Somebody to love -1

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This story was written by a username: @GoldGirlBomb on tumblr so please do not try to claim as yours and don't assume it's mine or that I'm also trying to claim it as my own please. Enjoy

GirlGoldBomb authors note:

Hey guys, so I decided to go ahead and try to post up my new fic that I'm working on. It's really long... but I hope that you'll still read it and enjoy it... It's a Kenshi fic... so... I hope you like it... :)
PS- I'm also posting it up on my page if you'd rather read it there... so yeah!

Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat. Dylan kept repeating the phrase in her mind continuously as she crept through the hallway. Using her senses to guide her through the darkened corridor, she felt against the walls with her hands, trying to guide herself to the desired room. It was deathly quiet, aside from the occasional chatter from her earpiece, and Dylan could practically feel her heart pounding through her chest. It wasn't as if she hadn't done this before, but the stakes were much higher this time, a much higher risk of being caught.
"Takuto, tell us where the hell this thing is!" Riki whispered fiercely from in front of her.
"If you turn right into this next room, the artifact should be inside." The hacker replied, the sound of his fingers flying across his keyboard echoing in the background.
The Black Foxes were trying to steal back some artifacts that had been taken by a local mobster organization, one that they dealt with almost on a regular basis. The organization dealt a lot with the black market, and were particularly notorious for stealing artwork or any historical relics of value. This time in particular, they managed to intercept a shipment of priceless artifacts coming into Dylan's museum, and had taken a few to be sold. It had, of course, not taken the Black Foxes long to figure out who had taken the artifacts, and had quickly come to take them back.
"Everything's clear out here." Hiro said from his end of the transceiver. While Takuto waited in the van as usual, Hiro had disguised himself as one of the mobsters, and was following around some of the security details.
Dylan felt a shiver run down her spine at the chilled air surrounding them. It wasn't like this was the first time they had broken into the organization's headquarters to steal things back, something about tonight made her nervous. The mobster's had upped their security since the Black Foxes last break in, and even Takuto had had a challenging time trying to hack into their upgraded system.
Her part in this task was to be one of the more difficult ones, and she wondered furiously if she'd be able to do it with her nerves eating at her the way they were. One wrong move on her part and they'd all be caught, and for her, possibly killed Dylan chewed quietly on her lower lip as she followed behind Riki with her boyfriend, Kenshi, right behind her. He seemed to sense her nervousness and reached forward for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Though he couldn't see it in the shroud darkness, she smiled back at him over her shoulder, appreciative of the small gesture. Dylan felt the room Takuto had talked about coming up with her fingers, following after Riki into the dark room.
"Alright Takuto we're in. Can you highlight the beams for us now?" Riki said, feeling as Dylan and Kenshi came in after him, and shutting the door behind them. Dylan heard as Takuto typed away furiously at his keyboard, and then before the three Foxes, the room became illuminated from the red laser beams, scattered around the room and imprisoning the artifacts on the other side. Dylan sighed as she stretched her arms out, readying herself for her task.
Riki came over and patted her shoulder reassuringly. "It'll be cake for you. Just remember that the switch to turn these off is on the right side."
Kenshi smiled at her and squeezed her hand with his. "You'll be fine, I promise." Though his words were assuring, she could see anxiety tugging at the corners of his eyes. Kenshi hadn't exactly been thrilled with the idea of her doing this, but it was just something that had to be done, so she had volunteered to take one for the time.
Dylan returned his smile and turned, heading towards the beams. Having found that she was, by far, the most flexible of the Black Foxes, she was the one to contort her body around the lasers to get to the other side. She began the daunting task, maneuvering her body around the flashes of red that surrounded her. It was as if the breath had been sucked from the room, both the men behind her watching with bated breath as she continued in her path to the lever that she could now see on the other side of the lasers. A laser in front of her sizzled loudly as a bead of sweat dropped down from her forehead, and she heard both Riki and Kenshi suck in their breaths loudly.
Kenshi looked at her worriedly. "Dylan, you okay?"
"I'm fine. It was sweat." She called out quickly, calming both men. He seemed to relax at her words, but looked to continue watching her move about the room in front of him, nervous sweat trickling down his own forehead.
Dylan's mind concentrated on her movements, mentally ordering her body to move at her whim. Her mind was screaming effort and precision, trying to make her movements as fluid as she possibly could. She had practiced the motions before, having set up a mock scenario similar to this in preparation. But this was different. She'd used string in her practicing. These were lasers. One wrong move and not only would she be seriously injured, but it would trigger a high alert that would cause the Black Foxes to possibly get caught. She couldn't let that happen.
