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School was over, and students were heading home... Except for a small group of six. Matt, Pidge, Hunk, Shay, Allura, and Romelle were in the hallway, looking for any clues the police might have missed

Pidge: Alright guys, keep an eye out. Look for anything. Strands of hair, thread from a shirt, dry blood, anything!

Allura is currently inspecting the lockers, but then spots something in the locker's hinge

Allura: A hair strand. She carefully removes the strand from the hinge and places it in a plastic bag Could be Keith's. It's black, the same length, oily, horrible split ends-

Hunk: It's not enough, though. Let's keep looking.

They continue to do so. After about five more minutes, they are about to leave with just one piece of evidence, until...

Romelle: Um... Guys? She reaches into the trash can, and pulls out Nyma's destroyed cell phone This is Nyma's... She hands it over to Matt who takes a closer look

Matt: It was stabbed, but why stab the phone?

Shay: Pidge, Matt, can one of you fix it? Maybe Keith texted Nyma telling her to meet him here se he could kill her. If Keith did text her, then maybe we can find the message on the phone.

Pidge: It'll take a while. Nyma made her dad buy expensive foreign phones.

Matt: Give us a few weeks.

Hunk: Alright. Let's go before our parents start wondering where we are.

They leave the school with their best source of evidence

December went by quickly. It was now the new year. Pidge and Matt continued to try and fix Nyma's phone. Allura was doing everything she could to try and get Lance away from Keith. Hunk could only watch his best friend become a shell of his former self. Lance seemed to be getting worse everyday, and his family started noticing too. They noticed how he would only hang out with Keith, and he had that "I did something terrible" look in his eye, but they didn't pry him because it seemed personal...

Shiro still remained oblivious to his friends' suspicions of Keith being a murderer. No one had the heart to tell him what they thought about his brother.

Over time, he did notice something off about Keith and Lance's relationship. Meanwhile, things weren't looking too good for Blumfump and Swirn. Their best friend was missing, and hasn't been seen in weeks


The break was over, and students went back to their daily schedules, although, there was an alarming amount of flies buzzing around the school. Students assumed one of the lunch ladies left some food on the counter.

Keith was making out with Lance under the stairwell, while swatting a few flies away. Keith had his hands all over Lance's body, making sure he didn't miss a spot as they continued their lustful make out. He began to trail his hands down to Lance's crotch until they heard someone clear their voice. They look and see it was Shiro

Shiro: Am I interrupting?

Keith: Yes, actually.

Shiro: Alright, well I'm sorry, but Lance needs to come down to the office. They said you forgot to fill out something on your course selection sheet.

Lance: I did?

Shiro: Yeah, don't worry, it won't take long. I'll walk you down there.

Lance: Okay. He turns to Keith I-I'll be right- Keith cuts him off by crashing his lips against his own while Shiro just looks the other way

Keith: Hurry back.

Lance nods and follows Shiro, but not to the office. Shiro leads him into the library

Lance: Shiro, what are we doing here? He swats a fly away

Shiro: ... Lance, I need you to be honest with me. Are you okay?

Lance: Yeah, I'm fine. Can we go now?

Shiro: Lance. He holds his hand I know something is wrong. He brushes a fly off of his shoulder You've been acting weird for a while, you and Keith. Is something wrong?...

Lance is trying his hardest not to cry right now. But those caring dad eyes are getting to him. He finally breaks down into sobs and hugs Shiro, burying his face into his chest

Shiro: What happened, bud?

Lance: I didn't want to...

Shiro: He wraps his arms around Lance in a warm embrace Didn't want to what? What happened-


Lance and Shiro pull away from the hug run to the source of the scream, which came from the back of the library. Blumfump and Swirn stand over a violently mutilated body. Plaxum's body. Flies surrounded her, stab wounds covered her pale body, her eyeballs were removed from their sockets, some flesh seemed to be missing, it looked like her fingers and lips were cut off, and there was dry blood all over the carpet. The four boys couldn't bare to look, especially Lance, who felt sick to his stomach. He would've passed out from such a sight if not for Shiro who kept him steady as he started to stagger. They were sent home that day

Students somehow found out about Plaxum, and became paranoid once again.

Allura, Romelle, Hunk, Shay, Matt, and Pidge were glaring daggers at Keith every time they saw him, knowing he had something to do with this

The school day ended with tears. Plaxum was a well-liked student, and knowing that she was dead hurt everyone... Except for Keith. Being the "good boyfriend" he is, he decided to visit Lance after school and make sure that he was okay

Lance was crying in his room while his sister, Veronica, tried to get him to calm down. She heard footsteps and saw Keith standing at the doorway

Keith: Hey. Rachel let me in. How's he doing?

Veronica: She notices Lance flinch at the sound of his voice Hey, Keith. He's not too great. Maybe just leave him alone for a while.

Keith: ... Okay. Well, hope you're okay, baby. Love you. He walks away and Rachel turns her attention back to her brother

Veronica: Lance, what's wrong? And don't say... You know. She doesn't want to remind him of the gruesome image he saw ... I know something is going on between you and Keith. She fiddles with the heart charm on his necklace, and tugs it a bit, lowering the necklace down his neck and revealing some faded hickeys ... Lance? Where did these come from?

Lance sits up and looks her dead in the eye. Could he really lie to his sister?... No. He couldn't. He had to come clean and let one person know

Veronica: Lance? Talk to me, please...

