Chapter Thirty-One

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    I was relieved to see the human carcass was already headless by the time I arrived in the kitchen. I joined the other two already at work on the rest of the body. Hattie and Daria, another of Madam's favorites. I'd expected that the new kitchen head might still be pleased to see my place so diminished, using her position to make me suffer, but Hattie ignored me almost entirely as I picked up a knife to work beside them. I was grateful for it. The task would be unbearable enough without her gloating.

    I used my skill with the knife to make the meat unidentifiable as quickly as possible, speeding up the butchering in a way only I could. No one had ever been able to replicate Mariana's efficiency as myself.

    As I worked my resolve grew all the more. I would use my talents to the best of my ability. I would not give him the satisfaction of failure. I couldn't. Dulane had made it clear enough that it was not only I would suffer should I fall short of his expectations. He had trapped me in an impossible situation with no choice but to comply.

    I could feel Madam glowering at me, watching every movement with eyes like a hawk. Perhaps she didn't know the pressure I was facing already from my Master. That he'd threatened those around me, in addition to myself. It was clear she didn't trust me.

    Of course, I could hardly blame her concerns. At that moment wished very much I might poison every sibla on the estate for their crimes. But my mind was still one of an animal. I was alone with no chance of aide. I could imagine no other option than obedience. I could only hope that her allowance of my presence within the kitchen was sign enough that she trusted Dulane would keep me under control and I might be allowed to remain protected in the kitchens. Kept from Everett....

    Still, once the meal was plated Madam made a strange demand.

    "You will taste the food to ensure it is safe," she ordered.

    I stared at the woman in horror, my stomach queasy. I had never tasted the flesh of my own. I could not imagine a betrayal any worse to my humanity, but in my hesitation, she grabbed the back of my neck tightly in one hand, the other digging into my arm to hold me.

    "You will do this, slave, or I will tell your Master that another round of training is necessary. Cedrick thinks you will behave and it is his assurances alone that have allowed you to return here. But you must prove to me I can trust you in this kitchen if you are to remain. Do you understand?"

    With her hands upon me, I could barely nod but I made the attempt to do so nonetheless.

    Releasing her grip, Madam took a piece of meat from the pan, not yet plated, cutting a mouthful and thrusting a fork into my hand. My whole body shook as I raised it to my lips, closing my eyes tightly as I forced the food into my mouth and chewed.

    The flavors that hit my tongue were strange and unfamiliar. The texture of the meat reminded me of pork, though the flesh was redder in color. In my mind, I begged forgiveness from the soul of the child whose body I consumed. I fought the desire to vomit and swallowed the mouthful as Madam watched me. I could feel the eyes of all others upon me as well, judging. I had ingested human flesh. I was beyond redemption.
After a moment of observing, no doubt wishing to ensure I did not immediately drop dead, Madam gave me leave to take the plated food to my Master.
When I arrived and was granted passage to his sitting room there was an unfamiliar sibla man beside Dulane.

    "Your dinner is ready, Master," I announced, head down, voice quiet. I was determined to gain no more injury that day. Already I was sore and exhausted, my body protesting so much exertion after my convalescence. I could still feel the phantom grip of Madams claws on my neck and my stomach was still churning as if unwilling to digest the abominable mouthful of meat I had forced down my throat. I was grateful when Dulane only nodded and stood, walking from the room and clearly expecting me to follow to the dining table.

    "You will quite enjoy this, Mr. Kesar," my Master said as they walked. "This one is the best cook my stock has ever produced and you will finally have a chance to sample my product."

    "I hear that the animals you raise on your farm are of truly premium quality," the other man said.

    "Only the best are permitted to bare my family label and grace my table," Dulane replied, "the rest are sold off through my secondary market sites. Of course, you know that those operations have been suffering. I hope you might be able to shed light on this matter. Three of my setups shut down for animal welfare violations in a month? This targeted sting is costing me money and I want it to stop."

    My ears perked up to the topic of conversation. I'd heard whispers before of my Master's trade. I knew that not all shipped away were sent straight to the slaughterhouse but instead, forced to face auctions or live markets. I had not however been aware that my Master owned business operations off of his estate.

    "Indeed," Kesar answered as they took their seats at the table. "I have my suspicions of who exactly is at fault and I believe we can make arrangements to ensure they will never hinder your affairs again."

    The words sounded ominous in tone and I wondered what the man might intend to prevent my Master's rival from remaining a threat.

    "You are free to go, Alice," Dulane said, perhaps catching hint of my interest in his conversation. "Return to bring us our dessert in one hour, is that understood?"

    "Yes, Master, I answered, but the thoughts in my mind did not cease. Who was this man and what might he and Dulane be planning? I couldn't imagine it mattered much to me the consequences for another sibla in crossing my Master, but now that I knew just how horrific Dulane was to his enemies, I could not help but feel some pity for his new target. Still, I had other concerns far more pressing.

    Returning to the kitchen to clean I was relieved to find the remains carcass already stored in the freezer. I went to the dishes, all of which Madam had left for me to scour, while the others began to eat. I knew I would be granted nothing more than the scraps that remained from my Master's meal and I certainly wouldn't touch their main course. I wondered if I might be able to find some more food to relive my hunger when cleaning the other girl's plates.

    At least there was a loaf of bread Dulane and his guest were unlikely to finish. My Master did not tolerate day-old baked goods so I would be granted what would otherwise be bound for pig slops. If I consumed enough calories there was hope I would not be forced to down more of the "nutritional" drink the overseers had pressed upon me that morning.

    As I cleaned in silence my mind drifted to the conversation I'd overheard. Never before had I thought to be curious about my Master's work outside of the farm. A new idea began to tickle the back of my mind. What if I could use my new punishment as Dulane's handmaid to my own advantage? What if his insistence of keeping me by his side could lead me to learn of his weaknesses.

    I realized now just how little I knew about the world beyond the boundaries of the estate. Perhaps in getting closer to Dulane, I could learn somthing that might prove useful? Even if only to hasten my death and escape his grasp. The more I learned about my Master, the better the chances I could manage some control of my fate, however small. As I headed back to serve dessert, some part of me knew my ears would have to remain ever so much more pricked for the hint of new knowledge that might prove useful.

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