An Enemy Among Us: Chapter 15-

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Biz's pov.....

Jiz and I unlocked the doors and left the room. There is no way we are going take Skew's dead body with us!

We headed back to the main battle, finding Ellis along the way. When we got back, the battle was over. It was as if Skew's death caused the rest of the Sentinals to surrender. Well, we had to take them prisoner because there was nothing else we could do with them. With hands raised high, the Sentinals marched aboard the transport ships that would take them to our ship. As I watch them move by, I feel as though it is deja vu because I've been in their shoes before.

To prevent the Sentinals from ever regrouping, we decided to set fire to their ship with bombs. The bombs were set at T minus 20 minutes.

Jiz looked at me with worry. "My brother, I have to go back for him." He takes off after this.

I realize that I forgot about Viz. Even if he's dead, the least I can do is save his body.

T minus 10 minutes.

I finally found Viz's body. But the strangest thing was happening: Viz was struggling to stand up!

"Viz! You're alive!" I said.

"Of course I was alive! That shot only hit me in the leg. *Groan* It is kinda hard to stand more or less walk like this." Viz replied, struggling to stand.

I quickly helped him stand. Leaning on me for support, he limped along with me back to the meeting point.

T minus 5 minutes.

I helped Viz into the ship and waited for Jiz.

T minus 60 seconds.

Jiz came into sight with his brother, who was badly hurt. I ran over to help him into the ship when I heard a noise.


A small lavender alien called out to me. Her leg was stuck under a pile of debris that fell from the ceiling. I ran to their aid.

I had just realized that the ship was in flames and the ceiling was falling apart.

"Chiz! What the heck are you still doing here!?" I shouted over the roaring flames as I attempted to move the debris to the side.

"I was waiting for you. I wouldn't let you die." Chiz said.

"Well, now we'll both die if I can't get this material to budge." I replied.

T minus 15 seconds

A giant wave of flames came into sight and moved closer and closer. The bombs on the other side of the ship must have detonated.

I finally got the debris off of Chiz's leg and I grabbed her. I ran as fast as I could away from the wave of flames.

T minus 10
I put Chiz down and ran to the controls of the transport ship.

"This thing better be started up Jiz, or we're all toast!" I said.

I flew the ship out of the docking bay as fast as I could.

The Sentinal ship was nothing but a giant ball of flame.

I switched the ship to autopilot and turned around. I need to have a word with Chiz.
Hey, what's up folks?

So, what is Biz going to say to Chiz? Or, what would you say in this situation?

Thanks for the support on this book series. I love writing, but it is even more awesome when people read it. 😊

See you in the next chapter!

-pinkninja out

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