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Keith and Lance happened to be in art class together, so did Nyma and her brother, who's still mad that Lance broke up with his sister

While Lance was sketching something on a piece of paper and listening to music with his earbuds, Keith took this opportunity to draw every beautiful feature his boyfriend had onto a blank page in his sketchbook. This was no ordinary sketchbook though. They they were filled with pages dedicated to Lance, and Lance only. There were drawings of his face, him and Keith cuddling, or Lance in suggestive poses with minimal clothing

Keith decided to get creative and draw Lance without a shirt on, wearing nothing but short shorts, and his hands were pressed against his bare, sweaty chest. No one could ever see these sketches, not because they were weird, but because no one would understand how much someone could love one person

Keith: Thinking Should I make his hair longer?... No, I want this to be accurate. Next class, I'll draw him in one of those Playboy bunny outfits-

Keith's thoughts are interrupted when Rolo, Nyma's brother ripped the sketchbook out from his hands

Keith: Hey!

Rolo: Well, what do we have in Keith's private sketchbook?

Keith: Give that back! He tries to pry the sketchbook out from Rolo's hands, but he snatches it away, and stands up on one of the tables This isn't happening.

Lance removes his earbuds and rushed over to Keith

Lance: Keith, what's going on?

Rolo: You wanna know? You left my sister for this freak! He shows pages of the sketchbook to everyone in the class. Some looked shocked, others laugh, Lance is blushing madly, and Keith just wants this all to end

Nyma: Oh my God! You drew him in cat ears and a tail?!

Lance: Shut up, Nyma!

Rolo: You don't find this at all unsettling? He drew you in nothing but your jacket! The kid's a freak!

Lance: He's not! He- He looks around, but doesn't see Keith anywhere Keith?

Nyma: Your stalker ran out the classroom.

Lance shoots her a glare. The art teacher then walks in with a cup of coffee

Art Teacher: ... What'd I miss?

Keith is hiding in the janitors closet, and silently crying to himself as he presses his knees to his chest

Keith: Stupid Rollo. Stupid Nyma. Stupid school! He suddenly punches the wall in anger, and it cracks upon contact They don't understand. No one does. I love Lance, and they make it seem like I'm some kind of creep! I love him. He's mine. He's-

Lance: From outside Keith, amor? You around? He knocks on the door Keith?... I'm coming in. He slowly opens the door and finds Keith still sitting on the floor

They lock eyes with each other, unsure of what to say, until...

Keith: I'm sorry! I... I just love you so much. You're the first boyfriend I've ever had, and- Lance silences him by kissing him on the lips, and he melts into it. Lance pulls away a few seconds later and pushes Keith's hair out of his faceYou're not mad?

Lance: Of course I'm not mad at you, baby. I'll always love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And... Chuckles You're not a bad artist. Keith blushes at those words My favorite is the one where you drew us tied up together with a purple ribbon.

Keith: He laughs I'm glad you like it... I don't wanna go back in there.

Lance: We don't have to. We can stay in here until our next class... And just snuggle with each other.

Keith: Blushes ... I-I'd like that... That's when he remembers one very important thing Wait! Rollo still has my sketchbook! I-I don't want people seeing those.

Lance: Don't worry.

He pulls the sketchbook out of his bag and hands it to Keith, much to his gratitude. Lance McClain truly was a miracle-worker

Keith: Thanks.

Lance suddenly hugs him and burries his face in his chest, then Keith hugged him back and rests his chin on his head. While they're in this position, Keith thinks to himself

Keith: Thinking He still loves me, I knew it. He will always love me no matter what, just like I'll always love him not matter what. He wants me, not that blonde skank. As long as she's here, she'll find ways to tear us apart, and take Lance away from me... Nothing is gonna tear us apart. I'll make sure of it.

They stay in this position for a good forty minutes, but then hear the bell ring and are forced to get up from their comfortable positions

Lance: Come on. He helps Keith up, then plants a quick kiss on his cheek

They walk out the closet (Hehehe) and head to their final class for the day: Spanish. Keith understood none of it, but he did enjoy hearing Lance speak the language.

