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Weeks have gone by without single murder. The principal decided to have a memorial service for Nyma, Rolo, Kuro, and Lotor... It was mandatory to come.

As time went on, Plaxum noticed something off about Lance. The once happy, laughing Cuban seemed... Off.

She had to make sure he was okay. It was the least she could do, considering Lance helped her and her friends with their multiple 'Save the Barrier Reef' protests. No matter how hard she tried, Lance kept avoiding her. She even tried to go to his friends for help, but they haven't seen much of Lance or Keith in weeks; they just kept to themselves, and when Lance wanted to talk to someone, Keith would interrupt and pull him away

Right now, Plaxum was in the library with her friends Blumfump and Swirn

Plaxum: Guys, there's something wrong with Lance. I'm really worried

Swirn: I know. He does seem kinda... Well, not himself. And, have you guys noticed Keith lately?

Blumfump: What do you mean?

Swirn: Well, he's being clingy, pulls Lance away whenever he's talking to someone who's not him, and giving more death glares than usual.

Blumfump: There were four murders in just like, two months, so you can't blame him. If I were dating someone and there was a murderer going around, I'd wanna be really close to them.

Plaxum: I guess, but what about Lance? This can't be the only thing hurting him.

Excuse me?

They look up and find Matt standing by their table, carrying a few books

Matt: Are you guys talking about Lance?

Plaxum: Hey Matt. Yeah, we were. Do you know what's wrong with him?

Matt: I'm not sure. I haven't seen much of him, or Keith. They still hang out with the group, but not as much. A-and it's like he's scared of something.

Blumfump: Like what?

Matt: I don't know. We're all worried about him and Keith.

Swirn: How is Keith doing?

Matt: Well... He trails off He hasn't been hanging out with us either, just Lance. And he's being really overprotective. Last week, I saw him throw a pencil case at a freshman who winked at Lance. I get why he's like that. Lotor and Kuro almost... Violated Lance.

The three gasp when they hear such news

Plaxum: Oh my God! Is he okay?

Matt: Yeah, Keith found him before anything serious happened...

Swirn: ... It's weird.

Blumfump: What is?

Swirn: Well, everyone who died did something to Lance or Keith in some way. That can't be a coincidence, right?

Matt: He realizes what Swirn is implying Are you-? No. No! Lance wouldn't do something like that. And Keith... W-well...
He can't think of anyway to back up Keith I know Keith, he wouldn't.

Swirn: Are you sure about that? Nyma flirted with his boyfriend? Dead. Rolo said their relationship was weird? Dead. Lotor and Kuro tried to... Violate Lance? Dead. People trying to talk to Lance in any way? Death glares. Think about it, Matt.

Matt doesn't wanna believe it, but Swirn is making some sense...

Matt: You really think Keith is the one behind the murders?

Plaxum: I don't wanna believe it either, Matt. But, Keith has been like this, even before he and Lance started dating. She turns to BlumfumpRemember in seventh grade when he broke Jason McKowski's wrist?

Blumfump: Yeah, just because he asked Lance for a pencil.

Matt: That actually happened? I thought Pidge made that up.

Plaxum: Matt, She takes his hands in hersplease keep an eye on Keith. And if something is wrong with Lance, separate them. Okay? I don't want to see Lance get hurt.

Matt: Of course. I don't wanna see him get hurt, either.

Plaxum: Thanks. She hugs him, then out of nowhere, kisses him on the cheek, leaving Matt a blushing mess See you around. She leaves the library, followed by Blumfump and Swirn who give Matt a thumbs up

Matt finally reacts by grinning like crazy. He walks out the library, love struck, but that feeling fades away when he sees Keith dragging Lance to the bathroom. Feeling the need to investigate, he follows them inside, and hears Keith's voice from one of the stalls

Keith: Who was that you were talking to?

Lance: Keith, we were paired up for a project. He sounded almost scared

Keith: Which class? Don't lie to me!

Lance: It's English! And I'm not lying, I swear!

Keith: When you're done with that project, don't talk to her, don't even look at her!

Lance: I-I won't!

Keith seemed to have calmed down, but Matt took out his phone to record more of their conversation

Keith: Good. Remember who loves you, Lance.

Lance: Y-you do.

Keith: And you love me?... Lance?... Do you love me?... Then say it!

Lance: I love you!

Lance sounded like he was about to cry. Matt heard shuffling, and could only assume Keith brought Lance in for a forced hug

Keith: That's right. I do, no one else. Don't ever forget that.

Matt has heard all he needed. He stopped the recording and quietly stepped out of the bathroom

After school, at the Holt's house- Pidge is doing her homework in her room. Matt walks in

Matt: Sis, we gotta talk.

