KBTBB guys try to crash MC's party

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This story was written by @ladystar0710 on tumblr. She's known for her KBTBB stories and I freaking love them enjoy.


The five guys knew something was up. There were barely any people in the IVC party, which meant there were going to be even fewer bidders, and considering the fee that people had to pay to get in, they knew something major had to be going on for people to suddenly decide not to show up. What they also found quite mysterious was that MC wasn't with them. Usually she would be there with them, engaging in a conversation or trying to avoid Baba and Ota's teasing. But tonight for whatever reason, she wasn't. Baba decided to mingle with the guests to find out what was going on, and when he told the other bidders what was going on, all of the couldn't believe their ears.
"MC is holding a massive party at the employee dorms, and apparently the people we invited thought it looked more entertaining."
"Pfft! One of MC's parties look more entertaining than mine! This I will have to see!" Eisuke smirked confidently as he marched out of the hotel with the others in tow. He refused to believe that some commoner could out do one of the famous Eisuke Ichinomiya's parties. However, only a few steps away from the hotel, they could already hear the faint sound of music coming from the direction of the dorms. They all kept walking, every step making them more curious as to what sort of party MC was holding for the music to be as loud as it was. They finally got to the dorms, and they just stood there in utter shock. There were people who were meant to be attending the IVC lining up to get in! All of the lights were off in the actual dorm windows themselves, so the party must be in the dorms basement. Eisuke was the first to recover and marched up angrily to the front of the line, the other following him to see what he would do. Eisuke was just about to walk in when 2 security guards stopped him.
"Sorry sir, but you're gonna have to wait in line like everyone else."
"Do you know who I am? I'm Eisuke Ichinomiya, owner of this dorm..."
"But not the host of this party. Now please go to the back of the line, sir."
"Isn't there a waiting list?"
"Yeah, there is. I'll get it out and try to find you. Ichinomiya, right? Ichinomiya, Ichinomiya... Sorry buddy, you ain't on the list."
"What?! I should be! Mamoru, can't you do something? Legally you should be able to-"
"Sorry, I don't have my badge on me. It was becoming a pain to carry and I didn't think I'd need it on my day off." Mamoru stated as he grinned lazily.
"Seriously Mamoru? Can't you do anything properly?" Soryu asks with a fed up tone.
"I demand to see MC this instant!" Eisuke yelled at the security guards.
"Okay, okay, just give me a minute." As the security guard went to get MC, the song changed to a popular Redfoo song. When MC finally emerged from the building, the bidders couldn't believe that they were looking at MC. Everything she was wearing was as loud as the music, from her trainers, to the mini skirt that barely covered her bum, to the crop top, to the accessories she was wearing. Her makeup was a perfect clash of colour, and her hair was down.
"MC, tone down the party and turn down the volume of your music. You are attracting a load of people from the IVC, and my party is becoming a laughing stock because of you!" Eisuke growled angrily. But MC was in her party mood, and she wasn't having any of it from him, despite him being her boss, and in time with the music sung back at him,
"Sorry for party rockin'!" Before adding, "You rich, boring snob! Steve, Jerry, don't let him or his friends in." She told the security guards before strutting back into the building. At this point, Eisuke was outraged. He, Eisuke Ichinomiya, the CEO of Tres Spades hotel, had not only been denied access to a party in a building he owned, but had also been majorly insulted by one of his own employees... and maid that they all bought as well!
"Ooooohhhh, Eisuke just got OWNED!" Ota laughed with amusement, and the others couldn't help but laugh as well. Eisuke then felt as if a light bulb flashed above his head.
"We will get into this party. Everyone, follow me." And with that, they all went to the back of the dorms. "Baba, can you unlock the window from the outside?"
"Pfft. Please remember who I am and how we met." Baba smirks as he skilfully opens the window.
"Okay everyone, get in." Eisuke commands. They find themselves in a random room, and they sneak out of it and look up and down the hall. They saw the entrance to the basement was unguarded, and as they approached it, Ota yelled,
"Does anyone else wonder how the hell MC managed to hire body guards?"
