8-Receiving Support

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World Building Fact:

While extremely uncommon, among the growing non-traditionalist movement, it's becoming more and more common to find recently presented Omegan children with large amounts of artificially injected Alpherone, the primary Alpha hormone.

Non-traditionalist parents who have the odd belief that Omegas are the inferior sex, ignorantly attempt to prevent their pups from becoming mature Omegas by attempting this procedure. This is entirely useless, and treatment is usually stopped as it causes pups extreme pain and cramps.

However, in rare cases, the side effects from prolonged use of artificial Alpherone, typically causes a more masculine scent, a more Alpha-like musculature, more liable to cramps, and a weaker Omega-space.

It took far too long for Hoseok to chase down Junwoo.

The bastard was a paranoid one. That was for sure. Even though the man barely had a foot in any of Seoul's businesses, so there was literally no reason for the man to continuously take such drastic measures.

Except robbery, of course. The man had enough money hoarded away to maintain Seoul for a decade.

Though, Hoseok supposed, it was fair. After all, the only reason why Namjoon had declared Junwoo's innocence so quickly was because the man only had five people in his employ.

Hoseok casually walked into the restaurant.

Hoseok wasn't exactly threatening. He didn't have a presence the way Namjoon did. He didn't have dominance dripping from his voice the way Yoongi did.

He just had his bright smile and amber eyes that crinkled at the edges.

The restaurant dulled down into silence. This was gang territory, and everyone in the room knew him.

That's Sunshine, right, fuck what's he doing here? What did you do? – Hush be quiet.

Hoseok smiled sheepishly, waving everyone off, "Please, continue eating. I'm not here to cause anyone any trouble."

The people in the restaurant turned back to their food, mechanically starting to eat, not wanting to disobey him, but also far too uncomfortable to start their conversations back up.

Ignoring the nervous energy in the room, Hoseok walked up to Junwoo. The paranoid man had been hunched over at the very end of the bar. It was hard to see him from the entrance. Hoseok would have thought the man was hiding from him, but, in all honesty, Junwoo was just that odd.

But now, though, Junwoo was staring at Hoseok, wariness in his eyes.


He doesn't look scared enough... Somethings not right.

"Sunshine," Junwoo greeted, slightly wide-eyed, "I wasn't expecting you."

Entirely ignoring the question, Hoseok gestured towards the seat right next, "Do you mind if I sit?"

Junwoo nodded quickly; he didn't want any possibility of misinterpretation and potentially offending Hoseok.

"Lovely," Hoseok thanked, "It was hard to find you, you know."

"Sorry. You could h-have called, I would have met you immediately," Junwoo reassured.

The Amber-eyed Alpha looked Junwoo over silently, trying to intimidate the man. Really, there was no point in having such a long pause, but it did wonders in making Junwoo uncomfortable.

Within seconds, the pathetic Alpha was fidgeting with his glass of beer.

"Actually, I'm not too sure about that," Hoseok's smile went sharp at the edges, "So, I decided to hunt you down myself."

Junwoo choked. Through his desperate coughing fit, Junwoo held his hands up, silently begging for mercy.

Hoseok helpfully slapped the man's back, laughing cheerfully at the man's watery eyes and shaky breaths.

"S-... Sunshine, puh, please... I hhave, haven't meant to off- ouguh. Have I offended you? Please forgive me?" Junwoo pushed between coughs.

"Well. We can find out right now, can't we? You just have to answer a question for me? I want to trust you Junwoo. You've never given us trouble before have you?" he cooed.

Junwoo nodded frantically, "Please. I'm loyal. I promise."

He doesn't seem like he's lying. Hoseok looked at the Alpha, curiously, wondering just what the hell was going on.

"Who took mypup, Junwoo?"

A pause.

Junwoo was frowning, confused. "Wait, someone took Jung-"

Immediately, Hoseok had a threatening hand around Junwoo's neck, easily choking the Alpha, "Keep his name out of your fucking mouth. Understand?"

The Alpha jerkily nodded.

"I want you hear you say it," Hoseok said lowly.

"S-sorry. M-maknae. I... I-mmeant, mak, nae," Junwoo whispered.

Hoseok let him go, watching with an unaffected smile, as the man took a shuddering breath.

"Thank you. Now. Who took mypup, Junwoo? I think you know," Hoseok repeated.

The Alpha's eyes were wet with fear. He reeked of scared, submission, desperation.

Something wasn't adding up. Junwoo wasn't lying, but...

"How would I know?" Junwoo pleaded, "I didn't even know the Maknae was missing. Please. Believe me."

"He was taken from your territory, Junwoo. Even if you are pathetic, most people are scared enough of you to ask for permission," Hoseok reminded, with a mocking smile.

The Alpha shivered; one of his legs was bouncing in anxiety. His hands were balled in tight fists, and he looked far too pale.

"Please. I haven't even spoken to anyone today except- oh," Junwoo froze, "No. Sunshine, please, I must beg for forgiveness. I didn't realize."

