Chapter Twenty-Two

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As winter mellowed to the birth of spring, the mood of all on the estate brightened. Lina's confidence grew with every day and the girl was now able to go about her work with almost no supervision from myself or the older girls. Still, she and Mary would join me for at least one meal a day, maintaining our little makeshift family. I began to offer the child more education as well.
I was confident the girl would never be a threat to Mary in the kitchen but knew her skills in cleaning could compliment my daughter's position. Together, they could work to take on my tasks together when I was gone. The thought made me smile.

    With Mary's eight birthday nearing and my own position so stable in Madam's favor, I no longer worried as much for my daughter's future. I'd done everything to ease her way and even likely managed to secure the extra years to watch her take on her role as an adult on the estate. If I did not survive to see her first child born, with any luck, Lina would be able to help guide her. The girl would be of breeding age within the next two years. She could prepare Mary in my absence and offer her comfort.

    I should have been more on guard. The lessons of the past should have been embedded in my soul. The old scars I carried from Everett's training had never fully faded, and the paranoia associated with one tottering on the edge of precarious power such as mine was never truly gone.... but I had found true happiness. I foolishly believed that fate had made a path for me just as my mother and Dreda had prayed for. I was naive enough to think I deserved it.
It was a fine warm day that motivated me to officially begin spring cleaning within the main house. My Master would be away on business with his son most of the day and his wife and daughter wished to take advantage of the weather to journey into town for some shopping. The absence of the Dulane family would ensure my crew would have leave to move about without fear of causing any disruption to important sibla affairs. With Madam's approval, I organized a team of girls to attend to each room, hoping to accomplish as must as possible before my Masters returned.

    Mary had been invited to join Avaline on her adventure in town and my daughter had eagerly donned her favorite dress and set off in the family's car just after breakfast. I decided this would be the perfect day to allow Lina a chance to take on more responsibility while we had more time to go about our tasks free of sibla presence in the main house.

    "You will be solely responsible for our Master's dining room and upstairs parlor," I told her as I gave out my assignments. "I know he is planning to have a large gathering within the next few weeks and I wish to make certain we start early in ensuring everything will be perfect."

    I could see the child's excitement and nerves mixing together at the news. The two adjoining rooms were her favorite in the house. Lavishly decorated to impress guests Dulane had spared no expense in rich fabrics and ornately carved mahogany fixtures. I knew Lina loved cleaning within the chambers of wealth and imagining the wonderful gatherings that took place there.

Having served as the dutiful human for so many events, slaving away in the kitchen and later enduring the abuse of rowdy sibla as I served, I no longer maintained such fantasies but I saw no harm in allowing Lina and Mary to keep theirs a bit longer as they speculated what it must be like to have such wealth and finery.

    The girls' reverence for these sibla gatherings was still such that they had every desire to ensure the best for their Masters. Mary loved helping me plan lavish meals and reveled in the praise when Madam told us how our creations had been received. Lina enjoyed making the rooms sparkle, shining every fixture to perfection, beaming to hear that all had been suitably impressed by the Dulane home. It was the only way they might ever be part of such luxury and I encouraged them to take pride in their work that ensured our Master would remain an important man of wealth. One whom they could feel honored to serve. But this was also the largest task I'd yet given for Lina to take on alone.

    "You'll do just fine," I assured the child as the others turned to leave for their work. I gave her arm a quick squeeze. "I will come to check on you later as well. I know you will prove yourself as you have been every day since you started working here."

    I felt the tension in Lina's body relax slightly as she smiled up at me, encouraged by my praise.
    "Now go on," I encouraged. "It's not often we are given the chance to work in an entirely empty house. We must take advantage."

    The day passed quickly and, given that we had less sibla to cook for, I found myself relaxing more than usual, slowing my pace to experiment a bit with a few of my recipes which Madam was quick to praise. Lina joined me for lunch before heading back upstairs to complete her important task. I promised to check in on her as soon as the dishes from our meal had been cleaned.

    As I made my rounds, going from room to room to inspect my team's work I was pleased to see how much progress had been made. The windows had been thrown open to welcome in fresh air and banish the sediment of winter dust.
I set to closing the panes least the house be too cold once the night settled in. Our Masters would be home before dusk and I did not wish for them to have any reason for complaint. But as I closed the window in the downstairs sitting room I was surprised to see my Master's vehicle.

    Dulane had not been expected to return until after dinner. My mind instantly focused, thoughts of the impromptu meal that would have to be prepared so we would not be caught lacking. I would have to take the girls from their cleaning tasks to help me.

    Heading upstairs I felt a strange premonition of foreboding. I certainly hoped my Master's early return was not a sign of trouble. Cedrick Dulane was not a patient man, nor one who could compartmentalize his work from his daily life. if his business trip had turned out poorly enough to warrant an early return, his ill mood might affect us all for days. In his moments of temper, he was well known to deal out sharp words and blows to any human who got in his way.

