Lines Between Us: Chapter 12-

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*Natasha's pov...*

"Are you certain you got rid of them?" Gail inquired.

"Yes, ma'am. They left right after the tour." I replied.

"Oh really?" Gail asked, "Then why have our systems found their ship coming straight back here!?"

"I-I-I......" I stuttered.

"Speak!" Gail ordered, "Before..."

Oh no! She was reaching into that drawer again! I got to come up with something quick!

"I don't know, I swear!" I pleaded, "I told them we were having difficulties on the ship and that we weren't suitable to have guests. They seemed to buy the excuse!-"

"A lousy one for that matter." Gail muttered.

"M-Maybe they......forgot something?" I squeaked.

"See to it that you keep them as far away from my office as possible....... or you won't see another day." Gail ordered, tapping a rod on her hand as though she were ready to use it.

"Anything but the birch rod! Please!" I pleaded.

"Get out before I do!" Gail ordered.

I ran out of the room faster than light-speed.

"Please leave soon!" I muttered to myself, "Please! I'll lose more than my job if you don't."

*Biz's pov...*

We landed in the launch bay, only to be greeted by a frantic Natasha.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Natasha, calm down! What's going on?" I said, concerned for my new friend.

"Why did you come back?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, right. You see, someone stole a very important pink crystal from a friend of mine, and we tracked them till they got here. We figured it may be somewhere on your ship. Mind if we have a look around?" I asked.

"Oh, ummmm sure. I'll ask around. Just don't wander too close to Gail's office! She's really busy in there and does not want to be disturbed! I barely made it out alive the last time I was in there!" Natasha replied, her nerves clearly on the fritz.
So! We found out what was in that drawer! It's a birch rod! Wonder what it is? Look it up at your own risk......(I'm sorry, I'm turning so evil! Why!?)

And once again, I have no meme. I will have one for you soon.

-pinkninja out

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