Chapter three

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Eon tilted his head. " Pardon me?" He asked Zappy. " Look it's obvious you don't belong here. And having these constant warnings is killing you. Just go on this mission to save Arceus." Zappy advises.

" What about you?" Eon asked him in concern. " Me? No need for the sediments. Your sediment is hilarious." Zappy said. " But..." Eon began before Zappy put his electrical bolt over Eon's mouth.

" Go. If you don't you will never live. That and Arceus might die without. So if you actually cared about what you dream about, or whatever that weird thing you have is. Go. I'm sure the jackasses will understand." Zappy told him.

He looked out to the great unknown. He shivered. It looked scary to him. " You can do this. You may be a dumb idiot, but you're the best dumb idiot out there." Zappy tried to encourage him.

Eon looked at his half friend in gratefulness. " I'll do my best." Is all he said as he smiled. His smile wavered. " But should I leave so soon? The Sour Patch kids will take over soon. And the poop..." he began, before Zappy said, " Now that one is defiantly a dream. It won't happen."

Eon looked at him with such seriousness. " That wasn't a dream." He states, unsteady on his paws. " Woah there. Hold off the Pokepuffs,dude. And just try it. Nothing bad will happen to me while you're gone, I promise." Zappy stated.

Eon glances out to the great unknown. " You have a gift and I know it. Use it." Zappy told him. He looked back at his friend. He takes another look at the forest.

" You'll tell them...right?" Eon asked him. " Sure!" Zappy exclaimed to him, but Eon heard him say something afterwards that convinced him Zappy didn't care about him as much as he seemed.

" I surely won't tell those jackass yahoos. Yeesh that dumb kid can't take a hint." Eon started to run. His chest filled with guilt and regret. He hated this gift. But he was stuck with it. And he was chased for it by the crazy man with the Luxray.

He dodged past trees before stopping clueless to what he should do now. He lifted his nose into the air. He opened his jaws. " Hello!" He barked out, going farther and deeper into the forest.

" Hello?" He yowled. His head drooped. He hoped someone would answer so he wouldn't be so lonely anymore. He shivered. He was still basically a little kid. A little kid asked to go on a grown ups mission.

His ears folded and his paws carefully treaded on the ground. " Hello?" He pathetically called out. " Hello!" A bright voice said, a red-orange-yellow fire burned where the voice was.

Eon glances at where the Pokémon was. " Hello!" He called out. " Hello. Are you okay? What are you doing out here at night? Don't you know of the terror that comes out here?" The Pokemon asked, walking out. It was revealed it was a yellow Chameleon.

Eon padded over to him. " Terror?" He asked, not feeling scared one bit. " Yes. Don't you know of the outlaw Pulse?" The shiny Charmeleon asked him. " I can't say I ever have, sir." He politely replied, looking down at his paws.

" Well, he's this big scary Houndoom. Have you seen a suspicious Houndoom out here, kid? Though judging by the looks of it if he hadn't gotten you yet that means you haven't." The strange shiny Charmeleon asked, rambling a bit.

Eon, with no warning, collapsed. " Kid?! Kid!" The voice of the shiny Charmeleon exclaimed as Eon's vision went nuts once again.

Eon stumbled to his paws. A menacing growl filled the air. He followed the sound. Was someone in trouble? Zappy! He thought instinctively as he ran through an unknown strange human place. There was something odd about it.

He saw a....gray moving thing and a bunch of things that he didn't understand. His ears bended as he halted to see two different Pokémon glaring daggers at each other.

One was a...Houndoom. Was this the Pulse guy that Charmeleon was trying to warn me about? He asked. A large bark brought his attention back to the tense situation.

" Majnun." Growled the seemingly ticked off Houndoom. Was it Pulse? He looked pretty cool, not scary. " Pulse." Snarled a white pokemon. Was that the so called disaster Pokémon, Absol? Eon wondered as the two big canine-like Pokémon showed spittle and a lot of growling.

Do they hate each other? Eon wondered. " You look ugly as usual." Majnun snarled at Pulse. " And you look demented." Pulse joked, snickering.

" Oh hah hah. Make fun of an Absol's name why don't you? Now we both know what I want." Majnun growled. " A calmer pelt?" Pulse asked. " Because you could sure do with a brush."

Majnun growled, and slashed at the Pokémon he detests. Pulse moves out of the way. " I see the way you are. You've flirted with countless female Pokémon. You make me sick." Pulse growled.

" You think I'm bad? Well, yes I am, but you've mated with like at least two Pokémon. And one of them you couldn't have children with because she wasn't the same egg type as you. It's funny. Either that or she was that fertile." Majnun spat.

Pulse roared as he opened his jaw. Red hot flames scorched the floors of the human place as the flames went around the Absol. " I don't even love that Leafeon!" He snarled.

Majnun mouth curled into a smirk. " Gotcha." He said with a deep voice. " So What? I Don't love the only Pokémon who gave me a child. And that child is an ugly ass of a female Eevee. She's a disgrace! I want a son! A daughter would just get in the way." Pulse growled.

Pulse then leaped at Majnun. " Plus that's not as stupid as mating with a pathetic ugly fucker slut Jolteon. Your children don't even know who their father is. And that, my rival, is more than enough of a reason to meet with you. That and I need to speak with you. Something urgent has occurred. I need a favor." Pulse growled

Authors note: Majnun is the Arabic word for Demented.

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