Pidge: Need help with your homework again?

Matt: You know very well I don't! But this is serious. You know Lance has been acting weird lately?

Pidge: Yeah?

Matt: Well, I followed him and Keith into the bathroom, and-

Pidge: Perks up You have my attention. Please continue.

Matt: It's not what you think, just... Listen to this.

He plays the recording from the bathroom, and Pidge's expression turns from excitement, to confused, to horrified

Pidge: Oh my God! That's why Lance has been acting weird! Keith is emotionally abusing him! How did I not see this?!

Matt: I don't think that's the worst part, sis... I was talking with Plaxum, Blumfump, and Swirn earlier and... Quickly They think Keith might be the one killing everyone!

Pidge doesn't wanna believe such a thing. There's no way one of her best friends could be a cold blooded murderer

Pidge: No. Matt, that is not- No!

Matt: Believe what you want, Pidge. But Keith has motives. Everyone who hurt Lance in some way was killed! Nyma, Kuro, and Lotor were stabbed, Keith has a blade! They were all students! Who outside of school would have a reason for killing people from the same school?

Pidge: Well... I still don't wanna believe it! I wanna get more proof. I mean, it's obvious Keith is hurting Lance in some way, but he's not a psycho killer!

Matt: Sighs Okay. I'll find a way to get Lance away from Keith, then I'll try and get him to talk. He leaves her room


Plaxum decided something needed to be done to help Lance. She didn't care if Keith saw her talking to him; Lance was her friend. She looks around, and sees Lance by the water fountain, and Keith is nowhere near him. Perfect

She walks over to him, once again making sure Keith isn't around, then taps him on the shoulder, making him flinch at the slight contact

Lance: Oh. Hey, Plaxum. What's up?

Plaxum: Nothing much, but... We're friends, right?

Lance: Of course.

Plaxum: And, as friends, we should tell each other stuff. Such as... If one friend is being hurt in some way.

Lance: What do you mean? I'm fine. He puts on a fake, strained smile

Plaxum: Lance, you're not... I think Keith is hurting you.

Lance: What? No he's not! He loves me! He would never hurt me. If he didn't love me, why would he buy me this necklace? He gestures to the choker necklace that seems tighter around his neck than it needs to be

Plaxum: You mean the necklace that looks a lot like a collar?

Lance: Why does everyone keep saying that? Plaxum, he's not hurting me!

Plaxum: Really? He nods ... Lance, the heater is on, making the school very hot. Why are you wearing a jacket?

Lance: ... I'm gonna go. He turns to leave, but Plaxum grabs his hand Hey! Stop it!

Plaxum: Lance, I'm worried! Please, talk to me!

Lance: No! Plaxum pulls off his jacket, and the bruises on his arms are clearly shown. Some look new Give me that!

Plaxum doesn't move, or speak. She's just staring at the many bruises on her friend's arms

Plaxum: Lance... Who..? Did Keith do all of this?

Lance: No! I mean... Some, but- Look, he didn't mean to do them. Sometimes Keith can get a little... Aggressive when he thinks I don't love him anymore.

Plaxum: What ?!

Lance flinches at her raised voice, then he snatches his jacket back, and quickly puts it on before anyone else can see

Plaxum: What else is he doing to you?

Lance: It's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Plaxum: Bruises on your arms isn't nothing! Do the others know about this?

Lance: No. And they shouldn't have to. It's none of their business-

Keith: Lance?

Lance smiles when he hears the familiar voice

Lance: Hey, Keith. He gives him a kiss on the cheek I missed you.

Keith: That's what I like to hear. Notices Plaxum and frowns What's going on here? He wraps his arm around Lance's waist, and pulls him in close

Lance: Oh, Plaxum was just asking about some homework. He gives Plaxum a look that says 'Go with it.'

Plaxum: Yeah. I wasn't in class one day, and I needed to ask about the homework. From class.

Keith ignores her and turns back to Lance

Keith: Let's get to class, babe. He forcefully pulls Lance in for a long kiss, and drags him to their next class once he's finished

Plaxum: Lance... Be careful. She walks to her next class, still worrying over Lance, and what Keith is doing to him

As Lance and Keith head to art class, Keith pulls out his phone, making sure to turn the screen away from Lance, and opens up the document


Nyma : For flirting with Lance multiple times

Rolo : For hurting Lance

Lotor : For violating Lance

Kuro : For violating Lance

Plaxum: For trying to take Lance away from me

(More to be added)

He closes his list and heads to class, figuring out ways to keep Plaxum away from his Lance

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