"Didn't realize what?"

"Park Daehyun called me this morning, saying he was kidnapping a Kim pup. I a-asked him if it was Seokjin's. And he said no, said it was another Kim pack... I didn't even know there was another Kim pack, so I gave him permission. Please," Junwoo begged, tears streaming down his face.

"That's because there isn't another Kim Pack," Hoseok growled.

"I'm so so so so sorry, Sunshine, I didn't mean any disrespect."

Park Daehyun, huh?

Hoseok had entirely forgotten about the broke bastard that Namjoon had kicked out of Seoul nearly 7 years ago. Daehyun was nothing. A fucking nobody. Something that they had put out on the curb years ago.

Park Daehyun was going to fucking die.

"He called you didn't he?" Hoseok asked in monotone, "Write down the phone number."

Junwoo blubbered, shakily pulling out his phone and writing down the number in barely legible font.

"H-here, puh, pleas-"

"Shut up, Junwoo."


"Do you know anything else that I need to know?"

Junwoo shook his head, "Nothing. He didn't tell me where he was going. I only know that he arrived in Seoul two days ago and he's planning on leaving in five days."

"So, nothing?" Hoseok asked darkly.

"Please show me mercy, Sunshine," Junwoo begged.

"See, here's my dilemma," Hoseok smiled serenely, "You didn't betray us... but, you also didn't keep us safe. So, I'm rather conflicted. Not to mention angry."

"Puh-" Junwoo whimpered, and that was it. Hoseok had had enough of that fucking annoying whining.

Hoseok reached out for Junwoo's head and slammed it against the bar counter. There was a distinct cracking sound, though it could have his skull or his neck. Junwoo fell limply to the floor, eyes closed, nose smashed and bleeding.

Hoseok rolled his eyes.


"If he gets up, let him know that I forgive him. If he's dead, take him to a Kim hospital. We'll dispose of him for you," Hoseok said loudly, directing the words towards the other patrons in the restaurant.

And then he smiled, bowed at the other people eating, and walked out.


"Hi, Namjoon-ah. Can you add everyone else to the call?"

"I'm mated to an old man."

"Well, you willingly get fucked by said old man, so who's really losing this argument?"




"It's me, Jimin, and Tae."

"And I have Noona with me."

"Well, I visited Jungwoo, and, turns out Namjoon was right. Park Daehyun called him for permission moments after kidnapping Kookie."

"Park Daehyun's behind this?"

"I know, right? I thought he was dead in a dumpster somewhere in the Americas, but..."

"Who the hell is Park Daehyun?"

"And why is he kidnapping my pup?"

"Where is Jungkook?"

"Park Daehyun was a Seoul drug pusher. I pushed him out of the city eight years ago."

"And you didn't kill him?"

"Are you an idiot?"

"Regardless, Junwoo didn't have any other information other than the number Daehyun used to call him, so I was thinking you could-"

"Look up the location of the call?"


"Namjoon and I will get that done, expect an address in 10 minutes." "Okay, noona."

"Thanks, unnie."

"Oh, Hoseok?"


"You did kill Junwoo, didn't you?"

"I slammed his head into a bartop, which is basically the same thing?"

"Good boy."

Namjoon turned towards Commissioner Lee, "I need you to look up the location of a previously call for me."

"On whose phone?"

"Soon Junwoo," Namjoon replied with a bit of a sneer. He didn't consider himself nearly as narcissistic as Jimin and Seokjin, but Namjoon certainly did think that Junwoo's name stained his mouth.

The Commissioner blinked, "We'd need a warrant for that." There was a moment of silence.

Seokjin's scent went bitter, the soft smell of flowers fading into a bitter smell of decay, anger, anger, anger. Namjoon squared his shoulders, preparing himself, though whether that was to go after Seokjin or Commissioner Lee, he wasn't sure.

Seokjin stood up, walking closer, so that he and Namjoon were side by side, staring the commissioner down, "So write one."

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, but it'll take at least three hours for that process to go through, please understand," the Commissioner reasoned. His face was nervous, but it wasn't wracked with anxiety; he didn't care.

Namjoon felt frustration begin to swirl into this anxiety.

God, another three hours? Hispup was going to be in the hands of a pill popper for another three hours?

Namjoon could feel the scent of peppermint get stronger around him; the Commissioner coughed at the obtrusively sharp smell. Namjoon's scent had given grown men nose bleeds, before, so it wasn't a surprise to see the Commissioner's eyes watering.

His mate gently brushed soothing fingers against Namjoon's, a soft calming gesture. "Trust Noona, Namjoonie," Seokjin whispered.

Namjoon nodded.

Seokjin hummed softly, stepping even closer to the Commissioner. Even though Seokjin was out of his formal, conservative attire and wearing sneakers instead of stilettos, he still had a presence. He still held himself like the matriarch of the Kim pack.

