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(I'm not very familiar with how a courtroom works, so let me know if I need to fix something)

The courtroom was large and intimidating. Lance, Matt, Allura, Romelle, Pidge, Hunk, Shay, and Shiro slid into their seats, their families took the row behind them, and in front were journalists. Officers stood at the exits, clearly meaning business. The judge was seated. A formidable African American woman who looked to be in her forties. One could tell from her steady gaze that she meant business

Shay: She looks terrifying.

Pidge: That's Jolene Armice. She's sentenced thirty-five domestic abusers and rapists to life in prison.

Romelle: She folds her arms Hopefully thirty-six.

The doors of the room opened, all heads turned to see Keith enter with two police escorts. He was handcuffed, and his usual clothes were swapped for an orange prison jumpsuit. As he passed by their row, he locked eyes with Lance and sent him a devilish grin, causing Lance to hold onto Matt for comfort. He sat down at a table with a woman the others presumed to be his lawyer.

Hunk: I'm surprised anyone would defend him.

Romelle: That's Honerva Daibazaal. She's been working in the field of law for thirty years. Eleven mobsters were found not guilty because of her.

Pidge: Oh, boy.

The loud banging of the gavel silenced everyone

Bailiff: All be seated and silent. Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Jolene Armice presiding.

Jolene: Thank you. She glances down at the sheet of paper in her hands The charges against Keith Kogane, are as follows: Manslaughter, sexual harassment, blackmail, physical abuse, sexual abuse, assault and battery, use of a false ID, and bringing a gun into school property. She glanced over at Keith and his Lawyer Mr. Kogane has agreed to have a lawyer present. How does the defendant plead?

Honerva: She stands Not guilty, Your Honor.

Jolene: She nods Prosecution, you may begin your opening arguments.

The prosecuting lawyer was a tall Indian woman well in her fifties, wearing a blue pantsuit- Ryner Olkari. She went to stand in front of the judge's bench

Ryner: The prosecution hereby alleges that the crimes committed by Keith Kogane were premeditated with malicious intent. Mr. Kogane, what do you say to these charges?

Keith: Not guilty, ma'am.

Ryner: She raised an eyebrow We'll see about that. She walked over to her briefcase and opened it, taking out a few sheets of paper In my hand is evidence proving that Keith Kogane did in fact commit the crimes he's being accused of. Most are pictures taken by students who were present at Altea High School's Valentine's Day Dance. Present here within the court are outstanding young people who discovered, gathered, and presented the evidence. I would like to call Matt Holt forward to give testimony.

Jolene nodded. Keith glared at Matt as he was called to the witness stand

Jolene: Before we start, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Matt: He nods I swear.

Ryner: Good. Now, Mr. Holt, which aspect of evidence did you gather?

Matt: I got a recording of Keith threatening Lance in the bathroom. And with the help of my sister, we found the texts Keith, posing as Lance, sent Nyma that lured her to her death.

Ryner: Do you have the device you recorded their conversation with?

Matt: I do ma'am. He pulls out his phone

Ryner: And this recording is genuine? Matt nods Would you mind if I played this recording ?

Matt: Go ahead.

The recording was played for the whole courtroom to hear. Lance started shaking and fidgeting, prompting Allura to hold his hand and tell him it was okay. There was some muttering throughout the courtroom, which was silence by Judge Armice banging her gavel

Ryner: And this is when you became suspicious of Keith.

Matt: Before, actually. When I had a brief discussion with Plaxum. But when I heard what he did, that's when I started to become suspicious.

Ryner: I see.

Keith ground his teeth as he listened to Matt testify against him. He just wanted to wrap his hands around that boy's neck, and watch his eyes roll back into his skull

Ryner: Thank you, Mr. Holt. Next I'd like to call Lance McClain.

Lance stood and made his way to the stand, swore the oath, and prepared for questioning

Ryner: Mr. McClain, what was your relationship with Mr. Kogane?

