7-What Happened

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World Building Fact:

The current Kim Pack was formed three years ago from an alliance between two crime families.

The Lower Kim clan, more commonly known as Bangtan, was a pack of three Alphas led by Kim Namjoon, which controlled a large percentage of East Asia's gun and drug trade.

The Upper Kim clan was a pack of Omegas, led by Kim Seokjin, who made millions in prescription drug fraud and organ trade through their extensive chain of hospitals.

While the name Bangtan has come to refer to the current Kim clan, it has also fallen into obscurity, as the more ominous replacement 'the Kims' grew into popularity.

It was easy for Kookie to sneak out of the building.

Daddy told him all about the security people and cameras watching. So Kookie could know what was safe and what wasn't.

But, Kookie also knew that his bracelet told Daddy where he was. If Daddy knew that Kookie was at the park, Daddy would bring Kookie home. Kookie didn't want to come home and bother Mama and Mommy.

Mama and Mommy were sick.

Kookie can't be mean and play with his Daddies, when his Daddies need to help his Mama and Mommy.

So, Kookie took off his tracking bracelet, carefully setting it on the lobby couch, so he could get it when he came back.

He'd go to the park, play on the swings, and come home for dinner.

His parents would never know that Kookie left. It was a perfect plan. Kookie was helping his Mommies.

He felt proud.

His Daddies always said that strong boys had to look out for their Mommies.

Kookie squirmed, biting his lip. The bodyguards were going to switch out soon, and Jungkook would have to run out quickly so that no one would catch him.

Three. Two... Go, go, go, gotta go fast.


Kookie was so excited.

He was being such a good boy. A good, strong, independent pup. Eomma was gonna be so proud of him.

Kookie smiled, walking down the street.

He reached a crosswalk and pouted. His feet were starting to hurt. The park seemed so far away today. Maybe it moved? Can parks move?

Probably not. It seemed like something silly Appa would roll his eyes at.

Kookie thought he knew the way, but... He didn't know this road. Usually there's a bunch of restaurants around here.

But all he can see are boring bank-type places.

His nose was starting to tickle. Too many weird scents. Usually his Mommies and Daddies hold Kookie super close, so that Kookie doesn't burn his nose.

But they wasn't here.

Kookie pawed at his nose with a soft whine. He didn't like this. Didn't like it. The smells. The strangers. No. No.

He turned around to hug his parent's leg. He wanted to smell Marshmellows, Christmas Cookies, Oranges, Flowers, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Candy. But there was no one there. Because Kookie had left alone.

Smoke, strong cologne, coffee, dust, garbage, concrete, germs, food, and no mommy or daddy and Kookie was all alone.

Nothing was his and he hated it.

Kookie took a deep breath, and called out for his parents. He might not be brave, but Mommies and Daddies love him anyway.

Mommies? Daddies? I need help. Please?

But Kookie realized.

He was too far away.

He was too far away from his parents. They couldn't hear him.

Kookie had never been this far away from all of his parents.

He didn't like it.


Strangers watched as a small, doe-eyed child walked down the street, seemingly confident in where he was going.

In the wealthy, residential area, it wasn't uncommon to see pups wandering around with a bodyguard following loosely behind. There was a rather large park less than two blocks down the road. No one paid the pup any mind, confident the smiling, happy child was not alone.

As Jungkook steered further away from the wealthy residential area, away from the Kim's territory, strangers began to look at Jungkook in concern. However, one whiff of the strong, stinging, dangerous, don't touch Peppermint scent coming off of the pup had people carefully walking around Jungkook.

Even though they didn't recognize the scent as Kim Namjoon's, they knew it was best not to touch the pup. Any pup scent-marked that heavily was clearly treasured by a powerful pack, and no well- meaning parents would have let a pup just wander around Seoul. The pup was likely fine. It wasn't worth potentially offending someone over.

If only Jungkook hadn't walked out of Kim territory. Eventually, someone would have recognized the scent as Kim Namjoon's and immediately scooped the pup up and ran him to the police office, praying for a reward or gaining some sort of favor with the Alpha who owned Seoul.

And, finally, after thirty minutes of walking, the poor lost pup, finally just bumped into the wrong person.


Kookie kept walking, holding his nose.

He wouldn't cry.

Papa said Kookie should only smile. But, it hurted a lot now.

The worst part was Kookie didn't know where he was. He couldn't find the park. He was lost.

Oh no.

Why did he leave his tracking bracelet at home?

If he had it, he could press a button, and Appa would be here in a minute. Appa could keep him safe. But, Kookie was all alone.

Kookie was walking, looking down at the sidewalk. He already got lost. He didn't need to step on a crack and break Mommy's back, too.

Because he was looking at the ground, Kookie didn't see the Alpha in front of him. And Kookie bumped into the stranger, and fell on his bum with an 'oof'.

