Chapter Twenty-One

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Dreda's ability to manipulate and influence was unmatched on the Dulane estate. By the next evening Madam had approached me to inform of a new member to the household crew under my watch and the following morning, Dreda's protected child was in my kitchens, reporting for duty.

    Lina was small, not much taller than Mary, though she was at least four years older. There was nothing remarkable in her face or demeanor, both of which were quite plain and quiet. I saw this as a positive. With any luck, Lina would not stand out. If she could do her job and remain largely unnoticed, her chances of survival were far higher.

    In her mousey brown hair and freckles, I could see the hint of resemblance the girl bore to her older sister. Staring at the child and thinking of Clara I felt myself filled with sadness for her untimely death. She'd been such a kind girl, helping me with Mary, looking after all the other children with immense compassion. In that moment, I found any remaining reservations I'd harbored melting away. I would help an innocent. That was my purpose in life, just as my mother had always taught me.

    Having done everything I could for Rebecca her face still haunted my dreams as I imagined her cold and alone, locked in a cell with a growing belly she'd never wished for, carrying a child she was destined to lose all because I had thwarted her plans. Some part of me hoped that helping another even more innocent, could truly cleanse my soul and right my place in the world. I was intent on proving I was an ally to my fellow humans, not an enemy. Even if Dreda and myself were the only ones who might ever know of my efforts, I would watch over my new ward as though she were my own.

    Mary was delighted to have another younger girl in the kitchen and the moment I told her that Lina had been working with Dreda her eyes lit up.

    "Miss Dreda cared for me too when I was younger!" she said happily. Lina, however, was not so enthusiastic as my daughter in the small smile she returned, nerves clear. Not surprising. She'd been raised as one of Dulane's general stock. A human with no distinction. She knew her worth was minimal at best. It was Clara who'd been chosen to survive.

    I realized this girl might not even understand why Dreda now extended care her way. She might be entirely unaware of her parentage and lost sibling, assuming Dreda had thrown her from the nursery as punishment rather than protection. It saddened me that a child so young could already appear so broken and resigned to her fate as a silent worker, survival dependent on occupying as little space and attention as possible.

    "Miss Dreda said I only have one chance to prove myself here," the older girl said, her voice soft, gaze lowered. "I'm grateful, Miss Alice, that you have given me that chance. She said I would not survive otherwise."

    In her fear and deference, I felt my motherly instincts take over. Dreda had likely been unable to give Lina much support but as she was my only other young charge, perhaps I could offer her a bit more care. With some encouragement, there was no telling what the child might accomplish and her successes would be mine as well. I put a firm hand on Lina's shoulder and smiled down upon the girl.

    "You're going to do just fine here," I assured her. "I promised Miss Dreda that I would look out for you and intend to keep my vow. And I'm certain Mary will be all too glad for a friend closer to her own age."

    My daughter nodded, excitement undisguised. She took Lina's hand and offered an encouraging squeeze.

    Perhaps this was the best transition I might find for Mary, I realized. Since she had left the nursery and joined me permanently, my daughter had certainly become more isolated from her own kind. She loved her young mistress with whom she spent most of her time when she was not by my side, but Avaline was a sibla. Avaline owned Mary and their "friendship" would only last in this pure form for so long.

    As my daughter grew older, she would not be allowed to remain in this world of frivolous games. She would be expected to work and take her place as an adult. Avaline would remain a privileged young woman with a future. She would lose interest in the formerly cute human girl who had outgrown the phase in which she was pleasing to play with. Mary would become one of Dulane's breeding stock and Avaline would become her Master. Finding other human companionship would make that change less painful for my daughter when the time came.


    At first I imagined I might be able to train Lina and Mary together, hoping that my daughter's confidence would help encourage her new friend to spread her wings, but after a few days of watching the older child struggle to keep up with my daughter's advanced skills, I realized this would not be possible.

    Mary had always had natural talent in the kitchen, but Lina was clumsy. She lacked the education that Mary had obtained in years working by my side and couldn't read the recipes or notes that Mary jotted down to help her.