Lance: He... K-Keith didn't wait. Veronica looks confused, but continued to listen He told me he would wait, but he... I told him no. It was worse than what Lotor and Kuro did, I-I hated it, Ronnie! He wipes his tears using his jacket sleeve

Veronica: He... He ra-! She thinks for a moment, then decides not to say that word, worried it might trigger Lance He did stuff to you?!

Lance: Ronnie, I'm so sorry.

Veronica: How long ago was this?

Lance: ... About six weeks ago.

Veronica: Oh my God.

Lance: He's been getting more aggressive, and he just leaves hickeys everywhere!

Veronica: Lance, I want you to know, you did nothing wrong. Keith didn't respect your boundaries, or our values. This is his fault, not yours. Okay, Lancey? He nods ... Promise me you'll break up with him.

Lance: What? N-no! It'd just make him mad! I can't do that!

Veronica: Lance, you need to think about yourself right now. You're gonna have to tell someone...

Lance: ... I wanna be alone right now.

Veronica nods, understanding

Veronica: Okay. She stands up and heads for the door I'm not going to tell anyone... Now. She walks out and closes the door behind her

Lance lies back down on his bed, and tried to forget what happened in December, but he just couldn't. Keith had a hold on him, and would never let him go. He felt under his shirt and brushed his fingers over the skin Keith had ruined. He wanted to leave him, but something just kept him from doing so

Lance: Maybe everyone was right... He reaches for his phone, and opens his contacts. He had to call someone. Hunk, Pidge, Allura, he didn't care. He just needed someone to talk to. Before he could choose, Rachel yelled

Rachel: HE WHAT?! ¡Lo mataré! Dejé un violador en mi casa! LANCE!

Luis, Rachel, and Marco run into Lance's room, followed by Veronica

Marco: Lance! He runs over and hugs him, rubbing circles on his back Are you okay?!

Lance: ... He looks at Veronica, hurt and betrayed You told?!

Rachel: Lance, she had to tell us. We are all so worried about you!

Lance: I... I'm so sorry.

Marco: Bro, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.

Luis: He's right. The next time we see Keith, we're gonna kill him.

Rachel: Lance, you do know we'll have to tell mamá and papá at some point, right?

Lance: No! Please don't tell anyone else! Keith's just gonna get angry with me, and he'll-

Luis: He can't hurt you if you break up with him.

Lance: What if he does?

Rachel: We will kill him. No hesitation, or anything. We will do it. I will happily knock him unconscious, then cut him up. I will do that for you!

Lance laughs, hoping she's not serious, and comes to a decision

Lance: I'm gonna break up with him.

Marco: Proud of you, bud. He pulls Lance in for a hug, warm and caring. Luis, Veronica, and Rachel join in, making it a group hug We won't tell mamá and papá, we'll let you make that decision.

Lance: Thanks.

Rachel: ... I'm still going to kill him.

Later that night while everyone was asleep, this happened!

Lance finally got some sleep, something he hasn't been able to do for a while. He felt safe knowing that his siblings, mainly Rachel, would protect him. But then he stirred a bit when he heard his phone ring. He woke up, wondering who would be calling at this hour. He checked the caller ID... It was Keith

Lance: ... Don't answer it. Don't answer it... Every voice in his head told him not to answer the phone. But he ignored them and answered after the fourth ring ... Why are you calling me?

Keith: Can't a guy check to make sure his boyfriend is okay?

Lance: Well, I'm fine... It was now or never I think we should break up. He waited for angry yelling, cries of anguish, begging, or even Keith saying 'I'm in your house.' But instead, he heard...

Keith: What?

Lance: ... Yeah! Keith, you've hurt me so many times, a-and I'm just scared to be around you now-

Keith: No! You are not doing this!

Lance: I'm sorry... I just... I can't date you anymore.

Keith: Who's making you say this?

Lance: No one. This is all coming from me... And tomorrow, I'm telling the others what you did to me...... Keith?... Are you still there?

Keith: ... I texted Nyma, telling her that I was you.

Lance: What?

Keith: I lured Rolo into a guest room where I choked him to death.

Lance: Keith, what are you talking about?

Keith: I texted Lotor and Kuro, telling them to meet you in the woods. Remember when you couldn't find your jacket?

Lance: ... No. Y-you didn't. You're lying.

Keith: I cornered Plaxum in the library and stabbed her until she stopped moving.

That set Lance off. The thought of one of his best friends being killed by the one he loved, it hurt him. Made him feel betrayed, guilty

Lance: No! Stop lying!

Keith: Lancey, when have I ever lied to you? His voice sent chills down Lance's spine Never.

Lance: ... Why would you do that?!

Keith: I only wanted to keep you safe, baby. And I'll keep doing that for you, Lance.

Lance: I don't ever wanna see you again! I'll tell my parents, I'll tell the others, I'll tell the police!

Keith: I don't think so. You're not telling anyone, got it? I really don't want to have to hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Lance: What?

Keith: If you break up with me, resist me, tell anyone what I've done, or better yet, talk to anyone who isn't me, I will not hesitate to kill an innocent student! I don't fucking care who it is! Is that what you want, Lance? What's it gonna be?

He was guilt-tripping him, and it was working. How couldn't it? If Lance didn't stay with Keith, an innocent student would be murdered. So he did the only thing he could think of

Lance: ... Can... Can we go to the diner on Saturday? We haven't gone on a date in a while.

Keith: His voice becomes more gentle Aw. I'd like that. I knew you'd make the right choice, baby. I love you.

Lance almost retches when he says that

Lance: I... I- I love you too.

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