Lance: ... We started dating our sophomore year, but that ended junior year. He was sweet at first, but over time he just got so possessive. I didn't think too much of it, I just thought he was overprotective or jealous.

Ryner: When did you start to notice something was off about your relationship?

Lance: I... I guess after Lotor's Halloween party. He kept trying to take our relationship further than I wanted it to go. Then one day after school, a few days before winter break, he... He raped me in my own room.

Those words echoed throughout the courtroom, making people mutter amongst themselves. They were silenced as Judge Armice bangs her gavel

Ryner: I see. When your relationship was... Stable, did Mr. Kogane ever hint at wanting to become intimate?

Lance: Not really. I'm Catholic, and I was saving myself. He respected that. But he did begin touching me in ways I wasn't really used to. I didn't think too much of it, though.

Ryner: Post assault, did you ever tell anyone.

Lance: Only my siblings. I was going to tell Shiro, but then we found out that Keith had murdered Plaxum over the break, and it just never came up.

Before Ryner could say more, Honerva stood

Honerva: Your honor, may I ask Mr. McClain a few questions?

Jolene: She nods I'll allow it.

Honerva gives a snide smile and approached Lance

Honerva: So, you claim the defendant raped you? Lance shuddered at the look she was giving him, but nodded Have you ever tried to refuse?

Lance: I-I did the first time. He pinned me down, so I couldn't really do much to stop him.

Honerva: What about the other times? Did you try to stop him?

Lance: N-no.

Honerva: You consented, then?

Lance: N-no! I never did! A few tears stream down his face I didn't try to stop him the other times, because if I did, then he'd kill someone!

The courtroom gasps, and murmurs once again

Honerva: You're sure it was non-consensual? You're not just hysterical from the events that took place at your school?

Matt's eyebrow twitched. This woman was getting on his last nerve.

Lance: He stands, fed up I never consented! He pinned me, groped me, and degraded me!

Honerva was about to say more, anything to make it look like Lance was at fault, but she was cut off by the gavel

Jolene: Enough! I believe that's enough from you, Honerva. Take your seat. Both of you

Lance became relieved when he hears those words. He returned to his seat, and Matt held his hand. Ryner continued to call forth the witnesses, all presented their testimony flawlessly despite Honerva's constant badgering and Keith's death glare. It hurt Shiro a little inside to prosecute his own brother, but he deserved this. When Keith went up to present his case, there was nothing Honerva could do to defend him, and she got a seven-time murderer/cannibal free.

It was finally time to come to a decision

Jolene: Well, based on the evidence I have been presented, I rule that the defendant, Mr. Keith Kogane, is a proven danger to people around him, as well as a person with questionable mental health. In light of this, I find Keith Kogane guilty of all charges including Manslaughter, sexual harassment, blackmail, physical abuse, sexual abuse, assault and battery, use of a false ID, and bringing a gun into school property. Lance and the others silently cheered And, I hereby sentence him to a mental institution for ten years, then life in prison once his sentence is up.

With a bang of her gavel, that was it. Keith was still as stone as two officers escorted him out. As they were walking down the row, Keith suddenly lashed out towards Lance, prompting Allura, Shiro, Shay, and Hunk to form a protective barrier around him. Matt, Romelle, and Pidge kept Lance in a protective hold

Keith: When I get out, I'll find you, I'll kill Matt, I'll kill everyone! You're still mine, Lance! Remember that!

Before Lance could reply, everyone suddenly found Matt standing between them and Keith. The boy who was usually hunched over, now towered over Keith, and the look on his face made him go pale.

Matt: And I want you to remember this. If you ever try to hurt my boyfriend again, there will be no place on this planet where you can hide from me. I will hunt you down like the worthless dog you are, and when I find you, there will be serious consequences.

Keith was too stunned to speak. The officers restraining him dragged him out of the room as he thrashed around


None of them acknowledged Keith. They didn't have to ever again.

(Sorry if this chapter is crap, I have not been sleeping)

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