Though the girls worked well together, with Lina slowing our progress daily, I began to worry Madam would soon seek to remove her from the kitchen when she realized the newest addition to the team was the cause of our decreased productivity.

    Hoping to preempt this possibility, I brought Lina with me the next morning to join the group of girls set to clean around the main house. While Mary was sent to entertain Avaline, the older girl followed dutifully by my side as I went room to room, assigning each of my team to various tasks.

    "Pay attention," I told Lina. "Once you learn our Master's house well enough, you will be able to join the others on your own."

    The girl was mesmerized by the luxury of the main house, her eyes wide as we traveled through the rooms of rich carpeting and expensive decor. I was glad to see her watching all the human's closely as they set to their tasks. The reverence she showed for the Dulane's property would be helpful in ensuring she was careful with her work.

    "It's amazing," she commented when we had finished the tour. "Like a castle in a fairytale!"

    I thought of how limited this poor girl's life had been thus far. Lina was eleven years old and lived on the estate of one with so much wealth, but her world small and desolate.

    "Let's start you in the parlor," I said, guiding her to the sitting room where Dulane often entertained guests before and after dinner. Working through the room with Lina I taught her how to wipe down the various surfaces and dust properly.

    "You need not open the cabinets," I told her, gesturing to the ornate wooden structure locked with a delicate key kept in the latch. "Our Master's crystal is quite precious and I can help you or ask one of the older girls to assist. For now, let's just work on perfecting the basics."
Lina nodded dutifully and I offered her a smile.

     "Already I can tell how dedicated you are to your work," I said, offering praise to motivate her. "No doubt you will find the main house less overwhelming soon and show your Masters how valuable you are."

    For the first few days, I went with Lina to her work, spending the time to ensure she properly understood her tasks before leaving her with the older girls to supervise. I was pleased to hear only good report. It was not long before I felt confident enough allowing her to go to work on her own, beginning her transition to more responsibility. With any luck, she could lead the cleaning crew after she came of age. I was glad to have found a task at which she excelled and might establish a future within.

    For all of her lack of focus in the kitchen, she was meticulous in her cleaning of the Dulane household, carefully going about her work until all was spotless. The awe I'd observed when she'd first seen the finery did not fade and she took her tasks of dusting and polishing very seriously.

    "Thank you for helping me, Miss. Alice," she said one night as we sat around the table in the kitchen to take our dinner together. "Cleaning in the main house is a dream come true."

    "Mama likes helping people," Mary chimed in from beside her new friend.

    The two had grown quite close already, more like siblings than mere companions. Lina took all her meals with us and had even been allowed to move her cot in the dorms right next to Mary's. Growing quite fond of Lina myself, I was happy to play mother to both.

    I smiled at my daughter's comment, glad that she truly believed in my mission to help the other humans I watched over. Putting a hand on Lina's shoulder I gave it an affectionate squeeze.
    "Truly Lina has done wonderful work," I said. "I do seek to help all those I can, but everything our new friend has gained has been by her own merit."

    The older girl beamed.

    "I'm certain Miss. Dreda will be quite pleased when I give her report at the end of the month on your progress," I continued. "And she will be very proud of you, Mary, for helping Lina find her place here. Now, let's clean up so we can get to the showers before all the hot water is gone."

    I gave each girl a hug as they stood and dutifully collected their dishes. It was amazing that I had come to acquire this little family of mine. Even more remarkable that, with my status, I could be relatively open with my favor without fear reprisal might follow those I loved. Madam trusted me after all, and any I took interest in were granted added protection now. With her strong work ethic and my approval, Lina was already well on her way to establishing her worth just as Dreda had hoped.


    I felt mixed emotions wash over me as the woman's face came to my mind. She had given me so much in my life. She'd cared for me as a child, she cared for my daughter. She'd protected us both from afar though she herself was never allowed a true family. Now she'd not only lost the one she loved, but sacrificed the chance to care for her friend's other's daughter in order to ensure Lina would be safe. I was granted this oasis from pain while Dreda was forced to remain alone. I regretted every doubting her motives and was eager to write her a message of true hope regarding Lina's future. Perhaps it would give her comfort to know that she had made the right decision.

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