"To be honest, I ignore things like that now, Ota. MC has always somehow made miracles happen." Baba yells louder due to the volume of the music. They enter the room and look around. It was dark, but coloured lights were shining everywhere. People were dancing and drinking and going crazy, and at the other end of the room, there was a stage where a DJ was playing the music and jamming along.
"Eisuke, I'm sorry, but I seriously think MC has outdone you this time. Hey Ota, I spy some cute looking girls over there. I'm gonna chat to them, you coming?"
"Do you have to ask? I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of grumps at a party. See you, guys." Eisuke glared at the as they went off to enjoy MC party, whereas Soryu just rolled his eyes at their childish behaviour and Mamoru just stood not giving a crap as to where those two ran off.  Then the song changed to Wiggle by Jason Derulo, and MC in her drunken state yelled into the microphone near the DJ,
"Twerk off! Twerk off everyone!" All of the girls and even some of the drunk guys started to line up to compete to become the king/queen of shaking ass. Eisuke smirked devilishly to himself and whipped out his phone.
"Eisuke, what are you doing? Are you calling someone to stop the party?" Soryu asked out of confusion.
"Oh no. MC wants to party, so why not help her remember this party forever with a few pictures?" Eisuke laughed darkly. Everyone started twerking their asses after hearing 'wiggle wiggle wiggle', and Eisuke got to work taking pictures of MC. Eisuke then notices Baba and Ota walk up to her, obviously drunk themselves due to the way they swayed from side to side as they walked. Baba then said in a slurred voice,
"MC, Ota and I challenge you to a twerk off!"
"Oh really? Bring it on you two!" MC challenged evenly. The people around them heard them and made a big circle to give them room.
"Right, I see a sofa and some beer cans with my name on them. I really don't want to see two kids and a grown man have a twerk off." Mamoru said. "I'll come back when the song's over."
"I'll stay with you, Eisuke. I wouldn't mind seeing Baba and Ota make a fool out of themselves. I bet £4 million that MC wins the twerk off."
"I'll take that bet." Eisuke grins as he takes pictures of the now twerking trio. Half way through the song, Ota had to stop because he was tired, so now it was just MC and Baba battling it out. Eisuke turned to face Soryu and smirked.
"Looks like Baba isn't giving in, Soryu. You might as well give up now."
"I wouldn't be so sure. Look." Soryu pointed at MC and Baba and Eisuke followed his gaze, and he was genuinely shocked. MC got closer to Baba and twerked against Baba's butt, causing the usually skilled thief to fall flat on his face! He then yells out,
"Okay, I give up! MC is the twerking queen!" While MC celebrates and twerks until the end of the song, Eisuke's face goes bright red in sheer anger and slowly writes £4 million on a cheque, nearly ripping the paper doing so, and hands it to a very smug looking Soryu. Mamoru was making his way back to them.
"Hey, who won the... Eisuke, you alright? Your face is-"
"Shut up."
"He lost a bet to me."
"Eisuke?! Lose a bet?! No wonder he's pissed. How much did he lose?"
"£4 million."
"Pfft! Now I have heard everything! What da hell did he bet on?"
"MC losing to the twerk battle with Ota and Baba."
"The kid won that then? Huh. Didn't think she'd have it in her to do something like that."
"Honestly, I was quite shocked as well."
"Can you two just please shut up!" Eisuke couldn't tolerate the feeling of embarrassment any further. Before he could yell at them any more though, the music went down dramatically in volume. All off the bidders turn to look at the DJ like everyone else, and the DJ grabs the microphone and announces,
"Attention y'all! As most of you know, before MC, the host of this party, became a made, she used to be quite the successful singer and dancer, and for tonight only, she is gonna sing and dance to the song 'For Your Entertainment' by Adam Lambert!" After the DJ made the announcement, the song started, and the bidders curiously hurried to try and get to the foot of the stage to see MC better.
