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Allura, Romelle, Shay, and Pidge decided to have a girls day at the mall, much to Pidge's chagrin. (She only came for the smoothies)

Shay: This was a good idea, Romelle. It's been kinda stressful lately.

Romelle: Yeah, and the four of us just never hang out together without the boys.

Pidge wasn't listening to their conversation, mostly because it was all girly girl talk with makeup, shoes, and boys... Or girls. But the main reason was because she was thinking of what Matt had told her, and how Keith and Lance seemed to have separated themselves from the group

Allura: Pidge?... Pidge! Earth to Pidge!

Pidge: Huh? She snaps out of her daze and looks to Allura, who seems concerned

Allura: Are you alright? You just blanked out there for a moment.

Pidge: I'm fine, just... Thinking.

Shay: About?...

Pidge decides it's best not to keep them in the dark, so...

Pidge: Matt came into my room one day and told me something that... Well... It kinda scared me.

Shay: What happened?

Pidge: He... Quickly Plaxum told him that she thinks Keith might be the one murdering everyone.

Allura: WHAT?! She looks around and notices that she's caught everyone's attention; whispers Let's go somewhere else.

They walk away, embarrassed, and head to the food court, where they sit at a table

Allura: Alright, so... Matt thinks Keith might be the one committing these murders?

Pidge: I don't want to believe it either, but it does kinda make sense! Nyma, Rolo, Kuro, and Lotor all did something to hurt Lance. Keith is crazy possessive, and will inflict pain on anyone who hurts Lance! Remember Jason McKowski?

Allura: ... You may have a point.

Pidge: And he has a blade, the victims were stabbed. That doesn't seem suspicious?

Shay: I don't believe it. I mean, sure, Keith is... Scary at times, but he can't be a murderer.

Pidge: Okay, I get that more proof is needed for such a big accusation, but, there is proof that Keith is hurting Lance.

Allura: He's what?! She slams her hands down on the table

Pidge: Matt followed them into the bathroom, recorded their conversation, a-and Lance sounded scared, and Keith sounded so... Demanding! He's definitely the reason why Lance is acting weird!

Allura: ... Oh my God. A tear steams down her face Not Lance. Th-this can't happen to him. Lance was always like a brother to Allura. Always cheering her up when she's sad, making her laugh. Now they're so distant. They barely talk, and Lance spends all his time with... Him We need to get Lance away from Keith, as soon as possible.

Pidge: Matt's working on that. Her phone vibrates, and she looks at the text Speaking of him. He and Hunk finally got Lance away from Keith. He keeps telling them to take him to Keith.

Allura: Tell them no!

Pidge: Texting On it.

How's Lance?

MahBro: Not great. He keeps telling us that Keith is gonna be mad when he finds out

Oh my 🤬. Let him be mad!

MahBro: We're taking him to Hunk's. Meet us there

Alright. Make sure to keep him away from his phone so he doesn't call Keith

MahBro: 👍

Pidge puts away her phone, and stands up

Pidge: We're going to Hunk's. They're bringing Lance over.

Allura: Let's go! She quickly gets up from her seat and storms out the mall, the others following behind. Romelle catches up with her, trying to calm her down

Romelle: 'Lura, I know you're worried, but please-.

Allura: I'm more than worried! I-I'm mad, and... And I'm scared, and... She starts crying Why did this have to happen to Lance of all people?! And why does Keith have to be the one to do it? Romelle brings her in for a hug

Romelle: I don't know... But, we're going to help Lance any way we can. Okay? Allura nods, and gives a faint smile Good... And if Keith is the one killing everyone... Give him hell for me?

Allura: She chuckles You know I will. She plants a kiss on her lips, which is interrupted by a car horn. They turn around and see Pidge in the driver's seat of Allura's car, repeatedly hitting the horn

Pidge: Hurry up, lesbians! Don't keep the asexual and the ally waiting! We gotta save a bisexual!

They run to the car, and Allura drives away from the mall

Garrett House- Allura's car pulls up in the drive way, and the girls immediately rush to the house. Pidge knocks on the door, and Hunk answers

Hunk: Hey guys. Matt and Lance are in the living room, come on.

They follow Hunk to the living room where they see Lance and Matt sitting on the couch

Allura: Lance! She runs over to him, arms open for a hug, but he suddenly flinches, much to everyone's shock ... Lance, what's wrong?

Lance: Nothing! I'm fine! I-I'm sorry.

Hunk: Lance, we're all worried about you. You need to tell us if Keith is hurting you in some way. We can report him, and-

Lance: Keith isn't hurting me!

Pidge: Lance! You're clearly not alright. You need to tell us what's wrong. She puts her hands around his arms, and notices him wince slightly ... Lance. Show me your arms.

Lance: Why should I?

Pidge: I just wanna see something. Before Lance can protest, she pulls off his jacket, and everyone gasps at the sight of the bruises. Shay and Allura are holding back tears, Hunk looks away, and Matt and Romelle are at a loss for words ... I'm gonna kill him.