The Alpha was tall and mean-looking. He had lots of tattoos on his neck and hands, and he smelled really bad.

"Watch where you're going brat," the Alpha snarled at Kookie, before turning away to talk on his phone.

"Sorry," Kookie whispered, tears in his eyes.

His bum hurt.

His nose hurt.

He was lost.

The smell of peppermint around him got stronger, and the Alpha turned around.

Kookie whimpered, slowly getting up and trying to walk away. He didn't want the stranger to look at him. But, the Alpha reached out and grabbed Kookie's arm.

It hurt.

Kookie whined, trying to squirm away. He didn't let go. He hurt Kookie more.

"Is that," the stranger sniffed, "I'd recognize that fucking peppermint stench anywhere. Kim Namjoon."

Kookie blinked

He knew Daddy.

"You k-know my Daddy?" he asked, breath hitching. His bum really hurt.

"Daddy? The fucker finally found a bitch to fuck, huh?"

"Are you friends with my Daddy?" Kookie repeated, not understanding what the stranger said.

"Friends? I fucking hate him."

"That's mean! My Daddy is the nicest Daddy ever," Kookie shouted, offended.

The stranger rolled his eyes, but gave Kookie a too bright smile, "Are you alone, puppy?"

Puppy. Puppy was a super sweet nice word. Mama called him puppy when he'd been super, extra good. Mama said no one was allowed to call Kookie puppy. But Mama wasn't here to stop him.

"I'm lost," Kookie growled, though it was more of a childish huff than much else, "So move. I have to get back."

"Lost? Well, aren't I lucky? I bet Kim Namjoon'll pray a pretty penny to get you back." The Alpha was pulling Kookie closer, and Kookie didn't like it. No. Let go, let go, let go.

"I could get a couple billion won out of you at the very least. I shouldn't be working on vacation, but personal matters and all that," the Alpha smiled, showing sharp teeth,

"Lemme go," Kookie shouted, "You're hurting me."

The Alpha looked at Kookie. For a second, Kookie thought he'd let Kookie go. But then he picked Kookie up and held on to him tight.

Kookie kicked and shouted, but the Alpha just laughed. He walked towards a car, and Kookie got really really scared.

No, no, no.

He's already too far away from Mama and Papa and Appa and...

They'll never find him.

"Stop crying, or I'll start chopping off fingers. I get headaches so motherfucking easily."

Chop off fingers?

Kookie started crying, balling his hands into fists. Maybe his fingers couldn't get cut off if they were in fists.

The last thing he remembered was being thrown into a trunk. Pain on his side from being thrown. And then passing out from the pain in his nose.


He really did need to stop working while on vacation. He really only was here to visit his sister and liquefy a few assets, but this opportunity was just too good to pass up.

Seven years ago, he ran all of the heroin that traveled from Afghanistan to Korea and Japan and Malaysia. It wasn't a huge share of the black market; he'd be the first to admit that. But, it was enough to make him wealthy.

And then Bangtan, some fucking street punks, three Alphas who barely had a million won to their name, and couldn't even afford land in Seoul tore down his entire living.

Kim Namjoon was a cunt trying to make a living from party drugs, and then, once he realized he was in the little leagues, he primed his first target as Daehyun.

Because Daehyun was an easy target.

His prices were low, his profits were low. No one messed with him, and he didn't mess with anyone. He was a small fish in a very large pond.

But, that fucking cunt, could only manage to spear a small fish.
By the time Kim Namjoon was done, there was no way Daehyun could keep selling in Korea, so

he moved to the US, brushing the insult off.
But this, this opportunity was just far too good to pass up.

He'd probably end up returning the puppy back to Namjoon. Daehyun wasn't a monster. But, whether that was with all ten fingers... that was to be decided.



"Junwoo? This is Daehyun."

"Oh, right. I heard you were back in town. The fuck you want?"

"Paranoid as ever aren't you? I happened on an old enemy's brat... I wanted to let you know."

"Oh. You're kidnapping pups now, huh? What happened to vacation?"

"Fuck off, Junwoo."

"Oh. So it's like that, huh? That desperate for some won? You shoulda let me know, I woulda let you lick my shoes for a couple hundred..."

"I'm being polite and showing you curtesy. The least you could do is show me the same respect."

"Respect? You got fucking kicked out of your own country, you weak bastard."

"Anyways, I'm taking him, alright?"

"Whose is it?"



"What no. Fuck no. I wouldn't fuck with them. Besides, I have no beef with that posh bitch. Don't worry, they're the street peddlers, Alphas, fucking party drugs and shit."

"Oh. Fuck, I didn't even know there was another group in Kim's in Seoul. If the bastards are fucking nobodies, why would I give a shit?"

"I don't know, Junwoo. I've been out of Korea for eight years."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Don't fuckin call me again." 

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