"Pfft! MC would never dance to a song like that! Way too riske, even for her!" Ota snorted.
"Says the one who couldn't beat the kid in a twerk off, of all things." Mamoru remarked. All of them had their phones out now, waiting to record MC so they could embarrass her the next day. A red spotlight illuminated the stage, and the intro to the song began to play. MC stalked onto the stage, but what she was wearing now was completely different from what she was wearing earlier. Her hair was still down, but in a messier, wild style, and the top half of her was covered in a crimson corset that hugged her body, while her bottom half was barely covered in black leather shorts. She sported black, leather ankle boots, and her lips were cherry red. The bidders were surprised by MC's choice of outfit, but none of them were complaining. She started singing, and the bidders felt intoxicated by not only her voice, but the lyrics as well:
So hot, out the box,
Can you pick up the pace?
Turn it up, heat it up
I need to be entertained
Push the limit, are you with it, baby, don't be afraid
I'm a hurt 'ya real good, baby,
Let's go, it's my show
Baby, do what I say
Don't trip off the glitz
That I'm gonna display
I told ya, I'm a hold ya down until you're amazed
Give it to ya 'til you're screaming my name
No escaping when I start
Once I'm in I own your heart
There's no way you'll ring the alarm
So hold on until it's over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do?
'Cause it's about to get rough for you
I'm here for your entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet
'Ya thought an angel swept you off ya feet
But I'm about to turn up the heat
I'm here for your entertainment
They did originally think MC was soft and sweet and shy, but not after tonight. MC's movements were sexy, outrageous, rough and wild, and all of the bidders widen at the site of this side of MC they had never seen before. None of them cared to admit it, but they were all slightly turned on by her performance. All of them couldn't help but blush, and they occasionally fidgeted as well.
It's alright, you'll be fine
Baby, I'm in control
Take the pain, take the pleasure
I'm the master of both
Close your eyes, not your mind
Let me into your soul
I'm a work it 'til you're totally blown
No escaping when I start
Once I'm in I own your heart
There's no way you'll ring the alarm
So hold on until it's over
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do?
'Cause it's about to get rough for you
I'm here for your entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet
'Ya thought an angel swept ya off your feet
Well I'm about to turn up the heat
I'm here for your entertainment
During the instrumental break in the song, MC was on her hands and knees, and she saw the bidders watching her right at the front. The alcohol made her completely forget that she kept them out earlier, not to mention it threw all of her common sense out of the window, and she decided she would give them a show they really wouldn't ever forget. She crawled towards them until she was at the edge of the stage, right in front of the bidders. The bidders held their phones lower so MC failed to notice she was being filmed. She then roughly grabbed Mamoru's jacket and pulled him in for a breath-taking kiss. All Mamoru could do was accept the kiss as he was blown away by shock. She then repeated this process with all of the bidders, kissing Ota next, then Baba, then an extremely flustered Soryu, then finally Eisuke. She then kneeled and sat on her feet with her hand in front of her on the stage and started to sing again:
Do you like what you see?
Let me entertain 'ya till you screeaaam
After she sung this line, she got up and started to dance again.
Oh, do you know what you got into?
Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do?
'Cause it's about to get rough for you
I'm here for your entertainment
Oh, I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet
'Ya thought an angel swept ya off your feet
Well I'm about to turn up the heat
I'm here for your entertainment
When the song ended, she took a bow and yelled "Thank you, thank you! You've been a great crowd!" She strutted off the stage and towards what looked like a booth. The bidders were about to approach MC to ask where she learnt to dance like that, but when they got to the booth, they all froze in their tracks, apart from Eisuke, who took pictures of the scenario before him for the purpose of embarrassing MC the next day. MC was sitting down surrounded by drunk men, some of them being IVC guests, and they were gazing both adoringly and hungrily at her, trying to get the tiniest bit of contact with her, and the MC was just sitting back enjoying the attention. All of the bidders' possessive streaks came up; she was their property for no other man to touch. Eisuke and Ota grabbed MC's arms and started to pull her away, when some of the drunk men tried to size them up and one of them said,
"Where are you takin' our MC?!"
