shot into the water, striking Finizen a few times.

"Finizen, shake it off and use Aqua Tail!" Finizen recovered from the blows, but the Water-Type refused to attack. Instead, he started to swim around in circles.

Violet immediately felt extremely confused. Finizen had heard her fine just a moment ago. "Finizen, c'mon! Use Aqua Tail!"

Finizen once again, completely ignored his trainer. "Your Finizen might be disobedient," Aya observed. "It can happen when a Pokémon is stronger than the trainer's other Pokémon, and feels it shouldn't listen to the trainer."

Violet's mouth was suddenly agape. "That can happen?"

Aya grinned. "Sure can! And your opponents are going to capitalize on it! Use Earthquake!" Naclstack slammed his foot onto the ground, sending out a shockwave that caused Finizen to shoot out of the water.

Finizen narrowed his eyes and started to glide down, and Violet realized the Pokémon was using Acrobatics.

"Don't use that! Use your Aqua Tail! Come on!" Violet called, but it seemed like Finizen was tuning her out as he slammed directly into the rock pile.

The attack obviously did almost nothing, other than annoy everyone. "Naclstack, time for Salt Cure!" Naclstack blasted salt into Finizen's body, and the dolphin started to shriek.

The move seemed to be extremely potent, and Violet felt dread move through her body. "Finizen, you're going to lose if you don't listen! Use Aqua Tail and use it now!"

Violet's voice finally seemed to get a response from Finizen, that response being the Dolphin sticking its tongue out at her. The salt seemed to echo throughout his body, and Finizen winced.

Aya decided to seize the opportunity and had her Pokémon attack again. "We'll finish this with Stone Edge!" Naclstack once again fired a barrage of stones out at Violet's Pokémon, but the trainer didn't say anything.

Finizen narrowed his eyes on the incoming attack and took the stones head-on. They slammed into his body, but the Pokémon suddenly began to glow.

The dolphin leaped out of the water and smashed his fin into Naclstack's face, and the stone tumbled over and fainted. Finizen had used Counter to bypass Naclstack's impressive defenses and won the battle.

Violet felt a little embarrassed, but she was also glad that she had won the fight. The girl immediately returned Finizen, while Aya was a bit shocked she has suddenly lost.

The experienced trainer regained her composure and sent out her next Pokémon, a strange bug creature with a black body that seemed to resemble a cricket.

Violet decided to send in Tinkatuff against the foe, and the next match began. "Lokix, use First Impression!" Aya's Lokix immediately vanished, reappearing in front of Tinkatuff and jabbing her in the stomach.

Violet's Pokémon was blown back a bit but seemed to take it decently well. "Now, use Pounce!" The Lokix jumped into the air and struck Tinkatuff again, and this time Violet realized where she recognized the Pokémon from.

"That must have evolved from Nymble!" She declared. "Tinkatuff, use Fairy Wind, and then follow up with Metal Claw!" Tinkatuff sent out a gust of wind that blew into her foe and slowly charged ahead.

Aya grinned as Tinkatuff moved in. "Block it with Throat Chop, and then use Axe Kick!" Tinkatuff's hammer met Lokix's hand head-on, and the two were locked in a standoff for a moment.

Both Pokémon were blown back, but Lokix jumped into the air and began to swing his leg down at Tinkatuff.

The blow struck Violet's Pokémon and did a hefty amount of damage, forcing her to the ground.

Lokix was fast and strong, so they would need a change of strategy and fast. Violet glanced at the lake and had an idea, it was time for some bait.

"Tinkatuff, jump out onto the island and use Fairy Wind!" Violet instructed, and her Pokémon clambered back to her feet and ran over to the stones.

Tinkatuff perched atop one of the rocks and sent out a gust of pink wind. Aya shook her head and Lokix began to run in. "Use Pounce!" Lokix jumped into the air and started to swing his leg at Tinkatuff.

Violet grinned. "Jump off and use Brutal Swing on the water!" The fairy jumped from the rock and began to spin, blasting water into Lokix's face as he was landing and sending the bug into the air. "Now, Metal Claw!"

Tinkatuff scrambled back onto the rock and then jumped up at Lokix, bringing down her hammer onto the foe and tossing him into the water.

Tinkatuff landed on the ground and turned around. "Quick, use Thunder Wave!" She held out her hand, and the water amplified the electricity.

Lokix was quickly consumed by electricity before pulling himself out of the water. "No worries, end this with Axe Kick!"

Lokix suddenly had the two attachments on its back extend and they stuck onto the ground, hoisting him into the air.

Lokix raised his foot but his body began to convulse with electricity. Tinkatuff glared at the foe and charged in with her hammer, not even waiting for instructions from her trainer.

