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Word got out that Nyma had been killed by an unknown suspect in the hallway. There were no cameras in that hallway, in fact, there weren't any cameras in that school. Something about some guys hacking into the security cameras to stare at girls a few years ago. So, there was no evidence. Students were crying, having panic attacks, and some even fainted at the sight of her blood and had to be sent to the nurse. It was then decided that school would be canceled for two days while police conducted an investigation

The group was seated at a table in the mall food court, silently eating. None were sure what to say at a moment like this, especially Lance. Matt was the first to speak up, breaking the unbearable silence

Matt: ... So... Who do you guys think did it?...

Shay: Well, there were a lot of people who stayed after school, so it could've been any of them.

Pidge: It had to have been someone who had it out for Nyma... Which is quite a few people.

Hunk: More like a lot. She isn't exactly well-liked. But, we can rule out Lance and Keith.

Lance: Just wanna make it clear, I did nothing! It was Maduros Monday, and I never miss that.

Keith: I hate her, but not that much. ThinkingHate does not even begin to describe my feelings towards her!

Romelle: Well the people who saw her, and didn't faint, saw stab wounds on her neck and stomach.

Pidge: Keith, it's not looking too good for you.

Keith: What? He pales a bit

Pidge: Do you or do you not own a blade?

Keith: It was my mom's.

Shay: Pidge, you know Keith wouldn't kill anyone.

Keith: Thank you, Shay. He smiles at her for defending him, and throwing his scent off the trail

Pidge: I'm just messing with him! I know Keith isn't some kind of cold-blooded murderer. Because if he was, Lance wouldn't bang him! It's science!

Lance isn't sure how to respond to that, mainly because he and Keith haven't had sex yet due to the fact that Lance was Catholic, and followed his religious mother's rule of waiting until marriage

Lance: Pidge... Stop.

Pidge: Would you bang him if he was a killer? I just want to know. She leans over the table to get in his face

Lance: He looks to Keith who shrugs Well, it'd be a turn-off, and-

Pidge: I rest my case! She turns to Shiro Your honor, you have the floor!

Shiro: ... Uh, okay... Well, let's just hope this doesn't happen again. I mean, this happened insidethe school! The person who did this could've been a teacher, or even a student!

Shay: Didn't even think about that.

Allura: Well, I think it would be best to not pester any students or teachers until this is all settled.

Hunk: Yeah. One wrong move and we're all gonna end up like Nyma.

Keith: Thinking Hunk, don't worry. I know you all wouldn't do anything to get between me and myLance. I trust you guys.

After they're done eating, the group decided to split up and do some shopping. Lance was currently getting smoothies for him and Keith from Vrepit Sal's while Keith looked at some necklaces in a jewelry shop. He was originally going to but a new choker necklace for himself, but ended up finding something for Lance instead. A red choker necklace with a silver heart dangling on it by a chain

Keith: Thinking I bet that would get the point across that Lance is mine.

Keith immediately buys the necklace and walks out the store with his gift for Lance. He walks over to Vrepit Sal's, expecting to see Lance looking happy to see him with smoothies in his hand, but instead sees him looking terrified, with Rolo holding him by the front of his shirt. Seeing this, just made his blood boil, especially what Rilo said next


Lance: Rolo, I swear to God! I didn't do it! I wasn't even in the school when it happened!

Rolo, in a terrifying fit of rage, slapped Lance across the face, sending the boy into tears. Before he could hit him again, Keith punched Rolo in the face, sending him down, then he went to comfort Lance who was still crying

Keith: Are you okay, Lance? He cooed while drying his tears. He turns back to Rolo with a murderous glare WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Rolo: He gets up while wiping the blood from his nose Your bitch boyfriend killed Nyma, you freak! He is about to attack again until a mall security guard grabs him by the arms and puts him in handcuffs
I'm not the one you should be arresting! The guard drags him away while he thrashes around NO! STOP!

Keith's demeanor softens when he turns back to Lance

Keith: Come on, let's go.

Keith leads Lance to the mall fountain, where they sit and enjoy their smoothies

Keith: ... So, are you okay?

Lance: I'm fine. Still upset at what Rolo called me, and you. He looks away and continues to drink his smoothie

Keith remembers the necklace, and realizes that may cheer him up

Keith: I bought you something. He reaches into the bag I was gonna give it to you when we got home, but I think you might need it now. He pulls the necklace out of the bag and Lance's eyes immediately light up I couldn't find a blue one, and well, I figured every time you saw it, you'd think of m- He's cut off when Lance kisses him, then wraps his arms around him in a loving embrace

Lance: ... I love it, Keith! He turns around so Keith can put the necklace on him Thanks. Eres el mejor novio de todos.

Keith just smiles and nods

Keith: Yes, we can kiss again. Lance laughs at his inability to understand Spanish and kisses him on the cheek Feeling better? Lance rests his head on his shoulder I'll take that as a 'yes'... Thinking Where does that asshole get off calling Lance a bitch?!... He's gotta go. For Lance's sake-

Pidge: Nice!

Keith's thoughts are interrupted when the rest of the group approach him and Lance with a few shopping bags

Pidge: What is this? Some pet kink? She pokes at the collar You gonna attach a leash, and make him wear cat ears and a tail?

Shiro: God, Pidge.

Pidge: I have a right to know their kinks, Shiro! It's for science!

Keith: I just bought him the necklace because I thought it looked nice on him.

Pidge: Yeeeeaahh, okay. So the necklace just happened to be a red collar with a heart? That sounds very kinky.

Hunk: Okay, that's enough. Let's go. He hoists Pidge up by her waist and walks out the mall while she kicks and screams like a toddler not getting a the toy they wanted

Matt: Don't put your fingers close to her mouth! He follows them out She will not hesitate!

The ride to Lance's house was quiet, not a single word was uttered until Keith and Lance were settled in his's bedroom

Keith: Okay, now that we're alone, are you gonna tell me what's wrong, now?

Lance tries to come up with an excuse, but he knew Keith would see right through him. So...

Lance: ... Rolo didn't just call me a bitch.

Keith: He looked heartbroken Lance...

Lance: He called me a tease... A cheater, and-

Keith, out of nowhere, brought Lance in for a comforting kiss, all while thinking of ways how Rolo should perish

Keith: You are none of those things, Lance. You're beautiful, sweet, caring, and... God! Anyone would be so lucky to have you! Lance smiles at his attempt to making him feel better I love you so much, baby.

Lance: Yo también te quiero.

Deciding it's been a long day, the two boys took a nap on Lance's bed with Keith's arm wrapped around Lance's waist, while Lance rested his head on Keith's chest
After making sure Lance was asleep, Keith pulled up the document on his phone and types something


Nyma : For flirting with Lance multiple times

Rolo: For hurting Lance

(More to be added)

He smiles, knowing that he's protecting Lance, and making him happy in ways no one ever could. He'd soon become even happier when Rolo was finally gone and never able to hurt him ever again

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