Project 'Magnet' Part1

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The Future Music Club is minding their own business; Luka was reading a light novel, Neru and Rin were arguing while Miku tried to calm them down, Haku was trying hard not to fall asleep and Lily was playing around with her fingernails.


The door flew open and a busty brunette student barged in with a paper in hand.

"Everyone gather round. I have some great news!" She waved the paper around.

"What is it? Is alcohol now available for people above the age of sixteen instead of eighteen?" Haku asked, getting up from her seat.


"Did you score the highest for your class test?" Miku guessed.

"I wish..."

"You found out that Neru here did it with Yowane-senpai?" Rin joked before a flying bottle hit her on the head. "Ow!"

"What? No...?"

"Did you enter adulthood with someone? Got pregnant?" Lily chuckled and continued playing around with her yellow painted fingernails.

"What the fu- No! We have a new project. The theme of the song will be about forbidden love. We need the song, lyrics, costumes, dance moves and singers ready in about two weeks. Any volunteers?" Meiko announced, looking up from the notes she took down during the club meeting.

There was a moment of complete silence. Everyone was frozen on the spot. They blinked in disbelief and continued what they were doing.

"Hey! Don't ignore me..."

"No one wants to do it, Meiko. It's... too embarrassing." Luka looked up from her book as the others nodded furiously like those toy dogs with springs for their necks.

"I admit. I don't really want to do this theme... but sensei planned for this. He was all 'This school have a lot of couples lately... Despite it being a girls' school... Let's make a song about it then'. Geez. Is sensei seriously that pervertic?" Meiko complained, sitting on a chair next to Luka.

"I heard my name. What is it?"

The door slide open, revealing a tall, male teacher in a suit. His glasses shone brightly in the lights. "Hey everyone! How's it going?" The sensei announced which made Meiko fall back from her seat.

"K-Kiyoteru sensei... Umm... Hi..." Meiko rubbed her head as she got up from the floor.

"Call me a pervert, eh?"

"N-n-no I didn't!" Meiko lied, facing away from their advisor.

"Didn't you say that he was that pervertic a minute ago?" Lily mumbled under her breath.

"Meiko. See me after this. So, what's the plan?"

Meiko glared at Lily as she took out her notebook. "Uhmm... well... We need to write the song and lyrics, design the costume, and come up with a dance routine in two weeks. Must the song be about forbidden love? I mean, there's like million other theme."


"There are still no volunteers for anything." Luka looks up, snapping her book shut.

"Then...Meiko, you will make the song. Haku and Neru, you're in charge of the dance routine. Rin, you will write the lyrics. Lily, you're in charge with the costumes. Miku and Luka, you are the performers." He took in a huge chunk of air and cleared his throat. "I think that deserves an applause."

Everyone's faces dropped as they slowly applauded for their advisor's ability to command them.

After some plannings for about a week, Miku, Neru and their partners started on their work while Meiko, Rin and Lily fished out their phones and called for assistance. Since their works are managable, they might be able to finish it within three days and have four days to put it all together.

"Hey, SeeU? Can you help me out please? You are good with computers, right?..."

"...IA-chan, can you help? Who? Yukari-chan? Who is she? Yeah..Sorry.. I just need some help to write the lyrics."

"Yo, Cul. Bring in about six metres of black silk, a sewing kit and some food, stacked."

"Food?" Meiko interrupted.

"What? I'm hungry, kay."

Moments later, IA and Yukari appeared at the door, holding onto a small notebook, followed by a cat-like student who is clutching onto a laptop that have cat ears.

"Ah, you're here." Meiko looks up from the score sheets.

"Let's hurry up and get this over and done with." Rin cracks her knuckles and fished out a pen.

Soon after, everyone, apart from Lily, are working on their part of the project.


The door slammed open as a student with spiky, crimson red hair tied back, raised up two bags; one for the materials, and another completely filled with snacks. Her grin was spread widely across her face.

"Yo! Food is here! Oh, and here's the materials." She practically yelled across the room.

"Good. You're finally here. Let's get this over and done with." Lily replied as they gave each other a quick fist bump.

They spent a few minutes, staring blankly at the materials. "Umm.. how should I start this?" The red-head spoke up.

"What do you mean? Aren't you good at making costumes?"

