Chapter 12: A Tale of Three Dragons

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Jacob walked up to the container, and put his hand on the glass. The being that was Megan placed it's hand against the glass as well, in the same spot as Jacob's. Jacob took a long look at the being. A gold and white dragon, with two golden spikes on it's back that acted as wings. It's hands, wider than Jacob's arm, with claws on the ends. It had large ears on the top of it's head, and there was a teal triangle outline on it's abdomen. And it's eyes, the same deep green color as Megan's, were now filled with pain and regret.

Natalie did the same thing as Jacob, putting her hand on the glass in front of the being that was Josh. Josh was now a teal and white-colored dragon, that looked exactly like the other being, but was larger, with it's ears starting at the sides of it's head and not the top, and his eyes were an orange color, like the triangle on it's abdomen. "Megan, is that what you truly are? You're truly a Shiny Latias," Jacob asked her. The Latias could only nod, tears rolling down it's cheeks. "Josh, you're a Shiny Latios," Natalie asked. The Latios could only nod at her, a look of disappointment at himself in his eyes. "Your weakness to cold, the Clefable's hatred of you, Malus' pursuit of you, your powers, your hair and eye color, your fear of me knowing that you had a Soul Dew, it all makes sense now. How could I not see," Jacob asked.

"You see, Jacob, they never liked you, or wanted to be your friends, they just wanted to use you for protection, as a shield from me," Malus said. "Stop, Malus! You know what they're going through! You can't do that to them," Mr. Daines said. "Wait, what do you mean, dad? What did Malus go through?" "Well, you see, kids, Josh and Megan aren't the only ones who is a Lati dragon in disguise." Mr. Daines started to glow, and underwent the same transformation that Josh and Megan did, and showed that he was a Latios. "Dad? You're a Latios too," Jacob asked the Latios. "Yes, Jacob, I am a Latios." "Jacob and I have always felt a special feeling when holding a Soul Dew, and now I know why, it's from the Latios DNA in us," Natalie said. "Now, allow me to tell you the tale of my life. It may help your comprehension of the situation." "Okay, we will," Jacob said. Malus just rolled her eyes and went along with it.

"It all started when I was young. I don't remember much, except that my parents were killed when I was very young. I wandered the region for a year, until I found another family of Eon Pokémon. They took me in, nursed back to health, and kept me as one of their own. Then, one day, my adoptive parents died, killed by poachers, leaving us alone. The Latias quickly fled with the Latios, while I stayed behind for a bit, choosing to meet them later. Because I did, I was able to collect the Soul Dew from them." Jacob and Natalie felt the Soul Dew in their pockets, now knowing it's origins.

"I then fled the cave, only to get shot down by one of the poachers. I was able to glide for a while, but I would have to land soon enough. I landed in the backyard of a house, and was greeted by a man and a woman. They decided to keep me, and raised me into an adult." "Wait, grandma and grandpa," Natalie exclaimed. "Yes, that's correct. Now don't interrupt. But, I was able to lead a normal life, thanks to something my parents had taught me how to do, which was turn into a human form. I spent my first few years with them learning how to use my new form, until I was almost indistinguishable from a normal human." "But you had blue hair," Jacob asked. "No, we still had hair dye back then." "Right, sorry."

"Then, one day, while I was traveling the region, I met a woman, one who also had a special power, and that I cared very deeply for. We began to form a relationship together, and we were even planning to marry each other. But, I could feel the evil building within her, so I made a plan to, if we ever had children together, take them away, and prevent them from being used for evil. Sure enough, when the time came, and the woman bore twin children, I took them in the middle of the night, and to a faraway place." Natalie and Jacob looked back to their house, which they had lived in for as long as they could remember, but clearly for longer than they knew.

