Lines Between Us: Chapter 13-

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*Bizs pov...*

We wandered the halls of the Celestial ship searching for the missing 'tama. We came across a lab of some sort where a mint green alien with big glasses was frantically calculating something with a super long formula written out on a whiteboard.

"Rubiz-" Natasha said.

"Ah!" Rubiz yelped, "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." Natasha said.

"We were wondering if you saw a pink crystal around here." I said.

"A pink crystal? Nope, haven't seen it. I've been in here calculating things all day! Gail's orders." Rubiz responded.

"Oh, well thanks anyway!" Natasha said as we turned to leave.

We walked a little more when we heard an explosion of some sort. I raced to the nearby window and saw a small ship shooting at floating targets.

"That is one hell of a pilot!" Jiz said.

I glared at Jiz, "Language."

"Sorry." Jiz replied.

"Maybe we should ask them if they've seen anything." Chiz suggested.

"I doubt it, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway." Natasha replied, leading us to the launch bay.

The ship had just landed when we got there. A handsome gray alien emerged and walked over to us.

"Greetings Natasha." the handsome rogue said, "And who are your friends? I haven't seen them around."

"This is-" Natasha said.

"I'm Captain Biz of Vizion, and this Ninja, Jiz, Stella, Valentina, my assistant Chiz, and Diz." I introduced.

"Captain Dameriz at your service." Dameriz said with a little bow.

"We came to ask you if you've seen a pink crystal anywhere." Natasha said.

"I'm afraid I have not." Dameriz replied, "But I think Twiliz might. She got back from a mission a few hours ago."

"Thanks Captain." Natasha replied.

"Anytime Natasha." Dameriz answered.

We walked for a little while longer until we stopped near a.....window? I couldn't see anything unusual! That is, until I saw an alien with skin the color of space itself. She must have been pondering while staring out the I sometimes does.

"Hey Twiliz, didn't see you there before. Can I ask you something?" Natasha said.

"Um, sure. What do you need to ask?" Twiliz replied shyly.

"Have you seen a pink crystal anywhere?" Natasha asked.

"It was stolen from me the other day and it is very important." Ninja added.

"Now that you mention it, I think I may have seen the pink crystal you're looking for....." Twiliz replied shyly.

"Great! Do you know where it is?" I asked.

"That's the problem." Twiliz responded.

"Why is that? Don't worry, they won't hurt you. They're with me." Natasha said.

Twiliz gulped, "because I'm the one who took it."
*Gasp!* The cat is outta da bag! It was Twiliz who stole it! Twiliz is our shapeshifter!

What will be their reaction? We'll just have to find out.


Yep. Today you get a meme! Yippee!

-pinkninja out

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