As they walked together, Keith had some... Sinister thoughts. Thoughts that involved Nyma staying away from Lance forever. That is what he wants- For her to stay away from Lance. No, not just Nyma, everyone who dared to even lock eyes with the gorgeous boy from Cuba. That's what he'll do. He'll have Lance to himself, and he'll rid the school of those who try to tear relationships apart, specifically his and Lance's

School finally ended. The group walked out together and headed to their respective vehicles. Hunk, Shay, Matt, and Pidge in Matt's car, Allura and Romelle in Allura's car, and Shiro, Keith, and Lance in Shiro's car.

After Shiro dropped Lance off, he drove back home, and Keith had one thing on his mind: Getting rid of the biggest threat that stood in the way of his and Lance's love. And that threat happened to be staying after school for track practice.

When he and Lance started dating, he remembered when Lance deleted Nyma's number right in front of him to prove that he was done with her. Nyma did the same when she found out. He remembered her exact number after all this time.

Keith's plan would be carried out soon. He just had to wait for Shiro to leave and head to his after school job. Once he left, Keith would be able to sneak out undetected

Track Field

Nyma was putting on her cleats, and was about to start stretching with the rest of her team, when suddenly, she heard her phone go off. She pulled her phone out of her gym bag and looked at the text

Nyma: 'Unknown?' She texted the mysterious number back

Who is this??

Unknown: Hey NyNy


Finally came to your senses? 😏

Unknown: Yeah. Look, baby, I am so sorry... I wasn't thinking clearly. You were right about Keith; He's a psycho! I caught him cutting my hair and sniffing my jacket! Take me back? 🥺

Of course I will, Lancey ❤️

Unknown: Meet me in the hallway by the gym

Sure thing, babe

Nyma put her phone in her pocket and ran off the track field while nobody was looking


Keith leaned against one of the lockers with his hands tucked into his jacket pockets

Keith: Thinking Where is that skank? I swear to God, if she's putting on makeup-

Nyma: Kevin? What are you doing here? And where's Lance?

Keith: It's Keith. And Lance isn't coming.

Nyma: But he texted me, begging to take me back.

Keith: He laughs, but not in a playful way. It was more dark NyNy, Lance was thinking clearly when he chose me over you...

Nyma: ... You texted me?

Keith: Yep. He advances towards her Why the hell would he ever take you back? I'm everything he could ever want, and he's everything I could ever want. You? You're nothing to him... He grabs her wrist before she could run away

Nyma: Let me go! You're insane!

Keith: No, I'm in love. There's a difference. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a blade with purple designs. Nyma goes paleLike it? It belonged to my mom, God rest her soul. Before she left, she told me that I should use this to protect the ones I love, and... I intend to do so. Without warning, he stabs Nyma in the stomach

Nyma: K-Keith, please. I'm sorry... I'll leave Lance alone, I-I swear to God She starts wheezing

Keith: You had your chance, He stabs her in the neck and you blew it. He watches as the blood pours out from her stomach and neck. The sight of the crimson red blood satisfied him as he thrusts the knife in deeper

Nyma: Coughs P... Please... St-stop...

Keith: Sighs Okay, fine. You're lucky I'm nice... He lets go of her wrist, and she falls to the floor, unmoving Finally! Thought I'd have to cut her head off. He sees a rectangular shape in her pocket, reaches in, and pulls out her phoneCan't let people see these texts. He places the phone on the floor and stabs it with his blade, destroying it. He then tosses the remains in the trash That's done.

Keith walks away, leaving Nyma's dead body on the floor. No one was in the school right now. Tomorrow, the students and faculty will find her body and wonder what she had done to deserve such a gruesome fate

Keith: Thinking One down, and so many to go. He opens a document on his phone


Nyma : For flirting with Lance multiple times

(More to be added)

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