"I was good at it. It has been a while since I made a costume." Cul sat back and picked up a piece of cloth.

"What the hell! How are we going to finish this in time!?" Lily grabbed her partner by the collar and shook her around.

"Umm...well..... We can always ask someone from the Anime club next door."

As if on que, they sprung up and rushed out of the clubroom straight into a small room next to theirs.

"Ah. What do you need?" A green-haired student looks up from her laptop as soon as the door flung open.

"Shi- It's her... Uhmm... Hey, Cul. Let's go somewhere else." Lily gasped when she saw the exact same student who had emotionally scarred her (Check chapter four).

"Why? What happened?" Cul asked.

"Didn't I tell you? She was the one who kissed me!" Lily whispered.

"Oh. My. God. Mistress Lily got teased... by a junior!" Cul teased before she calmed down and explained. "Let it go. It happened a few months ago. She won't even remember you." Cul explained.

"Umm... do you guys need anything? Wait... are you... that senpai I kissed some time ago?" The junior spoke up, causing every colour in Lily's body to drain out, and a huge grin formed on Cul's face. "Eheheh.. well... sorry about that." The junior smiled and slowly inched forward.

"We need some help to make costumes for a project. Will you help us out?" Cul asked in an unusually kind tone.

"Are you kidding me?! She's a freaking BEAST." Lily's face burned up when Gumi shot her a cheeky grin.

"Haha. You're overreacting. There's no way a girl as innocent as her could be a beast. I mean, just look at her." Cul gave out a small chuckle and faced Gumi. "So, will you help us?"

"Why not?" Gumi answered which was replied by Lily's pouting face.


"-and this goes here.... Senpai, are you even listening?" Gumi faced her senpai who is inching away slowly. The blonde froze in her tracks and faced the green-haired kouhai.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't." Lily looked down at her shoes as blushes crept their way to her cheeks.

"Then... why don't you try it. I'll help you with it." Gumi brought over the materials needed towards Lily and dumped them in front of her senpai. "Don't worry. I won't do anything else."


"Hold on. I need to get that." Gumi pointed towards the needle that somehow could fly over to the other side of the table.

Lily's cheeks burned up when Gumi leaned in, trying to reach the needle. Gumi's chest is pressed on Lily's bare lap. "Her chest.... on my.... Cul! Where are you when I need you!?!"

After a few seconds, trying to reach that needle, Gumi finally straightened up. "So, let's get started with this. A-are you okay?" She noticed that Lily's face is glowing red.

"Do you even know what you've done!? How can I be okay with it?"

~Meanwhile, with Rin~

"Megurine-senpai, I don't mind if you took my best friend away. But, if you ever break her heart, I swear you will regret it." Rin's eyes are practically shooting fireballs at the pink-haired senpai.

"U-umm... Kagamine-san? Are... you okay?" Yukari spoke up.

"Uhh.. Rin-chan? Lyrics?" Ia stared at her fiery-eyed classmate.

Yukari gave out a long sigh before grabbing Rin by the bow and dragging her towards the blank piece of paper. "We need to come up with lyrics for your project. So, please contribute."

"Uhhh... heheheh gomen. But, both of you ate currently dating right? So, you might understand that feeling of forbidden love. Am I right?"

They stared at each other for a little while before shooting an annoyed expression that makes Rin's face to drop.

"So... is that a 'no'?"

Sometime later...

"So, what do you feel about your relationship?" Rin questioned.

"If anything... it reminds me of a butterfly. How she aimlessly asked to just hang out. Before I know it, we're together." Yukari explained.

"Uh-huh.." Rin scribbles some notes on the sheet of paper. "What do you want from your partner?" Rin turns to face Ia.

"I want her to hold me tight and remind me that no matter what people say, we will always be together." Ia smiled confidently before realising that her partner is completely red.

"Ia-chan...." Yukari gasped and wrapped her arms around Ia's slender body.

"Ughh.. I need to finish this but they started going all mushy with each other. Nevermind, I'll just make up the lyrics. No biggie." Rin picked up the pen and started scribbling some made-up notes.

After writing down all the weird and cheesy phrases, Rin turned and faced the two lovebirds.
"Yuzuki-san, heres the notes. You are in the Literature Club right? Can you write the lyrics please." Rin passed the notes and went snooping around.

