Chapter two

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" No! No! Stop being weird!" Eon yells at the tv, putting his paws over his ears. The tan man on the box was kneeling crazily for like the third time during the movie. " Brock, you're rambling again!" He groans.

Eon's ears pricked when the noise died. Or when it turned to one with pain. " Thank Arceus. That Croagunk is the one Pokémon on this show I like. He tells Brock when to shut up!" Eon happily days, wagging his tail.

His ears swiveled as he heard the door open. He leaped up. " Oh, great. You're home." A Rotom sarcastically said to the young teenager. " Shut up, Rotom." The kid orders the snarky electric type as he zips around to bug the poor kid.

Eon barrels the Rotom to the ground with his feet as he leaped into his friend's arms. " You're home! You're home! You're home!" He cheers, his tail going ninety miles an hour.

" Yeppie." Rotom unenthusiastically says. " I can't wait till the day you go to college. But that will never happen. You're too small to go to college!" Rotom says.

" Hey!" The kid whined. " Sigh. I'm going outside, loser." Eon teases the Rotom. " My name isn't Loser." Rotom says.

" Oh yeah, it's Zappy. Now I know why they call you that. Because you're so dang snappy." Eon comments as he darts outside.

He sniffs the air. Anxiety was in his belly. I shouldn't be worrying. It was just a dang stupid dream. Plus that was five hours ago. Plus, Zappy isn't that happy to help us. He probably won't get attacked anytime soon. Plus this is only the first nightmare I've had. Nothing bad can come from this.

Eon took a deep breath. He pawed his scarf. " This means nothing." He growls as he lazily presses himself against his favorite tree. He closes his eyes.

" Nothing bad can happen from these nightmares in real life, can they?" He mumbles as he falls asleep.

Eon opens his eyes. " I'm falling?" He asked himself. No, he realizes. He's not the one falling. A great big bulky Pokémon was the one falling. He was just observing it like an Absol.

What is that? He asks in awe. It was white. It had crazy powerful eyes and weird feet. They look like hooves, Eon thought with amusement. Yellow hooves. And a body that seemed like it could reach out to the heavens above and touch it.

And it had green eyes with pupils that were red. And it seemed to have a female Pyroar's mane. And it had white horns.

But what was most noticeable about it was the yellow......Eon had no idea what those were. They seemed to have four jewels in the middle. The weird yellow Mudsdale thing was spiky.

What the hell is that thing? He wondered. I know it from somewhere, but i can't remember. Suddenly one powerful word echoed through the Umbreon's mind.

Arceus. This was the creator? What the hell it looks like a bull. Eon thought. The Arceus crashed to ground, and everything went black.

Eon gasped for breath. Whatever the heck happened to that creator Pokémon was not good.

Eon stumbles. " What's the meaning of this?" He asked himself as he collapsed against the ground. He had no idea what the heck was going on with him. He knew one thing though, no ordinary Pokémon would dream of meeting Arceus like that. Or dream of Arceus unless it was something really important. No Pokémon has ever seen Arceus before.

He hadn't. He hasn't, yet he seen it crash with his own eyes in a dream. A dream which was a nightmare for the whole entire world. He shivered. Zappy appeared in front of him.

" Ha Ha! You look scared! Did I scare you? And if so, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Zappy teases. " No. you didn't scare me. My nightmare did." He said. " What did you dream about this time? Huh? Your mommy leaving you again?" Zappy laughed even harder at that.

Eon lashed out with a Shadow Claw, striking the unaware electric type in the face. " Yargh!" Zappy cries out in pain, his electricity hands covering his face. " No." Eon growled. He sighs and says, " Someone far more important than her. Even though I don't feel as if it is important." Eon comments.

" H-Hey! What's wrong? You don't ever claw me in the face." Zappy says with concern. " i feel as if I know something that's bad." Eon mumbles. Zappy could hear him just fine though.

" Like What?" Zappy asked as he happily zips around Eon. " I had this weird dream. Well, it felt more like a nightmare." Eon begins, his paws shifting.

" Oh. Tell me more." Zappy says with excitement. " Arceus was there. I've never seen it, but it was there. It was falling out of the sky, as if it had been attacked by something or someone." Eon describes. Zappy at first happily says, " Ok." Then he realized what Eon just said.

" Oh shit! Arceus? As in the Arceus?" Zappy asked, gritting his teeth. Eon nodded his head. " And you're sure you didn't just imagine dreaming about it?" Zappy asked him.

Eon nods. " I wouldn't be this sure unless I know I'm right." He tells him. " Holy Mew this is bad. Normal Pokémon don't dream of this shit! You can't go on some dumb adventure! You have to stay here with us!" Zappy said.

Eon slapped the bolt. Zappy shook his head. " Sorry." Zappy apologized. " It could have just been a strange dream." Eon says. " No. this isn't just a strange dream." Zappy insisted.

Oh great. I'm soooooo glad he's adamant natured, not. Eon thought with exaggeration.

" This is only the beginning my friend. I know there's been something up. The way those criminals are after you, the way the lunch lady looks at you...wait no, that's at that dumb Poochyena.... the way the president acted that one day, when we first met, when you had that strange dream of that man electrocuting himself." Zappy listed. " There's only one thing you must do. Leave. Save Arceus." Zappy zapped.

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