He leaned over the Commissioner with crimson eyes, daring the man to question him. He was Kim Seokjin; he had the three strongest Alphas in Seoul wrapped around his fingers. Seokjin could ask for the entire Asian continent on a silver platter, if he wanted.

Namjoon bit his lip.

"How much do we pay you, Lee?" Seokjin asked lowly.

"2 billion won."

"So I pay you 2 billion won for you to give me bullshit excuses? Is that what you're telling me?" Seokjin asked softly.

"I-I um, no?"

"I could have you dead and in twenty different pieces by nightfall, you understand? Your corpse would make me at least 2 billion won," Seokjin whispered, leaning down to speak in Lee's ear, "So, with that in mind, how about you start proving to me that you're more valuable alive than dead, hm?"

The Commissioner whimpered, before nodding shakily, "I-I'll get it done. It'll take a few minutes."

Seokjin flashed his fangs in a sharp smile, "Do hurry. Corpse don't make me wait."

The Commissioner scurried away, nearly tripping over a chair in his haste. Seokjin huffed a breath, clearly very irritated with the situation.

That was my mate, Namjoon thought, with a bit of relief bubbling in his chest.

"See? Noona took care of it, no?" Seokjin asked, looking back at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow, "It's so much easier when you don't fight me, Namjoonie."

Namjoon slowly wrapped Seokjin in a hug, "You still can't kill the commissioner."

Seokjin turned his head, softly pressing a kiss to Namjoon's cheek, "We'll see."
Tae looked over at Yoongi, "Have they called, yet? Do you think everything's okay?"

Yoongi smiled softly, wordlessly lifting an arm to create a little nook for Tae to snuggle into. His head settled on top of Yoongi's chest, legs thrown over the Alpha's lap. Taehyung held on tightly to Yoongi's left hand, thumbing at the two mating band's on the Alpha's finger, before pressing a kiss to the diamond hoop-earring in Yoongi's left ear.

Taehyung's scent was hardly like the overwhelmingly sweet scents of Jimin and Seokjin. Taehyung smelled like Vanilla, but the sort of slightly tangy, musky taste of too much Vanilla. If one didn't know any better, it could easily be classified as a sweet Alpha scent.

When Tae was happy, content, his scent became creamy, like thick, heavily flavored ice cream, decadent, milky, and irresistible.

When he was nervous, though, like now, his scent had a bit of a burn to it, lingering with fear, anxiety, insecurity.

Yoongi purred softly, petting Taehyung's head softly.

"Noona will call soon, I'm sure, little one," Yoongi reassured, "No need to worry." Taehyung didn't answer, just nuzzling further into Yoongi's chest, whining softly.

Jimin hummed. His crimson eyes looked over Yoongi and Tae with curious eyes. Yoongi silently sent Jimin a warning look; he wasn't going to tolerate any more bitchy behavior from Jimin when Tae was feeling so sensitive.

Yoongi knew that it was hard on both of his mates. They were in legitimate heat right now. Yoongi could see them occasionally flinch from an especially hard cramp, and their thighs were coated with the slick that they were still producing. The car reeked of their arousal.

Jimin and Taehyung should have been wrapped up in soft, warm blankets, being fucked exactly the way they wanted without a care in the world besides their pleasure.

And yet they were here, stuck in this car in the middle of downtown, terrified about their missing pup, and all Yoongi could do about it was rub at their mating marks, hoping it gave them some sense of relief.

Jimin had a soft, reassuring smile on his face, as he looked at Taehyung.

"I trust unnie, he'll get back to us soon," Jimin said softly, "Don't you?"

Taehyung nodded silently.

"We've almost got Jungkook back, TaeTae. I know it hurts. I'm hurting, too. But hurting isn't going to bring Kookie back," Jimin whispered, softly brushing the backs of his fingers against Tae's cheek.

"I know," Tae mumbled, "I'm just scared."

"You don't have to be. You have me, and I have you. We have Yoongi and Yoongi has us. We'll deal with this together, right?"


"So, can you be strong for me? Just a little bit?"

Taehyung nodded, a small smile on his lips, "Okay. But I get to kill Daehyun."

"Hell no," Jimin exclaimed, pulling back a little, "That cunt is mine."

"What the fuck happened to we'll deal with this together?" Taehyung mocked, incredulous.

Jimin rolled his eyes, slapping Taehyung's shoulder, "I don't have to have the strength of an Alpha to slit a throat, thanks."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, helplessly endeared by his two mates. Concerned at their homicidal tendencies, of course. But, somehow they made homicidal tendencies look cute.

His phone buzzed, and Yoongi immediately pulled out his phone, smile dropping.

We got it: 281-11, Hanirapateu, Wolgye 1(il)-dong, Nowon-gu, Seoul
It's the old buildings by the highway
You're closest. It's about fifteen minutes away for you.
Twenty five for Hoseok-hyung. Fifty for Noona and me.

"Alright, Namjoon sent me the address," Yoongi said, before reading it out to the driver. 

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