"Well. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish" Yukari stated as she picked up the notes and worked on the lyrics.

~With Meiko~

"The music is more or less like this." Meiko showed the score sheet and leaned in to look at the desktop, which is entirely cat-like.

"Hm? This looks a bit complicated. But I think we'll be able to finish it by next week." SeeU opened up a program and started the mixing.

"Hold on. Why are you putting in cat noises?" Meiko looks at the screen from a distance.

"For effects." SeeU smiled and continued the mixing.

"There are no cats in any relationship, SeeU. I mean, who does that?"


"We don't need them." Meiko huffed as she snatched the device away and removed all the unnecessary purring and 'nyan'ing.

"Mei-chan, you're so mean." SeeU whined as she hopelessly witnessed her neko noises heartlessly removed.

~With Neru & Haku~

"Haku, please be gentle."


"Haku, slow down. I can't catch up. *pant* I-I'm *pant* already at my limit."

"Neru-chan, just bear with it. It will be over soon."

"I-I can't."

"Okay. We'll have a two minute break and then continue from where we left off. I need some advice from Sensei."

"Okay." Neru trudged towards her water bottle and gulped down a huge amount of water.

"You were making a lot of interesting noises back there, Neru."

Water sprayed out of Neru's lips as she turned around, facing a student who has a smug spread across her face.

"What *cough* what was that for!? Don't you have anything better to do!?"

"It's all done ages ago."

"Then... Why are you here!?"

"I got bored, okay? Oh and look who's coming here." Rin pointed her small yet bony fingers.

Neru turns around and saw her partner strolling towards her. The sight of Haku made some deep red blushes appear on her cheeks.

"Sensei told me that the dance moves should be closer. So, lets get back to work."

"Heheheh. I am going to enjoy this." Rin took out a camera from wherever she hid it and pointed the lens towards them.

"No recording, please." Haku released the camera from Rin's clutches and placed it next to Meiko.

"Scram off, Rin." Neru gave a victorious smile. She opened her mouth before Haku interupted her.

"I think that she can stay and watch us so that she won't go around and disturb others."

Neru's mouth hangs open, seeing that there's no other way to counter Haku's words.

"Fine... you can watch.." Neru growled as she head back for practice.

Rin made herself comfortable and looked around. Her eyes rested on the pink-haired senpai. The sight of her being too close with her best friend made fireballs to shoot out of her eyes.

~With Miku & Luka~

"No, Miku. You are a bit off. Try singing a little lower."

"Ah, okay."

All of the sudden, Luka felt a chill running down her spine. Colors drained out of her body as she felt a couple of eyes on her.

"Luka-chan, are you okay?" Miku asked with a concerned look on her face.

"U-uhh. I-I'm okay.." Luka squirmed in her seat. "It's just that... It feels like someone's watching me."

"Eh!? Umm... Aren't you popular in this school? It might be one of your fans or something." Miku explained, trying to confront her.

"Isn't the doors locked? Plus,we're on the third floor. No one can see us from down there." Luka pointed out.

Miku squeaked upon hearing that statement. Her hands are trembling as she tried to grab something to hold on to.

Beep! Beep!

Meiko looked down on her watch. "Oh. Time's up. Good work everyone. Let's call it a day and pack up. We are continuing this tomorrow."

"Okay, Meiko-sensei." Lily joked as she packed up all the materials.

"Roger." Rin gave a small salute before packing up all her items.

"Good work, everyone." Luka gave a small wave before stepping out of the room.

Sooner or later, the rest of the members as well as the assistants strolled out of the room.

Meiko, the last one to leave, looked back into the messy room as she switched off the lights. "All according to plan." She smiled softly as she closed the door behind her.

~Le more extras~

"... So, do you think that the clubroom is haunted?" Miku asked as she took a sip from her juice.

"No way. Ghosts don't exist." Rin exclaimed.

"For once, I agree with Rin." Neru took Rin's side of the argument.

"Eeeh!? But, Luka-senpai felt it. Like someone staring at her." Miku added.

"Probably one of her fans. You know she's quite famous in school."

"But we're on the third floor... with doors locked!"

"Yandere fan?" Rin added.

Little did they know that the person responsible is underneath their noses... Literally!

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