Chapter 11: The Revealing of the Truth

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Jacob looked at Megan's charm, a blue misty orb, and one that gave Jacob the same feeling as when he held his Soul Dew. He thought that his and Natalie's were the only two left, at least until the cycle of Legendaries reset. "Megan? Is that what I think it is?" "N-no, no it's not!" "Megan, I know what that is. It's a Soul Dew." Megan started to cry, before running away into the woods. "Megan! Don't run," Jacob said, chasing after her.

Megan was fast, so Jacob had to gradually keep up with her by freezing her with his telekinesis. Eventually, Megan began to tire, and had to catch her breath. When she stopped, Jacob rushed up to her and grabbed her hand. "Megan, it's fine." "No it's not! The last time someone knew my secret, Josh and I had to leave our home! That was when we were 7, and we've been on the run ever since." "Hey, listen to me," Jacob said, pulling out his Soul Dew. "You aren't the only one who has a Soul Dew," Jacob said, brandishing it to her.

"Y-you have a Soul Dew too?" "Yeah, and so does Natalie. We've had them since we were born. Our dad found them a long time ago." "Oh, well, I had no idea." "Megan, I can tell that you've had a traumatic past, and I think that talking about it might make you feel better. But that's entirely up to you." "I'd-I'd rather not, Jacob." "I understand, Megan, just know that I'm always here for you," Jacob said, before pulling Megan into a hug. When they released each other, they went back to their house, and back into their sleeping bags, before drifting asleep.

"Megan's secret was almost revealed," Mr. Daines said to himself. "Arceus, that boy is getting too smart for his own good. He must have gotten my brain like he did my telekinesis. I imagine Natalie did, too. It won't be long before they discover Josh and Megan's secret." He shut his eyes, attempting to fall asleep before the thought he dreaded came into his mind, but the thought still came. "Those kids, they're going down the same path I did. Hopefully, it doesn't lead where mine did."

(The Next Day)

Josh woke up very early, or at the normal time for him. He began to get some firewood, as he promised Mr. Daines that he would do so before they left. On his third pass, however, he stopped in the middle of his job. He felt a dark presence from the trees, and by the time he realized who it was, it was too late, and he had already been captured by a net. A familiar, brown-haired figure appeared from the trees, chuckling to herself. "Malus! Why are you doing this?" "Oh, how slow you catch on, my dear boy. Just because I've failed once or twice doesn't mean I'll just give up! Now, let's take you to your new home!" "Help," Josh cried out.

Jacob, Natalie, Megan, and Mr. Daines were shaken awake by Josh's cry for help. They got up, Jacob and Natalie grabbed Voltaire and Corona's Pokéballs respectively, and dashed to where they heard it from. They saw Josh, trapped under a strong net. As she rushed to help him, Megan became trapped in a large glass container, with the container covering Josh as well. "Megan! No!" Jacob rushed to help them, but was stopped by a fireball thrown from what he assumed to be a Pokémon. "Now, now, Jacob, I don't think that you should be acquainted with people like them," Malus said. "What gives you authority about that? Is it just some crime boss law?" "No, I just have a feeling about them. After all, mother knows best!"

Malus' words brought Jacob to his knees, as he knew what she meant. Jacob looked at Malus, her hands glowing the same orange that Natalie's did when she used her powers. "You're-You're our mother? No, I refuse to believe it!" "Believe it, Jacob, she's telling the truth." Jacob turned around, to see his father, standing behind them. "Dad, is it true? Is Malus truly our mother," Natalie asked. "Natalie, look at the facts. Her brown hair, her history with me, and even the glow that you two share when using your powers. Can you truly deny it any longer?" "No, I guess I can't. Malus is my mother." "So that's what Emerald meant when he said they carried more than they knew, that part of their burden is that their mother is a wanted criminal," Josh thought.

"Pah! Your ramblings bore me! Let's get to the main attraction," Malus said, pressing a button on a remote. The button caused the inside of the glass container to surge with energy, which made Josh and Megan fall to the ground, shaking. "No, stop it, Malus! You'll kill them," Mr. Daines yelled. "Oh, be serious, Thomas, you can't say that you don't recognize the energy!" "No, you wouldn't!" "Oh, but I would! Now look, children, that container is darkened, so you'll get to see what your friends are really like!"

They looked again, and saw that Josh and Megan had begun to glow, but the glass quickly darkened to offset this. "Now, children, get ready to have your feelings towards them destroyed!" Megan and Josh began changing, their legs disappearing, their skin becoming scaly, turning white and as well as same color as their hair, their heads and necks changing shape, two thin spikes coming out their backs, their ears growing, their arms changing shape, and themselves beginning to float. When the transformation was complete, amidst shredded clothing, Josh and Megan's true forms were revealed, and Jacob and Natalie saw them for what they truly were.

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