An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 12-

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Biz's pov......

Man! Will these guys ever stop coming!?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Viz disappear into a hallway. Where is he going? Is he in pain? I decided to find out.

After a few turns, I happened to find him with some woman and a blaster to his head. My first instinct was to pull out my blaster.

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" Viz said, "this is a friend of mine...Captain Ellis."

I put my blaster down when he said that, but I still don't trust this Ellis.

Jiz appeared right next to me, probably by following me, typical Jiz. His eyes and mouth were wide open in shock.

"C-Captain Paula?" Jiz stuttered, "Captain Paula was Captain Ellis the whole time?"

"It seems you've discovered the truth....Jiz." Ellis said.

"Wait. You two know each other?" I asked.

"Can you please let go of me now?" Viz interrupted. Ellis let him go and he finally regained his balance from being tipped back slightly.

"She was my Captain. I had heard that Captain Ellis was dead and instead, I was put into Captain Paula's regiment. I never realized that it was Captain Ellis all this time." Jiz said.

"I see you are still alive, even though they caught you as a spy." Ellis said.

Viz turned to look at us when she said this. I felt my face turn white with fear, but Jiz's face showed he was even more afraid. Viz walked slowly closer to us. With a swift motion, he pinned Jiz to the wall and had his blaster pressed against his head.

"A spy!?" Viz shouted, a devilish anger in his eyes.

Jiz knew he had no where to go. He had no more excuses or tricks up his sleeve. He did the only thing he could do: confess everything.
Hey, how's it going old sports? What? You're wondering why I'm calling you guys "old sport(s)"? Oh it's nothing. I just remembered that phrase from a good book I'm reading in English class and I couldn't help but use it. Can you guess where it's from? (Lexie, don't give any hints!)

Here is a meme to help you:

Now can you guess? Let me know if you give up.....

-pinkninja out

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