Lance: He snatches his jacket away from her and puts it back on He didn't mean to do them! S-sometimes he just holds me too hard, or... Oc-occasionally he'll... He'll just-

Allura: Lance, you need to stop making excuses for him. Break up with him, or even better, call the police! This is physical abuse!

Matt: And emotional! I heard you guys in the bathroom! He kept telling you to stay away from some girl you were paired up with for a project-

Lance: You spied on us?!

Matt: Because I care about you! And so does Plaxum! She's worried about you too! We all are!

Lance: Becoming frustrated No! Keith loves me! He wouldn't-

The sound of a motorcycle engine is heard from outside. Everyone looks out the window and sees a familiar red and black motorcycle pull up into the driveway

Pidge: Whispering Son of a bitch, he found us.

Romelle: Whispering  Lance, please tell me you didn't-

Hunk: Whispering We took his phone. W-we don't know how he found us.

Lance: He started tracking my phone.

Shay: Whispering Maybe he'll go away.

A loud knock is heard

Keith: LANCE!

Allura: Whispering Everyone, get down, and stay quiet.


Allura: Damn it.

Shay: He doesn't wanna be with you!

Keith knocks harder and louder

Lance: Keith! He rushes to the door, while the others protest. He opens the door, letting in his very pissed boyfriend Keith, I'm sorry. I know you were supposed to come over, but they-

Keith: It's okay. His look softens as he cups Lance's face in his hands ... But we are going to talk when we get home. Got it?

Lance: Mhm.

Keith: Good. Let's go.

Allura: No! You're not taking him anywhere! We know what you're doing, Keith! We saw the bruises!

Keith: He had a few accidents, he's fine.

Lance: I really am.

Pidge: No he's not! You keep... You just... What you're doing is considered abuse! And the bruises on his arms, plus the recording on Matt's phone is enough evidence to get you locked up!

Keith: Well, I know Lance wouldn't want me to leave him. Would he? He wraps his arm around Lance, who's looking more timid by the second

Lance: I... I don't want you to leave me.

Allura: Lance, you can't be serious.

Lance: I am, guys. Just, stay out of this.

Keith: There's your answer. He plants a kiss on Lance's forehead Let's go. He drags Lance out the house, sits him on the back of his motorcycle and rides away, leaving the others stunned

Pidge: ... He doesn't want our help, guys.

Shay: But, we are gonna help him, right?

Pidge: Actually... I wanna look into that murderer theory.

Hunk: What?

Matt: Plaxum thinks Keith might be the one murdering people.

Hunk: ... Yeah, that sounds about right.

Pidge: Lance is stubborn, but we can still do something about Keith, if he's the one murdering people.

Hunk: Should we tell Shiro? Does he even know what we're doing?

Allura: He'd be crushed. We couldn't do that.

Pidge: Alright, we won't tell him. But when we have all the evidence that proves Keith is the one murdering students, we'll have to tell him. Agreed?

Everyone nods

Pidge: Alright. We'll investigate Nyma's murder on Monday after school.


Keith parked his motorcycle in the McClain's driveway. No one else was home, lucky for him, so he could have some alone time with Lance. He proceeded to drag him inside, and pulled Lance into his room, then shut the door, leaving them alone in tense silence until...

Lance: Keith, I'm sorry. If I knew, I would've called... He doesn't respond Keith?

Keith: ... Who do you belong to?

Lance: ... Y-you. I'm yours.

Keith: They're trying to take you away from me, Lance. You know that, right?

Lance: ... A few tears stream down his face Keith, I...

Keith: It's okay, baby. You did nothing wrong. It's their fault... He sets Lance down on his bed, and begins leaving kisses on his neck

Lance: T-they were just worried. Keith... Keith, that kinda hurts.

Keith: Muffled I know. He moves the choker necklace out of his way, exposing more of Lance's slightly darker skin I wanna leave my mark on you, and let people know that you're mine, and only mine.

Lance: He lets out a small whine Keith, please... He tries to pull away, but Keith pulls him closer I-I don't want-

Keith: He becomes angry, and grabs Lance's wrist So you're fine with Lotor and Kuro doing this?!

Lance: No! I didn't like it! I swear!

Keith: It's only okay when I do it, right?! You want me to keep doing this, right?! Show you how I love you more than anyone else?! Show people you're mine so no one ever hurts you again?! He squeezes Lance's wrist tighter

Lance: He's now crying from the physical and emotional pain Yes! Keith, please! Stop it, you're hurting me!

Keith: He pushes Lance on his back and holds both of his wrists with one hand, pinning him down I love when you beg. He slips his free hand under Lance's shirt, causing the boy to shudder What? Did Kuro's strong, muscular football player hand feel better?

Lance: No! Just please stop!

Keith: He takes his hand from under Lance's shirt, much to his relief, but then covers his mouth You talk way too much. You don't think some sleaze will swoop in and try to take you away from me? Two assholes and some bitch already tried it!... When I'm done with you, people will know that you're mine...

... Cliffhanger because I'm evil! 😈 

But in all seriousness though. If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, say something, and call these numbers for help

(The National Domestic Violence Hotline)+1-800-799-7233

(National Dating Abuse Helpline) 1-866-331-9474

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