Stepping up and over lasers. Bending her body backwards and forwards to avoid the red stream of light. Her muscles groaned loudly with strain as she made the last final steps, contorting her body around one particularly pesky laser. But she managed to get around it with graceful ease, and slapped her hand out at the lever, turning the lasers off instantly.
Riki came up and patted her again on the back and smiled. "Nice work Dylan! Alright, help me get these artifacts in the bag, Kenshi watch the door." Kenshi nodded, throwing Dylan an approving grin, and going towards the door to peer outside. The leader of the Black Foxes pulled a large bag from behind him and, with Dylan's help, quickly packed the stolen items into the sack. Just as quickly as they came in, the three then quickly made their way back out, Kenshi watching their backs. His pistol tucked away inside his jacket.
"We got them Takuto, Hiro. Start up the van and we'll be out in a few moments." Riki whispered fiercely, Dylan and Kenshi following closely behind.
"You got a problem first there boss, some guards coming up from behind you." Takuto replied sharply.
"Riki, you take Dylan and get her out of here. I'll make sure these guys don't follow us out." Kenshi said from behind her, a rush of wind at Dylan's side telling her that he had already rushed away before she could even protest. Not asking questions, Riki grabbed her wrist and quickly dragged her towards the exit. The two scurried stealthily across the street to the parked van waiting for them, Riki pushing her inside before climbing in behind her.
Takuto looked up at them from the computer on his lap. "You get them?"
Riki smiled triumphantly. "Of course we did. The Black Foxes strike again!" Both Dylan and Takuto rolled their eyes at his statement, and Takuto went back to monitoring the screen. Riki went about checking each of the relics, making sure that they had the correct number of stolen items, and making sure that they weren't fakes. Only seconds later did Hiro and Kenshi follow, jumping into the van behind them. Takuto threw the van into gear and the car leapt forward, the sounds of guards yelling at them drowning away with distance.
Kenshi came over and sat next to Dylan, wrapping an arm protectively around her and giving her a gentle squeeze. "You alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, leaning her head against him. Snuggling into his loving warmth.
"You think they figured out it was us by now?" Kenshi asked, looking over at Riki.
Riki chuckled. "Probably not. They haven't figured it out yet."
"It'll only be a matter of time before they're going to want to know exactly who is taking their stuff." Takuto said from the front of the van.
Dylan nodded. "Yeah, it's not like this is the first time we've broken into their storage facility to steal things back from them. They know the Black Foxes have been responsible for the other heists. Don't you think that they're going to want to find out who exactly we are?"
"I agree. They've upped their security ten-fold since the last time we were here. They're probably trying to catch us in the act, but just haven't been able to yet. It'll be only a matter of time before they start digging around to find out who each of us are." Takuto said, glancing back at the group.
Hiro, sitting opposite Dylan and Kenshi, was tossing off some of his disguise. "I heard some of the other guys talking while I was following them around. They're pissed that we keep coming in."
Riki nodded studiously. "What else did they say?"
"I heard one of them saying their boss has put a price on our heads. Individually."
"They know how many of us there are?"
"Sounded like it. Luckily one of them said they had a hard time identifying who we were because of the lack of video evidence, thanks to Takuto. But they definitely said they had their own bounty out for five men... and one woman..." Hiro said, glancing briefly at Dylan.
Riki raked a hand through his dark hair. "Well the important thing is that they only know us by how many of us there are. They don't know who any of us there are."
"Still though. Shouldn't we involve the police? Have them help us take them out?" Hiro chimed in, pulling off his fake mustache.
Riki scoffed. "And what? Just tell them that we're the Black Foxes and we're afraid the people we're stealing from might try to hunt us down? No. This'll be the last heist on our part for a while. We'll just lay low for a while until their activity starts to go down."
"Well what if it doesn't? What if they are getting mad enough to try to track us down?" Kenshi asked, hugging Dylan tighter into his side.
"Then if we have to, we will involve the police. I agree that these guys need to be taken out for good, they're bad news all around, but right now isn't the best time. For us. Takuto will continue to monitor their activity to make sure they don't make any moves for us. So in the meantime, we will just lay low." The Black Fox leader ordered, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against his seat.
Dylan looked up at Kenshi. "You don't think that they're going to try to come after us individually.... Do you?"
Kenshi shook his head, but she could see in his eyes that even he looked a little on edge. "No, I don't think so. We've been extremely careful in covering our tracks and Takuto has done a good job of scrambling their system. We'll be alright honey, I promise." He kissed her forehead, and the whole van went into silence. Each of them thinking the same thing. A war would soon be brewing, and it would be coming straight for them. They just didn't know how soon that would be.

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