✦ Characters I Like ✦

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Part 2, this time it's characters that get a lot of hate and I don't understand it. I still feel like shit and I love a romantic so let's go.

Category #1 - They Aren't Hated, Just Disliked For Little Reason

Mal Oretsev (Shadow and Bone):
*Deep Breath* DID ANY OF YOU HEAR HIS SPEECH. Dude okay, so he isn't hated on that much but people get so disappointed that he ended up with Alina. I love Nikolai more than him but if some man or women said that not being able to talk to me felt like not being able to breath I'd end up with him too. Of course he was pissy when he was forced to basically be a soldier again while his chick got hit on alone with a hot prince, and publicly called him nothing. Mal deserves Alina and more. He risked it all for her and is the best in my eyes.

Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things):
I'm neutral on Michael here. Cause anytime I see someone talking about how bad of a friend he is to Will I then see something about how bad a family he as and I just can't hate him. Like Mike here is the heart to me yk. Like Will is 100% the heart but when you look back on the last couple seasons Mike is just trying his best to be a good guy. Idk I just have such mixed feelings on him and it's just like weird.

Jo Harvelle (Supernatural):
Love of my fucking life right here. She is so attractive to me and just- anyway I don't see a lot of hate but I don't see a lot of love for her and her mother either. I just love the trope of her in general. Like if I met a women like this I'd fall instantly in love. She shouldn't be on this list but I love her so she is.

Dimitri Alexopoulos (Cobra Kai):
I don't want to hear it. What has he done wrong. Like when I first started watching my friends trashed him to me. But what's the point. He doesn't want to be bullied by his instructor?! Shocker. This man has been bullied for so long I'm glad he left Cobra Kai cause honestly they all became dicks except Miguel who was personally told by his mom and Johnny to be a better person. The rest became better when they left Cobra Kai to join Johnny in the other club. Like I just don't get why people hate him, he barely does anything, he just wants his best friend back.

Dick Grayson (DC Comics):
Like Jo I've barely seen any hate for him but this is another way to publicly state my love for him. MARRY ME PLEASE. Um, I love Richard so much. Like when people disagree on him being Batman it confuses me. Him and Damian. Looking at some of these characters I should make a men (and women) I'm in love with chapter because I could make essay's.

Category #2 - People Hate Them, And I Don't Disagree But-

Iris West-Allen (The Flash):
Please give me more reasoning then the "We're the flash." cause I don't remember why she said it but it seems like she's just trying to say that they'll be there for him. They'll help him. I want to hate her but like why. I need better and more reasons. Cause I can hate this women I just need help yk.

Severus Snape (Harry Potter):
I don't like this man. But- okay just. This will be weird but like there's a way you can portray him in like media when he's younger. He shouldn't bully children, but that always line. I get it's creepy but she's the only person who isn't a dick to be nice to him and they were best friends. After he says mudblood he loses me. But he's a character I can argue on either side for yk. Like if I have to say he's a bad guy I can or I could say he's a good guy. It's just like a conflicted thing. Please poke holes in my reasoning cause I don't like it. I just think young him could have been better yk.

Category #3 - They're Villains But Not Really?

Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter):
I am not in love with him. He disgusts me. But anytime I see 'the boy who had no choice.' or the werewolf theory it just hurts me. Draco is what Sirius would have been if he didn't like fully meet James in my mind. Like not completely, but you see where I'm coming from. I don't know like my feelings on him fluctuate.

Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter):
I don't know man. I have an image of him in my head and I like can't get it out of my head. I've seen the head cannon that he was a double agent at first and Dumbledore used him. Also how he's portrayed in fanfics just. It's a weird feeling.

Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson):
What can I say. I loved him when I read the first book but I already knew he was a villain. His story just makes me sad. Like I'm getting to the emotional part of this illness. Like the last 2 books where we hear more about his past and see him kill himself. Also how Annabeth never gives up on him. This category really should be I have a weird pity for them.

That's it. I have more hate then love in my heart. I could do the loves of my life cause there are a few and they are either clones or very incredibly different. You can argue with any of the characters in the 1st and 2nd part. You might sway my mind but I'm stubborn and don't like being told I'm wrong so we'll see.

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