"Your MC? MC belongs to us, if you all want her so badly, you will have to go through us." Ota smirked with a very dark look in his eyes. The man took that as a challenge and tried to punch Ota in the face, but Mamoru grabbed the man's fist and punched him in the stomach. Another one grabbed a glass bottle and was about to hit Mamoru around the head with it, but Baba stops him and gets him into a lock, allowing Soryu to kick him in the balls and elbow his nose. Soryu pulls out the gun from his breast pocket and points it at the rest of the men, asking in a calm tone,
"Anyone else? No? Then back off. MC is ours, and we are taking her with us." Soryu puts the gun away and smirks at the relieved faces of the rest of the guys. Meanwhile MC was just staring in astonishment at the bidders' unusual behaviour. They all left the party and headed towards the hotel. Halfway up the elevator, MC passed out, so Baba had to princess carry her when they got out of the elevator.
"She can sleep on the couch in the penthouse lounge. Mamoru, go get her a blanket from your suite." Eisuke commanded.
"Yeah, yeah. Jeez, what a pain this kid is." Mamoru grumbled. Baba laid her down on the sofa, and Ota plumped up a pillow before putting it underneath her head. He also took the liberty of wiping off MC's make up so it didn't smudge against the couch if she rolled over. Soryu brought over a glass of water and set it down on the glass table near the couch. Mamoru came back with the blanket ad draped it over her.
"Right, let's leave her to sleep 'til morning. We can embarrass her when she gets up." Eisuke says with a smirk before heading up the stairs to his suite. The others went back to their suite to sleep as well.
In the morning, all of the bidders came into the penthouse lounge to see the MC still fast asleep. They were about to wake her, but she stirred and sleepily opened her eyes. Her head felt really heavy, and she felt really groggy. She lifted off the blanket and squealed when she saw what she was wearing.
"Holy hell! When on earth did I put this on?! Did the others dress me in this?!"
"No, you willingly put it on yourself. No input from us whatsoever." Ota grinned. "You look good in it."
"Guys! I didn't know you were up!" MC exclaims, quickly throwing the blanket back over her.
"MC, do you remember what happened last night?" Soryu asked.
"I remember... I was holding a party at the employee dorms... I had a few drinks... I sent away some loser who didn't want the party's music to be so loud... I had a few more drinks... and I can't remember anything else."
"That 'loser' was me." Eisuke stated coldly.
"It was?! I-I'm so sorry-"
"It's okay. To repay you, I captured some of the moments of the party for you in case you didn't remember. Guys, show her your phones." The bidders all sat down with her and both explained and showed MC what had happened, from the twerk off with Ota and Baba (while she was embarrassed, she couldn't help but laugh at Baba and Ota's defeated faces), to the 'For Your Entertainment' performance (she blushed furiously when she witnessed her own dance moves, and had to hide her face in a pillow when she saw herself kiss the bidders). She then thought she might die of embarrassment when she saw herself surrounded by the other guys at the party.
"Well honestly, I thought you were a great kisser." Baba said with a wink.
"Shut up about that, I was drunk, I had no control of my actions-"
"And guys, remember she had the happiest dreamy face when we found her surrounded by those other guys? Hey MC, would you like us more if we surrounded you all of the time like that?" Ota asks with an evil look on his face.
"N-no thank you! Please delete those photos and videos and forget last night ever happened!"
"I dunno, those kisses were quite unforgettable." Mamoru says teasingly.
"Ugh, you guys are so annoying! I'm going too my apartment to get some, er... less indecent clothes." MC ran quickly out of the room, trying to hide the prominent blush on her face with her hands. The bidders watched her leave, smirks on all of their faces. MC knew that the guys were going to milk this for all it was worth.

I hope you likey!

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