    I went first to Avaline's room where my girls were just finishing up. The toys had been tided and the bed perfectly made. Their young mistress was unlikely to truly appreciate the effort but her mother would notice. I praised the good work that would great our Masters when they returned from their adventure in town. Thinking of my daughter enjoying her treat along with the Dulane family, a smile came to my lips. A day beyond the confines of the estate. Even with Lexia's kindness, I'd never been granted such opportunity. I was as eager to hear Mary's stories as I knew she would be to tell them.

    "I need you all to go back to the kitchen," I told the girls in my charge. " It seems your Master has returned early and I'm certain he will be expecting dinner be ready by eight o'clock as usual."

    All nodded and went to answer my command as I continued on to my Master's quarters. I knew Lina was likely still working to polish and shine the sitting room to perfection but I would need her help in the kitchen if we were to complete dinner on time. That was when I heard it. A loud thud. Somthing fallen? I couldn't be certain but the sound froze my body in place, an uncomfortable fluttering in my chest. It had come from up ahead. My pace increased.

    I tried to keep calm, though my thoughts quickly turned to thoughts of the potential catastrophes I might discover. Dulane was home, likely in his study. Hopefully, he hadn't heard what I had. Hopefully, the sound was nothing dire. But as I thought of Lina, working so close to our Master, I couldn't help but feel a tingle of concern radiating through my body. She was all alone, responsible for whatever had caused the noise. Blame could easily fall back on me for leaving her. She was still young to be unsupervised. But in all my manufactured worries, nothing could have prepared me for what I found when I rounded the corner.

    The parlor door was open, Dulane's massive form visible within. My eyes opened wide as they panned to the ground where my Master's gaze was so focused. Lina.

    She was on her knees before the towering sibla man, the ground around littered with shattered glass. Shivers traveled through me as I looked to my Master's face. The fury in his eyes. The unfocused glaze of rage.

    "You stupid girl!" Dulane snapped at the cowering child. I winced as my Master bent, hand coming up and slamming across the young girl's cheek with an audible thwap. I heard her cry out in pain as his hand came again, the force strong enough to send Lina to the floor this time.

    "Master," I said, coming into the room in hopes of intervening. "I'm certain Lina intended no offense. I can clean up this mess in no time and."

    "Stay out of this, Alice," Dulane snapped. As his eyes met mine I could see the depths of his fury. When he got in such moods the only safe thing to do was to obey him without question. But this poor child did not deserve such abuse. I had promised Dreda I would watch over the Lina as she'd watched over Mary so faithfully. I couldn't abandon her! And yet, in that moment I could only stand and watch, ready to fix the damage when he was through, impotent as ever to protect anyone, including myself.

    "Stand up!" Dulane demanded. The child managed to rise shakily to her feet. I saw the glittering shards all around. As she placed her hand on the ground to help herself up she winced and I looked to her palms to see flecks of red painting the skin where the glass had broken it.

    A strong girl, Lina did not cry, though her eyes were red, her cheek flushed where he'd struck her. But no sooner had Dulane caught a look at her determined expression than his hand came up again, pummeling his poor victim back to the ground. I stifled a gasp of surprise. She was only a child. Not yet eleven years of age. He must be in a particularly sour disposition to take out such anger upon one so young.

    "You are useless," Dulane snarled, flecks of spittle showering his victim. He kicked the defenseless girl and she tried to roll into a ball to protect herself. It was no use. He kicked her hard again, this time in the shins and she screamed in agony. "Those were five of my best crystal chalices. You will pay dearly."

    "Master Dulane, please," I begged, trying again to distract him. "Surely it was an accident!" But Cedric refused to pay me any attention at all, his rage fully focused on the girl in front of him.

    Lina's eye was puffy, the imprint of his fist all too clear in the purple-blue tinge, tears now flowing freely. There were red marks on her legs from his boot. Blood dripped from her nose and the sea of glass surrounding embedded deeper into her flesh with every strike that sent her to the floor.

    I stood there watching the scene play out before me as if in slow motion. The powerful sibla man beating his helpless victim. I imagined Mary in that same fetal position, suffering unimaginable pain. All for some minor infraction. A broken glass, a piece of property that could be easily replaced. For this, he was willing to beat a living being senseless. The horror was unimaginable. But though Dulane showed no sign of stopping his assault I remained motionless. I was a slave. What help could I be against a tyrannical man who owned me as well?

    I watched Dulane take up a chair in his hands. I cringed as he slammed it against the floor the crack of splintering wood resounded through the air, penetrating the continued cries of the battered child. I watched him rip one of the chair legs from its post and raised it above his head. It fell on the girl's backside first, calling forth another cry of agony, but then he raised his weapon with more purpose. His trajectory was clear. He was aiming for her head. He was going to kill her!

    It was in that moment that instinct took over. I couldn't let him murder the girl. I couldn't stand witness and do nothing. I ran full force at Dulane, pushing him hard enough to send him stumbling from his victim and threw myself to the ground, falling upon the child, shielding her from our Master's wrath.