"I knew that these children would be special, and that they could be both a powerful force of good, and a destructive force of evil. The children didn't inherit enough Pokémon DNA from me to become Pokémon like me, but I now know that they did inherit their parent's powers." Jacob and Natalie looked at Malus, then at their hands, then at each other. "It was around this time that my adoptive siblings were also planning to have children, so I decided to meet them and wish them congratulations, in the Hoenn Region." Josh and Megan had a look of shock on their faces, like they knew where the tale was going.

"But, the night I arrived, I saw my sister get shot down by a Mightyena, and met my brother to ask what happened. He said that their children had been discovered, and that they needed to flee. I helped them to the Sinnoh Region, and I went back to my new home in Unova. Unbeknownst to me, my love had become the leader of a criminal gang, and she began to scour the regions, looking for my sibling and I. 7 years ago, they found my sibling, capturing him, and leaving his children to wander the regions alone." Josh and Megan were now crying, being reminded of their past.

"I never anticipated to meet them, and just assumed that they would be fine on their own. That was, until yesterday, when I learned that they had come here, to Unova. Even more so, I could feel that my children had a strong connection to the other two, and hoped that their secret would be able to stay safe, but now, my children know, and they know that they are traveling the same path. All my hopes for them not having powers, not knowing their mother, and not knowing the true identity of their friends, are now dashed, and their lives will never be the same."

Jacob looked back at Megan through the container. He felt rage, sorrow, joy, and honor swirl throughout him. He looked at his hand, before clenching it into a fist and turning to Malus. "Malus, let them go! Even if we were tricked by them, that doesn't give you the right to use them like tools!" "Oh, look, my son is rebelling against me. Well, if you want to save them, how about a battle?" "You're on, Malus! Menelaus and Helen vs. Voltaire and Corona!", Natalie said. "Challenge accepted. Time to fight!"

They sent out their Pokémon, and the battle began. "Voltaire, use Wild Charge on Helen!" Voltaire leapt into the air, covering himself in a ball of electricity, before beginning to crash down towards Helen. "Now, Corona, Earthquake!" Corona punched the ground, causing tremors around the area, and forcing Menelaus and Helen to their knees. "Helen, Focus Blast! Now!" Malus' Gardevoir stood up and charged up a Focus Blast, before firing it. However, the Focus Blast was shot too high, and arced over Voltaire. Voltaire crashed down onto Helen, kicking up a massive amount of dust. When the dust cleared, Helen was lying on the ground, fainted, while Voltaire took his place next to Corona.

"Impressive, you've learned how to take out the bigger threat. Menelaus, Earthquake." Menelaus punched the ground, and the tremors from it took out Voltaire, leaving Corona against Menelaus. "You did great, Voltaire, get a good rest," Jacob said, returning the Electivire. "Corona, Fire Blast," Natalie said. Corona stuck out his hand and shot a star-shaped fire attack at Menelaus.

However, Malus was better at using her pyrokinesis than Natalie was, and she made a gap in the attack using her powers. Menelaus rolled through the gap, the flames barely licking his skin. "Earthquake again, Menelaus, end it!" Menelaus punched the ground, causing him to stop rolling, but to also cause tremors around the area. Corona fought to stay up with all his strength, but was unable to, and crashed onto the ground, fainted.

"Corona, you did great out there," Natalie said, returning her Magmortar. "Well, now that our little skirmish is over, I believe that I can take them now," Malus said. She pressed a button, causing the bottom of the container to shut, trapping Josh and Megan inside. A helicopter came with a winch to take the container, and it's driver shocked Megan. "Jacob, that's the woman I got the translator from," Megan said telepathically.

"Oh, Megan, you seem to recognize the driver, I presume? She happens to be the one who gave you that tracking device! Or, what was it called? Oh, yes, a Pokémon translator!" The winch connected to the container, lifting it into the air, with Malus jumping on top of it. "Sayonara, kids! Feel free to try and rescue them with only two Pokémon," Malus said, as the helicopter flew into the woods. Josh and Megan were kidnapped, and turned into Pokémon, just like Jacob's dream.

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