With both Pokémon slowed down, they moved at the same speed. Lokix's foot came down right as Tinkatuff made contact with her hammer. The attacks subsided and both Pokémon tumbled away from each other. 

The two Pokémon faced each other for a few moments, before both toppling over and fainting.

Violet hadn't encountered a tie since her previous match against Aya, but now she had a firm advantage. Finizen came back out on her end, while Aya sent in her Crocalor.

"Very clever," Aya complimented. "But you're not ready for our pure firepower! Incinerate!" As Aya gave the command, she tossed a Tera Orb out to Crocalor which turned the Pokémon into a crystal being.

Crocalor unleashed an immense amount of fire from its maw and managed to strike Finizen even through the water. "No worries! We'll strike back with Aqua Tail!"

Finizen, however, decided to go with Aqua Jet. He sped from the water and rammed directly into the foe. "Grab it with Bite!" Crocalor lunged out and chomped down onto Finizen's tail.

Crocalor immediately slammed Finizen into the ground. "Incinerate, go!" The fire flared up and wiped out Finizen in one more blow.

Aya had instantly turned the tides, and Violet didn't have many good options against the mighty Crocalor. She decided to fight fire with fire and sent out Ceruledge.

"Here we go! Let's give it everything we've got Ceruledge!" Violet called. The girl was nervous, Ceruledge hadn't won a battle since he evolved. Still, she had to have faith in him. "Flame Charge!"

Ceruledge exploded into flames and slammed directly into Crocalor. It was refreshing to have a Pokémon who actually listened to her. "Counter with Bite!" Crocalor chomped down on Ceruledge and decided to hold on tight. "I know about your Flash Fire tricks from Iono's streams, so you won't catch us by surprise!"

Violet immediately felt all hope evaporate. "W-well you don't know about this! Shadow Claw!" Ceruledge jammed one of his swords into Crocalor's chest and managed to force the beast's maw to open just enough to slip out.

Violet decided it was time to Terastalize, turning Ceruledge into a pure Fire-Type Pokémon. "Flame Charge, absorb it this time! Then, use Bitter Blade!"

Ceruledge briefly ignited his body before absorbing the fire, and then dashing in with his newfound speed and striking Crocalor with both blades.

Crocalor winced a bit and was unable to grab Ceruledge with his mouth this time. "Body Slam!" Crocalor tossed his entire body out, crashing into Ceruledge and immediately pinning him underneath the croc.

Aya grinned at their trapped foe. "Now it's time for Bite!" Crocalor chomped down onto Ceruledge's arm, holding on tight.

The warrior winced, unable to move away. "Hang in there Ceruledge! Use Shadow Claw!" Ceruledge suddenly focused himself and jammed the other blade into Crocalor.

The attack was surprisingly strong, and Ceruledge surged to his feet while Crocalor tumbled off of him. "Use Facade! Then back away!" Ceruledge rammed into the fallen Crocalor and then put some distance between himself and his foe.

Crocalor staggered to his feet, clearly nearing his limit. Aya narrowed her eyes and then smirked. "No worries, even Flash Fire can't take all our power at this point! Incinerate! Give it everything you've got!"

Crocalor spewed out a massive blast of fire, smashing into Ceruledge. "Ceruledge! You need to hang on! Just absorb it all! I know you can do it!" Violet cheered to her friend.

The ghostly warrior seemed to be absorbing the flames, but Violet was braced for when it would become too much. They just had to endure this attack, and then they could win.

"Ceruledge! Go!" Violet cried out, hoping he would hear her. The sword fighter roared his name defiantly and absorbed all of the flames into his body.

Purple fire billowed from every point on the Ceruledge, and he stood tall with all of it in tow. "Bitter Blade!" Ceruledge sped across the battlefield and exuded heat, readying his two giant sword arms.

Crocalor was too exhausted and slow to get out of the way, and was struck by both attacks. Crocalor was immediately flung into a nearby tree and passed out.

It was over, and Violet had won. The girl looked over at Aya, who seemed just as shocked. Violet could hardly manage a celebration as she congratulated Ceruledge and returned him.

Aya slowly called back Crocalor and then looked off to the side. "N-nice battle, Violet. You've gotten a lot stronger."

Violet was still feeling a rush of energy. "That was amazing! You're such an awesome trainer!"

Aya shook her head. "I'll see you around when I'm- when we're both stronger." Aya dashed away without another word, leaving Violet alone.

Evan strolled up to the distraught girl and put his arm on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it Violet, you did amazing. Guess she just underestimated you."

Violet didn't say anything but instead looked to the sky. She felt like she hadn't won at all.

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