    My heart pounded uncontrollably in my chest from the exertion and fear. Beneath me, I felt Lina's shivering form. I smelt the scent of blood and felt the sting on my own hands, looking down the see glass embedding in my palms where they'd pressed against the floor. But I could not worry about that now. Keeping my body atop Lina I stared up at my Master.

    The expression on Dulane's face was one I had never seen before. A mixture of shock and incredulity and something beyond fury. My mind raced as I watched him recover himself from where he had fallen, tripped by my push. There were scratches on his arm where they'd grazed the splintered remains of the chair. The bloodied piece of wood was still in his hand. He raised it over his head and I closed my eyes, burying my face in Lina's hair as I continued to use my body as a shield.

    I knew it would do no good. He would murder us both. I had never been so sure of anything in my life. A vision of Mary flashed before my eyes. I would never say goodbye to my daughter, but at least I would have fallen trying to save another just as innocent. In my mind, I uttered a silent prayer to the heavens. To my mother, even to Lexia. Those who had gone before me and might welcome me back now.

    "Be brave," I whispered to the sobbing child I held in my arms.

    But though I waited for the bludgeon to fall upon my back, beating the life from my body, the strike never came. A moment later I hear the sharp cracking echo of wood thrown against the ground. The chair leg split in two at the force, shards breaking off and flying against the wall. I closed my eyes tight at the noise hoping to avoid the wood splinters but looked up just in time to see Dulane give me one finale glare.

    "Clean up this mess, slave," he said, his tone colder than any I'd heard before.

    I'd barely managed the affirmation, "yes, Master," from my trembling lips before I heard the door slam closed.

Body still shaking I managed to somehow climb to my knees to get a better look at the girl.

    Lina was sobbing now, her body rocking in on itself in a rhythmic motion.

    "It's alright," I soothed as I gathered her in my arms, trying to calm myself along with the young one. "He's gone. He won't hurt you anymore."
Of course, I knew it was a lie. We would both pay for what had transpired this night. I would pay dearly.

    "Let's get you up," I said, focusing my mind on the task at hand. Lina was badly injured but the mess in the room was formidable. I couldn't leave it.

    Ignoring my own aching body I helped the child from the floor and managed to seat her in one of the undamaged chairs at the table. Looking to my hand, I saw the glass pieces of glass embedded and picked out each one, ignoring the sharp sting and flowing blood. On the table, I saw a bottle of spirits. I imagined Lina had been attempting to serve our Master a drink before the accident.

    Ripping the hem of my skirt for a makeshift bandage I opened the bottle and lightly wet the cloth in alcohol, cleaning my hand before wrapping it as tightly as I could to staunch the bleeding. Next, I went to Lina.

    Her injuries were extensive. Glass was stuck in the flesh of her hands and exposed legs. Already bruises were forming on her visible skin and I knew there would be more beneath her clothes. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, but the girl was able to bite her lip and hold back her cries as I tended to the wounds, treating the worst with alcohol and wrapping them tightly in strips of my skirt as I had my own cuts.

    "I'm so sorry," Lina sobbed. "I was just trying to clean the crystal. I promise I was being careful. But then Master Dulane surprised me. He ordered me to pour him a drink. I was so nervous. I've never had to serve our Master before. I tripped when I brought the tray to the table. The glasses fell. I didn't mean to." Her words stopped as she bit her lip against the pain as I poured the spirits over a larger wound.

    "It's alright, child," I soothed, though of course, it was not. It didn't matter what had caused his anger. She'd never deserved such abuse. None of us did, but it wouldn't matter. Both of us would pay.

    Leaving Lina sitting on her chair and instructing her to breathe deeply, I turned to face the mess.

    I'd seen a broom and dust bin only just out in the hall on my way to the parlor. I'd intended to chide the ones who'd left it behind, but now I was grateful for their carelessness. I opened the door carefully, hoping I might not be seen. Luckily the corridor was entirely empty. I grabbed the broom and quickly shut the door again, sweeping up the broken glass and wood splinters as best I could. The pieces of the chair I collected and piled neatly, trying to contain the mess, though it seemed impossible what had transpired might remain a secret in spite of my efforts.

    "Let's get you back to the dorms," I said to the child. The girl was curled up on herself now, huddled in a tight ball of misery but I knew we couldn't stay there. We couldn't risk the chance that Dulane would come back. That he might send another to finish his work. That he might send Everette...

    Lina was almost entirely unresponsive as I draped her arm around my neck and managed to lift her from her seat. As we walked forward I could feel her leaning heavily against me. Her right leg was clearly paining her and she seemed unable to put her full weight upon it. I would have to act as her crutch.

    Together we managed to hobble down the hall and to the first floor without notice. I knew I could not return to the kitchens. Madam would be overseeing dinner preparations and I knew she would have no sympathy for the broken girl. Ignoring the fact that not attending my work assignment immediately might result in further trouble later, I headed for the back door and set off with the child towards the only one who might be able to help.

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